I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 701: I am embarrassed.

Eric paged through the screen from the company and noticed that Gwyneth Paltrow had come over again. In order to avoid her continuing to entangle herself, she would follow the heroine in The Seven Deadly Sins. A few pages of the play were taken out and handed over: "Hey, look, not interested?"

Gwyneth Paltrow took the surprise and said with excitement: "Eric, is this for me?"

Eric shrugged: "If you are interested, this character will be given to you."

Gwyneth Paltrow no longer said more, and quickly looked down at the few pages of the script in her hand. However, she quickly disappointed. After Eric handed over a few pages, she did not continue to give her the script. Explain that this heroine has only a few scenes in her hands. She has also taken several films and learned some common sense of the script. After a little calculation, I know that these plays add up to less than ten minutes, and the characters are There is not much room for play, but some of the daily interactions with the actor are basically the kind of characters that will soon be forgotten after the audience has seen them.

What's more, this script looks like a low-cost crime thriller.

A low-cost thriller in less than ten minutes of the heroine, if other people handed her the script, Gwyneth Paltrow may not be so picky, think about it later, she still Self-awareness, the influence of the Paltrow family in Hollywood can only help her to receive some of the low-cost production actresses of the independent film company, the films produced by the seven major studios, and her parents’ networks are basically unable to get involved. Even her godfather Spielberg. At the beginning, she only made her a small character who only showed her face several times in Captain ****. And after that time. In the past few years, she has not been able to get any more role in Spielberg's film.

However, this script was obtained from Eric here, which is far below the expectations of Gwyneth Paltrow.

With Eric's position in Hollywood, she can get her a protagonist of a-level production, even for those movie companies that compete with fireflies, Gwenis Pa Tello does not doubt that Eric has this influence. The script in her hand gives her the feeling that it is like a billionaire super rich. But he took out a coin of one cent.

Eric read the script in his hand, comparing the difference with the memory, inadvertently stunned Gwyneth Paltrow, who was a little dissatisfied with a few pages of the script, and could probably guess her. Thoughts, my heart smiled. This film in her hand is what she thinks for herself. If she is willing to ask for this role, Eric will not mind giving the heroine to her, even if it is a return, but if she does not look, Eric will not do it again. what.

There are many films about Gwyneth Paltrow in memory. But what is impressive is not at all, even the small pepper in Iron Man. Eric also knows clearly that the main reason why Marvel chose her is two words, cheap. In a large-scale commercial film with a cost of over 100 million yuan, the impact of the $3 million pay is also rare. Even if it is a pure acting actress who doesn’t have much box office appeal, if you get an Oscar and then play a commercial film, the pay will not be low. To 3 million. Perhaps this indirectly proves how much water is after Gwyneth Paltrow.

Gwyneth Paltrow didn't know Eric's thoughts. When he read the script in his hand, he didn't bother with it. He boring through the sheets of paper in his hands and wondering how to open it. Further relationship with Eric Carat.

After a while, she was a little impatient and heard the sound of the doorbell.

Eric also raised his wrist in disbelief and looked at his watch. He was only half an hour away from calling the new line. He thought that David Finch would wait at noon to arrive at least in Los Angeles. So fast.

Listening to the doorbell slamming several times, Eric looked up and looked at Gwyneth Paltrow.

Gwyneth Pallot sat there for a moment, and quickly got up and smiled diligently: "Eric, you are sitting, I will open the door."

Looking at the back of the woman's walk, Eric pulled the corner of his mouth and got up and packed up the scattered files on the table.


Three years ago, fortunately, he was picked by Fox. From the two guides of Ridley Scott and James Cameron, they took over the guide of the third part of the Alien series. David Finch was already smug. The plan was to do a big job, but the result was a cold water in the head. The cost of Alien 3 is more than twice as high as the previous two. After the film was released in North America, the box office and word of mouth both hit the lowest in the series. Moreover, the conflicts between the filming and the production side also made David Finch realize that Hollywood is not so fun. After the failure of the Alien 3 box office, David Finch had to temporarily leave Hollywood and continue to shoot and shoot music mv.

After three years of swaying, although some coupons were received during the period, most of them were in the negotiation stage, and the contradictions were basically focused on the control of the film. David Finch did not think that the failure of Alien 3 was entirely on his own. At that time, he not only had no final editing rights, but even the power to modify the script was in the hands of Fox. The final film was not originally conceived by him. That way, that experience also made David Finch an idea. If he could not get enough creative power afterwards, he would rather not shoot.

I was discussing the production of music mv with a singer living in Beverly Hills today. I suddenly received a strange call saying that Eric Williams wanted to see herself, David Finch first time. I even think that the other party is definitely a joke. No one in Hollywood doesn't know Eric Williams. This is for sure, but he is sure that Eric Williams is almost impossible to know himself.

After some exchanges, he finally realized that 80% of the incident was true, so he hurriedly bid farewell to the singer and drove to the location mentioned on the phone.

Until the ringing of the doorbell, David Finch’s doubts did not dissipate, reminding me of some recent rumors in Hollywood. I heard that Eric Williams handed over the firefly's key film project next year to two fledgling rookie directors. Although the media's comments on this matter have become more cautious. But privately, many people are looking forward to seeing fireflies on this matter.

