I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 821: First weekend box office

As a very popular entertainment activity in life, Americans are also very mature in their viewing attitude. They only choose to watch videos according to their personal hobbies and movie reputation. The success or failure of a movie at the box office is always the quality of the film. It is not related to the huge budget of the production. This is also from the "Cleopatra" and "The Gate of Heaven" many years ago. Films such as Throat Island and Future Water World, although they have spent a jaw-dropping production budget, still suffer from the fiasco of the box office.

Before the release of "Titanic", although there was no lack of positive evaluation, the media's box office prospects were almost one-sided, and it was subtly created in the public mind. This is another kind of value like "Future Water World". A look at the potential impression of expensive bad films.

The $1.56 million midnight start was only one-third of last month's "Mission Impossible 2", and even a week ago Paramount's "Star Trek: First Contact" was not as good. Undoubtedly, the warm-hearted reputation and the length of the movie prevented most of the interested audience from spending three hours in the midnight cinema in the cold winter.

However, the next day, although there was no shocking remark in the media's commentary on the Titanic, the audience interested in the film gradually began to enter the cinema.

Manhattan, New York.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Simon Peck lined up in the Paris Cinema Ticket Office near Central Park on 58th Street, listening to the crowds who were also watching around and whispering about the recent release.

Simon Peck is not a fan, he doesn't even like watching movies, or that time. As a career elite who has just jumped to Lehman Brothers as a financial analyst, he was born in the bottom class of the United States. In order to get rid of his once-poor life, he devoted almost all his energy to his studies and work in these years, even though at this time, because of the Colombian business. The college’s study experience, he is also carrying a student loan of more than 30,000 US dollars.

However, after the initial private investment company quit and got Lehman Brothers’ salary of $68,000 a year, the pressure on him has been reduced a bit. In the introduction of friends a few months ago, he also handed in a A good girlfriend, named Charlotte Davis, was brought up today by this girlfriend who likes to watch movies.

It was his turn, Simon Peck handed over the change, asked the ticket seller for the movie ticket for Titanic, and turned to his girlfriend who waved his hand.

"Hey, baby, I just heard people talk about it. This movie doesn't seem to be very good, and it takes too long, it takes three hours," Simon Peck raised the Charlotte with two barrels of popcorn. The movie ticket in the hand, with a few points to persuade the meaning.

Charlotte Davis also doesn't like the disaster film, but who makes this a film that Eric Williams supports.

The occasional encounter was the secret of Charlotte and her good girlfriend Alice's deepest heart. The two women did not easily tell others. However, because of that encounter in the past, the two of them will subconsciously pay attention to Eric's various trends in Hollywood, and will also subconsciously support the film that Eric valued. So far, she has not been disappointed, then, occasionally Disappointment once is a good experience.

On Christmas holidays, Alice returned to Colorado to spend Christmas with her parents, and Charlotte could only watch the movie with her new boyfriend.

At this point, listening to Simon Peck's words, Charlotte gently rolled his eyes, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and asked: "So, what movie do you want to watch?"

Simon Peck subconsciously opened his mouth, but for a time did not say the name of any movie, Charlotte knows that this new boyfriend is almost a movie idiot, hehe laughed, ignored his look, will The bucket of popcorn was stuffed into his arms and said, "Okay, let's go in, it's getting started."

Although it was in prime time, and it was the first day of the release of the Titanic, the theater was still a bit deserted. In the screening room that can accommodate 100 people, it was only less than half of it. Charlotte took it with himself. The movie idiot boyfriend chose the seat to sit down, the surrounding audience was talking in a whisper, they could also hear the couple in the front row of a pair of middle school students. The girl complained to her boyfriend that she should not pick this movie. The boy seems to be The diehard fans of the Terminator series, talking to girls, said that this is only supporting their idols.

Charlotte can think of the fact that most of the audience in the screening room, either to support the big director like Cameron, either because of the $215 million investment in the film, or simply because of the overwhelming publicity of the Firefly Group, I chose this movie. Perhaps, even one third of the people who are really interested in the film are not there.

Most movie theaters have a trailer of about fifteen minutes before playing a feature film. But it may be that the Titanic itself has been a long time, this trailer is only five minutes, and the animation of the firefly insect girl released by the firefly movie girl soon appeared on the screen.

The film began with the treasure hunt explorer Brock Lovett's treasure hunt for the Titanic, and most of the audience realized for the first time that the film used a flashback.

Westerners generally have a very strong treasure-hunting complex. Therefore, this plot does not cause too many people to resent. Most people in the screening hall are interested in seeing it. Almost no one feels that this plot is redundant.

