I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 923: I am Monica.

Eric left Long Island on September 14 and went to Baiyuan City in the north of Manhattan. He discussed the production of "Shrek" with the Blue Sky studio team, returned to Manhattan, and attended the ABC Group meeting for several days. The senior management of the Group's TV department reported on the operation of various aspects of the TV business in the first half of the year.

Last year, it signed an eight-year, $9 billion sky-high price contract with the American Football League. The group’s top executives also worried that ESPN would suffer losses due to huge resale rights.

But in fact, due to the monopoly of the most popular rugby rights broadcast rights of the American people, ESPN has seen a significant increase in both cable TV revenue and advertising revenue this year. In the first two quarters alone, the net profit has exceeded 200 million US dollars. The net profit may eventually reach $500 million, which is equivalent to one-sixth of the entire firefly group's 1997 expected earnings.

In addition, the performance of AE cable TV network led by Lifetime TV has also increased significantly. The ace programs such as “Wuwang City”, “Tianqiao Pride” and “National Supermodel Contest” not only continue to enhance the popularity of Lifetime TV, but also Bringing continuous profits to the company. Other cable TV stations, such as the Disney Channel, are also very robust.

The only disappointment is that ABC TV's performance improvement is much lower than that of its major cable TV departments. Due to the rise of cable TV stations, ABC's overall viewing status has also seen a significant decline.

The shift of TV viewers from wireless to cable is the overall trend of the US TV industry in the future. Although Eric can provide enough excellent programs for ABC, it is impossible to reverse the development direction of the whole industry by itself. However, in the four major public television networks, ABC's performance in all aspects is still firmly in the top position. In order to sell itself a good price, CBS TV network tried to make its financial report look good in the second quarter of this year, but neither the turnover nor the net profit income can compare with ABC TV network.

I think that Viacom and CBS Group's acquisition tug-of-war has already talked about 33 billion, and the final transaction amount is likely to exceed 35 billion US dollars. Eric can't help but some gloating. The operation status of CBS TV network itself is not satisfactory. Although CBS Group also has some cable TV assets, there is absolutely no one that can compare with ESPN which now brings rich profits to Firefly Group, even several of AE TV network. TV stations are not as good. On the contrary, the cable TV assets such as MTV TV Network and Showtime TV Network that Viacom now has are the most valuable in Eric's view.

Once this acquisition is reached, Viacom will certainly not be better in the next few years.

In private, Eric also discussed with Chris the first stage profit of the firefly investment in the Southeast Asian economic crisis. According to statistics, the 700 million US dollars raised by the company has increased to 1.3 billion US dollars, including 300 million US dollars. Will be used for the next time to build a position on the won, the other $ 1 billion will be recovered.

As Firefly Investment's Yahoo, AOL, Amazon, Firefly Electronics, Qualcomm and other companies are still in the crazy money-burning stage, coupled with the subsequent acquisition of Apple, the $1 billion is almost not discussed, it is easy to determine the return . Although Chris and Emily also decided to buy an aircraft with Eric, the cost of this is not rushing to pay.

On the other hand, "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" have been on sale for more than half a month. After the final sales of 116,000 copies in the first week, the second week, with the popularity of the novel, One-week sales have once again rushed to 150,000 copies. Harper Collins Press expects the total sales of this novel in several English-speaking countries to reach 3 million in the remaining four months of this year.

Prior to this, many of Hollywood's hot novels were adapted to the film, and the original novel's global sales could reach 3 million. Therefore, after the first week of sales, Kasenberg couldn't wait to call Eric to ask if he could immediately start the preparation of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

However, Eric knows that the popularity of the "Harry Potter" series is far from being completely erupted, naturally vetoing Kasenberg's proposal, and intends to project the film project after the second series of the series. .

After finishing these things, New York Fashion Week has come to an end.

On the other side of the UK, under the remote control of Eric, Simon Fuller has selected several girls from the Spice Girls group.

However, Eric did not immediately rush to the UK, and then there are a few interviews with the Victoria Angel, who need to personally participate.

Of course, the main work is already busy, and you can relax in the next few days.

