I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 786: Do you know

“Very good, too many people like to get something for nothing. Few people can consciously understand the truth that they have to pay,” Eric nodded. “Normally, this type of transaction, often Need to sell the soul to the devil."

"Ah," Giselle opened his mouth and was a little scared.

"But I am not a demon, but I am not interested in your soul," Eric shrugged, but with a demonic smile, said: "So, as long as you have your meat, you can do it."

Giselleton fell silent.

Eric opened the newspaper in front of him and said, "Hey, you can think about it."

Giselle did not silence for too long, and soon asked: "Eric, I can ask, can I get anything specifically?"

Eric thought for a moment and said, "You probably will be the second Drew."

Under the support of Eric, with the holding of MGM shares, Drew has become one of the youngest billionaire women in the world.

A woman close to Eric has more or less the idea of ​​becoming a second Drew.

Giselle suddenly felt that if she was a small town girl from Brazil, she could reach the height of Drew in this life. Even if the soul...oh, the meat is sold to the devil, there is nothing wrong with it. Of course, she also knows that Eric's promise at this time is unlikely to appear in any written contract. Perhaps, there is no chance of success, but she has always been a girl of temperament, knowing that even this is the young man in front of her. Promise is not readily available to any woman.

After pondering for a moment, Giselle looked at the opposite man and said firmly in his tone: "Eric, I am willing."

Eric looked up again and was a little surprised by Giselle's decisiveness. He smiled: "Really considered?"


"So, let's talk about the next thing," Eric continued. "First, you need a public partner that will shape your future media image. Since you are my woman, this partner must not be a man." So, from today, you are a Ries."

Giselle heard the words, turned his head and turned to look at Alexander next to him.

Alexander had a look of lively expression, seeing Giselle suddenly looking at himself, shrinking his neck, and said: "Look, see what I do?"

Eric’s mouth was full of funny and funny smiles. “Good, you have already found your goal. I think Alexander is quite suitable, so let me see it.”

Giselle did not hesitate, reached out and grabbed Alexander, and leaned over and kissed him.

When the red lips meet, Alexander quickly rubbed his eyes and stunned for a while. When she woke up and wanted to push Gysel away, she was already pressed on the sofa by the other party, and she even reached into her clothes. in.

"Heaven, my God," was screamed in the heart of Alexander on the sofa: "The psychic media said it was true, just, why should I be bullied, oh, is this my fate?" ”

Eric appreciates the fascinating lily game between the two girls, puts down the newspaper, opens the e-mail address in the laptop, and sends an e-mail. Then start checking the work email today.

The box office on the first day of the "Hong Fan District" released yesterday has been released, and the relevant data mail has been sent to the Eric mailbox on time.

With the release of nearly 2,000 screens, the "Hong Fan District" first day box office harvested 3.6 million US dollars, which is almost the best first-day results of Hong Kong films in recent years, even more than 90% can land in the North American theater The Hong Kong film, the total box office in North America does not necessarily have $ 3.6 million, which also shows that Jack's humor is still very popular in North America.

At the same time, the weeks before Easter is the period of the North American film market. The film at the end of the year has entered the final stage. The film company is very optimistic about the new film will not choose this time to release. Therefore, "Hong Fan District" with a single-day box office of 3.6 million US dollars, also easily won the box office champion on Friday.

According to the general three-day box office curve on weekends, the box office on Saturday will be higher than Friday, and the box office on Sunday will be the same as on Friday. Then, the "three-day box office" of "Hong Fan District" is expected to be around $11 million. If the box office curve of "Hong Fan District" can really follow this trend this day and tomorrow, the box office in the first week can even harvest 16 million US dollars. This data far exceeds the expectations of the new line issuing department.

Eric remembers the original time and space, "Red Fan District" in North America's total box office is more than 30 million US dollars, but now, with a larger scale of marketing and screening scale, this data will definitely exceed the original version.

