I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 808: Just don't sell

At noon, North American reviews of the Titanic came to Venice.

Compared with Europe, Eric and Firefly executives are more interested in the North American media's evaluation of the film. After all, "Titanic" is often the first in the North American market than the overseas market, its box office performance in the North American market, It also affects overseas markets to a large extent.

However, the media commentary on Titanic in North America is also not optimistic.

Although there are many newspapers such as "USA Today", "New York Times", "Hollywood Reporter" and so on, the "New York Times" even praised the film as "a masterpiece of "Gone with the Wind". But the same, "Los Angeles Times", "Washington Post" and other newspapers also unabashedly criticized the film as a mediocrity of the mediocrity of the story, "Los Angeles Times" even openly questioned whether the film is really worth $215 million.

Eric only remembers the infinite scenery after the release of the previous "Titanic". For the film before the release, it was only at the stage of Cameron's bumpy production. It was the result of media reports. As for the Titan. Eric did not understand the word of mouth before the release of Nick.

Therefore, at this time, watching the film in Europe and North America at the same time the emergence of a polarized reputation, he can not help but pick up.

There are many movies with a lot of word-of-mouth in Eric's memory. This type of film often has a common feature, that is, fan-type movies adapted from original works such as novels and comics, and the box office of similar films basically has Under the strong propaganda of the film company, the previous box office was high but the stamina was seriously insufficient.

"Titanic" is definitely not a fan-type movie anyway, so the prospects are even more difficult to predict under the current polarization.

After all, fan-type movies can also rely on the popularity of the original, to harvest a large box office a few weeks before the opening of the painting, even if the stamina is not enough, the total box office is often not too bad. However, "Titanic" has no such advantage. It is impossible to get a high-selling box-like movie in the weeks before the release. Once the word-of-mouth is still polarized, the cumulative box office is absolutely necessary. More bleak than fan-type movies.

On the second day, Peter Ritchie sent the questionnaires of dozens of ordinary moviegoers to the Eric in front of the film screening. Most of the respondents gave positive comments on Titanic. However, there are also a small number of viewers complaining that the film is too long and the previous stage is slightly bloated.

July 29, afternoon.

Eric will fly to London at 7 o'clock in the evening, which is the last meeting of the "Titanic" crew.

The film is determined to be released on December 20th in the Christmas season. The publicity has already announced this date and there is no possibility of another change. At this time, Eric, Kasenberg, James Cameron and several other mid-level managers accompanying the Firefly Group sat in the living room of the Eric Suite in the Lido Island Hotel.

"The situation is really not very good now. However, I hope that you will follow the established strategy and focus on the promotion for young audiences." With this in mind, Eric looked at Kasenberg and several others. Executives, remembering some details of the original time and space, added: "There is another point, no matter how the outside world evaluates the Titanic, but I don't want the fireflies to have their own voices inside, if I find out which one If the executives are arbitrarily expressing anything to the media, then he will wait to pack things and leave. When my words are over, what opinions do you have?"

"Mr. Williams, this is the case," said the publishing department, a high-level pipeline: "I received a call from an executive at Tobu International in Japan yesterday. They hope to buy out the Japanese distribution rights of Titanic in advance. Including theater distribution and video tapes, DVDs and other peripherals."

Eric raised his eyebrows slightly. The executive thought that Eric didn’t know Dongbao International and said: “Dongbao International is one of the major publishers in Japan.”

"I know this," Eric nodded. Even though he was a bit embarrassed now, there was absolutely no intention to sell the distribution rights in advance like the previous Fox. However, Eric asked curiously: "How much do they offer?" ?"

“3 billion yen,” the executive looked down at the memo and said, “It’s about $25 million.”

When Kasenberger heard the other party's offer, he began to make quick calculations. Because of the Terminator series, Cameron has a very high popularity in Japan. It is estimated that this is also the reason why Dongbao International is watching the Titanic in advance. In addition, the Titanic’s ultra-high budget and the current polarization of the winds are also the main reasons for the Japanese to take the shot. The other party obviously wants to gamble and decide that the firefly is likely to accept the bet. approximately'.

The $25 million is definitely a preliminary offer, and the psychological price of the Japanese should be around $30 million. Because it is to buy out the full distribution rights of Japan, then, according to the expected price of 30 million, the Japanese expectation of the local box office should be about 60 million US dollars. Only in this way can we guarantee the full recovery of costs and profitability in the later period.

The $60 million Japanese box office, although not able to reach the height of the original Jurassic Park of $120 million, definitely exceeds the average box office value of Hollywood's big production movies in Japan.

Moreover, for Hollywood distribution companies, according to the 35% overseas share ratio, they want to withdraw 30 million US dollars at the box office in Japan, but they need about 100 million US dollars at the box office in Japan. Of course, this is not counted in the Japanese videotape, etc. Revenue, but the peripheral copyright operation cycle of the overseas market is even longer than that of the US. If the time cost is calculated, it is very cost-effective to sell all Japanese distribution rights at one time.

Quickly clear the line of thought, Kasenberg said: "Eric, I think, maybe we can think about it, we should eventually be able to talk about $30 million."

"No," Eric shook his head after a brief silence. "No, everyone, if there is other contact, if you want to buy out the distribution rights of Titanic, you will refuse."

Seeing everyone's confused face, Eric spread his hand and said with a bachelor: "That's it, maybe you want to explain, but I don't know how to explain it, just don't sell it. Now that it has reached this point, Regardless of winning or losing, everyone is going to be a big fight."

Several other executives were a little worried. Cameron’s expression was a little excited. Kasenberger shook his head with a smile. It’s rare to see Eric’s childish side, but still young. what.

