I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 693: Meow ~

Under the strong insistence of Eric, Qualcomm's capital injection negotiations were finally finalized on the day of the January 21 Golden Globe Awards ceremony.

Qualcomm’s shareholders and management also understand that the sooner an agreement is reached with a strong firefly, the more favorable it is to promote cdma technology, so there is no lion’s enthusiasm because of the firefly’s urgent attitude, but the firefly is required to determine the Qualcomm’s share price the day before the transaction is reached. The final capital injection amount.

After the news of Firefly's contact with Qualcomm, Qualcomm's share price rose 21% in just one week to reach $8 per share. Firefly investment ultimately needs to pay 238 million US dollars for Qualcomm's 10 million shares to be issued. This price is far away. Far less than Eric's tolerance, so he personally rushed from Los Angeles to San Diego early in the morning.

After the signing ceremony was held in the morning, Eric, Chris and Qualcome's Owen Jacobs and other seniors went into the conference room to discuss the next step.

After discussing the lobbying strategy for telecom operators and the Qualcomm cdma equipment factory construction plan in detail, it is already five o'clock in the afternoon.

Chris and Owen Jacobs had already agreed with the ce zon's ceo for tomorrow's meeting time. After the afternoon meeting, they couldn't wait to board the plane to the zon headquarters in New York. Eric sent Chris and Owen Jacob to return to Los Angeles with his entourage.

With Qualcomm, Eric has once again laid an important piece in the high-tech industry that has begun to rise.

In the original time and space, Qualcomm is more obscure than the high-tech companies such as Cisco and Yahoo, which once had their own time, but in fact, Qualcomm is the deepest one among these companies because it almost completely monopolizes the entire generation. The mobile communication technology, even if it is really inadvertently encountered on the day of the decline, can also rely on the old saying that the ship has three thousand nails, relying on the license fees of thousands of patents held in the hands, it can be stable every year. Get a lot of profits.

With this in mind, Eric's thoughts turned to Cisco, Yahoo, Nokia and AOL, which are owned by Firefly Investments. If you follow the original historical development process, except for Cisco, the remaining three companies will gradually decline in the next few years.

Eric watched the article about why Nokia was fading, and these high-tech companies are in the process of development. There is neither a lack of funds nor a lack of technology. The root cause of its decline is still a major mistake in the direction of enterprise development. As long as they can maintain sufficient control of these companies in their opponents, Eric is confident that at least in the next two decades, with the advantage of the rebirth. He is able to get these companies on the right path.

The black Rolls-Royce is flying on the Pacific Rim highway between Los Angeles and San Diego. The setting sun is crumbling on the distant sea level, dyeing everything in the field of vision into a magnificent orange-red.

In the carriage, Eric kept his eyes closed and contemplative, and Kelly sat next to it without disturbing, quietly flipping through a document in his hand.

I don't know how long it took, I noticed that Eric suddenly opened his eyes and straightened his body. Kelly looked up and asked, "Eric, what's wrong?"

Eric turned to ask Kelly: "I remember seeing a merger proposal submitted by Cisco executives a few days ago. Do you remember?"

Kelly nodded: "Well. There is a plan to acquire a Seattle-based network switch company. The initial negotiated price is $1.9 billion, using a share swap."

“What is our shareholding ratio after this transaction?”

Kelly thought for a moment, saying: "Cisco's current stock market value is about 16 billion US dollars, after the merger will exceed 18 billion, our shareholding ratio decreased from % to 20.5%."

Eric shook his head. Although the shareholding ratio fell to 20.5%, Firefly is still the largest shareholder of Cisco, but the control will be weaker, although the previous Cisco has maintained a strong industry position. Eric will not deliberately intervene in corporate management, but he also realizes that he can no longer continue to let the Cisco interests in the firefly investment be diluted, even if the diluted shares are still a huge fortune.

"Can't drop any more, no. Not only can we not fall any more, we have to increase our stake in Cisco again. You will contact Chris tomorrow, let Cisco management change the way of this merger and convert it into a cash-holding method to ensure our The shares cannot be diluted again. In addition, you will discuss an increase in holdings. It is best to increase our shareholding ratio to 30%."

Kelly wondered: "Eric, are you not planning to invest in the telecommunications industry? According to the current scale of ve zon and sp nt, any one of them promises to invest in fireflies, and the funds needed will exceed $1 billion. If you increase the shareholding of Cisco to 30% as you said, considering the premium factor, it is likely to require $2 billion in funding, and it is not necessary for investment institutions to transfer their shares."

Eric couldn’t help but be generous. The $2 billion is more than ten times that of Firefly’s initial investment in Cisco. But at this time, only 10% of the shares can be obtained. It seems that the good days of 'missing' will be It’s gone forever. But given Cisco's future value, the additional investment at this time is definitely worth it.

