I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 809: Music copyright

The phone was personally called by Kelly in Los Angeles. It was originally about MP3 players. Firefly Electronics' R&D center in San Francisco finally came up with the finished MP3 player with micro hard disk technology as the storage medium.

Eric and Kelly talked for a while, and finally said: "So, let people send samples to London. Let me have a look. The specific sales and promotion plan will allow the electronics company and Yahoo to come up with a suitable solution. ""


"What about music copyright?" Eric hesitated, saying: "Sony albums will not be easily authorized. In addition to the music resources of the group itself, we can focus on talking to Warner Music and Universal Music, you let Yahoo! Work first, wait for me to return to Los Angeles in November and see what happens."


"Oh, Caroline, since she just has to go back to London for a vacation, let her come with a sample... well, then, goodbye."

Hanging up the phone, Eric stood in the same place thinking about it.

Want to promote MP3 players, the most important thing is to solve the problem of music copyright resources, Sony originally promoted its Walkman, and spent huge sums of money to buy Columbia Records and other large and small music companies, merged into the present Sony record.

After the team of JIVE Records was dug up the Firefly record, Firefly Records also launched a group of very popular young pop singers such as Backstreet Boys in the past two years, and owned the original soundtrack distribution rights of all the films of the Firefly Group. However, the overall strength of Firefly Records is quite different from that of old-fashioned music giants such as Sony Records and Warner Music, especially the music copyright library, compared to the old record giants who have millions of songs copyrighted, fireflies. The music resources of the album are only tens of thousands of songs. It is simply not worth mentioning, and it is impossible to support the Yahoo Music Store program.

Eric does not bundle the MP3 player with the Yahoo Music Store. The two products belong to Firefly Electronics and Yahoo! Networks, respectively. In order to make the Yahoo! Online Store a monopolistic online music sales platform, Firefly Electronics does not have The MP3 player's patents are firmly in control of their own plans. At this time, Nokia has obtained all the technical licenses, and has set up a Nokia music mobile phone R & D department. Later, MP3 players will also be authorized to give more. Firefly stakeholders.

Eric’s plan is that all future companies that have patented MP3 players can only buy music records from Yahoo Music Store. MP3 players are only a transitional product with a short cycle, but Yahoo Music Store can last. After the operation, once users are accustomed to buying music in this store, even if electronic hardware products are rapidly updated, Yahoo Music Store can still maintain a strong industry position and bring long-term profits.

After a short day of training, I was familiar with the shooting environment of the Songlin studio, and the crew started running again the next day.

Most of the scenes have been filmed in the Bahamas, the Czech Republic and Italy. The last two months of shooting were basically done inside the pine forest studio.

Songlin Studio is also the earliest photography base for digital transformation in Europe. At the same time, the film also began preliminary work in the Songlin studio.

London is always hard to meet a sunny weather, with fine rain outside the window. Caroline Wilson returned to London yesterday evening and drove to the Pinewood Studios early in the morning.

The Wilson family estate is located on the banks of the Tam River in the western suburbs of London, only 10 kilometers from the pine forest studio. Caroline is slow to drive, but it takes less than 20 minutes.

The royal blue mini-sedans car left the high-speed turn into Songlin Road, all the way to the north, and soon came outside the Songlin studio, parked the car in the parking lot, Caroline picked up a small from the co-pilot The password suitcase, closed the door, propped up the umbrella, hesitated, carefully bent down to arrange the fluffy blond hair, and then walked toward the park.

Because it is not far from her home, Caroline has been to Songlin Studios more than once. She knows the layout of the park. The iconic 007 studio of Songlin Studio is in the northern part of the park. It is also a studio. The biggest studio in the room, however, when she called last night, she knew that today's shooting was not in the 007 studio, but the underwater photography base.

I found the studio where the underwater photography base was located, and the security guards at the entrance of the studio saw a little blond girl walking over a suitcase. Her heart was curious, but it was difficult to give any vigilance. Proactively went forward and asked: "This... Miss, who are you looking for?"

"Sir, my name is Carolyn Wilson, I have made an appointment," Caroline put away her umbrella and politely said to the security guard.

The security is a middle-aged uncle who is slightly blessed in his forties. Perhaps he has rarely heard the respect of 'Mr.' from other populations, plus the kind of aristocratic lady who is clearly exuded by Caroline. Involuntarily added a little more respect, smiled and nodded: "Miss, wait a moment, I will ask."

A moment later, Peter Ritchie came out of the studio and said, "Carolyn, I am so happy to see you again, come with me."

Caroline squatted with Peter Ritchie in a small box and asked, "Ai... is Mr. Williams inside?"

