I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 670: I screwed up

At the moment when the high-heeled shoes fell off, Diane Kruger snorted in his mind, and the whole person seemed to be evacuated in an instant. The sudden feeling of vacancy made her almost soft on the stage.

I messed up?

I messed up!

I messed up... I messed up... I messed up...

This desperate thought flashed through countless times in Diane Kruger's mind. She seemed to feel that she had heard the laughter from the audience, but no one stopped, the lights were still changing, the music Still continuing, the artificial snow in the field is still rising. So, after an instant hesitation, the girl picked up the left foot of Akasaka and continued to move forward. At this time, the rigorous training for several months finally achieved its due effect, although she lost a high heel. Diane Kruger’s stature quickly recovered, and the confident and unique step-style style was once again revealed.

At the moment when the high-heeled shoes fell off, some people would inevitably show the expression of gloating. When Diane Kruger stabilized his body shape, many people still felt some regrets: Why didn't they fall?

However, when Diane Kruger quickly walked to the end of the t-stage with confidence and steady steps, most people gradually developed subtle changes, and everyone could not help but start thinking if they faced themselves. This kind of unexpected situation, can they do better than this girl, the answer is absolutely no. The strong in adversity can always easily get people's instinctive respect, and the emotion of gloating is quickly replaced by admiration. Then, when Diane Kruger began to turn, the spontaneous applause sounded slowly in the field. This applause reached the high dynasty when Diane Kruger took the full course. The warm applause even faintly suppressed at the last moment. The music of the venue.

Diane Kruger, who basically followed the professional instinct under the rigorous training, did not feel the emotional changes of everyone in the field, and supported the whole field. The figure was just hidden in the background entrance, and it was determined that the camera in the field could not be traced to himself. Diane Kruger’s last strength was suddenly exhausted. The tears rushed out and softly fell on the ladder leading to the background.

In addition to Eric's central control room. In the background of the show, there were three large screens that monitored the situation inside the venue. I found that Diane Kruger’s high heels fell, and the background controller notified everyone through the walkie-talkie in just a few seconds. · The Krugers are still on the stage, and there has been a commotion in the background.

In the central control room, I noticed the moment when Diane Kruger's high heels fell, and Eric also squinted at the same time. The original show was perfect at the last moment. It is simply impossible to say that you are not angry.

However, things have already happened, and Eric knows that anger doesn't do anything. Later, I noticed the rapid adjustment of the state of Diane Kruger and the reaction of the audience in the venue. Eric’s frowning brows gradually spread, and he thought about the moment that he had been unknowingly holding the intercom in his hand. Eric presses the button to control all the channels of the call, and the tone is decisive: "I am Eric Williams, all the units pay attention to each other. Everything continues, no panic. Nickel, let your assistant put That high heel was sent to me. Immediately."

Putting down the walkie-talkie, Eric looked at the monitor screen and quickly restored the scenes of the original order. He told the staff sitting in front of the monitor screen a few words and walked out of the central control room.

Just stepping out of the door, Emily and Edward Lazek and others greeted them.

Seeing Eric, Emily, who is also somewhat unsightly, couldn’t wait to say: "Eric, I just asked Downey, who is in charge of logistics. In the end, if this theme is remake, artificial snow is definitely not enough to maintain four. It’s a minute. It takes at least half an hour to reassemble. What do we do?”

Recall the picture I just saw. Eric kept on foot and said: "You don't have to take a remake. When you call Tina, we need to talk about it."

Emily was surprised: "What, don't remake, but..."

"Do not worry, Emily, I have produced some good ideas."

Several people said that they have come to the entrance to the front desk. The secret angel who walked through his mission came back from the front desk from time to time. His face was almost all-in-one. Diane Kruger was already sitting on the ladder and saw Eric appearing. The slender body shrank a little, and the tears that had not stopped were once again coming out: "Is sorry... Mr. Williams, I messed up, I didn't mean it, I don't know why the high heels... Why suddenly fell down."

