I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 895: Can't sell anymore


In the large conference room of Amazon's headquarters, several high-level executives are sitting around the conference table and whispering. The wall-mounted screen in front of the conference room displays the background transaction data of a series of irelyer players, only 10 o'clock away. In the next 5 minutes, the most eye-catching turnover on the screen is still zero.

With a telephone call to a vice president who is heading to San Francisco for the irelyer player logistics distribution, Jeff Bezos also hurriedly pushed the conference room door into the room and sat down in his position, looking forward to the wall. On the big screen. The other high-ranking whispers were quiet, leaving only two administrative secretaries to distribute a piece of information.

As with the day when hunger marketing was implemented three months ago, today is still a very important day for Amazon.

From April to the present, with the hunger marketing strategy for irelyer players, Amazon has not only earned enough attention, but also the website's popularity, number of registered people, and sales amount have increased significantly. Prior to this, the company's first quarter turnover was only $87 million, which is already very impressive for an e-commerce site that has been established for less than three years. But in the second quarter, relying on the popularity of the irelyer player's marketing strategy, Amazon's turnover soared 77% to $154 million in three months. Among them, the cumulative 150,000 irelyer players that Amazon is responsible for underwriting contributed nearly $45 million in revenue.

Jeff Bezos has always been a very conceited person, but this time, he also had to admire Eric's pen in the online marketing of irelyer players.

Amazon started an ipo negotiation with Morgan Stanley a few months ago, and it has initially confirmed that the official listing time will be January next year.

Just in March, Firefly Investment once again injected $100 million into Amazon for a third 5% stake, when the company's valuation was only $2 billion.

But now, with the Nasdaq index continuing to rise, and more importantly, Amazon's second-quarter business explosive growth, Wall Street's valuation of Amazon has doubled to $4 billion in half a year.

Although the outbreak of the Southeast Asian economic crisis may have a certain impact on the Nasdaq index, Jeff Bezos is quite optimistic. Even if Amazon can maintain its current high growth rate, it is not impossible for the company's IPO's share price to be doubled compared to the current forecast. The hunger marketing strategy of irelyer has greatly contributed to the company's development. If possible, Jeff Bezos hopes that the hunger marketing of the irelyer player will continue until the end of the year, but he also understands that many things are too far behind. Although Hunger Marketing can greatly improve the attention and topic of the website in the short term, if the user can't buy a product for a long time, the original expectation will gradually turn into disappointment and even disgust, whether it is Firefly Electronics or Amazon. I hope to see this happen.

Some of them thought about these problems with ecstasy, until the administrative secretary patted him on his shoulder, and Jeff Bezos came back. On the big screen, time has come to 9:59.

Everyone in the conference room completely put everything in his hands and mind, and turned his eyes to the big screen in front of him.

There was no special sound, and there was no dramatic picture. At 10 o'clock, the simple and eye-catching number on the big screen began to jump.

The last time before the open purchase, 5,000 irelyer players sold out only 37 seconds.

But this time, although it was open for pre-sale, the sales of the irelyer player on the screen broke through 5,000 units in just one minute. After seven minutes, the pre-sale sales reached 20,000 units. Slow down, but this slowdown can only be relatively speaking, the sales figures on the screen continue to increase at a rate of more than 10 per second.

After the first expansion of the production capacity of the irelyer player, Amazon still got a third of the sales share, which is 150,000 units.

According to the sales situation in the previous months, although it is still expected that irelyer will maintain a tight sales status for a long time in the future, Amazon has predicted that the supply of 150,000 units should be able to meet the orders of network users. After all, e-commerce is just beginning to emerge. Most consumers are tempted to buy electronic products. The irelyer has sold for three months, although the price of physical stores is generally $30 higher than Amazon. There is no hindrance to the purchase enthusiasm of physical store users.

Therefore, as time went by, at 10:52, when the volume on the big screen exceeded 50,000, Jeff Bezos’s original joy dissipated and calmed down. He gradually realized that there might be What went wrong. Selling sales in the past month in less than an hour, on the surface, although it is a good thing, but if the original supply for a month is swept away within a day or even a few hours, then what does Amazon take next? Go to supply customers.

In my mind, I was still thinking about what was going on. Jeff Bezos’s body had already jumped, waving his arms and shouting loudly to everyone in the conference room: “Stop, let’s stop, let’s stop. Can't be sold anymore."


The sensation caused by the selection of the Spice Girls group was beyond imagination, and Eric’s days in London were not affected. He will naturally not participate in the selection of the previous period. These jobs are all led by Simon Fuller. He will only participate in finalizing the final candidate in the final stage.

Christina spent a week in London and returned to Los Angeles. Firefly Records President Barry Weiss hopes to let Christina re-release a single with the popularity of "Royal Casino" to warm up her first album next year.

Although there is no substantive work plan in the near future, Eric has not completely ignored the window.

In addition to North American summer box office, Eric continues to pay attention to the firefly system, MGM's acquisition of e! Entertainment and Rainbow Media's equity, 007 project team and Bruce South's remuneration negotiations, Chris in Southeast Asia Forex operations, the next stage of the irelyer player sales plan, etc., he also took the time to go to Cambridge, North London and Finland's Nokia headquarters to see the progress of ARM's chip development and Nokia's operation, although far from North America The women are not around, but the days are still full.

Due to the time difference, North America is still daytime, and the night in London has already arrived.