In an apartment in the Upper East Side, the time is still only in the afternoon, the curtains in the bedroom are pulled up, and the faint light shines through the cracks.

On the big bed, Cindy Crawford buried her face in the pillow, gasped for a while, earned her body, and failed to get out of the man. She had to confess with a bit of confusion: "Eric, Can the two little sons of Giselle and Alexander not be able to satisfy you, so run around to toss me?"

Eric is very comfortable to caress on Cindy's skin, saying: "They have already gone to France, and it is like you are so leisurely."

Paris Fashion Week was held at the end of the month. Giselle and Alexander rushed to Paris after completing the New York show. Miranda was also driven back to Los Angeles by Eric. Due to the fashion week, Giselle and Alexander, who have already made a name for themselves in the fashion circle, are still busy. He still can't find a chance to eat these two little sheep, accumulate a few days of desire, and naturally burn. Going to Cindy.

"I just finished this season's "American Supermodel Contest", and also participated in a few catwalks, and then I have to prepare for the big show, where I am free," Cindy twisted and twisted, finally the mermaid Eric came out from the bottom and grabbed a dress and looked at it. It was Eric’s shirt, and he wore it on his body. He squatted to the desk by the window in the bedroom and opened a notebook on the table. Computer, said: "Since you have come over, help me to look at my stock, this time up and down, it is really unreal."

Eric looked at the woman and played with her for a while, holding a laptop and dragging a network cable back. I thought about the next time I would like to remind the firefly electronics to speed up the development of WIFI equipment. I smiled and said: "You bought it." Those stocks must have risen a lot, so I am not afraid of seeing money."

Cindy put the laptop on the bed and squinted at Eric with a charming look: "The worry is that you are right, Mr. Biggest, you are not afraid of me seeing money?"

Eric Carat covered the quilt and put the laptop together in front of him. He skillfully operated and said, "Isn't it Jealous-Daddy? How did it become Mr-Biggest?"

"Mr-Biggest is what Candice started to call. For several years, Jealous-Daddy was recently helped by Linda. In a nutshell, Linda is also in Manhattan recently. Why don't you toss her?"

There is a Mr-Big in "Wuwang City", and Candice, who wants to say to Cindy, should be Candes Bushnell, the beauty writer of "Want City".

Eric listened to Cindy and replied: "Is she not looking for a boyfriend? I am still very ethical and will not destroy the relationship between men and women."

"The French businessman, already broke up, and Linda’s stupid guy would think that someone would marry her."

Eric just smiled and didn't say anything more.

In addition to a few women who are involved with him, Eric now treats him with a mentality that traverses the flowers. This is good for both parties. Eric can enjoy a whole forest, they also You can go to your own life, and everyone will not have any burden. Therefore, when I heard that Linda Ivangoline had made a boyfriend, Eric took the initiative to let go. For other women, his attitude was probably the same.

Cindy also noticed Eric’s thoughts and said with a smile: “If Joanna or Virginia finds a boyfriend, will you let go?”

"They are my mother's mother, it's not the same."

Cindy’s eyes flashed and said: “Do you seem to trust them?”

"of course."

Eric nodded with a smile. He had already treated two women as his own wife in these years. The three had long formed a tacit understanding.

Although Eric will only stay in Hampton for two or three months a year, but the two women live together, plus three children, it does not seem to be deserted. Eric went back a few days ago and was ridiculed by Virginia. They didn't need themselves anymore.

Chatting casually, browsing the Yahoo homepage casually for a while, Eric opened the stock operating software on the desktop, and Cindy reached over and unscrupulously pressed a string of passwords to enter her account.

At the end of April, Cindy also said that the stock value of his hand is close to 50 million US dollars. At this time, although there are still only four stocks of Microsoft, Cisco, AOL and Intel, the total value of these stocks has reached 7690. Ten thousand dollars, combined, increased by more than 50% in five months.

Eric opened each stock with great interest to view detailed stock charts.

