I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 810: ARM

The labor protection laws in the United Kingdom are much more stringent than those in North America. The crew may be slightly in violation of the work schedule and may be investigated by the trade unions. At 12 o'clock in the afternoon, the crew stopped working on time.

Eric told Peter Ritchie to prepare two lunches and then walked with Caroline to the exclusive office of the 007 crew.

With Caroline holding the small box, Eric looked at the girl next to him and asked, "I saw you coming so early in the morning, isn't your home near here?"

Caroline felt that she was uncomfortable with Eric next to her, but she was too embarrassed to come back from the box. From time to time, she raised her face and looked at Eric next to her face. She nodded and said, "Yes, it’s in Thailand. By the river."

Carolyn is obviously used to this positioning description of her home. Eric doesn't know where the Tam River is, but it should be close to it. He didn't ask much. He said, "Is your mom and dad still okay? ?"

"Good, but Dad is still so busy, just like... Like you, my brothers are very busy, and there are often only mothers at home."

Eric smiled and said: "In this case, you can spend more time with your mother."

Caroline nodded and nodded: "I will."

The two soon came to the temporary office, Caroline opened the small box with the password, and placed three rectangular boxes neatly.

Eric disassembled the box and saw an MP3 player slightly larger than the old-fashioned lighter, a beautiful sky-blue painted shell, a ring-shaped wheel interface, and a pure white display. In addition to the player, accessories such as headphones, chargers and data cables are included in the box.

Seeing Eric proficiently booting up and turning on the computer on the desktop, Caroline whispered aside: "This is the latest product from the R&D center, using 512M micro hard disk and rechargeable lithium battery. The display screen material is the latest generation of TFT, one-time charging can meet eight hours of playback time, and the data transmission uses a USB transmission line."

Eric simply tried to operate a few times, the player stored a few songs in advance, put on headphones, and the sound of music was heard from the headphones.

Handing out another box from the box and handing it to Caroline, Eric said: "You also try."

"I, can I?" Caroline asked indefinitely, seeing that Eric had already plugged in, the girl caught and carefully opened. Although these three samples were brought from Los Angeles all the way, but because of good education, Caroline is very curious, but did not open it in advance.

The one in the hand is exactly pink, Carolyn knows that the last one should be pure white, and the finished MP3 player finalized at the R&D center has three colors, sky blue, pure white and pink.

Caroline has been following up on the information of fireflies, but it is the first time to use the MP3 player, not as familiar as Eric, but also need to read the instructions to use.

Eric looked at the girl clumsily playing with the MP3 in her hand, smiled and saw that the computer on the desktop was turned on and connected to the network.

Yahoo has been involved in overseas in the past two years. Currently, it has Yahoo's branch offices in major English-speaking countries as well as Japan, Germany and France, and has started operations such as portals, Yahoo mailboxes, and instant messaging.

Eric opened the Yahoo Music Store in the United States. The Yahoo Music Store will be open to the public on the day of the MP3 launch, and is currently only in internal testing.

After logging in to the website, Eric picked up the USB cable on the desktop and lowered his head to connect to the host computer. Only then did he find that the computer that came with the office did not have a USB interface. Recalling it, USB data transmission is a technical standard that Intel, IBM, Microsoft and other IT giants began to promote last year. That is to say, only the latest personal computer has a USB interface.

Two mainstream data transmission standards have emerged in addition to USB, as well as Apple's FireWire interface. However, since last year, Apple's market share has begun to fall off the cliff, this year is expected to account for only 5% of North American PC sales, even if Jobs returned to Apple in the same time as the original time, Apple is not destined to In the mainstream of personal computers, Eric did not let the R&D department invest in technology in this regard.

In front of this computer can not be used for data transmission, Eric has to temporarily give up, intends to go back to his home in the evening to test again, his own laptop has a USB interface.

At this time, Peter Ritchie opened the door with two lunches and placed the lunch on the coffee table in the rest area. Seeing that Eric had no other instructions, he nodded and said hello to Caroline, and then he left the door.

Caroline just learned how to play the song, see Peter Ritchie send the lunch, and quickly take the headset off.

Eric took Caroline and sat down on the sofa and said, "The time is tight. You can only simply ask for lunch here. Don't you mind?"

"No, no," Caroline shook her head and took the lunch out of the convenience bag.

A few simple lunches, sandwiches, barbecues, small cakes, and vegetable salads seem to be pretty good, but in fact, whoever eats knows.

Eric’s food for the British has been unable to vomit. He only wants to fill his stomach. The crew’s lunch break is only one hour, and he is too lazy to open a small stove for himself. Looking at Carolyn's accustomed appearance, it is clear that girls should eat these things.

Oh, it’s pitiful.

Caroline took out two cups of apple juice and handed it to Eric. It just noticed Eric's expression and was curious: "Eric, what's the matter?"

"Nothing," Eric shook his head, grabbing a piece of cheese sandwich and taking a bite.

Carolyn’s eyes widened and he smiled softly. “Eric, do you think British food is hard to eat?”

Eric saw Caroline didn't mean anything, and nodded very seriously.

"Oh," Caroline smiled, not angry, but still retorted a little: "We, we are just pursuing simplicity."

From the time she knew Caroline, Eric could understand the little pride of the girl in the bones of the girl. She did not continue the topic. She said: "The MP3 player has been completed, how is the progress of the e-book reader? Already?"

