I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 899: CAA crisis

Century City bsp; aa president Richard Lovett did not have the stability of the past, ignoring the surprised eyes of other employees of the company, almost trotting with two assistants rushed into the company office building, but still in the hands of people With the phone: "Pier, you are calm, calm, things are not as bad as you think, I have already gone downstairs, yes, right away."

Having said that, all the way to the entrance of the elevator, remembering that there was no cell phone signal in the elevator, Richard Lovett did not hesitate to walk towards the stairwell, and took over another mobile phone that had been connected to the mobile phone from behind the assistant: "Here is Richard Lovett, hey, Kevin... I know, there are some situations. There must be some misunderstandings... Don't worry, you are personally responsible, don't you trust me? Ok...ok, ok, that's it, please come to dinner if you have time."

Along the way, several calls were made. Richard Lovett now habitually ran to the floor where his own office was located. He shouted aloud and forgot to remind his two assistants and turned to the building. Run down.

Richard Lovett had negotiated a packaged movie project with the other party at the Warner Warner headquarters this morning. Suddenly he heard that MGM would give up the news that Bruce South re-elected oo7. He even thought that this was someone else joking with him. In the case of "Royal Casino" box office to go straight to 100 million US dollars, MGM and Bruce South will certainly have some twists and turns in negotiations, but the two sides will be noisy, it is estimated that the entire Hollywood will not believe.

Until his assistant brought a copy of the article from Yahoo Portal to him, Richard Lovett believed that it was true. But then another message came and let him jump out of the chair of Warner's office and rushed out.

It turned out that MGM gave up Bruce South to re-select oo7, Pierce Brosnan himself did not know beforehand, this incident is entirely Bruce South's agent Rick Kozman arrogant, even without any knowledge In the case of Bruce South, he personally refused the contract for the payment of MGM, and it was a contract worth up to $100 million.

God, 100 million dollars!

Aa earns a total of $100 million per year for the company's thousands of customers, and Rick Kozman equals one person to nearly a1% annual income.

Moreover, if you just lost the contract, it is a pity, but the situation is not bad.

The worst part of the incident was that Rick Kozman made a private decision to reject the sky-high contract without having to negotiate with his client.

If this matter is passed on, it will definitely damage the reputation of aa in the customer's mind. In the brokerage industry, if a brokerage company loses the trust of its customers and causes a large number of customers to lose, it is not far from the bankruptcy of the gate. .

However, the fact is that this incident has almost spread to Hollywood. From the way Burbank rushed back to the company headquarters, Richard Lovett has received calls from seven or eight important customers. If you can't handle this crisis well, you can imagine that the competitors will never miss this opportunity to dig the wall. When Michael Owitz left three years ago, aa had experienced a turmoil and was badly hurt. In the past two years, the company has just re-entered the formality and can no longer experience any major shocks.

Climbing to the 12th floor and rushing down, Richard Lovett wiped the sweat from his forehead and finally came to the ninth floor of Bruce South agent Rick Kozman, passing through the office area. At a glance, Chad Lovett saw Rick Kozman, who was squinting at the corner of his paper, and walked over to himself, but there was no Bruce South.

Seeing Richard Lovett, Rick Kozman also stepped up and came over and apologized: "Richard, I am sorry, I didn't expect anything..."

Before the words were finished, Rick Kozman felt that Richard Lovitt had stretched his neck and dragged his neck to the glass wall.

Rick Kozman’s figure is a bit taller than Richard Lovett, but he also knows how much trouble he has suffered. At this time, he faced the boss’s rude behavior, but he did not dare to resist. The chicken was dragged over. The other employees in the office area aa are even more chilling, all consciously regain their gaze and far away.

"Rick, I don't want to hear you say sorry now," came to the glass wall, and Richard Lovett continued to force himself to press Rick Kozman's head in front of him, and he sighed in his ear. I quickly said, "Listen, I know the little trick you made in the Coca-Cola advertising contract negotiations. I also know that you took a $100,000 rebate when you introduced the spokesperson for Johnson, and you just bought it in Beverly. A set of luxury homes, there are o million US dollars of loans need to be repaid. So, what you have to do now is to just find a place to hide yourself, and if I hear any voice about you in the next month, Or, if you take the initiative to contact the media, believe me, I will bring you to the bank and go to jail, and your wife who has been a model in Sports Illustrated and the daughter who is going to Stanford University soon. Your financial support, they are nothing. I will try to sell them all to the most dirty and filthy brothels in Latin America. Son, understand? Well, now, give me a roll."

Richard Lovett’s face was gnashing his teeth, and he pushed Rick Kozman away. He suddenly thought of something and grabbed the other person back: “There is one more, Mr. Kozman, you are fired. It is."

Commanding the assistant to call the security guard to pull out the gray-faced Rick Kozman, Richard Lovett raised his hand and raised his hand on his stiff face, and put the palm down, originally with a few points. The fierce expression has been replaced by a friendly and full-faced smile, and a glance at the glass wall not far away, Richard Lovett sighed and pushed the room of Rick Kozman’s office The door went in.

Although it has been simply cleaned up, this office still looks a bit messy. The receiver of the landline on the desktop does not know where to fly. There is no glass frame on the wall, and there are some fine glass on the ground. Hey, the blinds that blocked the outside office area were also pulled down a large piece and pulled freely.

Another important partner of the company, David O'Connor, and Pierce Brosnan sat at his desk to appease each other. Pierce Brosnan's public relations manager Sarah Lindelt was standing by the window and making a phone call.