However, indeed, since it has reached the point where it is now, it is impossible to rely on the early sale of distribution rights to recover costs. Instead, it will only attract some guys who are looting and smashing, and the media's further decline in this behavior.

Then, no matter what the outcome is, it will be a vigorous one.

Anyway, the Firefly Group is also able to bear this kind of failure. This failure can also be a plan to reform the company's slightly aggressive production strategy. At that time, Eric will not object again.

After the afternoon meeting, Eric flies to London and Kasenberg returns to Paris. Cameron will return to Los Angeles with the Titanic crew and the firefly distribution staff tomorrow to begin preparations for the Titanic. Formal publicity work.

In the evening, it took off in Venice at seven o'clock in the evening. Two hours later, the private business plane landed at London Heathrow Airport. Eric took the last batch of followers and got off the plane. The first feeling was cold.

Venice is still warm at this time, but in London at the end of August and early September, the temperature has dropped to about 10 degrees in the evening. The producer of the 007 series, Barbara Brockley, and the brothers and sisters of Michael Wilson came to pick up the plane, everyone chilled. A few words, they drove together to the pine forest studio not far from Heathrow Airport.

Speaking of the 007 series, in addition to building the Brockley family of this legendary movie series, you have to mention the pine forest studio in the northwestern part of London, England.

Since the first "Dr. Novo" in 1963, most of the sequel of the 007 sequel has been filmed at the Songlin Studio. The 007 series also became the main income support of the Songlin studio, which can still be preserved until the rise of the TV industry and the decline of European films. Because of the great significance of the 007 series to the studio, in addition to the iconic 007 special studio, the Songlin studio has many buildings named after the 007 element. Several main roads in the park are basically contracted by the 007 series. They are called 'Brockley Avenue', '007 Avenue' and 'Golden Finger Avenue'.

In the evening, I settled in the small town near the east of Songlin Studio. The next morning, Brockley’s brother and sister took Eric to the studio. There is no shooting plan today. Eric is mainly familiar with it. Look at the shooting venue for the next two months.

Walked with Eric in the 30-hectare park and checked several sets arranged for the Royal Casino. Barbara Brockley said: "The next two months, London The temperature will get colder and colder, so we arranged Bond and Wesper's underwater scenes for three days. Eric, let's go over the water tank."

The pine forest studio has the largest underwater photography facility in Europe, which can hold 1200 tons of water as a whole, which was originally built for the 007 series.

Eric retained the underwater screenings of the original Bond and Wisper in Venice after the collapse of the building. However, this scene must not be filmed in Venice, but moved to the water in the pine forest studio. Under the photography base.

Eric nodded and came to a studio with the brothers and sisters of Brockley.

At first glance, the studio is like a huge indoor swimming pool, but it is not. If you simply build an indoor pool, you can do it at any studio in the world. The biggest advantage of the underwater photography base of the pine forest studio is that it has a complete set of underwater shooting equipment and solutions.

Anyone who has done a movie knows that whether it is underwater or underwater shooting, as long as it is stained with water, the difficulty of shooting will increase greatly, just like Cameron’s Abyss and Kevin Costner’s Future Water. The World, as well as the Titanic, which has just been produced, is very expensive. One of the reasons is because it involves water-related shooting.

Although the crew is still resting today, there are still several "Royal Casino" staff inside the underwater studio busy, and Eric also saw his royal photographer, Nicole Frank, wearing a wetsuit and drenched. Standing next to the pool and discussing with another person wearing the wetsuit.

Seeing Eric and Brockley’s brothers and sisters appearing, everyone greeted them. Nickel came over with another person. After saying hello, he said: “Eric, this is David Rees, Songlin. Underwater photographer at the studio."

"Hello, Mr. Rees, I may be bothering you in the next few days." Eric smiled and reached out and shook hands. Nickel, after years of experience, is already one of Hollywood's top photographers. However, it has not been involved in underwater shooting. Therefore, this shooting is largely dependent on the assistance of professional underwater photographers in the pine forest studio.

David Rees and Eric held their hands and smiled and said: "Mr. Williams, it is my pleasure to work with you."

Eric walked to the pool and reached out to try the water temperature. He said: "Now the temperature is relatively low. What is the temperature here?"

"About 20 degrees, it is equivalent to room temperature," David Rees actively explained: "However, during the shooting, we can turn on the warm water circulation system to control the water temperature to a more suitable temperature."

Picking up his eyes and looking at the bottom of the water, Eric did not see the bottom of the tank, and asked: "What is the depth of water?"

"This is the deep water area, the water depth is six meters," David Rees said: "Because the iron cage is more than two meters, in order to avoid wearing, so the Royal Casino's underwater scenery is mainly in this part of the area. ”

The two talked a few words, Nickel said: "Eric, we have already made the underwater set, do you want to go down and see?"

Eric nodded, and David Rees took the initiative to take Eric to the locker room. After changing into the wetsuit, Nickel and David Rees explained to him again. Launched into the water.

A piece of coldness came around, and Eric’s physical fitness was good, so he slowly adapted after a while.

Although looking deep into the water, but diving into the water, plus a little light, you can almost see the surrounding scene.

The surrounding scenery is set according to the wreckage of the collapsed building in Venice. It comes to the scenic area, surrounded by very realistic broken walls, just like a building has just sunk into the water.

Nickel and David Rees took Eric around the water for a few minutes, then sneaked out of the water and discussed some details. Eric was about to let David Switzerland take the underwater camera to test the water. Under the shooting effect, his assistant Peter Ritch came from afar and gestured to Eric with his mobile phone.

"Everyone waits, I might have to take a call," Eric said, following the pool ladder, except for the pool, taking a large towel handed over by a staff member and simply rubbing the water stain on his body. · Rich walked.

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