"The main problem is the processor chip. ARM has focused on developing mobile phone chips with Texas Instruments in the past two years. There is no spare power to provide us with more technical support. Therefore, the R&D center can only use the technology provided by ARM to design itself, although there is no The mobile phone chip is so complicated, but the development of the control chip of the reader is still much more difficult than the audio decoding chip of the MP3 player..."

Caroline was talking, but I saw Eric suddenly looked up and interrupted her: "ARM?"

"ARM is a company in Cambridge, mainly engaged in the authorization of the core design technology of microprocessor chips," Caroline replied, seeing Eric suddenly fell into thinking and asked: "Eric, what is the problem?" ?"

Of course there are problems, big problems.

Eric’s heart sighs that Microsoft’s alliance with Intel’s dominance of the PC market is irreversible. In addition to being one step ahead of Yahoo, AOL and Cisco on the Internet, Eric has been considering and implementing smart phones and mobiles for the future. The Internet era is laid out.

Qualcomm, Nokia, Yahoo, and the investment in mobile communications company Sprint are all important pieces for Eric for the next ten years, but I think the Wintel Alliance knows that it wants to grasp the right to speak in the mobile era in the future. On the one hand, it is a mobile phone operating system, and on the other hand, it is a mobile phone processor chip.

In the original time and space, the ARM chip firmly controlled more than 95% of the mobile intelligent terminal market. Almost all electronic manufacturers such as Apple, Qualcomm and Samsung use ARM chip technology. However, more than a decade later, because of ARM's extensive and even a proliferation of licenses, and mainstream manufacturers such as Apple and Samsung, after the technology matured, they abandoned the public version of ARM and began to develop their own chip solutions. Controlling a large number of core patents, but it is completely impossible to have a similar monopoly with Intel in the PC processor industry.

But now, everything is just beginning.

If you can get ARM in advance, even if there will be other mobile chip technology standards in the future, but in the case of ARM has proved the superiority of its technical solutions in the past, there are giant companies such as Qualcomm, Nokia, Sprint and other industrial chains. In the support of channels, markets and other aspects, ARM once again unified mobile chips, even reaching Intel's position in the PC chip market is not impossible.

To figure this out, Eric looked up to find Peter Ritchie, but he was just wondering about Caroline.

Slightly calm down, realizing that Peter Ritchie is going to be with him and helping him with his daily affairs. There are just ready-made candidates in front of him. Eric asked: "Carolyn, how long have you been on vacation? ”

Carolyn didn't know what happened to Eric, but he replied: "Half a month."

"Hey, I will give you a holiday extension, how about a month?"

"Well?" Caroline was more confused.

Eric continued: "This is the case. I suddenly thought of something. Since you are here, you don't have to transfer from Los Angeles. During this time, I hope that you can help me collect information about ARM. You have done Qualcomm's data collection before, you should be very skilled, I need everything ARM, including their management information, shareholders, business conditions, partners and so on."

Thinking of Qualcomm, Caroline generally understood Eric’s intentions and said: “Eric, are you planning to acquire this company?”

Eric nodded and said: "At that time, you may have to go to Cambridge, and I will give you a special driver."

"No, no," Caroline shook her head quickly. "I will drive by myself. I know a lot of people in Cambridge."

"That's it, if you need any help, you can contact Peter, or call me directly," Eric said, noting that the expression on the girl's face is no longer as easy as it is, realizing what, Road: "This is not a holiday that bothers you. If you don't want to do it, I will call Kelly to send someone."

"No, no, I am willing," Caroline shook her head.

In fact, she just thought that if she could stay in the UK for a month and had special work to do, then why not, I can often find reasons to see Eric.

Thinking of this, Caroline felt that her cheeks were slightly warm.

The two ate lunch and talked about some details. When they left, Eric gave the pink MP3 player to Caroline.

Although Caroling liked the player very much, she said: "This is a sample, how can I ask."

“The sample was originally tried by people,” Eric smiled and stuffed the box into the girl’s hand. “I’ll send you an account for the Yahoo Music Store in the evening, right, I want to download music. You may need the latest computer with a USB interface, I won't be able to help you. After you have finished using it, take the time to write a trial report."

"That, okay," Caroline added the player.

An hour was actually very short. Carolyn looked at the watch, it was already 12.55, and he left.

Eric asked Peter Ritchie to send the remaining two MP3s to his residence, and told him to help Caroline collect ARM information, and started the afternoon work.

From the beginning of the group, Kate has always been a little cautious. She is only a newcomer after all, and she is also an outsider from Australia. However, since Eric accepted her comments in the morning, she finally let go of some and began to boldly express her own suggestions.

Since Kate entered the group in Italy, Pierce Brosnan has always been depressed because he often can't keep up with Kate's rhythm. However, because Eric is supported by the back, plus Kate even if he performs well, he will eventually It’s just that the girl, it’s impossible to have a big impact on his position in the crew. Therefore, Pierce Brosnan has never shown too many negative emotions. In addition to occasional tangles with Kate, the whole shooting process All went well.

The underwater photography base was successfully finished in the afternoon, and Kate and Pierce Brosnan’s opponents were mostly finished. Kate’s remaining shots will be played with Christina Aguilera, who plays her sister. This is a The new branch line has nothing to do with the original version. Of course, there are not many plays. After all, this is a 007 movie. James Bond is always the core of the core. Although Eric got the absolute control of the 007 series, Nor will it make too much changes to the overall style of the James Bond series.

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