Seeing that Richard Kozman came in, Bruce South immediately got up, completely without the gentlemanly manner of the past, loudly: "Richard, you have to give me an account. I was fired by the Bond team, ridiculous is I don’t even know anything."

"I know, Peel, sorry, I am very, very sorry," Richard Lovett reached over Bruce South's shoulder and said, "I have already called MGM's Amy Pascal. This is just a Misunderstanding, really, they just want to depress your pay, you know, the film company likes to play these tricks. Believe me, I will definitely take the Bond contract that belongs to you, hehe, Now, go to my office, let's discuss what to do next?"

Bruce South impatiently opened Richard Lovett's arm and said, "I don't want to listen to you any more. If you can't solve this problem as soon as possible, I will contact the next brokerage company."

"Of course, I swear, from now on, all your affairs are personally responsible for me," Richard Lovett, who was opened by Bruce South, was not angry, still with a smile, and did not discourage them. Dao: "Well, go to my office first, Peel, show you something. After you read it, you know that MGM really can't just open you."

"Well," Bruce South nodded reluctantly and immediately said: "And, from now on, all the negotiations I have to be in person, you can never make any decisions with me."

"I promise, I will never have any concealment for you, even if you want to know what color my wife's underwear is, I can tell you, white, and I sneak through," see Bruce South tone loose, rational Chad Lovett breathed a sigh of relief and continued to talk about the jokes of the active atmosphere, eagerly pulling the office door open, and making a gesture of gestures.

When Bruce South went out of the office, Richard Lovett pointed to Sarah Lindelt and quickly made a look at David O'Connor, then pulled out and followed.

The two had just been on the phone, and David O'Connor naturally understood the thoughts of Richard Lovett. In fact, he urgently took Bruce South out to create his own opportunity to contact Sarah Lindelt. .

Sarah Lindelt is also a very smart woman, and she is not in a hurry to go out, just hang up her mobile phone and stand in the same place and smile to David O'Connor.

Although Bruce South is in the air, it is unlikely to notice that his public relations manager is behind, but David O'Connor is not willing to waste time and goes straight to the theme: "Sarah, you have to help us this time."

Sarah Lindelt shook her head and said, "David, you have done too much this time. I am afraid I can't help, and Peel will kill me."

"Two customers of the same magnitude as Pierce," David O'Connor ignored the words of Sarah Lindelt and directly opened his own price tag. "You just need to make sure that Pierce pays for MGM." Messages that are completely unknowingly quoted are not leaked out, and nothing else is needed."

The most crucial part of the wind is that Rick Kozman concealed MGM's pay conditions from Bruce South. Sarah Lindelt also knew that if it spread out, it would have a very bad effect on aa. She didn't talk, but she swayed with four fingers.

David O'Connor did not hesitate: "The deal."

Sarah Lindelt is not finished, said: "How can I be sure that after this incident, will you fulfill your promise?"

"You know what we said to do," David O'Connor bit his teeth and knew that the situation was urgent. He couldn't drag on this little thing and hesitated a little. He said, "You can find a voice recorder, I just put Say it again."

"That's it," Sarah Lindelt nodded and smiled. She didn't look for a recording pen. She just shook the latest Motorola phone that she had been holding in her hand. Obviously, she had just made a recording. .

David O'Connor secretly confessed a blue pool with a smile on his face and said, "So, let's go up now."

Sarah Lindelt didn't mind David O'Connor's thoughts on himself. He smiled and walked out of the office with him. "You will definitely let Rick Kozman shut up, right? But what about Peel?"

David O'Connor: "Richard will convince him."

Aa president's office.

Richard Lovett is showing a stock chart in a computer monitor by Pierce Brosnan: "Pier, you see, the opening price of MGM Studios today is $28.37, but here, it is from MGM. Claiming to change the Bond candidate, it has turned sharply. Now MGM's share price has dropped to 27.49 US dollars, a drop of 3.1%, which is equivalent to the MGM's market value dropped from the $140 million in the opening today to $1,195.8 billion. In just one hour, MGM’s market value increased by $400 million, all of which were affected by the announcement that they wanted to replace you. And, I’m sure if MGM did not make some remedies. Measures, this afternoon, the company's stock will fall at least 3%, the market value of steaming 800 million US dollars a day, MGM shareholders will never allow this situation to continue, want to stop the stock price decline, they can only Do it, just ask you to go back."

When Bruce South listened to Richard Lovett, he also breathed a sigh of relief, but still said: "So, what should we do now, just wait for the news?"

"Nature will not, I will continue to keep in touch with MGM's Amy Pascal. Of course, I will tell you the first time any communication result," Richard Lovett said, his eyes flashing, tone. It's easier: "But, Pierre, this time, I need you to keep me as silent as possible, to MGM, to the media, and everyone else, so that I can fight for your interests as much as possible. Especially Rick is glaring at you, this bastard, I have already fired him, and I think you promise that he will never appear in the broker again in the future. However, this thing can never be transmitted. Because this will make us all passive, do you understand?"

Pierce Brosnan originally thought that if he had to do so, he would reveal his uninformed news about the price of the meter high, so it is estimated that it would be possible to restore the oo7 film. However, with Richard Lovett in this area, although he felt that something was wrong, he still felt that perhaps it was really not supposed to spread this news that made him passive, so he nodded in coordination.

"Very good," Richard Lovett sighed with a sigh of relief, nodded with a smile and said: "So, you drink coffee first, then I will go to the phone with Amy Pascal." To be continued.) 8

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