I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 694: Power penetration

The taxi stopped at a road on the top of Beverly Hill. The driver was chatting with the middle-aged brunette who was dressed in a suit and looked at him. He looked at the luxurious mansion outside the window and said: Dude, I don’t think the destination you visited is actually here. This size Beverly Mansion, which is not a superstar or a top Hollywood producer, you must be developed."

Chris Wech was in a good mood, and even a little excited, smiling and responding to the driver's words, paying the money and carrying a briefcase turned to the door of the mansion.

Once again confirmed the house number, Chris Wedge reached out and rang the doorbell, patiently waiting, and remembered the phone a few days ago.

All this has to start from 1987, when Chris Wedge was just 30 years old, resigned from an original animation studio, and several partners set up a blue sky for film and television special effects on the second floor of a dental clinic. After eight years of development, the current Blue Sky Studio is far from being comparable to the digital industry and industrial light and magic industry. But it is also famous in the film and television special effects industry. It has more than 100 employees. In the past year, I took part in the cg special effects production of "The Game of the Brave".

A few days ago, the producer of the "Brave of the Game" crew responsible for contact with Blue Sky Studio suddenly called him and asked if he was interested in computer animation. Chris Wedge has always envied his former friend John Lasse. I have made similar attempts in the success of 3D animation. Of course, I did not hesitate to say no, so I have the meeting that I expected today.

There was a female voice in the door, and Chris Wech felt that the voice was a little familiar, and I couldn’t think too much.

The door opened, and the tall girl with a little red face appeared in front of Chris Wech, and the girl's long blond hair was a little fluffy and lazy. The upper body is covered with a loose beige sweater, the round neckline is very large, and the shoulder is a small piece of white skin. Although the hem of the sweater is somewhat sturdy, it does not cover the two slender **** wrapped in white close-fitting jeans.

Chris Wech was so fascinated for a moment. Until the girl frowned slightly, she suddenly reacted. Some said awkwardly: "Hello Roberts, hello, nice to meet you. I am your fan."

Chris Wedge said this, his right hand lifted slightly, looking at Julia's slender hand on the doorknob, and finally did not like to reach out.

"Eric and Liz are waiting for you, come with me," Julia replied, reaching for the sweater and turning around.

Chris Wedge went through the ramp in the courtyard behind Julia, calming down and recalling the situation when she first saw Julia. It was realized that the Hollywood actress had just been a little bit normal, a bit like just woke up, some like drunk, or, more like some... high, Chris Wedge is sure that he just Did not smell the wine, it is already four o'clock in the afternoon, even the nap time has long passed, and it is even more likely to just wake up.

The mind involuntarily thought about it and bypassed the trail. Seeing the two figures standing by the pool in front of the mansion and standing up, Chris Wedge quickly put aside those messy thoughts, and pondering these things would not be of any benefit to him, in case he was guessed by his master. That's even worse.

Looking at the young men and women who came over, Chris Wech eagerly reached out in front of Eric: "Hello, Mr. Williams."

"Hello, Chris, call me Eric. This is Liz. You should be on the phone."

"Of course, Miss Murdoch, nice to meet you," Chris Wech smiled and shook hands with Elizabeth.

The three sat down at the round table in the courtyard. Julia gave coffee to the three people. Without the interest of talking, she walked down to the beach chair and lay down a magazine.

Although Chris Wedge is somewhat confused about the relationship between the man and the woman in front of him, he is cautiously controlling his own eyes and trying not to reach Julia who is not far away.

"In general, you and Liz must have already talked on the phone. I have also seen your special effects for films such as Alien 3 and Brave. It is very good. I also know that you are in Brave. During the production of "The Game", I once pulled an animated short film investment into Colombia, but it was not successful, right?"

Chris Wech nodded. "Yes, Eric, I used to be a Disney animation outsourcing project in my early studio, and I have always been interested in animated movies."

Elizabeth asked: "If it is an animation investment, you should look for fireflies, why do you contact Colombia?"

Chris Wechie smiled slyly and looked at Eric. I don't know what to answer.

When Elizabeth finished the previous words, she immediately understood that the fireflies had the best 3D animation technology in the industry. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to see the blue sky studio.

