I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 900: We are in trouble

Richard Lovett is busy with the crisis of trust that Aa may encounter, just a few kilometers away, and the MGM headquarters in Century City is also not peaceful.

The 007 series will re-select the actor's news release for more than an hour. MGM has gathered a group of fans outside the headquarters, holding various slogans to protest MGM's decision to remove Pierce Brosnan. Another reporter from all major media also waited outside the gate of MGM headquarters, hoping to get more news. In order to avoid any accidents, Amy Pascal had to send most of the company's security to the outside of the building to maintain order.

MGM's share price, which has been popular all over the past few weeks due to the box office of "Royal Casino", suddenly began to fall with the announcement of the news. Due to the continuous acquisition of e! The acquisition of entertainment TV stations, the investment of the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy and the subsequent possible equity transactions with Rainbow Media, MGM has gradually started a new round of debt financing plan, when the company's stock price suddenly fell, absolutely Not good news.

Several high-level mobile phones in MGM were directly smashed by telephones from all parties within an hour of the announcement. A director of the company’s board of directors even took off from New York to Los Angeles and asked for an emergency board meeting. Discuss the removal of Bruce South.

MGM completed the last stock issue, Drew’s shareholding has dropped to 33.5%, and the shareholding of the company has slipped to 8.4%. The French Vivendi Group, which initially participated in the acquisition of MGM, held 16.8% of the shares, and several European film funds held 15.1%. The remaining 26% of the shares were all outstanding shares. Since it is also from Europe, Vivendi and several other film funds naturally embraced a group. Although it is doomed to lose control of MGM, MGM management may not completely ignore the influence of the other party.

The director named Pierre Truk, who has arrived in Los Angeles from New York, is the spokesperson for Vivendi and several film funds on the MGM board. MGM's board of directors consists of seven people, except for four external directors who are hired in accordance with US Securities and Exchange Commission regulations. The other three are Delu, one is Amy Pascal, and the other is Pierre. Luke, the other party is the eo of the U.S. branch of the advertising media giant Wivas Group.

At the end of a corridor at the MGM headquarters, Amy Pascal, standing by the window, hangs up Richard Lovet’s phone, with some relief in his expression, handing the phone to the assistant and telling her to pick it up for herself. When I called in again, I pushed the room door and walked in.

In the conference room, Drew, Frank Makasso, and John Cali were discussing the casting of the Lord of the Rings trilogy with Peter Jackson.

In the past two years, Peter Jackson has only directed a low-cost thriller to practice his hand. Most of his energy is still in the preparations for the "Lord of the Rings" series. He has not only completed all the pre-film work, but also this year. In the first half of the year, he also spent three months internship in the Australian branch of the digital field to learn more about the production process of g special effects. Now, the entire "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy can be said to have been completely installed in Peter Jackson's mind. As long as the budget is officially started, he has 100% confidence to perfect this legendary epic of Thor King. Presented on the big screen.

Seeing that Amy Pascal walked in, Peter Jackson couldn't help but pause. He certainly knew what happened to MGM today.

Frank Makasso and John Cali also came together and found the acquisition of MGM. Considering that the veteran movie giant might re-emerge under the support of the Firefly Group, they did not choose. Leaving the company now proves the correctness of their choice. However, today's event is really unpredictable. They still can't believe that Eric will really decide to give up Bruce South. Although the phone has been turned off, the two of them now have continuous phone ringing in their minds.

Although Drew looked up and looked at it, there was no worry about the other people on his face. As long as this was Eric’s decision, even if MGM fell, she didn’t care. However, Shantou still volunteered: "Amy, who is this time?"

"Richard Lovett," Amy replied, sitting down next to the **** and continuing: "Just Richard hinted at me that it seems that Bruce South's agent, Rick Kozman, made his own claim. Cha has already fired Kozman. Drew, they want to talk again."

Although some rumors have been heard, due to Richard Lovett’s efforts to cover up, no one in Hollywood knows in detail the Rick Cozman’s private rejection of the 007 payroll contract. Drew naturally uses Amy's ‘hint’ as a pretext for Richard Lowett. In fact, this may also be what Richard Lovett wants to see.

However, Drew obviously does not care about this. He just said: "If they want to refuse, they will refuse. If they want to talk again, they will talk again. Is this teasing us?"

"Drew, I think, this may be a bit of a misunderstanding. It is reasonable to say that Pierce does not even agree with Eric’s pay, but Ami continues to persuade: "And, give up Bruce South. There is no benefit to us, we are going to have debt financing right away, and Morgan Stanley has already called over. They feel that if you remove Bruce South, it may affect the market's investment enthusiasm for MGM bonds."

Shantou’s eyes narrowed twice and he said: “Would you like to discuss with Eric, I’m just a jealous.”


"There is a rumor now that Bruce South seems to be completely unaware of the conditions you paid. When you were in the morning, Amy called again and said that he was aa and hoped to talk again." Firefly Burbank Headquarters The restaurant was already at noon, and Kelly sat with Eric for lunch, and by the way, what happened this morning.

Eric finished a bite of pasta and looked up: "Do you believe that Bruce South really didn't know?"

Kelly thought for a moment and said, "I think, even if it is true, aa will pass this thing into a fake. After all, to hide such important things from customers, aa will encounter big troubles. No star will be willing to let agents who like to make ideas to manage things for themselves. However, I think that the agent of aa should not be stupid enough to hide this from Bruce South, this is a $70 million contract."


