I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 894: I am afraid it is not so easy.

Kensington Gardens Street is considered to be London's most intimate community, although Elizabeth, who is far away in Los Angeles, was eager to call the gossip on the night of the gossip Eric to throw the door out of the door, but this is only after all. It will spread in a small circle and will not cause any waves.

Perhaps calm down, Diana did not make any more extraordinary things, but flew silently to Eastern Europe to continue her own mine ban. What appeared in the media was only news that the Princess of Wales suddenly fell in love. Although some tabloids inevitably publish some suggestive articles, the most influential gossip newspapers basically ambiguous about the reasons for Diana's loss of love, and this incident has no effect on Eric.

Simon Fuller called the next day and agreed to the Firefly's acquisition of the 19 entertainment company he founded.

Although it has been established for 12 years, 19 entertainment has no valuable assets. Some of the singers who signed the contract eventually ended up silently. Eric did not expect anything from this company. He looked at it. It’s just Simon Fuller’s creativity and experience in the record industry.

After a simple evaluation of 19 Entertainment by the Firefly UK branch, Eric issued a price of $3 million, of which $1 million was for the acquisition of the entire equity of 19 Entertainment and another $2 million for the start-up funding for the Spice Girls Group. At the same time, Eric gave Simon Fuller a 10% cumulative company option in the contract.

Knowing that he didn't have a bargaining room with Eric, Simon Fuller was not entangled in these details, not to mention that 10% of the option rewards also made him very satisfied.

Although it is nominally affiliated with the Firefly Records affiliated with the Firefly Group, because Firefly Records does not have much business in the UK and Europe, 19 Entertainment is incorporated into Firefly Records, which is almost equivalent to the European branch of Firefly Records. As long as you can get the full support of the Firefly Group, 19 entertainment will definitely grow and develop. At that time, this 10% option will also add value to a very substantial wealth.

Compared to the huge size of the Firefly Group, this $3 million acquisition seems to be worthless.

However, when the news of the transaction was announced, it was learned that Eric was personally behind the scenes. The entire European recording industry turned its attention to the original 19th entertainment. No one would believe that Firefly would carry out the record business in Europe. It will only be a small fight, and some mainstream media have also discussed the purpose of Firefly or Eric. Simon Fuller discovered that he suddenly became a red man in the industry. In the past, he did not pay attention to his old record companies, who have personally called to listen to the news, and find people who are close to the relationship and seek cooperation. .

To be honest, the plan to acquire 19 entertainment and create a hot girl combination is really just a little bit of the rest of Eric’s rest, but most people obviously don’t think so, especially the Royal Casino is still In the case of the global box office, even if he does not mention the huge wealth he has, he will continue to produce two global box office billion-dollar blockbusters. Now his influence in the entertainment industry has reached an unprecedented height. Not only did Carlsenberg personally call to ask Eric's detailed plan, Firefly Record President Barry Weiss also wanted to come to the UK personally, but was stopped by Eric.

After spending two days, and Simon Fowler initially discussed the plan to create a hot girl combination, 19 Entertainment quickly announced in the Times that it would openly recruit 18-year-old girls to form a women's group.

The influence of the acquisition of 19 entertainment with Firefly is limited to the news in the professional field. After the release of the recruitment notice in The Times, many girls who are looking forward to fame are excited. In just three days, 19 entertainment has received more than 1000. A resume, some record companies even want to directly put the newcomers in their hands into this combination, for a time, the entire British entertainment circle boiled.

San Francisco, U.S.

Firefly Electronics is located at the irelyer player assembly plant in northern Auckland. Three years ago, Eric Kleber, who was transferred from Nokia to the firefly electronics supply chain and production, felt that someone had filmed himself. I slammed up and found that I didn't know when I fell asleep at my desk.

Today is July 10, the day the irelyer player is officially open for sale.

In order to ensure that nothing is lost, Jeff Kleber has been in the factory almost in the past few days. And a week ago, he just flew back from Malaysia. In addition to the two product assembly plants in the United States, Firefly Electronics also started construction of a larger irelyer plant with a monthly capacity of 500,000 units in Southeast Asia, but only the factory there. It takes three months to start production, and capacity also requires a slow climb.

Blindly stunned, Jeff Kleber saw the two people standing in front of him, Victor McNealy and Bill Olsen, and Victor McNealy smiled and gave a copy. Breakfast was handed over.

After getting together for a few months, the three people are very familiar with it. Jeff Kleber is also welcome. He tears open the bag and bites the sandwich and swallows it. This is enough to lift his wrist and look at the watch. "It’s already eight o'clock."

