I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 822: set sail

"The Titanic was defeated at the box office. The first weekend was closed at $19.18 million. The total box office in North America is hard to break."

"Eric Williams film magic is ineffective, and the epic masterpiece is bleak."

"Firefly Films has suffered the biggest box office loss in Hollywood history, and the cumulative loss will be close to $200 million."

"The word-of-mouth revolution is difficult to block the box office, the Titanic lost to Star Trek in the first weekend of the North American box office: the first time the contact, the cost of production between the two sides is five times."

"James Cameron led the Titanic team to participate in the London publicity campaign. The scene of the conference was awkward and suspected of a mental breakdown."

"Firefly Group Jeffrey Kasenberg has issued a statement that Firefly will not dismiss the Titanic producers Jon Landau, William Stewart and other masters, and will continue to cooperate with director James Cameron."

"Eric Williams has not publicly appeared for many days, and the Royal Casino has stopped working late. The film is afraid of the Titanic."



The December issue, the day before Christmas, with the release of the Titanic three-day box office data, the North American entertainment media launched a new round of madness on film-related topics.

If it is another film, the 29.18 million in the first three days of the first weekend, in any case, it can not be regarded as a failure, but it is the Titanic, a total investment of 265 million US dollars, the world's box office 800 million to achieve break-even film and theater cost of the highest movie .

But at this time, the Titanic first weekend box office was only 29.18 million US dollars, and even less than the Star Trek released the previous week: the first contact, Paramount Pictures produced the Star Trek: the first contact, production The cost is 45 million US dollars, the first weekend box office 30.71 million US dollars, the next weekend box office fell only 42%, and then received 17.8 million US dollars, while the 10-day cumulative box office has reached 60 million US dollars.

Most media have published predictions, although the Titanic’s movie reputation has improved compared to before the release, but because the long three-hour film length has caused most viewers to lose their viewing power, the box office decline of the Titanic next week is likely to More than Star Trek: The first contact, reaching 50 or more.

According to this box office trend, the total box office of the Titanic North America may be only 80 million to 90 million US dollars. As everyone knows, the overseas issuance of the Titanic is also hampered. There are only 9 overseas countries in the same period of the film, less than half of the number of overseas countries in the Mission. The failure of the Titanic North American box office will also affect the film's overseas box office trend. With the enthusiasm of publishers and cinema dealers in unreleased countries, the Titanic's global box office may stop within 200 million US dollars.

With a global box office of 200 million, the fireflies can recover only about 70 million US dollars. The future videotapes, TV broadcast rights and other incomes are even more difficult to talk about. The media expects that the fireflies will lose 200 million US dollars in this movie, and there is no exaggeration. Even the Firefly Group, most of the management has reluctantly accepted this reality.

If it is other big movie companies in Hollywood, after the first week of the box office of the Titanic, in the face of the huge loss expected to be as high as 200 million US dollars, the relevant responsible person may have been swept away at this time, and even the entire studio may face bankruptcy restructuring. . However, this is certainly not the case within the Firefly Group. After all, the Titanic is a project that Eric himself has forced, and it seems to be too difficult to fire this thing for his boss.

Although it is not necessary to explain to Wall Street or the company's shareholders like other film companies, in the face of the huge losses that are coming, the company's senior management will still have to make some adjustments and aftermath to avoid repeating the Titanic.

Just after Christmas, although the holidays have not passed, Kasenberg has started to convene group film executives every day to discuss the company's future production and distribution strategy.

It can be said that after the first weekend of the box office, most people have already given the Titanic a label that is doomed to failure. Coupled with the Christmas, few people pay special attention to the single-day box office of the movie, even if it is It is the issuance department responsible for box office statistics within the Firefly Group. It is also quite uncomfortable for Eric to insist that they report the single-day box office summary for the first time. Is it difficult for the boss to look forward to the miracle?

Although it is very puzzled, no one dares to perfuse Eric's request. Every morning, Eric's e-mail will appear in the box office statistics report of the previous day.

Perhaps considering Eric's mood, women are no longer mentioning any movie in front of him these days. In addition to routine holiday greetings, the Firefly Group executives did not unwittingly mention Titanic to Eric. No. Therefore, the holiday Christmas is too lively and warm.

In a twinkling of an eye, the time has come to December 27th, the third day of Christmas.

Eric got up early in the morning and went to the study after washing.

Today is Friday, the first day of the week of the Titanic release.

Turn on the computer on the desk and wait for the moment to turn it on. Eric looks at the whiteboard on the wall of the study.

