I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 901: If you want to hear it

Eric ended his call with Amy Pascal at noon and flew to San Francisco in the afternoon.

In addition to visiting Fire1yer's assembly plant, Eric is most concerned about the progress of several products in the Firefly Electronics program.

For any high-tech company, product marketing is important, but technology and patent reserves are the foundation for a high-tech company to survive. Therefore, Eric specifically asked Victor McNealy to present the results of the research on fireflies in recent months. Although the first generation of fire1yer players are popular, there are still many areas for improvement in battery endurance, storage capacity, and audio decoding. Eric has always let Victor McNealy, who is mainly responsible for technical research, to be the eo of Firefly Electronics, and is also concealing his fundamental attitude towards Firefly's electronic business strategy.

Back to Los Angeles, it is already seven o'clock in the evening.

Eric took Kelly off the plane, just left the Santa Monica airport by car, intending to send Kelly home first, then return to the sharp corner manor, the phone in his pocket rang.

Kelly sat next to Eric, listened to him and talked a few words on the opposite side and hung up and asked, "Eric, or MGM?"

Eric put away his mobile phone and nodded: "Pierre Truk refused to leave, and was still using it at Century City, saying that he must see me today."

"Or, let's see it in the past?"

"I will do it myself, I will send you home first."

Sending Kelly back to the residence in the northern district of Santa Monica, Eric ordered the driver to turn around and head to the MGM headquarters in Century City.

The MGM headquarters is a tempered glass-covered building on a not too spacious street not far from the intersection of Santa Monica Boulevard and Wilshe Avenue in Century City. In Santa Monica's circle, Eric drove to Century City, the sky was already dark, and the shops on both sides of the street began to illuminate the colorful lights.

The car just turned into the street where the MGM headquarters was located. Eric heard the faint noise and looked out through the front window of the car. In front of the MGM building, the crowd holding all kinds of slogans was shouting. What is it, almost completely blocked the entire street.

The driver automatically slowed down the car and turned to look at Eric.

Eric stared at the crowd for a few seconds, with a sneer in his mouth.

Real fans usually only run to express their wishes during working hours. It is obviously time for work. According to common sense, most of the employees at MGM headquarters have already returned home from work. Who will protest this time?

Does some people think that they will sell the agent movie universe as the original "Matrix" is dissatisfied with the fans?

Regaining his gaze, Eric told him: "Don't worry about them, just drive into the underground parking lot."

In front of the building, the crowd noticed a black car turning into the street, but consciously letting the road away.

However, the media reporters who have been here have noticed the striking Rolls-Royce logo in front of the car, and they are keenly aware of what they are all about. Some people even boldly held the camera in front of the car and tried to confirm the identity of the passengers inside the car through the front window of the car. However, the security guards who were quickly rushed out of the building were opened, and Rolls-Royce smoothly entered the side of the building. Alley, enter the underground parking lot.

Taking the elevator to the top of the office building, Eric and the gimmick cuddling up, and nodded to Amy Pascal. Without saying anything, he went straight to a conference room and walked inside.

In the empty conference room, there is only one middle-aged man who has stood up. At the age of 50, wearing a black suit and rimless glasses, he looks like a Pierre Truk.

"Sit down, Mr. Truk," Eric did not mean to say hello to the other party, nor did he deliberately go to the main table of the conference table, and casually opened a chair and sat down to look at each other, saying: "So You want to see me?"

Although the Vivendi Group is also in a high position, Pierre Truc still feels a touch of oppression in the face of Eric. The ignorant is fearless. Conversely, in the workplace for many years, Pierre Truc is more able to understand how much power this young man has in his hands.

However, considering the inspiration of the seniors of Vivendi, and thinking of Richard Lowett's promise, Pierre Truk tried to maintain his momentum, and sat calmly, saying: "Yes, Williams. Sir, I think we have to talk."

Eric looked at him and said faintly: "And then?"

Pierre Truc looked at Drew and Amy sitting next to Eric, straight to the body without a trace, and solemnly said: "Mr. Williams, we are very grateful to you for the meter. The change brought by Gao Mei, but we also hope that you will not continue to intervene in the management of MGM. For MGM, you are only an outsider. As the second largest shareholder of MGM, we ask management The decision to remove Pierce Brosnan must be taken back immediately, which will only ruin the entire agent movie universe. Although the agent movie universe is built by you, we will never deny it, but we will not allow you to take it. Destroyed."

