I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 702: Wharf

Eric and David Finch talked until the afternoon and determined most of the details of "Seven Deadly Sins". David Fincher did not have the initial hesitation. Eric looked like this in other Hollywood studios. The very bold way of decentralizing cooperation made him feel very comfortable. He gave the exact promise when he left, and promised to direct the film. N∈n∈,

Each left a contact, Eric personally sent David Finch to leave.

At noon, Xiao Nizi did not come back, just made a phone call, relatives, and must also personally help Eric to take out the food.

Gwyneth Pallot has been relying on not leaving, and sent David Finch, and Eric did not want to bother to deal with her. In the eyes of those little actors who have no background, the Paltrow family can definitely be regarded as Hollywood 'luxury', but in Eric's eyes, it is not worth mentioning, neither side has any friendship, Eric does not need to give any face. After David Finch left, Eric also politely invited her out.

Since she does not see the heroine of the Seven Deadly Sins, Eric does not have to insist on the habit of using the original class.

In Eric's view, this seemingly inconspicuous character is actually the 'turning point' of the previous Gwyneth Paltrow in Hollywood, even though she relied on family influence to play ten small-cost independent films. The influence brought by them is absolutely inferior to the "seven sins". After all, those who have only one or two million at the box office and even the independent movies that have no chance of screening are basically impossible to bring much popularity to the actors. For the mediocre actor, the ‘brushing’ in the blockbuster movie is the best way to maintain the business. With enough visibility, it has the box office appeal, so that you can get a better movie.

As for missing this film, Gwinis Paltrow can take a step in Hollywood, it is not Eric's concern.

In the following days, until the Oscars, Eric basically spent a series of busy schedules such as script discussions, auditions, budget meetings, and film scenes.

The Oscar public relations for "Saving Private Ryan" is still second, after confirming a "seven sins". Eric’s direct attention to and entry into the substantive production stage has reached seven, including the Titanic, the Matrix, and the Devil’s Island scattered across several of the Firefly Group’s brands. Five key films of "The Jedi" and "Seven Deadly Sins", in addition, "Black Man 2" in cooperation with Colombia. "Miao Jiaowa 2" under the DreamWorks Production Company, which is cooperating with MGM.

In addition to these live-action films, Blue Sky Studio successfully completed the transaction and was affiliated with the 20th Century Fox.

The inside story of the transaction spread quickly in Hollywood, and it was learned that Blue Sky Studio will receive full technical support from Firefly in 3D animation, which naturally caused an envy. No movie company in Hollywood does not covet the 3D animation technology in the hands of fireflies.

During this period, Fox also won the movie copyright of "Shrek". Eric also handed over the idea of ​​"Ice Age" to Chris Wedge in advance, just these two big animated film series, enough for the Blue Sky Studio to eat for ten years.

During this period, the only thing that didn't go well was the copyright of Transformers.

Elizabeth wanted to talk to Hasbro about Hasbro's live-action film adaptation rights, but Hasbro is different from other copyright parties, as a world-class toy giant, knowing that "Transformers" once Shooting a live-action version can greatly promote the sales of this series of toy brands, but it is not soft at all. Not only does it require huge amounts of copyright fees, it limits the scale of film production, but it also requires participation in film investment.

Of course, Elizabeth could not easily compromise. The two sides had just reached a stalemate and the news spread quickly in Hollywood.

Hollywood has never lacked smart people. Things have spread and I noticed Elizabeth, who led the copyright negotiations. Some people sensitively smelled the 'firefly atmosphere' behind this incident, so the results can be imagined and looted. Hasbro also immediately picked up the price and picked it up.

Fireflies have also joined the ranks of competition in order to show their ‘innocence’.

However, Eric did not give too high a price, the competition is not too strong. Because of special effects and other restrictions. It is still far from the production time of the "Transformers" live-action version.

In fact, the best production time for "Transformers" is 10 years later. Even if it is advanced, it is best to put it after 2000. Before that, I want to make a live-action effect in Eric's memory. The cost must be more than 200 million US dollars, otherwise the effect can only be unsatisfactory.

Eric does not believe that other major film companies will invest 200 million US dollars in a movie. What's more, even with this courage, they can't have the level of special effects in the digital field. As for the former Transformers. The version of the special effects production company Industrial Light Magic, at this time has been technically far from the digital field opened several streets.

Without these preconditions, even if other major film companies grab the copyright and force the launch of the project, the chances of success are not great.

If it fails, the copyright will naturally be put on hold. At this time, in 1995, the time is still too much. What will happen during this period, who knows?