At this point, seven sets of data including the midnight field have appeared above.

It’s not necessary to say last weekend, this week begins.

On December, $5.57 million.

Because it was Monday, compared to the previous day's $9.3 million, there was a 40 drop, which echoed the box office trend of most films.

On December 24, $3.5 million.

On Christmas Eve, basically no one will go out to watch the film, and the one-day box office will fall sharply again, which is not surprising.

Subsequently, on December 25, on Christmas Day, the single-day box office was $7.03 million.

Compared with the box office on the day of December, there was a clear rise. Yesterday morning, when I saw this number, Eric had been a little more irritated recently, but he was not too excited. Just as people don’t go out to watch movies on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day is usually a good time for people to go out to eat, drink, and play. On this day, the movie’s single-day box office has improved. It’s hard to say the factors of the film itself, or it’s stimulated by the festive atmosphere.

Therefore, on December 26th, yesterday, the box office data on the last day of the first week of the Titanic is particularly important. The box office of this day will also prove that the Titanic can reproduce after a week of word-of-mouth fermentation. Former glory.

If the one-day box office of this day falls back again, which is equivalent to the one-day box office of $5.57 million on Monday, then all expectations will be lost. If the one-day box office rises, even if it is equal to the Christmas day, it will also indicate that the big ship that created the unprecedented box office miracle in the original time and space will set sail again.

Eric looked at the writing board on the wall for a moment, the computer on the desktop was already open, and the password was used to open the Yahoo mailbox. Although Eric realized that the mentality had been adjusted over the past few days, at this time, he Only then did he find that he couldn’t take it lightly. He even felt his fingers tremble with excitement because of the advent of some trial moment.

The page opens and the eye-catching unread email from the Firefly Distribution Department is quietly lying in the mailbox.

Eric moved the mouse, tapped it lightly, and the content of the email expanded.

The first thing that appeared in front of us was the sum of the first week of the box office statistics released by the issuing department. Eric directly skipped the summary figure of $54.33 million and looked down.

Quietly staring at the page, silent for a few seconds, Eric sighed deeply, got up and walked to the front of the board, picked up the pen and quickly wrote the last number of the first week of the Titanic.

$ 9.05 million.

The box office number on Thursday, up 4 against the first day of the Titanic, rose 11 against the Christmas day, and soared 38 against the most comparable Monday!

Eric couldn't help but swept the number of box offices in the first seven days of the week.

$8.65 million, $9.67 million, $9.3 million, $5.57 million, $3.5 million, $7.03 million, $9.55 million.

The $3.5 million one-day box office seems to be a freezing point, but in Eric’s view, it’s more like a spring that is compressed to the extreme, all the power, and a movie destined to represent a miracle. Struggling to throw into the sky.

Titanic, officially set sail!

Throwing the pen into the pen holder, Eric walked outside the study, thinking, and then, maybe there is no need to record the daily box office.

How tired will it be.

A new day, for Hollywood, is Friday, but it is also a new week.

Many people wake up from their sleep and look at today's newspaper inadvertently. They may notice the number of the first week of the Titanic box office. However, for this film that has been characterized by most media as a failure, except for the more Most of the fans who have been touched by the film, most people do not think that the number of 54.33 million US dollars, what is the big deal, after all, last month's sauce Mission 2, the first week of the box office is more than 80 million US dollars.

Los Angeles, although three hours later than New York, but Kasenberg has almost seen the first week of the Titanic box office statistics with Eric, and he certainly noticed the last day of the first week, making people feel Accidents and even some doubts about the $9.95 million box office, Kasenberger even thought that the distribution department would be wrong with the statistics. After all, there is a movie workday box office that is higher than the first day of the screening, although it is on Christmas holidays. However, most people's viewing habits remain in the weekend for three days.

Calling the duty staff responsible for the box office statistics confirmed one side, listening to the voice of the person in charge of the issuing department on the phone, Kasenberger confirmed that the figure was not mistaken.

However, Kasenberg has not thought about it in a more optimistic way, but instead uses this number as a result of the Christmas holiday effect. After all, December 26 is the second day of Christmas.

Later, some of the other Hollywood film companies that also kept close attention to the Titanic also noticed that the film had a box office abnormality on December 26th. Most people did not have a deeper meaning, including even Some discerning media have also thought of one thing with Kasenberg.

