I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 783: Very good guess

Eric and Kasenberg have been talking about the off-duty time. The next two days are weekends. Kasenberger promised to take his family out for dinner tonight and leave early.

Eric continued to sit in the coffee shop and waited for the assistant's office to send a report on the progress of Firebug Electronics' recent work.

The mp3 player and e-book reader have been launched for two years.

Because of the technical difficulties involved in the development of operating systems to processor chip design, the development of e-book readers is very slow.

However, the development process of the mp3 player has been much smoother. At the end of last year, Eric has already got the mp3 player prototype developed by Firefly Electronics using Toshiba's 1.8-inch small hard disk, which is larger than the cigarette case and has 270m of memory, which can be stored. 50 songs.

The prototype has some unsatisfactory shape and storage capacity. The only thing that makes Eric is that Firefly Electronics has registered a full set of patented technology for mp3 players. This is definitely no longer the ambiguity of mp3 player patents. Unclear situation. Even if the mp3 player is completely eliminated in the future, subsequent electronic devices such as mobile phones will still need to pay royalties to Firefly Electronics as long as they use mp3-related music playback technology.

Turning over a newly-released evening paper, patiently waiting for more than half an hour, the door of the cafe was pushed open, and the three women walked in with a smile.

Eric looked up, but Carolyn, Melanie Gleason and Rachel Vichy, all three women wearing ordinary casual jeans, each carrying a bag, a pair of leisurely plans to go shopping dress up.

Rachel recently just finished filming "Titanic", but he needs to stay in Los Angeles to assist in some dubbing work, and naturally it is also a part of Carolyn and Melanie. Eric is interested in this scene. Not too strange.

Carolyn first saw Eric looking at them, smiling and laughing, and the three women greeted each other and walked over to Eric.

Eric told the waiters to change a pot of coffee and pour the girls down. Asked Caroline who sat down opposite him: "Are you going to go shopping?"

Caroline took a folder from the bag and heard the Eric problem. He nodded, "Yeah, I don't have to get up early tomorrow, we plan to go to the movies together at night."

Eric said: "Oh, I didn't have a schedule at night, would you bring me one?"

Caroline had not had time to answer, and Melanie and Rachel, who were sitting on both sides of her, said the same thing: "No."

Caroline licked the innocent big eyes, left to look, right to see, for a time do not know what to say. She is very clear about the thoughts of the two girlfriends. They don’t want to let themselves and Eric’s **** guys touch too much. However, these two guys, Eric is obviously just joking, why are you reacting so big? .

Eric just shrugged and smiled. "Okay, but how do I have a feeling of suddenly having two more rivals?"

When I heard Eric’s words of 'the enemy', Carolyn’s face suddenly turned red.

Rachel’s character was bold, and there was not much contact with Eric. He didn’t have much respect for him. He heard that Caroline had kissed the girl’s face and said: “Ai Rick, Caroline has been mine for a long time, and you can't just destroy other people's feelings."

"Rickel, let me go, that's not the case," Carolyn knew that a few people were joking, still shyly pushing Rachel, not forgetting to explain.

Eric took the folder that Caroline handed over and waved his hand: "The information is delivered, you can go, I will not bother you to have a good girlfriend."

Caroline pulled Rachel, who was about to get up. He opened the bag and pulled out a small box with a big palm. He said: "Eric, and there is this, San Francisco has just sent people in the morning. ”

Eric took the box and looked at the ‘Seagate’ logo printed on the box. He probably guessed what was inside, and opened it three or two times. There was a stamp-sized micro hard disk in the box.

Looking at the micro-hard disk of Eric Mocha, Caroline explained: "This is a sample of 256m that Seagate has just developed. The information provided by Seagate shows that they can take out 512m new products at the end of the year. The electronics company has begun to design control chips based on the samples provided by Seagate, and it is expected that the finished products will be available in the second half of the year. Yahoo’s music store has also begun the internal testing phase. The one responsible for the electronics company, Victor McNealy, is sending one. The meeting memo said that the company can already consider the next stage of product launch and promotion."

Eric took a moment to put the micro hard drive back in the box and said: "This thing doesn't have to be too anxious, wait for them to come up with a stable product of 512m capacity, and then consider the next stage of things, um, I read these weekends. The information will be personally called to talk to Victor."

The player has a capacity of 512m, which is enough to hold ten albums. It can be regarded as completely separating the gap from the traditional player. The smaller the capacity, the less attractive it will be to consumers.

When Eric finished, he saw Caroline nod, and his big eyes stared at himself. He seemed to be waiting for what he told him. "Is there anything else?"

"No," Caroline shook her head.

Eric felt that Caroline’s small head was directly attached to the second head, and he smiled and said: “Then you can go, or, do you really want me to go to the movies with you at night?”

Eric’s voice fell, and Rachel and Melanie got up with a smile and pulled up Caroline’s face, and said goodbye and left the cafe.

"Mission Impossible 2" was also determined to be filmed in Australia, and Drew recently went to Australia to visit with Amy Pascal. After Oscar, Julia returned to the UK to continue filming "Shakespeare's Love Story", and Elizabeth followed the past. Nicole and Famick Jensen are also not in Los Angeles. After Caroline’s three people left, Eric snorted and found that he had to go alone over the weekend.

The pre-preparation of "Royal Casino" has been basically completed. According to the schedule, Eric will also need to leave Los Angeles next month. Before the movie is turned on, I will go through the main shooting venues that have already been confirmed. The shooting of 007 has always been needed all over the world. Running around, this time is no exception. The proposed countries include the United Kingdom, Italy, the Czech Republic and the Bahamas. Eric’s previous films, even Jurassic Park, are also very concentrated. Therefore, this one is very concentrated. The film is a challenge for Eric.