Already white-haired old rose appeared on the treasure hunt, recalling the long-standing past, when the Titanic appeared in the Southampton port of England as the Big Mac, everyone uttered a faint exclaim .

I didn't expect any expectation, but Simon Peck, who was purely spending time with his girlfriend, couldn't help himself. He said, "Is this true? It's amazing. I don't know how it was made." ”

Charlotte was very satisfied with Simon Peck’s reaction and explained with a smile: “It is said that James Cameron completely restored the Titanic model in the film studio according to the ratio of one to one.”

Looking at the busy scene of the Southampton port, which was perfectly restored by James Cameron on the screen, Simon Peck couldn't help but sigh and sigh: "No wonder it will cost $215 million. It is enough to make a real giant cruise. It is."

In the next hour, Jack and Rose met, knew each other, and fell in love. The film showed all aspects of the Titanic in a panoramic view from the perspective of the two protagonists. The luxury, arrogance, ignorance, hypocrisy of the first class aristocrats, the civilians at the bottom. Simple, cheerful, humorous, and optimistic, although there are obvious prejudices, it also caters well to the minds of most viewers.

As a veteran fan, Charlotte can feel that Jack and Rose's emotional drama is slightly sinister, and many of the plot dialogues in the first half seem completely unnecessary, but with Jack and Rose on the bow 'flying' beautiful The scene, and the ensuing, after the night, watched the crew on the tower shouting 'Iceberg, ahead', and the inability of most people disappeared again, waiting silently for the coming of the disaster.

Perhaps, no one has found that after the film described the details of the various classes of passengers on the Titanic, their emotions have been unconsciously controlled by this big ship, knowing that silence is inevitable, disaster will inevitably occur. Some viewers still subconsciously expect some miracles to appear.

The miracle did not appear after all.

After hitting the iceberg, the Titanic began to enter the water and entered the sinking countdown.

The passengers in the first class began to evacuate, the civilians in the lower class were abandoned, the kindness and tolerance, ugliness and despicableness of human nature, at the moment of the disaster, they were displayed in front of everyone.

If the plot of the sinking of the ship is only affecting everyone's heart, the last ten minutes of the movie will completely open the tear mode.

Listening to Jack, I encouraged Rose to live bravely. When I closed my eyes, I couldn’t speak again. I finally quietly sank into the abyss. Everyone in the screening hall felt a heartbreaking pain. This kind of guilty feeling did not dissipate even after Rose was rescued.

Charlotte obviously heard the faint sobs in the auditorium. She felt that her eyes couldn’t help but shed tears. After a few wipes, she couldn’t wipe it out. The body also subconsciously leaned toward her boyfriend. go with.

Simon Peck did not speak, red eyes, stretched out an arm and quietly glared at his girlfriend.

Until the old age Rose returned to the year in the dream, the music at the end of the film sounded, and everyone's emotions did not ease.

After three hours, if it was other films, perhaps the first reaction of most of the audience was to get up and leave the cinema when the credits were raised. But this time, no one got up and everyone was quiet. Sitting in his own seat, letting Celine Dion cry like a cry in the shadow hall.

Leaving the auditorium, the time was already eleven o'clock. The hall of the Paris cinema was still brightly lit. Charlotte leaned softly on Simon Peck. The two men walked side by side and looked around inadvertently. I found that there were a lot of couples around me who had the same red eyes. They didn’t know why, they sent some of Charlotte’s nerves, and she couldn’t help but smile. Then she started again. Worried.

Originally, she did not expect anything from the Titanic. She just wanted to purely support the film that Eric valued. However, at this time, she realized that the media who criticized the Titanic. It’s all about nonsense. Although there are some flaws, there is no doubt that this is a very good movie. It should never be treated with the current cold treatment. It should never be.

In the heart made up his mind, Simon Peck drove her back to the apartment in Midtown. Although her boyfriend had a little expectation, Charlotte refused her boyfriend’s willingness to stay tonight, and she sent her boyfriend away. Lott returned to his apartment and picked up the cordless phone and dialed the phone of Alice, a good girlfriend in Colorado, while turning on the computer in the living room.

"Hey, Alice, are you going to watch the Titanic?" The phone was connected. Charlotte was operating the computer mouse and went straight to the subject. There was something to say, Charlotte couldn't wait: " No, you must look at this movie. Certainly, this is definitely a great movie. Do you remember the comments of the New York Times on Titanic some time ago? I can tell you very surely now. This is indeed a masterpiece comparable to "Gone with the Wind"."