Eric didn't seem to hear Elizabeth's question. He chatted directly with Chris Wech in a 3D animated film. Chris Wech was prepared quite well in the past few days and skillfully dealt with Eric. The problem was also presented to a set of pre-made animated short storyboards to Eric.

Even though there are already some technical accumulations, an animation studio has to start with an animated short film in the production of 3D animated films. At the beginning, Pixar was making short films such as "jumping lights" and "tin iron soldiers". After accumulating enough experience, I started to get involved in animated feature films.

Half an hour later, Chris Wech took the draft and said: "Eric, this short film only needs $3 million in investment. As long as I can get the funds, I promise to prove that we are enough within half a year. I have the ability to master the ability of animated feature films."

Eric shook his head and said, "Chris, I don't plan to invest in Blue Sky Studio."

Chris Wedge had just expressed a disappointment, thinking that the short-acting animated script that he had prepared accurately did not pass Eric's approval, but Eric continued: "I intend to acquire Blue Sky Studio."

Chris Wedge immediately raised his head: "Eric, you mean... acquisition?"

Eric nodded with a smile on his lips: "Yes, acquisition."

Although not in the Hollywood circle, Chris Wedge still knows about the relationship between Eric and Elizabeth, he has always felt. It must be that Fox is more interested in Blue Sky Studios. Even if he wants to buy Blue Sky Studio, it should be the opening of Elizabeth on behalf of Fox.

But after half an hour of communication, Chris Wedge realized that Eric still played a leading role in this matter. This again made him feel confused. Fireflies have two animation studios, Pixar and Disney Animation. Even if the fireflies want to continue to expand in the animated film field, they should be limited to the two studios.

Although he knew he would not reject the offer, Chris Wedge carefully asked: "Eric, I... can you know why?"

“Of course.” Eric explained: “Although the grading of animated films has been controlled to within the pg-13 level because of the audience, there are still many good ideas for Disney that are not in line with Disney’s core values. Concepts, if these ideas are issued by Disney, will damage Disney's established brand image. Therefore, I intend to take these ideas out and hand them over to an animation studio that is completely independent of the Disney system. Other film companies are issued."

Chris Wech asked: "Is there not a lot of movie companies under Firefly?"

"Disney is a very important brand in the firefly system. If the other movie departments of Firefly release an animated film, the audience will naturally think of Disney. I want to completely strip."

Chris Wech nodded and looked at Elizabeth and said, "So, Eric, what are the terms of the acquisition?"

"In order to express the sincerity of long-term cooperation, we do not intend to make a wholly-owned acquisition. Fireflies and Fox each have 5 million US dollars to acquire 45% of the shares of Blue Sky Studio. You can continue to reserve 10% of the shares. In addition, Fireflies will give Support for the animation technology of Blue Sky Studio. The animated film produced by the studio in the future will be released by Fox."

The $10 million acquisition of 90% of the shares is far below the expectations of Chris Wedge. This studio is his eight years of hard work, but Eric will give Blue Sky studio technical support. But Chris Wech didn't hesitate too much at the moment. I know that the top 3D animation technology that Firefly has in mind is not the money that can be bought. This is the root of the firefly's ability to monopolize the 3D animated film market in recent years.

After thinking for a moment, Chris Wedge nodded decisively: "Eric, I agree with the deal."

"Very good. I hope we can cooperate happily in the future," Eric got up and shook hands with Chris Wech, and the two sat down again. Eric began to talk about his detailed plans.

When talking about the sunset, Chris Wech was very interested in taking the initiative to leave. The specific acquisition contract will be negotiated in more detail in the future.

After sending away Chris Wedge, the two returned to the pool, and Elizabeth looked at Julia, who was still lazy on the beach chair, saying: "Eric, look at her, just Chris Wei. Chico has been to Julia more than once. I think he must have guessed that Julia seems to be high, and that it is big news."

Julia seems to have suddenly lived, throwing the magazine in her hand to Elizabeth and retorting: "You are so high, I am just tired."

"Oh, come, I will help you check if it is really tired," Elizabeth said. She rushed to grab the waist of Julia, but she was lifted by Julia flexibly. .


Elizabeth had no preparations for a while, and she was planted in the pool.

"Ah, uh..."