When I was busy in April and I was free again, I might have to wait until the end of the year, "Royal Casino" was finished.

Eric is considering how to spend the rest of the leisure weekend, and the phone on the table rang.

A few minutes later, Eric’s car stopped at the road outside the studio, and the door opened from the inside. Eric waved at the two tall girls standing on the street: “Get on the bus.”

Gisele Bundchen and Alexander Ambrosiu went into the car, and Alexander pulled the door slightly and looked at Giselle, who was leaning over and hugging Eric.

On the soft waist of Giselle, Eric released her and smiled at Alexander on the other side and asked, "How come you came to Los Angeles?"

In fact, Eric is more surprisingly how the two girls can let Kapoor contact him. He is not the kind of person who easily gives his contact information to others. Giselle and Alexander do not have his cell phone number.

But think about it, this thing should be driven by the brokerage companies behind the two girls. Most of the well-known models have a separate actor contract with a Hollywood brokerage firm. The relationship between the model agency and the actor brokerage firm is still very close. Kapoor estimates that it is just selling others.

“The company arranged for us two weeks of short-term actor training. Just in Santa Monica, we have been here for five days.” Giselle still pressed a few hoarse voices and whispered, with a little look in the expression again. Eric's excitement and little resentment.

When they came to Los Angeles, they thought they could easily see Eric, but found that he was so far away from them. They can see his name in countless newspapers and magazines. He can hear people talking about him everywhere. He can feel his influence everywhere in the city, but he really wants to see him, but he has no Get started. A few days ago, the two girls even sneaked into Malibu and looked at the sharp corner manor that countless people yearn for. At that time, I wanted to take the initiative to visit, but when I went outside the manor gate, I finally failed to courage. I was worried that it would be too awkward to make Eric resent.

Finally, the top managers of the two brokerage companies took the initiative to ask about this matter, which helped to arrange.

Eric felt the faint little emotion in Giselle's tone, smiled and said nothing. Although several girl characters in "Royal Casino" are just flashing past, he will not object to others taking this matter seriously.

Looking at the watch, Eric told the driver to go to Venice Beach and said to the two girls: "It is just dinner time, please eat. Well, maybe you can call Miranda, you can meet."

Eric didn't talk about Miranda Kerr. This insignificant arrangement, Giselle's brokerage company can't notice.

Seeing the two girls' doubts, Eric explained: "She is called Miranda Kerr and will come out with you when I see you."

Alexander couldn't help but be somewhat lost: "What about three people?"

They are not worried that a small lens will be distracted by another person. After all, this lens is more symbolic for them. Adding more people alone means that they will have one more competitor in the future.

According to the news from their brokerage firm, the five spokespersons of the Vimy Angels, after the completion of the five-year contract, the two supermodels of Cindy Crawford and Linda Ivangolin Sta will not Renewing the contract with Wei Mi, in addition to the age factor, the most important thing is that the two will focus on the reality show in their hands. At that time, Giselle, two of them can just one person to win a vacancy. A girl named Miranda Kerr emerged, and the two women could not help but feel a sense of crisis.

However, Eric’s next words made the two girls feel awkward.

"Not three, four."


This time, even Giselle was not calm, and some screamed in surprise.

Eric feels that it is still very interesting to tease these two beautiful stuns, so there is no detailed explanation.

When the car came to Venice Beach, Eric chose a private restaurant and told the driver to pick up Miranda Kerr.

Miranda Kerr was arranged to be boarded in a middle-level manager of the fireflies, who lived in Santa Monica and the girls had already been transferred to Santa Monica High School. After several rounds of auditions, he also got a resident role in a family sitcom on the Disney Channel, which was settled in Los Angeles.

Half an hour later, Eric was chatting with Giselle and Alexander, and Miranda came under the leadership of the waiters.

Seeing Eric, and the other two strange girls sitting next to him, Miranda almost instinctively vigilant, but quickly spoiled toward Eric.

"Don't make trouble, someone is here," Eric quickly got up, caught the girl's soft body, and sat down beside her.

Although I chose a card seat specially, it is not a box after all, and it is inevitable that it will be surrounded by people.

Miranda sat down in a good manner, blinked at the opposite side of the two girls who were also examining themselves, and soon turned to Eric, also with some small resentment, said: "You have ignored me for a month, I thought You forgot me."

"You know that I am very busy," Eric explained. He had to go through the menu and signal the girls to start ordering.

Waiting for the envious student in the gaze to walk away completely, the atmosphere in the deck is a bit strange.

"Hey, this is Gisele Bundchen and Alexander Ambrosio, they are from Brazil. This is Miranda Kerr, from Australia," Eric took the initiative to help the three girls introduce each other, thinking The supermodels that used to be at the beginning of the century are almost all together.

"Hello," Miranda sat next to Eric, just reaching out and posing to the other two women.

The Giselle, who had wanted to get up and shake hands with Miranda, sat back again and politely waved at her.

After a short chat, Miranda was keenly aware of the caution of Giselle in front of Eric, realizing that their relationship with Eric was certainly not as close to him as he was, and could not help but give birth to a faint sense of superiority. "So, do we all have to participate in that shot together?"

"No, it's four," Alexander, who was sitting opposite, met Miranda and didn't know about it. He added.

Miranda looked at Eric with a puzzled look.

Eric smiled and said: "Guess, who is the last one, very good guess." (To be continued.)

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