"Yeah," Victor McNealy nodded, and took two chairs with Bill Olsen to sit down and said, "We came over at seven o'clock, and you didn't wake up when you slept." ”

"Oh, then you must have been to the assembly shop," Jeff Kleber bite the sandwich again, and said: "It was awful last night. One of the equipment robots failed, and it was repaired at four in the morning. I must talk to Epson's Hamada today about this matter. If he can't give me a satisfactory answer, they don't want to order 100 equipment robots in Malaysia."

Victor McNealy and Bill Olsen looked at the young man in his early thirties and ate a few sandwiches. He was a little envious.

Three months ago, when I first saw Jeff Kleber, both of them doubted whether this young man, who was energetic but somewhat characterous, could do the job of managing the firefly electronics supply chain and production. But they have not had any scruples at the moment. Under the management of Jeff Kleber, just three months, the component supply chain and product line of Firefly Electronics have undergone a revolutionary transformation.

Bill Olsen complained to Jeff Kleber and smiled: "Jeff, we don't need to pay attention to this today."

"Of course," Jeff Kleber nodded. "The Amazon is open for sale at ten o'clock. There is still an hour and forty minutes."

Although it is decided to open the purchase from today, it will take some time for irelyer's physical channel to be distributed.

In this case, after trying to test the three-month hunger marketing, irelyer's actual market demand, Amazon's online store sales data is undoubtedly a very good way. Therefore, Amazon will open irelyer's pre-sale at 10:00 am West Coast time today. After the user places an order online, Amazon will arrange delivery within the next 7 to 15 days.

Victor McNealy saw Jeff Kleber's face as relaxed and said: "Are you not nervous at all?"

"Why are you nervous, and the two of you don't seem too nervous," Jeff Kleber smiled and looked at the two men. "Only in the first half of the year, sales in North America reached 14.3 million units. This year. The annual sales of p is likely to be close to 30 million units. These consumers who purchase p can be potential consumers of irelyer. According to this standard, the potential sales of irelye can reach at least 30 million, equivalent to 2.5 million units per month. And even if the Malaysian factory is completed and put into production, our production capacity will reach 1 million units per month, which will not even satisfy the North American market, let alone a larger overseas market."

Victor McNealy watched Jeff Kleber gorging on the breakfast and got up and said, "Well, if that's the case, let's go out and the air is good outside."

"Of course, I just want to see today's newspaper," Jeff Kleber said: "Speaking, today is Friday, last week's box office data should come out, you guess we waved ss movie this week What is the box office?"

Bill Olson smiled and said: "Unfortunately, I have already seen it, no guess, it is..."

Jeff Kleber immediately raised a finger: "Stop, don't tell me, I see it myself."


The three men laughed and left Jeff Kleber's office and walked outside.

Los Angeles, Santa Monica.

In the restaurant, Amy Pascal's husband, Bernard Wilbur, looked at the "Hollywood Reporter" and shook his head: "Unbelievable, it is incredible, the decline is only 34%, almost more than all analysts predict. It’s going to be low. According to this trend, the North American box office may even exceed $350 million.”

Amy Pascal sat on the other side of the table, and there was a newspaper next to him.

In the second week of the show, "Casino Royale" box office fell more than many people think, and ended up only 34%, and then received $75.55 million, the cumulative box office has reached $ 195 million. Affected by "Royal Casino", the original forecast of the first week of the box office will reach 60 million US dollars "Ice Age", and finally the first week of the box office regrets staying at $ 570,000.

Another new film, "Jesus 2", was even more affected. The first week's box office was only $150,000, which was $12 million less than the first week of the new line's initial $35 million forecast. Moreover, the film even went weeks. The third place in the box office list failed to get it, but it fell behind the fourth week of "The Story of the Sea".

As for "Batman and Robin" released in the week before "Royal Casino", it has become a nightmare for Warner Bros.

Due to poor reputation, "Batman and Robin" won $65.47 million in the first week, and the box office fell by 65% ​​in the second week, only $20.81 million. But this is not over yet. The industry has thought that the third week of "Batman and Robin" will start to narrow at the box office, but by the impact of "Royal Casino", "Batman and Robin" will still dive in the third week. In general, 61%, only a poor $8.11 million in a single-week box office.

In the three weeks of the release, "Batman and Robin" has a total box office of $84.39 million, but according to the current decline, if the box office will be squatted again next week, the weekly box office will only be less than $4 million. It will only stay at around $95 million. In the end, Warner wants to have a box office of over 100 million, and he can only save himself.

