I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 785: Giselle's ambition

Chapter 784 Giselle's Ambition

Eric took a shower and went downstairs. Giselle and Alexander had already cooked the milk porridge. Perhaps the topic just discussed was too sensitive. The expressions of the two women who were eating supper were not open, and they always had a little bit of heart. I am looking forward to it, and I am embarrassed because I may have three people together.

Eric looked at the two girls who ate porridge like a cat, as if to delay something. Of course, he knows what they are thinking, jokingly said: "Let's eat more, maybe it will be very tired after waiting."

Giselle and Alexander were both blushing at the same time, but thought that Eric was impatient and accelerated the pace of eating.

After eating the nightingale, it was nearly twelve o'clock. Eric took two girls to a room on the second floor and opened the door, indicating that the two people behind him would enter.

Giselle and Alexander walked into the door and looked at the spacious bedroom.

About fifty square meters of room, the left side of the wall is a large bed, surrounded by some simple but exquisite furniture and electrical appliances, there is a door on the inner side, it should be the bathroom, but the south side of the bedroom is a full glass curtain wall, although the bedroom The light is very bright, but you can still see the faint starlight and the dark sea in the distance through the glass curtain wall.

The two girls were only the first time to come to the Pointe Manor. They subconsciously used this bedroom as the master bedroom and walked to the big bed. The two women turned around and looked at Eric with a cautious attitude.

Eric leaned against the door and looked at the two women for a while. This said: "There are spare toiletries in the bathroom, all new. You have to take a break before washing, it is very late."

When Alexander heard Eric say this, he suddenly felt awkward. Usually, the plot should not be played like this.

Giselle's reaction was similar to that of Alexander, but she quickly reacted, and after a brief relaxation, she picked it up again. She is very clear that if they want Eric's help and support, their body is the only bargaining chip they can afford. If Eric doesn't, then, what else can they get?

Giselle quickly gained courage, came over, raised his hand, but lowered it, whispering: "Eric, you, not here, sleep?"

Alexander also returned to God at this time, and also came over and said: "Eric, you can stay."

Eric smiled and reached out to pick up Alexander's face. The index finger was drawn to the girl's lips with pink lip gloss. I felt the girl's warm tongue sticking out and licking at my fingertips. : "Do not apply pink lip gloss in the future, this color is not suitable for you, it is difficult to see."

Alexander heard that the subconscious had to raise his hand to wipe off the lip gloss, but it was not appropriate to think of it. It would definitely smear the entire corner of the mouth, and he had to put down his hand.

"Okay, go to bed early," Eric said, and looked at Giselle again. He smiled and said: "You two are my morning and evening, you can't run, so you don't have to think about it, of course, too. do not let me down."

Eric had just closed the door, and Alexander immediately couldn’t wait to raise his hand and rubbed his lips toward the bathroom.

Giselle followed the bathroom and saw Alexander wearing a towel in his hand to wipe the corner of his lips, not to show the smile of gloating.

Alexander glanced at Giselle, but he couldn't help but just muttered and muttered: "I will not let the woman of Sandra help me to provide fashion advice anymore. God, Eric will definitely hate my lip gloss." I just said that."

Giselle walked to the washstand, opened the cabinet on the side, took out the new toothbrush and toothpaste, and smiled: "I think it looks good, huh, pink lip gloss, it looks like you are a little chick."

Alexander wiped the lip gloss and heard Giselle say so, understand what he said, "You, you have already seen it?"

Giselle did not answer, picked up the cup and took the water and started brushing his teeth.

Of course, she has already seen it. Alexander is one year younger than her. They are already green. They don’t dress up mature, but they wear pink lip gloss and tender, which is definitely very uncomfortable. However, she does not feel that she has any obligation to remind Alexander.

After the two girls had washed their minds, they walked out of the bathroom in bathrobes and came to the bed, only to realize another thing.

The two of them are going to sleep on the same bed tonight. Although this bed is very big, I don’t know why, I always feel weird.

At a glance, the two girls have one thought at the same time: Will Eric be deliberate?

After all, there are definitely a lot of rooms in such a big villa.

The time has passed by the early morning, and the two women’s sleepyness came at the same time. Although these thoughts came out, they did not think about it. Giselle went to turn off the lights. When he came back, he climbed into the bed and Alexander was lying. On the other side. Taking off the bathrobe, pulling a corner and covering it, lying on a soft bed, the original sleepiness has inexplicably dissipated a lot.

"Hey, you said, if that guy is here, what would she do?" Alexander on the other side suddenly asked.

Giselle knew that Alexander was talking about Miranda Kerr in the afternoon, facing his body and facing Alexander. He replied: "She will definitely slip into Eric's room."

This sentence is exported, there is a brief silence in the bedroom.

After a minute or two, Alexander spoke again, with some temptations in his tone: "So, dare you dare to go?"

In the dark, Giselle blinked and quickly said, "If you dare to go, I will dare."

“Or,” Alexander hesitated for a moment and said, “Would you like us?”

Giselle said: "You suggest, you go first."

Alexander moved his body and said: "I thought you were bolder than me."

Giselle did not fight for her at all, saying: "My courage is small."

Alexander snorted and sat up and said, "Then don't come."

Giselle simply ignored it, turned over and turned his back to Alexander.

Alexander bit his lip and quickly made up his mind to put on the bathrobe after getting out of bed, and did not turn on the light, groping out of the door with a soft voice.

Hearing the slight sound of the opening and closing of the door, Giselle comfortably lay back and relaxed, stretching his body with a sly smile.