Everyone in the Eric assistant's office knows Caroline's feelings for Eric. Peter Ritchie listened to Caroline's deliberate conversion, smiled and nodded. "Of course, everyone is very busy, you May have to wait until noon, in fact, you could have come at noon."

"I, I don't have anything to do at home, it's better to come in advance," Caroline explained with a reddish smile, carefully licking Peter Ritchie, and worried that Peter Ritchie would ridicule himself.

Of course, Peter Ritchie would not do this, and turned to the topic at random, taking Caroline all the way to the shooting scene in the shed.

Around the central pool, about forty or fifty people are busy around, and there are several large green curtains on the side of the pool. Some people are still working in the water. The scene is not too noisy, except for occasional sounds when some props are moved. And the execution of the director’s shouting with a megaphone, everything seems to be in order.

Coming to an open space on the periphery, Peter Ritch pointed his finger around and said: "We can only wait here,"

There are a few simple seats, a few large towels, a long coffee table on the long table, it should be a rest area, two middle-aged men are wrapped in a large towel, holding Hot coffee while drinking and talking, noticed that Peter Ritchie came with a petite girl, could not help but look at Caroline, and then nodded slightly.

Caroline politely returned a look, his eyes sweeping around the field, but did not see Eric's figure, can not help but look at Peter Ritchie.

Peter Ritch smiled and pointed to the water.

Caroling understood what he had just turned around, and the center of the pool rang a few bangs, and five or six people floated out of the water at the same time.

Although Eric wore a wetsuit, Caroline noticed his figure at a glance. She subconsciously raised her left hand but did not lift it because Eric did not look at it but to the pool. The staff said something, waiting for some people on the shore to jump into the water and pull a few people who came to the surface.

Peter Ritchie brought a cup of coffee and invited Caroline to sit down and hand over the coffee. He said: "Today's shooting is only an hour. It is estimated that it will be until 12 noon, Caroline, if you are bored. Maybe you can go to the park and there is a movie theater on the Golden Finger Avenue."

Caroline put the carry-on suitcase on her lap and took the coffee that Peter Ritchie handed over. He said thank you, "It doesn't matter, I will wait here."

Peter Ritchie nodded and looked at the small box on Caroline's knee and asked, "Do you need me to help me collect it?"

Caroline shook her head: "No, thank you."

Peter Ritchie knew what was in the box, and he was not reluctant. When he saw Caroline’s eyes, he looked at the shooting site and took the initiative to introduce: “The scene here has been filmed for three days, and today it is probably over, underwater. It’s hard to control the drama. In the past few days, Mr. Williams has been personally going on. The day before yesterday, he shot an iron cage that fell into the water and almost hurt people.

Carolyn felt a little heart and asked, "Everyone, is it all right?"

"Of course it's okay, there are lifeguards one-on-one at any time under the water. However, the weather is a bit cold now, and there are several people in the crew who have caught a cold." Here, Peter Ritchie smiled and said: "Several Fortunately, in order to avoid the spread of colds, they have been taken off for a few days. In the morning, I heard that it was slipping to London when it was not bright."

"Oh," Caroline grinned.

"What about you," Peter Ritchie asked. "How long is this vacation, a month?"

"Half a month," Caroline said: "I am going back to Los Angeles on the 20th, rest for too long, and a lot of work may be going to fall."

Since the release of "The Matrix", many people in the Firefly system feel that the staff of the Eric Assistant Office are very similar to the Smithers in "The Matrix", they will not directly participate in any business activities of the company within the Firefly System. However, they will collect any major operational information of these companies and submit corresponding professional assessments to Eric, so they can be said that Eric can control the eyes of the firefly economic empire.

After several years of exploration, Eric's assistant office has formed a very fixed and effective working mode, although in many people's eyes, the presence of this department is very weak, but with the rapid expansion of the firefly economic empire Everyone in the office is actually very busy every day. It is easier for Peter Ritchie to follow the assistants around Eric.

When Peter Ritchie saw Caroline, he couldn't help but look at the pool and smiled and said: "Mr. Williams talked to me. Next year, I might go to FFM TV."

FFM TV is a premium cable TV project between Firefly, MGM and Fox in the next few years. From the public information, Caroline can understand Eric's attention to this TV station and hear Peter. Ricky said that Carolyn certainly knew that the other person was going to be promoted and said: "Congratulations, Peter."

Because he has been with Eric for the past six months, Peter Rickie is more aware of Erik's expectations for FFM and he is going to mid-level management on FFM TV. Of course, it is a very high and promising career. Starting point, however, he smiled and said: "Carolyn, I am not saying this, I mean, I will transfer next year, Mr. Williams may be following a new assistant, you know, Haines It’s impossible for a woman to be with Williams for a long time. Maybe you can fight for it."

