I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 879: One day in a week

Eric's assistant office is responsible for almost all aspects of his work and life, and even a few of his team's team. At this time, Shantou’s e-mail was also familiar with the way, which is obviously not the first time.

Drew also knew what Eric was waiting for, and after sending out the e-mail, he patiently shrank into his arms and spoke.

Until 12 o'clock in the morning, the laptop that was always open opened a new e-mail alert. Eric got up and opened the e-mail and looked at it. He smiled and picked up the already fascinated **** and walked toward the bedroom. go with. If it was at a lively party, there was no problem with the hoe, but in this neglected environment, the niece began to sneak up early.

Feel Eric's gentle movements, the **** sticks to Eric, and comfortably smashes into a kitten, stalking me: "Eric, oh, Boeing, how much?"

Eric smiled and said in a polite voice: "Enough you buy a plane."

Early the next morning, the major newspapers in North America were busy, because this week’s North American box office rankings were all news points. Almost all mainstream newspapers listed Friday’s single-day box office rankings. Conspicuous layout.

"Floating Story": $20.21 million.

"Time and Space Contact": 6.86 million US dollars.

"Lion King 2": $6.22 million.

Godzilla: $5.95 million.

Air Crisis: $3.08 million.

Even those who are completely insensitive to the box office list numbers can easily understand what happened when they glance at the headlines in the major newspapers.

"The Story of the Undersea has won "Lion King 2" on the first day."

"Time and Space Contact" opened for $6.86 million, and Paramount slammed the strategy."

“Godzilla fell 66% year-on-year.”

"Anberland's film industry is dissatisfied with Paramount's investment in "Time and Space Contact" and there is a crack in cooperation between the two sides."

"The summer movie animated film shines, and the live-action blockbuster has been released. "Batman and Robin" and "The Royal Casino of 007" are in the dark."


In this series of news reports, the new issue of "Hollywood Reporter" gives a detailed analysis of the article in detail.

"First of all, the author has to mention the Titanic again. As of last week, the total investment of 265 million US dollars in the global box office has reached 2.13 billion US dollars, and the film North America eventually reached 620.98 million. The box office of the US dollar officially draws. The amazing box office figures will directly bring the $860 million global box office share to the Firefly Group, minus the cost, and the Firefly Group will receive a net profit of nearly $600 million."

"In addition, "Titanic" sales of more than 70 kinds of peripheral goods also exceeded 850 million US dollars. "Titanic" North American soundtrack sales reached 5.6 million in ten weeks, interestingly, this data It’s just physical record sales. It is reported that the North American Recording Association refused to recognize the 1.25 million “Titanic” digital record sales data of the Yahoo Music Store. The sales volume of the original soundtrack of the Titanic overseas has also easily exceeded 7 million. Industry analysis, "Titanic" global record sales may eventually reach 30 million, this alone, will bring more than 900 million US dollars for the Firefly Group. Related data, "Titanic" a film, the future Within a few years, it will continue to create a net profit of no less than $2 billion for the Firefly Group. For the entire Hollywood industry, the major media groups can earn more than $2 billion a year. So far, only the Firefly family has been."

“I have been spurred by the huge profits created by Titanic. In the past six months, I have heard more than one of the top seven movie studios in Hollywood to start a new 'Super Bombshell' film project. However, in the past month, Hollywood has been a real person. The blockbuster performance of the blockbuster will undoubtedly make the already hot-skinned Hollywood sober."

"The one of these, the most introspective to Hollywood, is undoubtedly the same as the "Titanic", the monster movie "Godzilla".

"Sony Pictures, a total investment of 220 million US dollars in ambitions, before the release of the sword refers to the global 1 billion box office. But after experiencing the start of the defeat and continuous extreme bad reviews, the single-day box office has been squeezed into the next Friday. The fourth place on the list, compared with the first Friday of $17.5 million, the contraction has shrunk by 66%. The box office figures have dropped sharply to $5.95 million. It is expected that the box office will be only between 22 million and 25 million in the next week. The total box office number in North America will also be It’s hard to exceed $130 million. At the same time, the performance of Godzilla’s overseas box office is equally disappointing. The film has even been strongly resisted by Godzilla fans in the most important Japanese market.”

"According to insiders, Sony executives have urgently stopped the preparations for the sequel to Godzilla. The person in charge of the project may also face the situation of being forced to leave."

"Roland Emmerich, the director and producer of the film, is also destined to be difficult after the "Dongli". Even before the release of "Godzilla", the Firefly Group suddenly announced that Michael Bay will take over the firefly. The disaster film series "The Day After Tomorrow" is likely to be affected by the poor quality of "Godzilla". As we all know, Roland Emmerich was once passed as the director of "The Day After Tomorrow", and the Firefly's digital field is responsible for it. Most of the special effects of the Godzilla project, it is not difficult for the fireflies to know the quality of the Godzilla film before the film was released."