If "Red Zone" can get out of the box office curve of Hollywood's normal commercial film, the total box office may even rush to about 50 million US dollars. Eric also did not expect the film to go out of a box office long-term, Hong Kong film audience in North America is limited, after the first week of box office, the "Hong Fan District" next week's decline is likely to reach 50%.

Of course, if the total box office can reach 50 million US dollars, this has created the miracle of the Hong Kong box office in recent years.

"Hong Fan District" is just a new line to pre-heat Jack's reputation, laying the foundation for popularity at the end of the "Rush Hour". The company's most valued, has been carried out for more than two months of intensive publicity of the "seven sins", this film is scheduled to be released next week, April 5th.

Eric found another film list next week. "Seven Deadly Sins" was hung on the top of the form with a scale of 2,500 screens. I glanced down at random and Eric intended to turn off the mail. The interface, but a flash of light, was attracted by the name of a film.

The film is called "P-day mal-fear", translated into Chinese, called "level one fear."

The former "First-Level Fear" is the famous work of Edward Norton. This film tells the story of a pair of emotionally entangled male and female lawyers in a courtroom against a suspected schizophrenic patient suspected of murder. Richard Keel’s lawyer, Martin, finally proved that Edward Norton’s Allen had schizophrenia and didn’t need to be responsible for the murder. But the film ended with a shocking turn. It turned out that everything was just a field. scam.

As a crime thriller, the storyline of "First-Level Fear" is a bit long and procrastinating. Edward Norton's amazing acting can be said to be the only two points in the film. He himself has won countless counts with this film. Nominations for the awards quickly became popular in Hollywood.

Recalling this information, Eric opened the imdb website and found the page of "First Fear" and found that Edward Norton was not fanned away by the butterfly wings, still successfully got the role of Allen.

Only one week before the film was released, several film reviews from professional film critics appeared on the movie page.

Eric opened a comment on the author's column with Stephen Garry, a resident film critic of the Seattle Times. After reading a few paragraphs, Eric's brows were slightly wrinkled.

"...We have been invited to watch two outstanding crime thrillers in a week. The fear and shock left by Seven Deadly Sins has not dissipated. The newcomer named Edward Norton in "First Fear" The actor once again gave me a creepy feeling of trepidation. In the two films, the already famous Kevin Spacey and Edward Norton, who also came from Broadway, gave us two positions. A similar villain. Kevin Spacey succeeded in interpreting an indifferent and crazy change to a murderous mania, a short playing time, and this character left me with no less impression than in the Silent Lamb. Anthony Hopkins. However, as a newcomer to Hollywood, Edward Norton’s performance is significantly better than that of Kevin Spacey. The chameleon-like character’s ability to control will be pure. The next violent and fierce soul of Shan Shan’s appearance, exposed to the audience through the movie screen, can not help but produce a creepy feeling of trepidation. ...... "

Although the authors of this film review have been praised for both films, Eric has seen obvious appreciativeness.

The film review did not make a detailed comparison of the plots, characters, expression techniques and other factors of the two films, but just grasped the wonderful performance of Edward Norton in "First Fear" and put him and Kevin Spacey. The performance is contrasted and clearly shows that Kevin Spacey is not as good as Edward Norton. If the general audience sees this film review, it will definitely be more curious about "Level One Fear" and choose to watch the movie. I will be more inclined to the latter.

Aside from this article, if a single round of acting, Eric knows very well that Edward Norton is definitely not as good as Kevin Spacey.

In the original time and space, Edward Norton’s road was actually very narrow. He only excelled in the schizophrenic role with great appearance and inner contrast. Therefore, the films such as “First Fear”, “American X-Files” and “Beat Club” were only So deep into the hearts of the people, but in addition, Edward Norton’s performances in other films, you can’t say that he is not good, but it’s hard to see where there is any color, and even some characters can make people’s inexplicable play. sense.