The two exchanged and hang up the phone, and Charlotte turned to the computer screen. She has opened the discussion forum that the Yahoo Forum has created for the Titanic.

At this time, the discussion area is also hot. The film has not been seen in the media. The singer is different. The Yahoo! "Titanic" discussion area is mostly the audience who watched the film. It is also more realistic and intuitive.

"God, I actually cried out for such a movie of **** drama, God, this should not be true."

"Ross is really beautiful. Why haven't I heard of this actress named Rachel Vichy? Do you know which movies she played?"

"The ending song is really nice, and everyone noticed it, the song was written by Eric Williams himself."

"I have already bought the ticket for tomorrow night, I have to read it again."

"Jack and Rose are really too dreamy to stand on the bow. I really want to collect such a poster. I don't know if the fireflies will come out like this in the future. Well, maybe I can sneak in with the camera next time. Take a picture."

"Take two, send me one."

"Take three, send me one."

"Take four, send me one."


Charlotte browsed the post on the page. She also impressed Jack and Rose in the bow of the boat. I noticed the above theme, so I clicked on it and looked at the uniform reply below. I smiled and looked at the number of replies. I knocked out a few words on the keyboard: "Take a hundred and nine, send me one."

Exiting the theme and returning to the main page, Charlotte has browsed the previous pages of the page. Most people praise the Titanic. Some posts criticizing this film have caused fans to fall over. Crusade.

Slightly rationalized, Charlotte landed his Yahoo account, opened the posting page, began to discreetly beat her own movie experience, although she did not write the talent of the film review, but at this time, she still wants more people Know how great this movie is, no one should miss it.

"Before watching this movie, I also had doubts about the length of the film for three hours. I don't understand why the firefly let James Cameron make a commercial blockbuster like this."

"However, at this time, I suddenly understood a lot of things. Every minute of this movie is indispensable. Although the shipwreck only accounts for one-third of the entire movie, James Cameron is We created a perfect 'you are there' atmosphere, and after more than an hour of panoramic display of the various characters on the ship after the Titanic, we brought us back to the epic ship of that year, I don’t know. I don't feel immersed in it, so when disaster strikes, we will also be more delicate and profoundly aware of the life and death of all the characters in the film, which is why many people will be deeply moved after watching the film."

"The disaster scene in the second half of the film is even more impressive. Jack's simple and sincere farewell to the tears, Rose's look to the sky is even more distressing."

“The handsome Leonardo DiCaprio and the beautiful Rachel Vichy have brought us wonderful performances. They are all very good actors, especially the nature of Rachel Vichy. The aristocratic temperament makes people wonder whether she was originally born into a British aristocratic family."

"Finally, the song, "My Heart is Eternal", Celine Dion's voice is so fascinating, I even think that Eric Williams is just for this song, and he spares no effort to support James. Cameron squandered his budget and created a perfect, sad dream."

"I can't give more praise to this movie. I just sincerely hope that everyone can give up the prejudice that the media has caused to this movie. Go into the cinema. Believe me, you will never be disappointed."

Checked the general, click to post the post, Charlotte refreshed several times, a series of echoes soon appeared below the theme.

At this time, the entire United States, after watching the "Titanic" is deeply fascinated, and can not wait to recommend to her, far more than Charlotte, similar to Charlotte, this spontaneously for "Titanic No. "Do you know how to promote the movie and recommend it to people around you."

With the large-scale release of the Titanic, a large number of North American media no longer seized the high budget of the film, but turned their attention to the quality of the film itself.

At the same time that the film was passed on from the fans who watched it, the word of the film began to pick up.

"First of all, I have to admit that I am going to watch this movie with a strong prejudice. I have always felt that Hollywood has been mad at the investment in big-production films. Although I watched this film, I still hold it. This view, but I have to say that James Cameron is really his genius, "Titanic" in the details of the almost harsh and perfect restoration of the wheel of the year, and brought us a deep affection And a tragic love story."

"The so-called tragedy is to break the perfect thing for people to see. James Cameron did it perfectly in three hours, but at the same time, he did not take away all our hopes, in the film. The details of the life of the old lady, the photos, the goldfish in the tank, are showing us her deep love for life."


Long Island, Southampton Manor.

Eric did not pay attention to the changes in the attitude of the Titanic, and comfortably accompanied the women and children to the upcoming Christmas.

However, the whiteboard in the study has an extra number every day.

No. 19: $1.56 million (midnight field)

Number 20: $8.65 million.

21: 9.67 million US dollars.

No. 22: $9.3 million.

Three days in the first weekend, Titanic had a cumulative box office of $19.18 million. (To be continued.)

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