"In addition to Godzilla, from May, France's Gaomeng Film Company spent $90 million on the "Fifth Element", the Firefly Group's $75 million "Air Prison" and the film production of Ander Berlin. Paramount issued the same $90 million "Time and Space Contact", and the box office performance can only be described as deserted."

"Where, the fifth element of the three-week release, the cumulative box office is only 47 million, it is expected that the total box office in North America will be difficult to reach 70 million US dollars. "Air Prison" two-week box office is only $ 57.37 million, although the final box office may Reaching $100 million, but still far below industry expectations. Similarly, Robert Zemikis followed the "Forrest Gump" sci-fi giant "Time and Space Contact", although the production cost is equivalent to the release of "Nemo" However, this film that uses sci-fi cloaks to deeply explore religious philosophical issues is clearly not recognized by the audience. The first day of the box office is less than one-third of the "National Mobilization", even less than the $7.7 million in the "Air Prison" two weeks ago. Data, perhaps, Ann Berlin and Paramount can only expect "Time and Space Contact" to get out of the box office curve similar to "Forrest Gump", but in terms of feedback from the audience, this possibility is extremely embarrassing."

"The loss of four consecutive live-action movie boxes at the box office is undoubtedly worrying about the "Batman and Robin" and "Royal Casino 007" that are expected in the next two weeks. At the same time, Hollywood should probably calm down at this time. Under the spur of the Titanic, excessive pursuit of big investment and big production."

"However, in addition to live-action movies, the two movie-making movies and word-of-mouth performances of the summer movie show are amazing."

"Paramount Pictures took over the second 2d hand-drawn animated film "The Lion King 2" after Disney's hand-painted animation studio. Although it was clamped by competitors in Xuanfa, the box office in the first week still reached 55.7 million US dollars, the next week. It was only a weak 24% decline, and received another 430,000 US dollars. The total box office in the two weeks reached 98.03 million US dollars. On the first day of the third week of the show, although the decline was expanded to 37% under the impact of "Nemo", The long-term advantage of animated films, the future North American total box office may still reach 200 million US dollars, far exceeding the box office potential of several live-action movies."

"Finally, it is the top priority of today's topic, "The Story of the Sea.""

"Before the release of "The Story of the Sea", due to the burst of the word-of-mouth of the "Lion King 2" from Disney, the industry generally believes that Eric Williams's move to sell Disney's hand-drawn animation studio is stupid. But after "Finding the Nemo", many people have to close their mouths."

"Only three-quarters of the production costs of "Lion King 2" are as good as "Lion King 2", even though "Nemo" has a much more convenient channel than the "Lion King 2". On the first day, more than the outstanding box office results of "Lion King 2" for the same period of $7.41 million, we also have to admit that 3d animated films are indeed more popular with viewers than 2d animated films."

"The first day of the box office of 20.21 million US dollars, stimulated by the burst of word of mouth, "The bottom of the mobilization" first week box office may reach a high of 90 million US dollars. Due to the long-term potential of animated films, "Nemo" will undoubtedly become the first summer this year The North American box office may hit a $300 million seed player. Even more daring, if this box office and word-of-mouth advantage can also be played in overseas markets, "Nemo" is likely to catch up with the "Lion King" and become another The global box office touched an animated blockbuster of $1 billion."

"And the animated film far surpasses the profitability of the live-action film, the success of a new cartoon image will bring continuous and continuous financial resources to the surrounding stores, game parks and other industries of the Firefly Group."

“Here, the author even began to look forward to the upcoming Ice Age, which will be released on July 4th. The first 3D animated film produced by the Blue Sky Studio jointly funded by Firefly and Fox, although costing only $59 million, The author's sense of the animated trailer, "Ice Age" is likely to become another surprise in the summer file. Perhaps, other Hollywood film executives, should focus more on the development of animated film, rather than Chasing the Titanic, which is out of reach."

The article "Hollywood Reporter" inevitably caused reflections from executives at some Hollywood studios, and it also prompted Firefly competitors to speed up the deployment of the animated film industry. However, Eric has always been very clear before that "Titanic" is more like an odd number, so it has never been hot for this.

Eric originally planned to talk to Chris Jenner about the reality show on the rest day. Although the former Kardashian family had all the temptations to make people feel resentful, Eric is now a huge The controllers of the media empire, the angle of view of the problem is naturally different. In his position, there are fifty or sixty high-level firefighting groups, and the number of executives above the firefly system manager level reaches thousands, not to mention the total number of employees in the entire firefly group has exceeded 120,000. In a circle like Hollywood, if there is any mental cleansing, then you must not think about Shutan in one day.

MGM acquired e! After the entertainment, I want to quickly open the situation in the TV industry, and it is undoubtedly a very effective way to enable people like Chris Jenner who are good at speculation.

However, on Saturday morning, Eric received a call from Chris from New York. After talking for more than half an hour, Eric had to cancel the weekend break and temporarily convene the firefly issue department and the finance department. The management of the management team and the clover management held an emergency meeting.