Kevin Spacey is different. He can be a cold and crazy madman in "Seven Deadly Sins". It can be a sensitive and singular single father in "True Express", which can be mature and sophisticated in "House of Cards". A politician can be a harsh villain boss in "The Boss of the Evil". It can be the husband of the middle-aged crisis in "American Beauty". It can be a cool and wise negotiator in "Ace vs. Ace"...

It should be said that Kevin Spacey can interpret a thousand Kevin Spacey in a thousand films, and Edward Norton, who has a very expressive style, can only be Edward Norton.

After sweeping this review again, Eric turned off the page.

Maybe, just think about it yourself.

I was about to open the newspaper and open up the recent movie commentary. There was no similar news, and Gysel and Alexander, who had been entangled for a while, sat up together.

Alexander sorted out the messy clothes, and looked at Eric with some resentment. "Eric, I didn't promise you anything."

Eric opened a newspaper on the table and quickly browsed the relevant information. He smiled and replied: "It is fake anyway, just do it."

"But, Giselle is not at all like... just doing what it looks like."

Eric looked up and looked at Alexander and said, "The fake show is really good, I like it."


Alexander wanted to rebel against it, but he did not have the courage to brave.

She suddenly remembered a famous rumor in the circle. When the first Wei Mi show was held, a Wei Mi Angel named Heidi Klum was interviewed by Eric. New Zealand in the southern hemisphere. Exile, this kind of thing can usually happen only a few hundred years ago. I heard that the Heidi Klum career had no more improvement, and it could only be mixed between the second and third lines. Although the punishment was over, there were no big names willing to cooperate with her.

In my heart, I secretly groaned a few people's arrogance and overbearing. Alexander looked at Giselle, who had just bullied himself. His eyes turned and he said to Eric, who was browsing the newspaper quickly: "Eric, are you? Not afraid of Giselle’s remorse in the future?”

Eric looked up and looked at Giselle: "Will you?"

Giselle shook his head quickly, reached over and slammed on Alexander's waist.

Alexander didn't dare to yell out, just reaching out and trying to fight back, but Giselle caught the little hand that stretched out and stunned.

Eric Yuguang saw the movements of the two girls and smiled.

The entanglement between people, the longer and deeper the time, especially men and women, when, when can be a remorse can get rid of.

After sweeping through the newspapers today, Eric found out several reviews that involved "First Fear" and "Seven Deadly Sins", many of which, like the one just mentioned, suggest Edward Norton's The acting surpassed Kevin Spacey's article.

The joint propaganda in the film distribution process is a common thing. The two films provoke each other's topics and stir up the heat of the film together. Under normal circumstances, they can play a very good synergy and create a win-win situation.

However, although the production cost of the two films is about 30 million US dollars, before this, regardless of the topic heat or propaganda, "first-level fear" is much weaker than the "seven sins", it is obvious that The production of "Fear" Paramount himself did not expect too much for this movie, otherwise it would not only arrange more than 1,900 premiere canvases for the film, or even "Red Fan District". In addition to the performances of Edward Norton, there is really nothing in the film.

The "first-level fear" and "seven sins" are involved in high-profile popularity, which should be the last resort that Paramount can come up with.

Eric thought for a moment and recorded the matter on the memo in the laptop, and did nothing else.

The film release is completely responsible for the team of the new line. If Paramount is only slightly climbing, hello, I am good, everyone is good. If it is too much, the new line will naturally respond. Eric is not the kind of thing. The boss, if everything goes, he personally intervenes, and spends money to raise what a bunch of distribution teams do.

The two girls looked like a cat, and Giselle looked at Eric’s desktop with documents and documents, and he wisely ran to coffee.

After reviewing today's work email, Eric just heard the tone of accepting the new email. This is the response he just received from the email. When he opened it, Eric looked up and walked back to the coffee pot. Giselle, said: "So, continue to talk about your business now." (To be continued.)

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