The Firefly Group has just experienced a lucrative fiscal year. Eric has been feeling too much money in the past few days. Now, if he wants to continue to expand, his money is still not enough. In the past, Eric did not have the idea of ​​making some big investments, but he always felt that the benefits were not high enough and some resistance. However, he also had a feeling of suddenness and openness at the moment, always thinking about 'leaking', absolutely Not the right investment thinking, but speculation. Just like the war in the cold weapon era, occasionally a few times the squadrons played a few games with less wins and more battles. If you always think of surprisingly winning, you will only be defeated.

"The Firefly Group's profit should be able to cope with these plans. Even if it is not enough, I will consider financing from other sources. You can only do it."

Kelly nodded and recorded Eric's instructions in the memo. She looked out the window and was about to enter downtown Los Angeles. She asked: "Eric, the Golden Globe Awards Ceremony should have begun, you have to Going to the Hilton Hotel?"

It was already dark outside the window, and Eric looked at the watch, half past seven. In his capacity, even if he rushes over at this time, he will not be stopped outside the banquet hall, but it is not necessary. Looking at the female assistant wearing a black suit and skirt with an intellectual atmosphere, Eric smiled and asked: "I will not join in the fun, Nina is at the boarding school today?"

Kelly turned red and nodded lightly.

"Then we will find a place to have dinner first, then go to you."

The female assistant pinched the corner of the clothes. The cheeks are moist, and the sound is like a mosquito: "Or, go directly to me, it is easy to be seen outside when eating outside..."

"No problem, listen to you."


"There is no doubt that it is not related to movies. It is just another male victory. "Brave Heart" is a self-righteous film full of fictional historical facts. It completely defeats the "Save the Great Ryan" ten times better than it. The reason is only because the director of "Save the Ryan Ryan" is a woman, and once again proves Hollywood's deep-rooted gender discrimination. There, as long as you are a woman, even if you do what a man can't do, you I still can't get approval. Finally, I just want to ask very weakly. Is it really going to be like this?"

On the second day of the Golden Globe Awards ceremony, a well-known female commentator in the Los Angeles Times published such a sensational comment on a personal column, and received a lot of media discussion on gender discrimination. There are also many questions and discussions that are mixed with the various Golden Globes. The cause of this incident was at the 52nd Golden Globe Awards Ceremony. The highly-recognized "Save the Ryan" lost all of the best films, best directors, best scripts and best soundtracks in the "Brave Heart", only Tom Hanks won the best Male lead awards.

Although many professional film critics know that the two films "Brave Heart" and "Save the Private Ryan" can be said to be inseparable in art, but instinctively. There are still a lot of film critics who tend to have a stronger cultural identity, "Save the Ryan", because without strong competitors, Tom Hanks is almost the best thing to get the best actor. Before the awards ceremony, most of the discussion focused on the two films of the best film and best director.

After the "Saving Private Ryan" was nothing, the original sense of identity in some people turned into disappointment and questioning, because of the gender reasons of director Catherine. Many feminists also expressed their anger at the Golden Globe Jury, and even called on Hollywood actresses to stop participating in the Golden Globe Awards.

Regarding the media's doubts, the Golden Globe Judging Committee, like many times in the past, completely adopts a non-response attitude. This kind of questioning of the awards occurs almost every year. If there is no outrageous situation, no response is the best deal. The way, in response to it, will appear guilty, thus making things bigger.

In the following days, the 67th Oscar nominee list was announced. "Brave Heart" once again caused heated discussion in the media. The focus of this controversy was on Mel Gibson's best actor nomination, Golden Ball. The nomination of the best actor in "The Brave Heart" has already made many film critics whispered, thinking that Mel Gibson's performance can only be regarded as a few, and there is still a large part of the award nomination, most of the original The media feel that Oscar will not be awarded the best actor nomination for Mel Gibson like the Golden Globe Award, but the fact is that many people are like flies. The film critic had not thanked the Golden Globe for his injustice, and he did not hesitate to point the gun at Oscar. It was a discussion of the fairness of Oscar.

The ordinary people certainly don't know how many things happened during this period, but just talked about this debate with relish. As the popularity of the topic has increased, more and more media have begun to follow up, changing the pattern to attract the audience or read.

Most people have not noticed that with the discussion boom, the long-awaited "Save the Great Ryan" in the following week, silently sold 670,000 boxes of video tapes, the sales volume is equivalent to the previous two weeks. In total, a week of time brought a $20 million videotape sales revenue to fireflies.