Then, Eric Williams suddenly found himself and will definitely be related to the movie.

The door of the mansion opened, and a girl wearing a black knee-length dress appeared in front of him. David Finch screamed and reached out to the other side, but for a moment, he did not know what to call the other.

"Hello. I am Gwyneth Paltrow," Gwyneth Paltrow didn't know David Finch, looking at the casual wear of white long-sleeved t-shirts and sweatpants. Dressing up, it would not be the first time to show contempt, politely shook hands with him.

"I am David Finch, Mr. Williams asked me to come over," although he said, David Finch's tone was still a bit guilty, and he couldn't help but doubt the phone that was not long ago, in case it was a prank. . Today is going to be big.

Fortunately, the reality did not disappoint him. Gwyneth Paltrow nodded and let David Finch enter, closing the door and saying, "Come with me."

Seeing David Finch coming, Eric stood up and greeted him, shook hands with the other side, motioned for him to sit down at the long table on the terrace, and saw Gwyneth Paltrow also to sit. Down, Eric had some helplessly pointing to the coffee pot on the table: "Gwinnie, can you help us with two cups of coffee?"

"Oh, okay," Gwyneth Palotte squatted, and slightly reluctantly picked up the coffee pot until he turned his back to the two and licked his mouth.

Eric's attention turned to David Finch, when David Finch had no appearance of the middle-aged uncle, in his early thirties, tall and tall, and wearing a little hippie at this time. .

Looking at the doubts and restraints in David Finch's expression, Eric handed over the script of "Seven Deadly Sins" and smiled: "I think you must have some doubts about how I found you, but we still don't Said these boring details, I have read "Alien 3", there is just a script in the hand, I think you can try it. Although everyone is still strange, but I think we will be familiar with it later, oh, you can Call me Eric."

Eric’s remarks also made David Finch relax, took the script and smiled, and looked at it unknowingly.

Gwyneth Paltrow rubbed it for a while before bringing the coffee up.

Eric took the tray and said, "Gwinnie, if you are not in a hurry to leave, you can watch TV again."

Gwyneth Paltrow squatted down. This time, he did not hold back. He licked his mouth in front of Eric, but he still obediently walked toward the villa, walked into the living room all the way, and worked **** the sofa. Squatting, angrily said: "Really, bastard, can I still steal your script?"


Eric sat next to him, sipping coffee, and quietly handled the email for about half an hour. David Finch put down the script and said, "Eric, I finished reading."

"Oh," Eric sent out an e-mail that had just been written, shut down the mailbox interface, and turned to David Finch: "How do you feel?"

"The theme of the script is pessimistic, but the structure of the plot is very clever. Perhaps, it is possible to shoot a very special film." Waiting for Eric to answer, David Finch converges his expression and solemnly says: "Eric, Although I really hope to work with fireflies and you, one thing, I hope to be clear in advance."

"Please," Eric made a gesture of asking.

David Finch said: "The cooperation between me and Fox three years ago was not very pleasant. I have been spending all my time in the dispute. I don't think that Alien 3 is my work. I I don't want to let this situation come back again, so if you just want to find a director who fully implements your own will, I am afraid it will be difficult for us to cooperate."

Eric nodded and said: "Understand, Jim, oh, that is, James? Cameron, he does not admit that "Piranha 2" is his work, you two are quite like. Then, you can first Tell me about your request."

David Fincher didn't expect Eric to speak so well, but he didn't dare to ask too much. From the bottom of his heart, he still hopes to cooperate with Eric. After pondering for a moment, David Finch said: "I hope to have the right to make appropriate modifications to the script. I don't want anyone to be arrogant in the process of shooting. In addition, there is a budget for this film, I see There is only $8 million in the remarks, which is not enough. As a drama, we must have enough budget to invite outstanding actors to prop up the film. As for the final editing rights," said David here. Finch felt that he was over-excited and hesitated for a moment before he said: "If possible, I hope to be able to participate in the final cut."

"So, let me talk about my request," Eric said with a smile. "The directors who have worked with me know my habits. If you continue to work with me in the future, this rule will not change." First of all, we will discuss and agree on the script. At this stage, you can make your own revisions. As long as I feel reasonable, I will accept it. Since I hope that you will direct this film, then I will recognize your shooting style. Therefore, as long as the script is determined during the preparatory stage, I will not interfere too much with the director's shooting, but my request is that once the script is initially determined, I don't want the director to make major changes in the shooting stage. You can limit your differences to the initial stage of preparation. If you don't reach a unified opinion, you won't waste too much time on both sides. In addition, the budget is not a problem. As for editing rights, I can't make too much concession in this regard. Retain the power of the final cut, but usually give maximum authority to the director, you can talk to the director who works with me, you can Cause I know what kind of degree of decentralization can be achieved. "

Eric’s films directed by Cameron, Roland Emmerich and others will basically give them the final editing rights, because both of them are pure commercial directors, and there is not much to be desired. Expressing personal will. But for David Finch, Eric has reservations. David Finch’s film has always been very strong in his personal style. The previous Seven Deadly Sins is also the result of the final game between him and the new line. If he is completely decentralized to David Finch, the result is probably the past life. David Finch, after the Seven Deadly Sins, the very failed "Psychological Game" entirely by the temper. (To be continued.)

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