Time to enter late March, the Oscars ceremony is approaching.

However, before this, Hollywood's most sensational event, after more than half a year of negotiations with Canada's Seagram Group, finally reached a deal with Panasonic to acquire Panasonic's mca Group and its Universal Pictures for $7.5 billion.

The deal should have been completed by the end of last year, but because of the Michael Owitz incident at the end of last year, the parties involved in the transaction have been arguing for a huge amount of compensation for Michael Owitz, and even once negotiated Broken news.

The transaction was delayed for more than two months and eventually it was successfully reached.

Although Panasonic, Seagram and Universal did not disclose the content of the compensation agreement finally reached by Michael Owitz, these are not secrets for Eric.

Michael Ovitz finally took away $120 million in resignation compensation from around the world, jointly undertaken by both Panasonic and Seagram. At the same time, global ceo Michael Eisner also signed a contract with Global for this period. Reduced the percentage of options and bonuses in the next few years.

Although the dispute was finally resolved, there were no winners in this incident. Panasonic and Seagram naturally resent the $60 million for no reason. Michael Eisner was also squeezed because of his salary. depressed.

As the beneficiary of this event, Michael Ovitz is actually the most failed party. If he didn't leave caa at the beginning, Michael Owitz could get tens of millions of dollars in dividends every year, just by holding half of the equity in caa.

In order to join the world, Michael Ovitz ‘cleans out’. I sold all the caa shares in my hand, I wanted to make a big push on the broader platform, but in just less than a year, I was embarrassed out of the world, and other major Hollywood film companies did not accept him. It is even more impossible to return to the brokerage industry. Caa will not regain the ‘throne’ that has been abdicated, the stable monopoly of icm, wma and caa, and cut off the path he wants to start from scratch.

It can be said that Michael Owitz, the entertainment industry in the 1980s, has been completely ruined in Hollywood.

Losers can only be quickly forgotten, but Hollywood's newcomers can't wait to show their sense of existence.

After the transaction was completed, the head of the Seagram Group, Edgar Bronfman, quickly spread the invitation letter and held several grand parties in the Universal Studios in Burbank, which was quite a new trend. The meaning of the pier is at the beginning of the Oscars. The Los Angeles superstar celebrities gather together, and the natural respondents are like clouds.

As night fell, the party hall inside Universal Studios was already crowded, and a steady stream of guests was still coming from all over Los Angeles.

Edgar Bronfman was greeted by Michael Eisner in the face of the important guests in the hall, and Michael Eisner stood next to a middle-aged white man in his thirties.

"Edgar, this is what I mentioned to you, Hasbro company ceo Allen. Hasenfeld," Michael Eisner enthusiastically introduced the two: "Allen, this is Seagram." Mr. Edgar Bronfman of the group."

There are some similarities between Seagram and Hasbro. Both companies are family-owned and are in the hands of the founder family. Seagram was founded by the Bronfman family in the early twentieth century, and Hasbro was also created by the Hasenfeld family in the early twentieth century.

Although the world has experienced turbulence for several months. But everything still has to continue.

In the process of the acquisition negotiation, Matsushita once again proposed that since the conflict between Michael Eisner and Michael Ovitz is not to be reconciled, then the one with the cheaper penalty will be kicked out. Michael Eisner is undoubtedly The 'cheap' one, and finally Edgar Bronfman forcibly saved Michael Eisner, Panasonic to leave Hollywood. Naturally, there is no scruples. The Seagram Group knows that Michael Eisner, who has already opened up in the world, is definitely more valuable than Michael Owitz. Compared to the tens of millions of dollars, the difference in liquidated damages is not counted. what.

Therefore, Michael Eisner is also eager to prove the correctness of the decision of Seagram, so the copyright competition for Transformers is particularly eager.

He can be said to be the first to realize that Transformers copyright may be related to Eric, and even if it really has nothing to do with Eric, after a detailed study of this time, Michael Eisner also found Transformers, the world-renowned toy image, if you make a live-action movie with the current popular cg special effects technology, you definitely have great commercial potential, and it is worthwhile to grab the copyright at all costs.

Edgar Bronfman has heard Michael Eisner's detailed assessment of Transformers' copyright. He heard that he introduced Alan Hasenfeld. The same performance is very eager. Michael Eisner is eager to make some more. The dazzling performance proves that the same is true of Edgar Bronfman who bets most of the family's resources in Hollywood.