"So, this is probably a fake news from aa, just want to find an excuse to recover this."

Eric smiled, didn't say anything, changed a topic, said: "So, my new personal assistant, have you picked a good candidate?"

Kelly actually wants to ask what is Eric's intention in mind. When he looks at the topic, he has to say: "There is a good fit, but I feel that she should not be sent to your bad guy. ”

"Oh, it seems that you are more willing to do this yourself." Eric teased and looked at Kelly's instantly red face and smiled. "You mean Caroline?"

Kelly nodded and said: "I talked to Caroline, she is also very willing. However, Eric, Caroline is really a good girl, you do not hurt her."

Eric thought about it and felt that he really couldn't guarantee it, so he said, "Would you like, change someone?"

Kelly glanced at Eric, but softly said: "Eric, I can see that Caroline is looking forward to being with you. So, if you don't want to do this, talk to her personally. Let's talk, best, it is best to let her change jobs. You understand what I mean."

Eric hesitated, and the expression nodded solemnly: "Well, I will take some time in these two days."

That being said, Eric’s cell phone rang, and after the connection, he greeted him and listened to the opposite side. Eric’s mouth sneered with a sneer, “Amy, you think it’s still ten years now. Before, can those brokers break into the film company executive office? Well, if they are really sincere, don’t think about sharing the contract, or yesterday’s four films, $60 million, signing tomorrow morning. I don't care if Pierce really doesn't know, even if it is true, it is his own mistake. This is the last chance... Pierre Truk? I don't know this person, I am not interested, you are casual. Just send him away, I will go to San Francisco in the afternoon, just like this, there is nothing else, don't call me again."

Kelly watched Eric hang up and left the phone aside, and couldn't help but remind: "Eric, Pierre Truk is the spokesperson for MGM's European shareholders."

"I know."

Kelly squatted and said, "Then you still..."

"If you don't care, you pretend you don't know," Eric shrugged and looked at Kelly's sly expression. He sighed a little and said: "Maybe, everyone now feels that I am doing something like this." right?"

Kelly noticed the faint sorrow of Eric's expression, shook her head subconsciously, but then gently nodded her head.

Eric just shook his head again and said: "From what happened today, you, Amy, there are many people around, and even those media, have been stuck in Hollywood. The rules are gone. Everyone seems to think that the "Royal Casino" box office is so good. As a leading actor, Bruce South seems to be worth even if he gets a $100 million pay, but I never think so, I don't even think so. The value of Bruce South is the price. The most important thing in Hollywood is the actor. Even if I am now offering a fixed weekly salary for the big film era to recruit 007, those who want to get the job can also go from Malibu to Burbank. So, starting today, no, it should be from yesterday, I will tell everyone slowly, nothing is taken for granted. If you want to take it for granted, then go back to the big movie era, at that time, everyone I also think that it is a matter of course for an actor to take a fixed weekly salary."

Kelly quietly looked at Eric, who was getting firmer and firmer, and gradually understood something, whispered: "But it's hard."

"Look," Eric put down the cutlery, and the palm of his hand made a virtual stroke in the air. "I have a half of Hollywood now. I will definitely have the whole Hollywood in the future. If this is the case, then it is not difficult." ""


"Fak, Fak, Fak!" Aa Headquarters, Richard Lovett almost slammed his feet and slammed his hands on the floor, and the broken parts splashed everywhere. Taking a deep breath, he immediately snarled: "Peter, help me take a new phone."

An assistant slammed the door open and handed a new phone over.

Richard Lovett took the phone, pressed a few buttons, and slammed it on the floor, shouting at the door: "Peter, you can get out, Eric, oh, no, I have been in this life. Don't want to hear the name again, who can, you can roll, and live, help me get a mobile phone with an address book."

After a few tens of seconds, just as Richard Lovett couldn’t help but rush to the office door, the door finally opened again, and a frightened girl pushed the door open and held a mobile phone in her hand: "Mr. Lovett, give it, give it to you."

Richard Lovett grabbed the phone, opened the address book, quickly found a string of numbers, dialed, the tone immediately dropped a few degrees, very hot: "Hey, Terry, it is me... haha, today I have some troubles. This time I am in a hurry. You must help me. I remember that you know Pierre Truk, the director of MGM... Of course, the contract between Pierce and MGM... I know that this is personally decided by Williams, but I always try it. I heard that Pierre has already arrived in Los Angeles. Can you help me to contact me? I want to see each other after he gets off the plane... ...Thank you, oh, Lina wants to go to the opening party of the "Titanic" exhibition hall, no problem, absolutely no problem, I will send a few tickets to your home this afternoon, that's it. Of course, I still owe you a favor, I will not forget the next life, okay, I will definitely return this life, haha."

Smiled a few times, hang up the phone, Richard Lovett called the company's partner David O'Connor's mobile phone, and lowered the voice: "Man, we have trouble, now have no time to explain so much, you What I have to do is to arrange for people to contact the newspapers immediately. In today’s evening newspaper, there must be an article in which Bruce South deliberately claims to have no knowledge of MGM’s payment conditions in order to recover the contract. The more the better, understand... In this way, I am going to the airport now, and, guarding him, for him, staring at him, dragging time as much as possible." (To be continued.)

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