I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 878: What did something bad?

Eric actually doesn't care about Batman and Robin at all. Since Warner released the official TV trailer three months ago, Eric knew that the film would be on the old road.

In just one and a half minutes of the trailer, neither the new Batman George Clooney nor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who plays the frozen man, did not bring any touch to Eric. Some lines also gave people a The feeling of completely inconsistency with the scene, the movie picture makes people feel that they are watching a colorful stage play.

Eric is now most concerned about "Nemo", which is the film he most valued this summer. His expectations for this movie even exceed the "Royal Casino of 007" he personally directed.

Today is the first day of the film release. The word-of-mouth commentary given by the major media in the morning that is comparable to "Lion King 2" makes Eric determined that this version of "Finding Nemo" box office is still excellent, but can it be achieved. Once the global box office is close to $1 billion in glory, it depends on the next detailed box office performance.

Say goodbye to Amy Pascal, Eric and Drew return to the Trausdale Manor, just took a bath and took a bath with a hoe, holding a soft body in a luxurious bath. It’s inevitable that there will be interest in the entanglement and tempering. After a lingering time, time is approaching ten o'clock in the middle of the night.

Unlike the ease of the release of "Air Prison" two weeks ago, Eric is still looking forward to seeing the first day of the box office of "Nemo" to sleep.

Changed a pair of casual t-shirt trousers, holding a document in his hand and sitting down on the balcony outside the living room on the second floor. The line of sight can pass through the transparent tempered glass fence and look out into the distance without any obstruction. The light is as beautiful as it is under the feet.

This kind of atmosphere makes it hard to raise the mind to open the file, and Eric squints against the lounge chair and narrows his eyes. After a while, the finished taro scented and floated, wearing only a thin short vest and small hot pants, and sprinkled it into Eric's arms.

With a bang, Eric’s blue folder on his body fell on the side of the floor.


Drew's body crossed Eric's body, curiously picked up the folder that fell on the ground, and only looked at the cover, and recognized that it was the reality show plan for Hollywood girls. Although I don't understand why Eric will find an unrelated strange woman to make this reality show plan, Shantou has no doubt about Eric's judgment, and he has turned it over these two days.

I dropped the folder on the table next to it, and the **** was about to be posted on Eric. I suddenly remembered something and said, "Yes, Eric, the last photo was made." When I got up, I was going to call people, and I remembered that the twins had been sent to rest by her, so I jumped up and ran out of the balcony with bare feet, and then flew back, and I had two thick photos in my hand. set.

"Hey, this one is mine, this is Kate, they are cool. Kate told me a few days ago that I want to publish her photo in the magazine."

Eric got up a little and turned the photo album of Shantou and asked, "You don't want to publish in the magazine too?"

"No, I only show you one person," Shantou said, and said with a smile: "Tomorrow is a weekend, or will I call them to play again?"

"You can play it yourself, I won't be crazy with you," Eric shook his head and pointed to the folder that had just been thrown on the table by the girl. "This thing has been dragging for a week, I will be right tomorrow." Have time, first meet each other."

"Oh, then I am also together, um, let them come here tomorrow, this is MGM's thing after all."

Eric nodded and said, "Okay."

"However, tomorrow evening, you can also invite them to party together."

Listening to Shantou’s tempting tone, Eric laughed: “Do you like to pile them up with me?”

Shantou snorted on Eric and said, "You like it, I know about the New York thing."

"That was just a coincidence. I didn't have so much thought to deal with a group of crazy heads."

Eric explained, but when he talked about this, he suddenly remembered another thing, staring at Shantou and asking: "I haven't asked you yet, the last "Air Prison" premiere party, Helena saw How do you feel like a mouse seeing a cat, what bad things have you done?"

"No, people are very embarrassed," he said with a sigh of sorrow, seeing Eric’s unbelief, and no longer concealing it. He just explained it in an understatement: "I just heard a small model that is not ignorant." Saying that you had a party in New York, I almost got on the gossip magazine, and I drove her back to Puerto Rico."

Eric subconsciously thought about what kind of corners Puerto Rico was, and naturally had no results. He asked: "What about these?"

Shantou and the kitten like a cockroach on Eric, but still somewhat vague: "She was sentenced to four weeks in prison for illegal possession of contraband, and then was repatriated, but she had touched these things, Not too embarrassing."

Eric sighed and didn't ask again.

There is such a criminal record, and the girl who was sent back to Puerto Rico will certainly not be able to apply for a foreign passport easily, which is why her career has come to an abrupt end.

After pinching on the girl's face, Eric asked again, just whispered: "Don't do too much in the future, you know, those indifferent gossips can't affect me."

"Well," Shantou immediately nodded, his eyes clear, and his sincerity, Eric was only helplessly pinched on his face.

See Eric reveals the matter, the girl relaxes, and the little hand groaned uneasy on Eric, saying: "Eric, I rented a Boeing business jet, better than Bombardier and Gulfstream. To be bigger, you can fly from the West Coast to London. At the premiere of "Royal Casino" we can take the plane."

A few days ago, Drew went to Renton for the release of "The Royal Casino". Since the fireflies and MGM's business jets did not have the ability to fly across the ocean, the gimmicks were rarely 'saving'. After taking a passenger flight, the result was that the back and forth of the beggar were only uncomfortable.

"The last time I heard Larry Ellison mention it, I just remembered it," Eric thought for a moment and said, "You don't want to buy Boeing 777. I have recently contacted Boeing to place an order."

When I first mentioned it to Eric, I refused to mention it again after I was rejected. At this time I heard Eric suddenly said that the girl was a little excited and said: "We can now Did you buy it?"

"Yeah," Eric nodded, and suddenly smiled. "Not only the plane, you want to buy anything, you can't just spend it with so much money. It doesn't mean to live."

"Oh, then I will let people contact Boeing."

Shantou said, got up and ran out to move Eric's laptop, opened Eric's mailbox and sent an email to his assistant's office.


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