Caroline’s face was red, and Nene said: “This, I, this definitely needs Ai... Mr. Williams decides for himself.”

Caroline's warm and courteous and kind and pure personality almost made all the employees in the assistant's office care for her as much as her little sister. Coupled with the girl's British aristocratic lineage, everyone feels that if anyone is worthy of her, perhaps only their own boss.

In the middle of the year of Eric, Peter Ritchie also roughly understood the character of Eric. Although his boss is a fan, he is a man who is very considerate of the feelings of women around him. That is to say, if Caroline can follow him, Peter Ritchie is sure that with the boss's personality, there will definitely be a lot of convergence in the future, maybe slowly, Caroline becomes a true boss. indefinite.

However, looking at Carolyn's sly red face, Peter Ritchie just smiled, but did not say anything. After all, I have a good impression on this girl next to me. He will never reveal the things that he is trying to figure out the character of the boss. This is a hidden rule that everyone in the workplace is doing but there is absolutely no one to actively promote it. No boss will like it. Employees ponder over themselves all day, saying that they are broken, and the work may be lost.

In the shooting area in the pool, Eric noticed the girl shortly after Caroline arrived, but he did not have time to greet Caroline.

Bond and Wisper’s underwater screenings are now on the fourth day, and the thrilling scenes of the iron cage with Wisper falling to the bottom have been filmed, leaving only the last few plays, but these are the few games. The essay is one of the most important moments in the film.

Wisper died, Bond completed the transformation, once again turned into a cold top agent 007, began the road to revenge.

Along with the sound of the sound of the water, a group of people once again emerged from the bottom of the water.

Eric took off the goggles and respirator. This time, it didn't make people pull them ashore. They just told the photographer to go to the underwater camera for film, and then Pierce, who had already been quickly put on two lifebuoys nearby. Bruce South and Cate Blanchett waved and waved, waiting for them to come over and say, "Pierce, then we have another effect: Bond is not sure why Wisper suddenly betrayed himself, so, you are next What is to be expressed is a pure and calm way. I want to save Visper first and ask for the expression."

Pierce Brosnan thought for a moment and tried to say, "That is, don't need to make too many expressions?"

He can feel that Eric has not had much expectations for him, so he will ask for such a relatively simple request.

Just the lens, Weisper sinks into the water with the iron cage, see Bond sneak into the water to save himself, but the sadness is not in the room but there is a death to die. She was a reluctant and paranoid woman. She knew that she had messed up everything. Not only did she not save her sister, but she also lost the $150 million. She even lived up to the man who loved her, so she only wanted to die. Bond couldn't understand Wisper's determination to die. He didn't understand the ins and outs of the matter for the time being. He wanted to break the cage and angered with anger. He just wanted to rescue the woman and figure it out. Unfortunately, Visper does not cooperate with himself.

Kate was the successor of Mei Long in the original time and space. Even the first underwater shooting was still perfect to achieve the performance that Eric needed. But when it comes to Pierce Brosnan, the shot has been shot seven times in a row, and the results are not satisfactory.

Eric heard the words of Pierce Brosnan and nodded helplessly. The handsome British male star did not show his talent for facial emotions through facial expressions, let alone the bottom of the water. He tried so many times and only got it. Give up and take the initiative to lower the requirements.

The two discussed, next to Kate floating on the water, holding a few cups of hot coffee handed over by the staff, looked at the two of them, carefully interjected: "Eric, I can talk about my own Thinking?"

Eric smiled and nodded, "Of course."

He did not notice the emotional difference between talking to Pierce and Kate. However, this should be in line with the teacher's attitude towards superiors and poor students.

Kate handed the coffee cup back to the staff next to him, saying: "I think Pierce can stare at me when he shoots, like, like that."

Said, Kate brewed, condensed the expression on his face, lips slightly stunned, eyes firmly looking at Eric, perhaps an instant into the play, Kate also reached out to the lifebuoy in front of Eric, it seems To force a cage door that does not exist.

For a moment, Eric felt that if he didn't let go of the lifebuoy in front of him, Kate seemed to be tearing himself apart. He quickly let go, and Kate did not hesitate to pull the lifebuoy in front of him.

Although Kate did not show too many micro-expressions, this simple but firm look made Eric realize some kind of eager, desperate and fearful emotions: women, give me out, don't let you die!

Amount, string words.

Aside from the sudden thoughts of sudden birth, Eric immediately excitedly said to Pierce Brosnan: "Pierce, have you seen it, just like this!"

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