At the same time, the "Brave Heart" week at the box office also suddenly rose 60% from the more than 7 million US dollars before the Golden Globe Award, reaching 11 million, and the cumulative box office at the box office easily broke through the $73 million mark. The Weinstein brothers naturally have fun, and the little movements are more frequent.

The whole thing, the most hard-pressed is undoubtedly Mel Gibson, the controversy caused by the best actor nomination, and the media's controversy about gender discrimination in Hollywood, the infinite hope of his best director is reduced to almost no .

"He has already paid $18 million in pay and will take another 10% of his profit share in the future. Fox can't owe him at all. Harvey originally wanted to spread his Jewish discriminatory tendencies. I was stopped, oh, if you are not thinking that everyone is Australian. I will not care."

In the hilltop mansions of Beverly Julia and Elizabeth, Elizabeth wore a crisp white shirt and jeans, sunglasses leaning against the beach chairs by the pool, and Eric, who was looking through the script on another lounge chair. Ke said.

Eric turned the script over a page and just nodded. Said that I heard it.

Elizabeth grinned with dissatisfaction and said: "Eric, I heard that you have two new directors, and you have given "The Matrix" to one of them. Are you afraid of messing up?"

"Accurate, it's three," Eric corrected at random.

"Of course I know, that, the Wachowski brothers, hey. Are they special?"

Listening to Elizabeth’s thief’s little voice, Eric smiled and said, “Don’t worry about it. They two, oh, three, have signed an option for three films with Fireflies. For at least five years, I will definitely not pick up films from other companies, of course. Unless I take the initiative."

Since the decision to use the Wachowski brothers and Michael Bay, Eric will certainly not give them a chance to make a film box office fire, but to sign a common option agreement with the three people in advance. They must direct at least three films for fireflies to switch to another home.

of course. In order to maintain good relations with the three directors with good potential for future appreciation, Eric did not prescribe low-level director compensation as many options contracts. Although Eric advocates suppressing the super-high pay of Hollywood superstars, it will not exhaust the fishery and let the film masters work only to get the rewards they deserve. Win-win is the fundamental principle of a virtuous cycle of the industry. The choice contract that Eric gave was not harsh, and the Wachowski brothers and Michael Bay were very happy to sign.

Elizabeth thought that Eric was talking about the traditional option contract, screaming twice. Tao: "I think you are the kind of greedy Jews that Mel Gibson said."

Eric did not mind this kind of racial uneasiness, shrugging: "Who knows, to Hollywood, do not want to be Jews."

The two were chatting, and Julia walked over with a plate of cut fruit platters, placed it on the small round table on the right hand side of Eric, and gently pushed Eric to the side, and Eric huddled together and lay down comfortably on the large beach chair.

Elizabeth was dissatisfied: "Julia, what about my fruit bowl?"

Julia's arm squatted on Eric's waist, twisted her body and found a more comfortable posture, feeling Eric's heartbeat and warm sunshine, lazy and said: "Do it yourself."

"Hey, like a cat, it’s just a spring cat."

Julia ignored it, Eric smiled and touched Julia's face on her chest: "Kitten, scream."


"Voice, you are sick of me," said Elizabeth, doing a retching action, impatiently looking at the script in Eric's hand and saying, "When are you finished reading, what do you think?"

"You know, I can't afford anything about things that I'm not interested in."

"Is this script very bad? I took a lot of effort and also checked the information of many small animals."

The script in Eric’s hand was exactly the same day in an open-air restaurant. After he and Elizabeth saw a little squirrel, Elizabeth’s brainstorming in a short time was similar to the idea of ​​“robbery the nut shop”. Elizabeth was during this time. I found a few screenwriters to make the story together.

"It's not bad, but there is nothing that makes people feel bright. If you want to see it, I will give you a copy of the story script that Disney Animation is preparing for, let you see what it is like to imagine. force."

Elizabeth leaned back on the lounge chair and said, "Since you don't look at the story, let Chris Wedge from the Blue Sky Studio come over and do something. I looked at the resume of the studio, although I have done some big names. The special effects of the movie, but have not yet entered the field of animation, he can not compare with the people of Pixar."

Eric closed the script in his hand and picked up an apple in the fruit bowl. He said: "Although your story is general, you can use them to practice your hand and make a short film to train the team."

"You might as well give me some people from Pixar, just like Disney animation."

Eric shook his head and said: "You shouldn't remember Pixar, but I don't give it to you in this studio. We are divided equally. I think about it, leaving 10% of the management's shares. The remaining fireflies and Fox each accounted for 45%."

"You have two animation studios!"

Eric laughed: "If it's not some animation ideas that don't fit Disney's style, I don't mind another fireworks company."

"Wow, you are a greedy Jew!" (To be continued.)

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