Although it has already been compiled by Hollywood, the 007 series is still regarded as a British film by most British media. Therefore, perhaps the "Royal Casino" in North America and the world movie market reputation and box office both burst the pride of the British people, the film's next week's British box office fell even lower than North America, only 33%, the box office remains Up to 14.27 million pounds, according to the exchange rate of the pound to the dollar 1:1.5, equivalent to 21.4 million US dollars.

In two weeks, the Royal Box office's UK box office has reached 35.57 million pounds ($53.36 million). According to the current box office trend, the final British box office of the film will exceed 60 million pounds ($90 million), although it cannot be compared with the previous one. Compared with the final price of the Titanic, which was 79.93 million pounds ($119 million), it was no suspense to win the second place in the British film history box office.

A filmmaker party is taking place in a private club in the West End of London, hosted by the famous orking-title film company in the UK.

At the London Premiere of the Royal Casino, Eric had a relationship with an or-title, a female producer named Alison Owen, who had seen Cate Blanchett. After the performance in "Royal Casino", Alison Owen intended to invite her to play a film that the company is preparing. Since Kate signed the option contract with Fireflies in advance, it must be licensed by Firefly. Rick happened to be in London again and again, and the script was sent to Eric.

Coincidentally, the film was actually "Elizabeth", a biography of Queen Elizabeth I.

The original time and space "Elizabeth" once let Cate Blanchett get the first Oscar heroine nominated film. Moreover, "Elizabeth" and "Shakespeare Love Story" were released in the same year, and they were all Oscar hotspots of the year, but behind the face of the "Shakespeare Love Story" operated by Miramax, the results of "Elizabeth" can be imagined. know.

Since it can become an Oscar hotspot, "Elizabeth" is naturally not too bad, and Cate Blanchett also likes this role. Eric has no objection. The final result of the discussion is that the film is jointly invested by orking-title and the new line. The new line is responsible for the global distribution of films other than the UK.

During the several communication sessions around Elizabeth, Eric was gradually familiar with the head of orking-title, so he had the party he attended today.

"Eric, I heard that you are currently selecting a band, you can reveal it in advance, this time I plan to come up with something that surprises everyone?"

In the hall where the figure was moving, Eric stood up with a group of red wine and chatted with the other three people. Erik Fener, the president of orking-title, asked, yes, another Eric, actually, In the West, where there is really no creativity in terms of name, the probability of encountering a person with the same name in public is almost the same as the possibility of driving the car to the same style.

"Since it is a surprise, of course, I have to wait until the last minute to know. However, I can reveal it in advance," Eric said with a smile on his face, gradually lowering his voice and hanging the appetite of several people. This is: " This is a girl group."

The other three squatted and then laughed.

19 Entertainment Open Recruitment Information clearly states that young girls who are 18 to older are naturally not allowed. Eric Fener also smiled and shook his head and said, "So, Eric, Firefly, is this to develop the record business in Europe?"

Eric shook his head and said: "Now it's just some ideas. I still want to try water first. After all, in the music field, fireflies are not good at it."

“Actually,” Eric Fener continued: “The record industry is similar to the Hollywood studios. Fireflies want to expand their business in this area, and the method is simple.”

Eric listened to the other person and raised his eyebrows slightly. Just now, everyone is still discussing the development of British film. Eric Fener suddenly put the topic on the selection of the hot girl combination. Eric has already felt a little strange. At this time, he obviously feels that Eric · Fener should be suggesting something.

Just thinking, there was a warm greeting from the side: "Hey, Eric, good evening."

Eric turned and saw Barbara Brock, who was wearing a black evening gown, smile and walked over. He smiled and nodded, and carefully hugged the glass with her. The British film circle is so big, as the producer of the 007 series, Barbara Brockley is not surprising.

Embracing with Eric, Barbara Brockley nodded with several others and asked: "So, what are you talking about?"

Eric Fener replied with a smile: "Of course it is "Royal Casino", Barbara, you are so beautiful this time."

"Hey, Eric is here, you say so, I will be self-confident."


Another burst of laughter.

Chatting a few words at random, Barbara Brockley noticed that there was no female companion beside Eric, and joked: "Eric, I didn't expect you to come alone tonight, need me to dance with you?" ”

Eric took advantage of the situation: "Of course, this is my honor."

Barbara Brockley was just a joke. Seeing Eric reaching out and not refusing, he handed the red wine to the waiter next to him, and nodded with several others, and walked to the dance floor with Eric.

Feeling that Eric grabbed his waist, Barbara Brockley also put his arm over, but he leaned into Eric: "First declare, Eric, even if you can't find it today. Girl, can't provoke me."

Accompanied by music, Eric danced with Barbara Brockley and said, "Barbara, it’s so sad that you say so."

"Oh, I just gave you a vaccination in advance, you are not the type I like."

"Oh, it seems that I am so handsome, do you like rough?"

"No, you are too old, I like younger."

"Well, my heart is broken, but if I remember correctly, you are better than me..."

Barbara Brockley waited for Eric to finish, and immediately interrupted: "Hey, Eric, don't be so rude."

"Oh, sorry," Eric quickly stopped talking and said, "Right, Barbara, ask you something, are you familiar with Eric Fener?"

"Alright, you know, the British circle is just that big."

"So, do you know which record company he has?"

Barbara Brockley thought about it, shook his head, and then seemed to understand something. He laughed: "Ire not related to any record company, Eric Fener, but orking-title has a relationship with a record company. Oh, a big relationship. I think what you asked should be this." (To be continued.)

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