Stupid, Eric knows that the girl named Miranda will do this at night and will not bring her back.

Giselle squinted and patiently looked forward to the next good show. I don't know how long it took, the door was gently pushed open, and Giselle immediately lifted his body and looked out of the bed. Alexander walked alone and alone.

When I walked to the bed and sat down, Alexander whispered: "I am too big here. I can't find Eric's room."

Giselle lay down on the bed in disappointment.

Oh, it really is a fool.


I fell asleep late, in a strange environment, and forgot to pull the curtains. When the sky was shining, Giselle and Alexander woke up together.

It was found that they were very close together, and Giselle’s hand was still on Alexander’s waist. Both girls were awkward and soon awake.

Dressed, washed and walked out of the room, the villa in the morning was very quiet, the sound of their high heels on the floor was very clear, which made the two girls take a light step at the same time, then Giselle simply took off the high boots Alexander also followed suit and carefully walked down the stairs, like two curious cats, walking around the villa with bare feet and feet in the living room, meeting room, gym, books. Room, restaurant, kitchen...

Finally, it was attracted by the outside scenery of the glass curtain wall in the hall. It was shrunk in the curtain wall and turned into two space-like chairs like crafts, enjoying the seascape like the real version of imax.

Los Angeles is still sunny, the blue sky is fascinating, the sun is just out of the horizon, the breeze in the breeze is like inlaid with countless golden accessories, and several seabirds gliding between the seas and seas are just right, let the whole The scenery is more life and vitality.

The space chair underneath is like a drop of water hanging on a stainless steel skeleton, which can be shaken like a swing.

Giselle's toes point to the ground, sway gently, and take a deep breath unconsciously. Suddenly, this may be the life that I yearn for.

Unfortunately, I am just a passer-by here.

"I decided, I will have such a house in the future, I can get up every day and sit at the window where I can see the sea and have breakfast..."

Alexander also looked forward to the same, and when he heard Giselle's words, he couldn't help but scream: "When you wake up, we can't afford such a house for a lifetime, and it is said that this villa is unique in the world, you It is impossible to buy money."

Giselle suddenly gave birth to an unyielding momentum, saying: "Even if you can't be exactly the same as here, it's almost the same, and even if you don't want such a house for a lifetime, why are you pulling me?"

"Who said that I don't want it?"

"You just said it yourself."

"I am just telling a fact."

"It hasn't happened yet, how do you know that this is the truth."

Alexander felt that Giselle was a bit aggressive and retreats: "I won't fight you for this."

Just saying this, the two girls suddenly came to Eric’s voice: “What are you talking about?”

Giselle and Alexander jumped from the space chair at the same time, and they were a little confused. However, they realized that they had just spoken in Portuguese, and Eric couldn’t understand it.

Eric looked at the feet of Giselle and Alexander Guangguang and smiled: "What about your shoes?"

"Oh, there," Alexander pointed to the stairs, subconsciously returned in Portuguese, and quickly changed English again.

Eric did not let the two girls put on the high boots, took them into the gym for morning exercises, and then made breakfast together.

At about eight o'clock, Eric was sitting at the round table where the curtain wall often worked. There was a laptop on the table, a few files, and a sketch board.

Giselle sent Eric to take today's newspaper. Alexander sat across Eric with curiosity. He talked casually and talked about the morning. Alexander didn't loyally tell Giselle's ambition to Eric. Gram.

Eric smiled and said, "Don't you want to?"

"Think, who wouldn't want to," Alexander yelled across the round table, holding his chin with one hand and said: "I just think that it should be very tired."

"I think that people should not live too easily, you should give yourself some pressure."

Alexander pouted her lips slightly. Today she didn't apply any lip gloss, her lips were natural, and her whole face looked sweeter.

"I just thought," Alexander thought for a while, some sly, with a smile, said: "I am a woman, how can I be so tired."

"Oh," Eric shook his head. He liked the woman who was motivated, but he didn't dislike the girls he liked. Maybe it was like Alexander said, they are women, or pretty women, the total tolerance in men here. Will be higher.

Giselle came back with a stack of newspapers, sat down next to Eric, just wanted to say something, look around, see two people thinking that they just cut off the conversation, and suddenly realized that they might be talking about themselves, The expression was a bit unnatural, and Giselle still had the courage to ask: "Eric, what have you been talking about?"

"You," Eric took the newspaper, opened it, and smiled casually: "The ambition girl from Brazil."

Giselle understood that Alexander must have told Eric his morning words, and glanced at Alexander, Giselle wanted to explain something, but did not know where to open.

Eric Yuguang met Giselle's expression and took the initiative to help her solve the problem. "In fact, I like girls who are motivated."

“Really?” Giselle embarrassedly asked one.

"Of course," Eric nodded, smiling at the corner of his mouth, and couldn't help but think of Giselle in the original time and space.

That is a miracle in the modeling world. There have been many times. On the annual Forbes supermodel income list, Giselle has set aside tens of millions of dollars in revenue to other supermodels with annual incomes of only one million. Think about it, in addition to supermodel's own job income, Giselle's other inputs are mainly from a series of keen investments in her business.

Eric likes miracles, and if the miracle is linked to a woman, it will be even more pleasing.

Thinking about it, Eric suddenly felt why he didn't build a miracle with his own hands, and he had a very good ‘template’.

Eric has never been a hesitant person. He thought about it and looked at Giselle. Eric said: "If you really want to, maybe, I can help you with this dream."

"Ah," Giselle had some surprises. For a moment, he asked: "That, me, what do I need to pay?"


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