"Allen, I hope you can have fun tonight," Edgar Bronfman smiled and smiled with Allen Hasenfeld, and said: "For the Transformers copyright, I hope you can carefully consider At a time, Universal is very sincere in cooperation."

"Of course, Hasbro also hopes to reach a cooperation with Hollywood," Allen Hasenfeld looked savvy in his eyes, did not give any answer, and replied ambiguously.

Edgar Bronfman did not seem to feel the perfunctory of Allen Hasenfeld. The smile is unchanged, saying: "In this case, Allen, how about playing golf together tomorrow? Let's talk about it in detail?"

"Edgar, I may not have time tomorrow, I can only be sorry," Allen Hasenfeld shook his head.

Michael Eisner knows that it is impossible to reach an agreement on this occasion, the most important thing is to entertain Allen Hasenfeld. I noticed that Allen Hasenfeld’s eyes looked at the crowds from time to time, saying: “Allen, if you want to know which guest is present, maybe I can help you introduce it.”

Alan Hasenfeld smiled, but gently sent the red wine in his hand to his mouth.

Edgar Bronfman blinked and realized that Alan Hasenfeld appeared here, but did not bring her female companion. She thought about it and said: "Allen, Hollywood girls are very enthusiastic, you can Don't be restrained. If the actress you are interested in is no longer here, we can help you."

As I said, there was a commotion at the entrance to the party hall. The three people could clearly feel that the eyes of everyone around them turned to the other side, and some guests walked toward the door.

The three men Michael Eisner looked curiously at the entrance. At the entrance, five bright and beautiful girls walked into the party scene, like the five-tailed mermaid, which instantly became the focus of everyone's attention. Although Hollywood is not lacking in beauty, the five tall-looking girls are dressed in gorgeous high-profile dresses and high heels on their feet. Coupled with five exquisite and innocent faces, it immediately shows a fascinating temperament, as if it instantly attracted the brilliance of all the women in the hall.

Looking at the five beautiful objects that are not far away, Edgar Bronfman couldn't help but sigh Eric Williams's eyes again.

Although not a movie star. But in recent Hollywood, the media still gave a lot of attention to these five Victorian angels. They will also present the first Oscar award this year as an Oscar-winning guest.

Moreover, in the eyes of many people, with their current popularity, there is almost no threshold for wanting to enter the film and television circle, and not to mention the golden glow of Eric Williams. If they show the desire to play a film and television show, those movie companies that are interested in them will never slap the film contract. In the past, supermodels wanted to star in movies, and usually only got some insignificant little characters, because even if they reached the peak in their circles, they often didn't have much public awareness.

But under the operation of Eric Williams, the five Victorian angels have completely jumped out of the boundaries of the supermodel. At this time, they are completely national-level surnames.

Thinking of Eric Williams, Edgar Bronfman has some five flavors, the recent party, of course, he certainly can't invite the other party, even to show the importance, after sending the invitation, Edgar Brown Fuman also made a phone call in person, but the previous few parties, Eric did not attend, do not know whether it will appear today.

Michael Eisner saw that five women, such as Cindy Crawford, appeared in the same way. When they met for the first time, the young man who seemed to be incomprehensible to him was not only standing at the peak of Hollywood. He even spread his powerful influence beyond Hollywood, but he is still trying his best to consider how to stabilize his position in Hollywood.

However, Michael Eisner’s embarrassment did not last long, and his attention quickly turned to Allen Hasenfeld. It doesn’t make sense to consider what has become a reality. It’s the most important thing to do well. of.

I noticed that the Hasbro ceo looked at the five women who were surrounded by the crowd. The eyes also had the eagerness to cover up as a man. Michael Eisner had a moment to figure out and suddenly had some thoughts.

Edgar Bronfman, who reached out and pulled his hand, secretly made a look, Michael Eisner told Alan Hasenfeld: "Allen, these five beautiful women should be considered the most beautiful in the world. A few people are good, let us know about it in the past."

Edgar Bronfman didn't understand what Michael Eisner meant, but he said very well: "Yeah, some magazines have selected the most beautiful stars of the year. They are basically in the top five." It’s a pity that such a beautiful woman doesn’t know about it.”

The two of them were so stunned that Alan Hasenfeld no longer refused and nodded. "I am looking forward to meeting them."

When the three men spoke, the five Victorian angels, who were surrounded by different guests, gradually dispersed throughout the hall.

Michael Eisner, with Alan Hasenfeld, walked directly to Diane Kruger, dressed in a burgundy evening gown. (To be continued.)

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