Eric sighed softly, although he had already thought of a solution, but this time the big show did not achieve the perfect effect that he wanted. Seeing that Diane Kruger still had the big wings on his back, Eric gestured to the two people and said, "Let's take the wings off, and, that high heels. ?"

When I heard that Eric was going to take down the angelic angel wings on his body, Diane Kruger’s expression was even more sad, but he didn’t dare to say anything. He messed up such an important thing, and even if he had to make up the shot, he must There won't be anything about her.

Angel wings were quickly taken down, without the wings of angels, Diane Kruger's body appeared to be more delicate, coupled with the heartbroken expression, anyone inevitably produced a pity situation.

At the front desk, Nickel, who was in charge of photography, quickly let the assistant send the high heels. Eric told the people around him to find a transparent plastic bag, put the high heels in, and looked at the girl who was still in front of the pear with rain. Stepping up the steps, I sat down next to Diane Kruger, and gently reached out and took the girl over.

Feeling Eric's movements, Diane Kruger's body was slightly stiff, and he quickly leaned in obedience. He leaned on Eric's shoulder and felt a little more peace of mind in his heart. He gradually stopped sobbing.

Xiao Nizi, who came along with Eric, looked at the scene and couldn’t help but lick his mouth. The other people in the neighborhood were wearing a little different expressions, but they hadn’t had time to reveal any sister’s expression. It was attracted by Eric's subsequent actions, and some people even took a breath of coldness.

because. Eric is carefully examining the high heels through a plastic bag.

The last theme is still going on, the music in the venue is still ringing, but this small area is in the background entrance. But with Eric's movements, it seems that there is a silent vacuum.

Why did Eric check the high heels!

People around the eye have already discovered. The silver high-heeled shoes in the transparent plastic bag were laced in front of them, but they were broken into two pieces at this time. At the same time, everyone thought of a special treatment, and some people received special treatment from Diane Kruger, so they made a hand on the high heels and wanted to make her ugly.

This kind of intrigue is actually very common in the fashion circle. The models in the circle are pushing each other on the t-stage, causing the other party to fall more than once. But everyone just didn't think that on Eric's big show, there are still people who dare to do this.

Most people noticed Eric’s dignified expression. Some of them are as cold as they are, but Emily does not have such scruples. She took the high heels from Eric and took a look at it. Some said with uncertainty: "Eric, look, Does this seem to be naturally broken?"

Eric also felt that the stiletto's fracture was naturally broken, but he did not believe that this coincidence would happen. The shoes were only passed through during the final several times of the entire rehearsal. A few times, there were no problems in those few times. It’s just a coincidence that it’s suddenly broken.

Looking at the top management of several Wei Mi project teams and the staff who probed the brain not far away, Eric took a moment to consider. I handed the high heel that was put in a plastic bag to Emily: "You contact me and let them help with the trace detection of the shoelace fracture to determine if it is accidentally broken. If it is an accident, then forget it. Don't forget to ask them to extract the fingerprint on this shoe."

After thinking about it, Eric took off the shoes on the other foot of Diane Kruger. He also handed it to Emily in a plastic bag: "There is this one, see if there is any People do their hands and feet."

"I will do it. I will try to get the results out tomorrow," Emily said, sinking her high heels. Said: "The next Yuxing party will not participate, I will help you to host it."

A group of people stared at Emily and took the pair of high heels and hurried away. There is a feeling of storm prelude in my heart. Eric just said that if it is an accident, there is no mention of what to do if it is not an accident, but they are very clear, if this is something that is behind the scenes Then, Eric will never give up.

When Emily left, Eric waved at the crowd: "The last theme is coming to an end. Everyone is going to prepare a curtain call, don't have to be here."

Everyone returned to their jobs, and Eric looked at Diane Kruger who still relied on himself: "Can you still go on stage? You performed so well today, if it does not appear when the curtain is closed, then It’s a shame.”

Although Diane Kruger has realized that the accident just happened is not his own cause, but the feeling of collapse after being strongly stimulated is not so easy to recover, taking a deep breath and taking a few mouthfuls, the girl still feels the hands and feet Soft, no strength at all.