The matter is very simple. After three months of accumulation, the attack by the international financial oligarchs on the Southeast Asian monetary system is about to start.

The two will call Chris from New York to Tokyo, Japan, and they may have to sit there in the next month.

After the meeting at the end of April, the Firefly Group began to speed up the extraction of the box office share of the Titanic in Southeast Asia. At the same time, it also sold the fireflies in the summer and the upcoming film in the second half of the year to Southeast Asian filmmakers.

Fireflies are also very frank to Southeast Asian filmmakers. The company is worried that the economic situation in Southeast Asia will cause serious exchange rate losses in the second half of the year, so it is hoped to cash out in advance.

The Thai baht has just experienced an attack by international currency speculators in March, and Southeast Asian filmmakers understand the concerns of fireflies.

However, most filmmakers in Southeast Asia are generally unaware of the seriousness of the matter. According to common sense, even if the local currency depreciates by 10% or even 20%, the impact of currency depreciation will not be too great for those whose business scope is limited to local enterprises. Stimulated by the "Titanic" box office, Southeast Asian filmmakers welcomed the firefly group's sale of distribution rights, so they rushed to buy distribution rights.

Since the beginning of May, by adopting some financial means, the fireflies have successively recovered the box office share of "Titanic" equivalent to 50 million US dollars from Southeast Asia, and the box office share of Japan has also begun to settle.

At the same time, after a one-time sale of the firefly summer file and the Southeast Asian distribution rights of a series of films such as "Air Prison", "Nemo 2" and "Jurassic Park 3" in the second half, the fireflies recovered another $75 million. cash.

If these films are not big enough, Eric actually wants to sell the rights to distribute the film for the whole year next year. Of course, this can only be thought of.

For $55 million, although it is not a huge sum for fireflies, for the entire box office market, which is only half of Japan's Southeast Asian ticket warehouses, this is the highest profit that fireflies can extract at one time in a short period of time.

Although the group's finance department statistics, due to this radical selling strategy, once there is no economic crisis in Southeast Asia, fireflies may lose 10 million to 20 million US dollars, but Eric knows that if this is not done, the economic crisis in Southeast Asia will erupt, fireflies The loss will go far beyond this. At that time, the Southeast Asian currency depreciated to the waist, which could have been converted into a box office of 10 million US dollars, and only 5 million US dollars remained. The Southeast Asian economy has been devastated, and the film industry will certainly suffer a strong impact. Although the industry has a lower economic outlook, the entertainment industry will prosper. However, if the economy collapses, Eric does not believe that the people will have the heart to go to the movies. Otherwise, the former Hong Kong films will not fade after the Southeast Asian economic crisis. Come down.

Throughout the weekend, Eric is checking the recovery of funds in Southeast Asian countries, and at the same time, began to mobilize funds to prepare for Shamrock Holdings to absorb more technology stocks.

The North American stock market is a very open global financial market. The severe economic shocks in Southeast Asia will inevitably affect the nascent Nasdaq index. In the coming months, with the Southeast Asian economic crisis, the original high Nasdaq index There will be a short-term downturn, which is undoubtedly the best time for Shamrock Holdings to invest.

Eric was busy with these matters, and on Saturday, the one-day box office of the "National Mobilization", which was strikingly opened, rose 38% again, eventually reaching $28.01 million. Although the box office on Sunday dropped, the one-day box office remained at a high of $22.03 million. The first three days of the first weekend, the total box office of "Nemo" has reached an astonishing $70.25 million. This powerful box office is amazing. .

A film critic of the Los Angeles Times even joked that "Nemo" is a box office that harvests others for a week.

In fact, the reality is also true. This summer's summer file and the cost of making the Nemo is the same as the $90 million two films, the "Five Elements" and "Time and Space Contact". The former has only a poor 47 million at the box office for three weeks. The US dollar, the latter and the "Nemo" mobilized at the same time, the first weekend of the box office three days of box office is only 20.58 million US dollars, although the first week of the box office may be close to 30 million, but even in accordance with the conservative 30% weekly decline, "time contact" three weeks Time can only recover $65 million, and it is still not comparable to the three-day box office of Finding Nemo.

At the same time, "Nemo" has been popular in some overseas ticket warehouse countries, and the popularity is also significantly higher than Pixar's "Toy Story", "Bug Crisis" and other films, just the first week of the UK, "Nemo" At the box office, the US dollar reached $13.5 million. Prior to this, Pixar’s best-selling animated film “Toy Story 2” was only $6.1 million in the first three days of the UK.

When this series of statistics came out, Hollywood and North American entertainment media realized that they had made the wrong focus at the beginning.

The most dazzling box office star in this summer's summer is not "Lion King 2", not "Godzilla", and perhaps not the next "Batman and Robin" and "Royal Casino 007", but before the release Unobtrusive, the release period was sandwiched between "Godzilla" and "Batman and Robin" between the two masterpieces once considered "cannon ash" of the "Nemo". (To be continued.)

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