Elizabeth, who was thrown into the swimming pool by Julia, quickly poked her head out and squatted by the pool, sullenly yelling at Julia: "But I don't have to go with you, you are a vicious woman, murder." Parent-child."

Eric smiled and pulled Elizabeth out of the pool, urging her to change clothes, turning and sitting down on the beach chair where Julia was lying, reaching for the girl to kneel on her knees.

It was ridiculed by Elizabeth, and Julia, who had just recovered her spirits, felt the movements of Eric’s hand, and the low-pitched sounds seemed to be the cats who had been pulled out of the bones, and they quickly returned to laziness. The state of confusion.

Elizabeth changed her clothes back, wiping her wet hair with a big towel in her hand, and looking at Julia, who was soft on Eric. This time, I didn’t provoke this cat, which is always worrying, to sit down and say: “Eric, you always say some animated film ideas that don’t conform to the Disney publishing style. Do you already have an idea?”

Eric took the magazine that Julia had just handed up and looked at it casually. He said: "I have read a completely anti-fairy album some time ago. The author is William Steiger. You can start recently. Take the right to adapt this album."

"What, you didn't say it clearly."

Eric smiled. Road: "You will buy it tomorrow to see it. The album is basically a complete subversion of Disney's previous fairy tale routines, but I find it very interesting and can be made into a special animated film, but this The animated film could not be released by Disney or any of the firefly's film companies. Otherwise, the brand image that Disney has created will be greatly affected, so I came up with the idea of ​​setting up an animation studio that is separate from fireflies."

Elizabeth was interested: "Oh, what is the name of this album?"

Eric said: "Shrek."

The original "Dream DreamWorks" "Shrek" is completely after Kasenberg's negative escape from Disney, in order to avenge an animation work of the old club, from the film quality can be seen. The film investment is not high, the production is also very rough, but I did not expect that this low-cost animated film that spoof Disney's fairy tale unexpectedly broke the box office, even won the North American box office champion, and let the precarious DreamWorks animation come back to life. . Now that Kasenberg has not left, DreamWorks has become another look. Eric is almost certain that if he doesn't intervene, an alternative 3D animated film like Shrek will not even appear again. in this world.

Recently. In order to find the fireflies for the summer program next year, Eric also sorted out some of the films in memory, and naturally thought of them.

Although "Shrek" and "Ice Age" series have won the box office scores of Disney animation in the past, these animated films are somewhat deviated from the core spirit of Disney animation. Moreover, the 3D animated film market is far from being saturated. Working with Fox to win the Blue Sky Studio, you can put animation projects that are not suitable for Disney into this studio and continue to bring lucrative profits to the fireflies. Through cooperation in the blue sky studio. Keep the firefly's influence on Fox.

With this in mind, Eric once again remembered another thing, to Elizabeth: "Liz, there is still a blue sky studio, are you interested in buying a toy company?"

Elizabeth wondered: "Toy company, why?"

"In the future, the animation produced by the Blue Sky Studio will definitely produce the surrounding."

Elizabeth stared at Eric for a few seconds and snorted: "You are wrangling again. How many people will buy a restaurant for a steak?"

"Well," Eric smiled and said: "In fact, it is because of the copyright in the hands of this toy company, Hasbro, you know?"

"Transformers," Elizabeth blurted out, but immediately began to spirit: "You mean Transformers?"

Eric nodded. "Look, when it comes to Hasbro, you immediately think of Transformers. You can see how famous this toy series is. If you develop a real-life movie, you have absolutely unlimited potential."

"That doesn't have to buy Hasbro. Can we just buy the copyright of Transformers?"

"Of course not, copyright will always have a deadline, and Hasbro will not be stupid enough to sell permanent copyright to you, so it will be possible to win the Hasbro once and for all. After special effects technology has been developed for several years, I believe Transformers. Even if the copyright value is not comparable to Star Wars, it is not much different."

"You are too exaggerated. What kind of film copyright can match the "Star Wars"?" Elizabeth almost shook her head. The influence of "Star Wars" has been ingrained in the minds of Westerners, even on the legs of Eric. Julia shook her head gently.

However, Elizabeth quickly reacted. If this sentence is said from other populations, there is no credibility, but Eric is not the same: "Eric, you will not be serious?" ”

Eric decided to nod. "Do you think I am joking?"