Among the four stocks, Microsoft has the highest increase, and the company's market value has risen from 120 billion at the beginning of the year to the current 177.3 billion. Secondly, Cisco's market value rose from 33 billion at the beginning of the year to 46.9 billion now. Eric has calculated that this means that the firefly investment has increased the value of Cisco's 26% shareholding by $3.6 billion for half a year.

The next US online market value just reached 19.3 billion, compared to the market value of 15 billion at the beginning of the year, the increase is less than 30%. The last Intel, the market value between 1996 and 1997, from $ 4.8 billion soared to $ 113.1 billion, more than doubled, but since March this year, Intel's share price has basically stopped growing, the last two The month also fell.

Cindy watched Eric stop on Intel's stock data page for a while and said: "I am worried about Intel. I have checked the information. It seems that the chip sales they released this year did not meet expectations. Another AMD and Both IBM and Motorola have new chip releases that have squeezed Intel’s market. Eric, should I sell all of Intel’s stock?”

Later, many people only knew about Intel and AMD, but in fact, in the 1990s, there were still many manufacturers producing CPU chips. The chip that Apple is using now is the power chip produced by Motorola. Only the later Wintel alliance became more and more powerful, and most of the other brands of chips were squeezed out of the market, leaving only one AMD half-dead.

Shaking his head, Eric said: "Actually, in my opinion, Intel's stock is the most valuable of these stocks. I remember that Intel's profit in the first half of this year has reached 2.5 billion US dollars. It can be more than the sum of the profits of the other three."

"Then what you mean is, keep it?"

"Of course," Eric nodded. "It doesn't matter if you don't sell in the next ten or twenty years. With these stocks, you will get at least hundreds of thousands of dollars in dividends every year."

Cindy thought about it and said, "I don't need money now. According to what you mean, can I keep all these stocks?"

"All, you still follow the time I first taught you, and when Yahoo went public, sell it together, so that you can take back all the dividends for decades."

Cindy listened to Eric, and I guessed that there must be something in these stocks that is not worth holding for a long time. However, since Eric did not say too fine, she would not be able to ask questions.

I played with the laptop for a while, and the time was unknowingly arrived in the evening.

The light in the bedroom was dark, and Cindy took the phone on the bedside table and looked at the time. He said, "It’s six o'clock right away. At night, the organizers of the Fashion Week held a fashion week curtain call party at the Gramercy Hotel. Are you going? ?"

Eric had nothing to do at night, nodded and said, "Go, um, let's wait for the dinner first, then go over. After you have tossed for an afternoon, I am starving."

"It is obvious that you are tossing me."

Cindy gave Eric a look, turned on the light, still wearing Eric's shirt, and walked around the cloakroom.

The woman has never been dressed up, and she has found a restaurant for dinner. When Eric and Cindy came to the Gramercy Hotel, it was already eight o'clock, the party had already begun, and more seriously, Cindy also forgot the invitation at home.

In the elevator, Eric looked at Cindy and was still reluctantly flipping his handbag and smiled. "You said that we can wait for us to brush our face?"

"I can't tell if the guard is blind. You have to let them believe that you are Eric Williams."

Cindy smiled back to Eric, and took out the phone from the bag. When the elevator door opened, he quickly dialed a number of numbers and said a few words. The two went to the door of the banquet hall and the party hosted. An executive has warmly greeted him and entered the party with Eric and Cindy.

The spacious banquet hall is about one or two hundred people, and the atmosphere of the party is very relaxed.

Eric is now no stranger to this fashion circle, or he is neither a fashion media executive like Anna Wintour nor a big coffee designer, but because he controls the world’s largest media. The group, Eric has more influence on this circle than anyone in the banquet hall.

Of course, Eric is not boring to grab the limelight, and chat with his interested guests for a while, Eric is going to pull Cindy to hide into the dance floor to dance.

Just, just to the dance floor, Eric saw a familiar Latin girl walking towards herself with a smile.

I didn't expect Penelope to appear today. Eric was surprised. He smiled and reached out to the girl: "Hey, Penny, I am so happy to see you here."

The expression on the girl's face was stiff, and she climbed up with Eric and explained her eyes: "Eric, I am not Penny, I am Monica."

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