Eric’s fingers tapped twice at the clean conference table and nodded slightly. “Continue, since it’s here, does Vivendi have any opinions on MGM’s operations?”

Pierre Truk felt that Eric had some pretentious gestures and did not show weakness. He continued: "Of course, Vivendi does not approve of MGM's continuous purchase of e in recent months! Entertainment TV, one-time investment The $300 million launch of the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy and the acquisition of Rainbow Media shares and other aggressive business decisions. The company has just recovered, in order to complete these plans to write a large amount of corporate bonds, it is likely to re-make MGM Into the debt muddy. We hope that management can gradually implement these plans in a more robust way."

Eric waited for a moment, confirming that Pierre Truk had finished, and once again, he said, "Okay, in this case, Mr. Truk, let me tell you how to solve this problem. First, As MGM's second largest shareholder, Vivendi has only 16% of voting rights. Even if several other European shareholders are all on the prestige side, your voting rights are only 31%, which is not enough to decide anything. Therefore, you have three choices. First, you can find yourself to become the controlling shareholder of MGM. Then you can replace the company's board of directors and management and implement all the decisions you want. Second, Anan will do it himself. The second largest shareholder accepts all decisions made by MGM's existing board of directors and management. Third, if you can't stand the neglect of yourself, you can choose to sell the held MGM stock, I can arrange for the funds to take over at any time. The shares in your hands. So, is there any problem?"

Half of Eric said that Pierre Truk had already given birth to a table, and he felt that Eric was completely playing himself, forcing him to wait for Eric to finish, Pierre Truk only slowly said: "Mr. Williams, are you teasing me?"

"Oh," Eric seemed to suddenly think of something, slammed his forehead and said: "I almost forgot, I am just an outsider. So, if you want to listen, I can let Drew or Amy repeat. Once I have just said, they should be considered insiders, right?"

Pierre Truk turned to look at Shantou and Amy: "Miss Barrymore, Ms. Pascal, are you really willing to let Williams ruin it all?"

Amy’s expression was hesitant, turned to look at the two people beside him, and noticed that Eric was looking at her with a smile, her heart squinting, her eyes daring away, her mind firming and turning to Pierre Truk. "Mr. Truk, Eric's decision is the management's decision. If you feel it is necessary, we can call the board to vote."

Four of MGM's seven directors were selected by Eric, and Pierre Truk didn't have to know where these people would be.

Realizing that today is destined to be unsuccessful, Pierre Truk held the palm of the table at the table and did not know what to say.

Eric didn't want to continue to consume with Pierre Truc. He took a gimmick next to him and said, "Let's go, I haven't eaten dinner yet?"

"Well," the taro kitten stuck up and stood up with Eric's arm.

"Amy, you entertain Mr. Truk," Eric told Amy Pascal, and turned to Pierre Truc. The smile on his face remained unchanged, just converging. With an expression, his eyes are very cold, saying: "Speaking, Mr. Truk, some of your words are still very reasonable. MGM should indeed be more stable. So, the Lord of the Rings trilogy, Just invest in fireflies, MGM only needs to be responsible."

Pierre Truk was a little embarrassed, but Amy was surprised to see it.

In fact, Amy also feels that it is too risky to invest 300 million US dollars in the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy at one time, and hopes that the fireflies can participate in the investment together. However, she did not expect that Eric would suddenly take the entire project away and leave MGM a right to exercise. However, I noticed that Eric had said these words and swept her again. Amyton realized that Eric did this and perhaps warned her.

Perhaps, my performance today is indeed too far-sighted, and it seems too indecisive.

Even if there is no shareholding in MGM, the whole Hollywood knows that this big film company has always been under the control of Eric. Also a female head of the Seventh National Congress, Amy knew that her autonomy from Eric was far from Paramount's Shirley Lansing, which was originally Eric's trust in her. Kind of sign. However, if she continues to lose Bruce South for the oo7 series, she will soon lose Eric's trust.

Secretly self-reviewed, Amy no longer hesitated, got up and sent Eric and Drew to leave, and then turned back to Pierre Truk, who was still sitting on the other side of the conference table: "Mr. Truk The time is already a little late. Do I need to arrange a car to take you to the hotel?"

Looking back, Pierre is now Eric and Drew have left, and suddenly raised some expectations, to Amy: "Ms. Pascal, do you want to have dinner together, by the way?"

Amy shook her head politely, and did not find any reason, just refused: "Sorry, Mr. Truk, if you don't need a car, I will send you downstairs." (To be continued.) 8

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