I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 924: Next movie

A few years ago, the Cruze sisters were a flattering young man, and it was easy to tell.

However, looking at Monica Cruz, now 20 years old, Eric really didn't feel the difference between her and her sister.

"I am sorry, Monica, you are more beautiful than a few years ago," Eric looked at Monica Cruz and introduced to Cindy, who is next to him: "Cindy, this is Monica Cruz." , Penelope Cruz's sister, you see, are their sisters very similar?"

"Yeah, I just thought it was Penelope," Cindy politely held a hand with Monica, smiled and squinted Eric, and said, "Let's talk, I happen to have pieces." I want to talk to Anna."

When Cindy finished, he sneaked on Eric’s arm and walked to Anna Wintour, not far away.

Since he was on the side of the dance floor, Eric reached out to Monica: "Woit with me?"

"Okay," Monica nodded, stepping forward to Eric and heading towards the dance floor.

Accompanied by the frivolous music, Eric grabbed Monica's waist and danced slowly. He just saw that Monica didn't seem to want to mention Penelope, and he asked other things: I haven't seen you for a few years, what have you been doing lately?"

"I have been on the performance class and played a few plays." Monica looked up at Eric, with some expectations in her eyes, but obviously not as bold as the original Penelope, but instead of.

After she finished high school, she began to attend the performance class. With the identity of Penelope's sister, it is still very easy to get some characters. However, there is no such a big role in this, because the mainstream studios basically want her sister to star in, rather than her sister, who is far less famous. Therefore, there has been no improvement in the past few years.

Monica once hoped that her sister could help herself, but she stayed in Hollywood for a long time, and she gradually realized that her sister became a Hollywood actress with her role in "Charlie's Baby", but as a Latino, not an American. Penelope has no right to speak in Hollywood, and naturally it is impossible to help her.

Even because the appearance of their sisters is too much, she gradually felt that her sister was guarding herself. In the past six months, her sister has hinted more than once and hoped that she would return to Spain.

Feeling the look of Monica's expectations, Eric smiled and said: "This way, then I will pay attention to see if there is a movie that suits you."

This girl appeared in Hollywood just because of her own reasons. Eric didn't know if their sisters were in conflict. However, it is not too much effort to take the girl with you at this time. Hollywood is full of stars and brothers and sisters, and it is more than enough to hold two Latin beauty.

Monica Cruz's age and appearance are also suitable for young people's movies that have been very popular in Hollywood in recent years. This type is the focus of the development of the new line film industry, and the film and art films that are popular with Penelope are not. What conflicts will arise.

Eric casually exaggerated Monica Cruz, and she still knew how powerful Eric had in Hollywood. My sister was taken to the status of Erik in a movie today.

"Eric, are you serious, don't lie to me."

"I need to lie to you this little girl, but I will give you the opportunity, but you have to catch it yourself. If the audition room performance is not up to the requirements, you still can't get the role."

Monica Cruz nodded excitedly and studied for two years. She is very confident in her acting skills. Hollywood always emphasizes actor talent, but in fact, there are not many people who really rely on talents. Some of them must also be honestly performing classes.

As my mind turned, Monica carefully put her body over and whispered: "Eric, I can go to you tonight."

Eric came with Cindy tonight, and naturally it was not good to leave with other women, which was too uncomfortable.

Shaking his head, Eric laughed: "There is time to invite you to dinner, but not today."

Monica did not dare to entangle, after a dance, left a series of phone numbers to Eric, and the girl turned to the rest of the party.

The next morning, Cindy Crawford was awakened by a ringtone and opened his eyes. He found that Eric was no longer around, and the ringtone was uploaded from the balcony.

After being fascinated for a while, Cindy put on a nightgown and walked barefoot to the balcony. Eric sat at the round table on the balcony and just hung up.

This apartment is close to the East River in the east of Manhattan. It has been gloomy for several days. New York is finally sunny today, and the balcony is covered with sunshine. It’s just that the sunshine in the autumn always looks a little pale, giving people a feeling of powerlessness.

He grabbed Eric from behind and kissed him on his cheek. Cindy asked curiously, "Who?"

"Giselle," Eric posted on Cindy's cheek and smiled: "Call and call the relationship, I want to recommend her a girlfriend on the Wei Mi stage."

"Oh, you promised?"

Eric did not answer, but asked: "Quss Goff, what do you think?"

"She, I know, baby face, very beautiful, many people in the circle call her 'Lovely-Baby'," Cindy said of his impression of Qus Gaofu, and suddenly laughed again, said: " It’s an ambitious Brazilian girl.”

In all fairness, Cindy feels that he does not necessarily have the kind of enthusiasm to push his girlfriends together on the Victorian show. Giselle himself has not yet landed in Wei Mi, and he has already started to build his own small circle.

Eric also smiled and said: "I like a woman with ambition. There are too many mediocre people around me. Life is too boring."

"So, I seem to be more ambitious," Cindy said, noting that Eric had his own stacking board on his knees, and the sketch on his notebook was sketched with his eyebrows. Take it and look at it, and casually said: "Speak up, I thought you left me last night and left the girl to leave, sister flowers."

"Yeah, it’s just that my sister is not there, it’s too disappointing," Eric put his eyebrow pencil on the table in front of him and smiled and asked, "Do you have sisters?"

"Yes, two, Chris and Danielle," Cindy glanced at Eric with a flattering look. "But I will never bring them to you. Well, you painted what is this?"

"Lens draft, I am going to make a music MV, a very interesting music MV."

Cindy didn't see interesting places from the sketches in his hand. He asked: "Which is interesting, I didn't see it?"