Elizabeth’s eyeball turned: “Why didn’t the firefly take the Hasbro himself?”

Eric shrugged: "The target of fireflies is too big. If we shoot, not only will there be people jumping out to fight, but Hasbro will also open the lion. My plan is similar to the Blue Sky Studio, Fox is in Ming, The fireflies are dark. Let's take the Hasbro first, and then we will be half-divided, how about?"

Elizabeth blinked savvyly: "If I don't plan to tell you?"

Eric pretended to be a fierce fist and shook his bones: "Then I have to move thicker."

Elizabeth was not scared by Eric's action, but Julia escorted Eric's fist to her cheek. Cried lowly: "Eric..."

Elizabeth looked at Julia's appearance, and she couldn't stand the expression: "I think you should drag her into the house and make a good meal."

Eric reluctantly pulled Julia up and reached out and gently drew a note on the girl's fart drum: "Don't entangle people, go for dinner."

"Well, what are you going to eat?"

"What to eat in the refrigerator."

Looking at Julia fluttering and flickering, Elizabeth shrugged and turned back to the topic just now. Since Eric had such a definite look, she no longer doubted and asked: "How much is this company? ?"

"I checked. Hasbro's current market capitalization is 2.9 billion US dollars. If it is a goodwill merger, it can be won by about 3.5 billion US dollars. Even if it is a hostile takeover, it should not exceed 4 billion US dollars. Moreover, I think it is Fox. The influence, the possibility of a goodwill acquisition success is still very large."

"But, between $3 and $4 billion," Elizabeth retired. "Eric, I think we still have to buy the Transformers copyright first. Try to extend the copyright period by a little, 20 years, enough? ”

Eric shook his head and said: "Hasbro's operating conditions are very stable. In recent years, the net profit has been around 200 million US dollars. After the completion of the acquisition, with the blue sky studio's peripheral authorization and Hasbro perfect toys. Production distribution system, there will still be a lot of room for improvement in the future performance, coupled with the huge potential of Transformers copyright, it can be said that Hasbro is the kind of value that is seriously undervalued, merged, even if not film and television copyright development I can also recover all the investment within ten years. If it is not the fireflies that have too many plans to carry out in recent years, I will definitely do it myself."

Before Eric’s rebirth, the global box office of the first four parts of the “Transformers” series was close to $4 billion, and the peripheral profits generated by the film were even more difficult to estimate. In memory, Disney has also issued a takeover offer to Hasbro after it has won Pixar, Marvel and Lucas. However, the price of Hasbro is too high, and the most important copyright of Transformers is also sent. Ramon caught the hand and the deal was not completed.

In recent years, special effects films have become more and more dazzling in Hollywood. Eric believes that some people will notice the copyright of Transformers soon. If they don't get it in advance, they will only regret it. Hollywood-related copyright licensing, in the longest case, as long as 20 years, but Eric knows that 20 years later, Transformers are still in the filming, even if this time and space will be made in advance, the popularity of Transformers The degree, the length of the series beyond the Harry Potter is absolutely no problem, then 20 years of copyright authorization time is far from enough. What's more, Hasbro will not promise to sell Transformers for 20 years. In the future, when the Transformers series is in full swing, it will suddenly encounter the risk of copyright loss. At this time, it is better to eat the company completely.

The reason why the cake was taken out and shared with Fox, on the one hand, the firefly already has Marvel, a copyright gold mine that has been developed for decades, and there are many exploitable animation movies and live-action movie copyrights, even if you want to All profits are exhausted, and it is impossible to have enough time and schedule. On the other hand, the development of fireflies themselves has reached a limit. Because of the restrictions of anti-monopoly and other factors, fireflies are no longer able to merge other film companies with great fanfare. The way of cooperation has become Eric’s approach to the entire Hollywood system. The best way to infiltrate, so that while making a profit, Eric can also gradually expand his control of Hollywood, just like MGM at this time, with the cooperation of many film projects, Eric is here. The invisible power possessed by the film company is not even lower than its ceo. If Eric speaks, MGM’s major shareholder, Lyon Credit Bank, will definitely not hesitate to replace MGM’s helm. (To be continued.)

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