Eric patted her shoulders comfortably, and said to Edward Lazek: "Edward, let the rock band perform another song, and the curtain call is postponed for five minutes."

Edward nodded, picked up the intercom and said a few words and walked on the stage.

Eric looked at Diane Kruger next to him and asked, "There are still five minutes. Would you like something to eat? Maybe it would be better?"

"Well," Diane Kruger sounded weak and the mosquito flies nodded. She didn't expect Eric to delay the closing of the big show for herself, and her face could not help but red.

Eric looked up at the twins beside Xiao Nizi: "Natasha, come over and help the rest area."

The twins just got some action, but they were stopped by Drew.

Xiao Nizi took a sniff and pulled the twins and turned away, leaving only the phrase ‘you helped yourself’.

Eric shook his head and smiled. This dead girl hasn't been jealous for a long time. Eric almost forgot, and women are jealous.

Looking at Diane Kruger, who was sitting beside him like a meek kitten, Eric shrugged and reached out and hugged the girl, in the back of the audience with a slight astounding look. Go to the rest area.

Until Eric was placed in a seat, Diane Kruger, who had a blushing face, said: "Thank you, Mr. Williams."

Eric took a stack of chocolates from the workbench and handed it to Diane Kruger. He smiled and said: "You are welcome, you are very comfortable."

This sentence is slightly ridiculous, which makes Diane Kruger's cheeks hotter, but still timidly whispered: "If... if you want, you can... anytime..."

A slap in the face did not finish, noticed a staff member who hurriedly walked with a few pairs of high heels, Diane Kruger had to close his mouth.

The performance at the front desk quickly ended. Under the appeasement of Eric, Diane Kruger gradually recovered his strength. Forty supermodels took the stage together and completed the perfect curtain call for this fashion event.

Although there was a small accident in the middle, for most people, this Wei Mi big show still made them very satisfied, and then the Yuxing party at the Gramercy Hotel on Lexington Avenue was a guest who had the honor to participate. Very excited.

However, when many people enjoyed the party at the Yuxing party, all the directors of Eric and Wei Mi Daxiu unknowingly left early and gathered in the conference room of the New York Group headquarters.

Eric stood in front of the board in the conference room and posted a huge photo just printed on the tablet.

Emily, Edward Lazek and the invited Yahoo editor-in-chief Tina Brown and others all looked at it. It was a close-up of a Wei Mi station, and everyone could distinguish it from the scene lights and the audience. This is a live photo. Of course, the most obvious sign is the striking silver high heels left in the center of the t-stage.

Eric stood by and quietly let the conference room owners appreciate it for a moment before asking, "So, what do you think of when you see this photo?"

What else can it be, of course, the moment of the shock on the Wei Mi show tonight!

Emily thought in her heart, when she was next to a large screen in the background, she had completely experienced the whole process of Diane Kruger's shoes falling, and was also scared of a cold sweat.

The other high-level project team members felt almost the same as Emily. Some people even had some doubts until now. Why did Eric not retake the last theme, carefully prepared a big show for almost half a year, but finally It’s too bad to drop a shoe.

As a bystander, Tina Brown's mind is different from Emily and others. She looked at the photo posted by Eric for a moment, and then spit out a word with some uncertainty: "Cinderella?"

“Yes,” Eric praised. “It’s Cinderella.”

Eric and Tina Brown said that everyone else in the conference room has reflected.

The silver heels on the radiant t-stage in the photo are carefully tasted, really like the crystal shoes left by Cinderella in the fairy tale.

Seeing everyone returning to the taste, Eric continued to explain: "I have seen all the lens materials that have fallen behind the shoes, and the performance of Diane is almost no different from when the shoes are not dropped. I believe that The later clips show the amazing images in front of the audience. Not only that, but the high heel drop event can also become a very clever propaganda point."

Having said that, Eric quickly picked up the pen and wrote a line on the tablet, saying: "So, in addition to the established marketing strategy, we have to temporarily add a propaganda branch. The code of this propaganda branch is called 'grey. Girl event '." (to be continued.)

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