"Batman and Robin" has a total investment of 125 million US dollars, plus a $50 million budget for the Royal Casino. Even if the final global box office exceeds 200 million, Warner Bros. can only recover about 90 million US dollars. The box office is divided. The film's word of mouth has completely collapsed, and the revenue of the later video tapes and TV broadcast rights will be greatly reduced. Taken together, Warner’s direct losses on this project could reach $80 million, but this is not the most important. The more serious consequence is that the Batman brand is completely embarrassing this time. Without ten or eight years, Warner is hard to restart this superhero series.

Looking at the box office statistics in the newspaper, I thought about these things. Amy Pascal responded: "So, what you said last week, the continuous bad film shock will inspire the market to starve high-scoring commercial movies. The degree of thirst. It’s really making you right, and now many people feel incredible.”

Bernard Winlaub nodded and said: "So, the next 007 should start immediately?"

When I heard the husband mention this, Amy Pascal stopped at the hand of the jam on the bread and smiled bitterly: "I am afraid it is not so easy."

"Also," Bernard Winlaub laughed. "According to Williams' character, he will definitely not continue shooting the next 007. You want to find a director who can take over the series, but it costs A lot of work. Williams has set up such a good situation, if the lower sequel director's lack of ability leads to a series of setbacks, it would be a pity."

"The key is not the director," Amy Pascal said, shaking his head. "The problem is in Bruce South."

“About pay?”

Amy Pascal nodded and said: "This is a very troublesome thing now. You should know "Smiths"?"

"of course."

Amy Pascal explained: "Before the Smiths, Pierce could barely be regarded as a second-line actor. In order to participate in the mainstream movie "Smiths", he signed a package of three films with Columbia Pictures. The contract stipulates that the price increase of each film should not exceed 50%. In the "Smiths", Pierce's pay is $3 million. Then, under the promotion of Eric, in order to let Pierce appear in Bond, the option contract was Transferred to MGM. Because the "Smiths" box office is very good, "Golden Eyes", Pierce's pay is slightly relaxed, but only 5 million US dollars. Next is this "Royal Casino", his The pay is $7 million."

Listening to his wife's narrative, Bernard Winlaw also understood. According to the Hollywood star's pay standard, after the "Smiths", Pierce Brosnan's worth should reach 10 million US dollars. However, due to contract restrictions, he continued to take two films for low pay. Now, "Royal Casino" global box office directly points to one billion, the 007 series has been pushed to an unprecedented glory, Bruce South just completed the original three contracts, although everyone knows that the great success of "Royal Casino" is basically Eric’s credit, but this does not prevent Brusnan from opening the lion in the next sequel.

Putting down the newspaper in his hand, Bernard Winlawb asked in a curious way: "How much does he want this time?"

Amy Pascal said: "20 million US dollars plus 20% of global box office dividends."

The box office rules that Hollywood superstars and studios signed were varied, and Bernard Wilbur did not quite understand it. He continued to ask: "What are the specific rules?"

"20 million US dollars is very simple, 20% of the global box office dividends, is the company's global box office share minus 20% of the profits after the production and distribution costs. If in accordance with the "Royal Casino" global $ 1 billion standard, The box office we got was divided into about $400 million, minus the total cost of $165 million, with a profit of $235 million. Pierce wanted to take 20% of this profit."

Bernard Winlaws simply counted, and couldn't help but take a sigh of relief: "If the next sequel can reach the level of "Royal Casino", it is almost 70 million US dollars, hey, he can really dare Opening."

Amy Pascal also smiled helplessly and said: "According to the company's planned agent movie cosmic story line, the lower 007 is still a big high in the whole series. Even if the box office does not reach 1 billion globally, it will not be inferior. How many."

Bernard Winlaw said: "What are you going to do?"

Amy Pascal shrugged and said: "Continue to negotiate, such a high pay is definitely impossible. Eric has set the rules, want to divide, the fixed pay can not exceed 10 million US dollars, it is said that Cameron The "Spider-Man" contract signed with Fireflies has not broken through this restriction, and MGM has definitely followed this implementation. It depends on Pierce's choice to directly add 20 million or 10 million US dollars, after all, even if it is divided It is absolutely impossible for us to give him 20%. Moreover, we are not without chips."

"Oh, what?"

Amy Pascal said: "Pearce signed a contract with Columbia Pictures for three. Similarly, the 007 signed with MGM is also three, although there is no limit on the final payment, but this is not completed. In the movie contract, he can't pick up other movies. If it is deadlocked, it will not be good for everyone."

Bernard Winlaw said again: "But even then, after the next one, the agent movie universe should not be over yet?"

“Yeah,” Amy Pascal remembered Eric’s memo last month and said: “We’re also discussing this issue recently, and there are definitely solutions.” (To be continued.)

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