Although I felt that this was just an accident, Kasenberg was the first to talk to Eric in New York and reported this good news. After all, the box office’s forecast for the film’s North American box office was $80 million to $90 million, but the first week unexpectedly yielded $54.33 million. The original forecast is sure to rise, and North America’s billion is almost certain. Kasenberg feels that it is always good to lose less.

Eric did not tell Kasenberg about his judgment. I thought it would be a surprise for everyone. If God didn't make a joke with him, then the surprise is coming, maybe it's just tomorrow.

On the phone with Eric, Kasenberger bid farewell to his wife and twin sons and drove to the Burbank Firefly headquarters. He agreed to the new line film president Kenneth Hoon this morning, and plans to discuss the production of the new line next year. Release plan.

This year, the new line has almost achieved the same box office performance as the two studios of the Firefly Films and Disney Pictures. Together with the box office failure of the Titanic, the Group will definitely need to increase support for the new line of film industry next year. . During the past few days, senior executives such as Kasenberg and Frank Wells have identified a plan to raise the average annual production budget of the new line to 500 million U.S. dollars in the next three years. Eric is also on the phone. Initially agreed to the program, today they have to discuss the details in more detail.

As for the two major production companies in the department, Kasenberg and Frank Wells mean to reduce the budget of the big production film, in fact, it is to compress the production scale of the firefly film industry, and re-emphasize the production of the Disney family photo. After all, from the surrounding stores to the entire industry chain of Disneyland, Disney needs a large number of family movies to provide enough peripheral goods and copyright image, which is not just an animation, real life movies are equally important.

Eric was not as busy as Kasenberg, and after breakfast, he took a book and left the manor, walking towards a coffee shop on the edge of the community.

There was no guest in the morning coffee shop. Eric and the old man behind the counter were boring and greeted the old man who read the newspaper and sat down to the position where he was sitting.

A waitress gave Eric a coffee and quietly stepped out.

Eric took a warm cup of coffee and leisurely opened the financial alchemy in his hand.

The old man, who had always been silent at the counter, took the initiative to open his mouth and said: "Eric, it seems that the first week of the Titanic box office is not bad."

This old man, who looks like a 60-year-old named Matthew Braga, is the owner of this coffee shop. However, Eric knows that the other party is not far from his home, and there is also a manor of the same size. This old man is originally from Brazil and is a very famous local entrepreneur. The family runs a natural rubber business in the northeast of Brazil. At this time, he has handed over the family business to his children, retired with his wife to support the elderly in the United States, and opened such a coffee cafe, and more is just a pastime.

After all, they are not familiar with each other. Eric can't reveal anything to him. He smiled and replied: "If it's another movie, it's certainly good, but it's Titanic. I might have lost a lot this time. Otherwise, I will not hide here and I will not dare to meet people."

Matthew Bragahaha smiled, but with a bit of savvy in his eyes, said: "I have never seen you missed."

"I hope so."

After saying this, the two sides calmed down again, and Eric continued to read the boring financial work in his hands. Matthew Braga still looked at his own newspaper.

After an hour or so, a blond white girl in a white down jacket hurriedly pushed in and saw Eric sitting here and quickly came over, not too late to apologize: "I am sorry, Mr. Williams. My car is broken and I have to let my classmates send me over."

"It doesn't matter, Sabrina, please sit down, I just have some doubts, I need you to explain it to me."

"Oh, of course," Sebrina Rand sat down opposite Eric, taking out the same financial alchemy from Eric, with a notebook, and patiently answering Eric. There are many financial problems that seem to be simple.

Of course, these problems are only simple for her graduate student in the Columbia Finance Department.

Because of the recent upset mood, Eric also has no intention of combing Marvel's comic universe, but chose a boring financial book to spend his leisure time, the cold financial theory, and it is easier to calm down. .

However, if it is a Chinese book, it is just a literal meaning, and you can understand something through repeated reading. However, for professional English financial writings, if you want to read it, you must know all kinds of professional and even unfamiliar financial English words.

Eric has only a few basic financial knowledge in his mind. In order to understand this book, he hired a high-level financial student from Columbia University, which is the former Sabrina Rand, a tall and handsome face. Blond girl. The most important thing around Eric is the beauty. Of course he doesn't have any intentions for the girl in front of him. The reason why I chose Sebrina from the candidate recommended by Colombia is purely the idea of ​​adding red sleeves. A beautiful girl with a seductive eye is sure to feel more comfortable than a same sex.

As for the financial alchemy that Eric has recently been interested in, it has a well-known author named George Soros. To be continued.

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