"You will know when you shoot it."

"Then I will wait for your surprise," Cindy handed the notebook to Eric. "You continue to paint, I am going to prepare breakfast."

Eric took the notebook and picked up the eyebrow pencil and started painting again.

The music MV he wants to make is "Wannabe" which once made the Spice Girl a hit. The rhythm of this song itself has the potential to be a brainwashing divine, so it will be so hot. However, Wannabe's MV, which was shot in the end, also made Eric very interested.

Due to the difficulty of shooting, the use of a mirror in the movie is not extensive. Until now, the famous "rope" of Hitchcock.

If the ability to control the lens is insufficient, forcing the use of a mirror in the end, the effect will be very bad. However, occasional use once or twice is still very refreshing.

Eric is not esteemed for the way he looks at the mirror, but he likes some classic long-lens movies. In memory, the "Birdman", which satirizes the Hollywood superhero movie, has a long lens like water, which makes Eric very enjoyable.

Inadvertently painting the concept of "wannabe" in a notebook, Eric is reminiscing about the "Birdman" photographer Emmanuel Lubezki's tactics. I heard that Nickel has been a few days ago. Promising Emily as the photographer of this year's Wei Mi show, Eric had intended to find another photographer for "Wannabe". At this time, she couldn't help but feel some itch. She planned to pick up the camera and personally operate it.

After pondering "Birdman" for a while, Eric was still unfinished, and another film, "Gravity", which was made by Emmanuel Lubezki as a photographer, was collected from his mind.

The long shot of "Development of Gravity" in the opening of more than ten minutes is even more ridiculous. Eric carefully tastes it, but he does not know how to give birth to a long-lost impulse.

This is my next movie.

After Jurassic Park and Royal Casino, Eric has always been thinking about what to shoot for his next film. Although he can easily pick out one or two movies that still have the potential of $1 billion in global box office, those films don't make him too interested.

However, the "gravity" that is suddenly remembered is different. This film not only needs to operate a large number of new special effects technology, but also has the potential of visual wonder film. This film is also the same. An opportunity to promote the reform of film broadcasting.

In memory, around 2000, the North American film market has already become saturated. In order to continue to maintain the stable mayor of the Hollywood North American box office, in addition to raising the fare, the promotion of 3D and IMAX technology is promoted in advance, and Eric has always been Things to consider.

However, the "Avatar" that caused the 3D trend is too difficult to make. At the current special effects level, it is impossible to achieve that effect, but "Gravity" does not have this restriction, or even Introduced 3D camera in advance, because of the "gravity", this is a 2D to 3D but still got a good movie.

Whether it is 3D or IMAX technology, it has been around for decades. It has not been widely promoted in the past. It has never been a technical reason. It is mainly a traditional Hollywood film, and there is no need to make a 3D version.

In recent years, with the rise of special effects movies, 3D and IMAX technologies that provide a higher level of visual experience have gained market.

However, Hollywood has always been very conservative. In the past, before the advent of "Avatar," although Hollywood has always tried to use 3D and IMAX technology to make films, but the enthusiasm for these technologies is basically the director who has no decisive right to speak to Hollywood.

In the absence of sufficient interest, the upper-level Hollywood attitude towards promoting 3D and IMAX has been very negative.

According to tradition, if you want to make a change in Hollywood, you can only lure it.

But now, Eric doesn't have to go this old road. He can completely push this change with the control he already has in Hollywood. At the same time, the firefly system can also enjoy this change. The most lucrative part of the benefits.

Thinking of this, Eric turned the notebook in front of him and began to conceive his own plan.

The first thing to solve is naturally the cinema problem.

In recent years, with the global rise of Hollywood, the United States and even Europe have once again set off a wave of cinema construction.

At present, the number of screens in North America has become saturated. Although the overall economic growth of the United States will increase the cost of fireflies involved in the cinema industry, the number of screens will soar, and the cruel internal competition will certainly make some theaters unsustainable, giving fireflies. Provide enough opportunities.

Of course, this matter still requires a detailed investigation before making a decision.

However, it is imperative to establish a high-end 3D or IMAX theater under the control of fireflies.

With the theater to play, the next thing to solve is naturally the source problem.

According to the average monthly rate of a 3D source, 12 3D movies are needed in a year. Compared to the annual production of hundreds of movies in Hollywood, 12 movies seem to be insignificant, but in order to meet the conditions, it is not An easy task.

After all, ordinary low-cost independent movies don't have the value of landing 3D screens at all. No one would be willing to spend millions to shoot a small-cost movie and spend millions to convert 3D.

Therefore, in the early stage of 3D technology promotion, the film source can only be selected from the mainstream big production commercial films, and not all big production movies are suitable for 3D.

In the past, the reason why 3D movies began to become popular after the release of "Avatar" in 2009, the main reason is actually the source problem. Whether it is 3D or IMAX, it is impossible for the theater to invest without a source. Building high-end theaters, in turn, there are not enough 3D, IMAX auditoriums, and the producers are also reluctant to invest in 3D and IMAX movies. This is a dead knot.

Now, Eric can easily untie this knot.

In the next few years, the three movie companies of the Firefly System, Firefly, MGM, and Fox, have been able to convert large pieces of 3D film sources into numerous pieces.

"The Lord of the Rings" trilogy, "007" series, "Jiaojiao" series, "Spider-Man" series, "Iron Man" series, etc., in addition to Pixar, Disney and Blue Sky studio animated movies, these have The potential to convert to a 3D source.

Therefore, the three major studios work together to provide enough sources for a 3D, IMAX high-end theater line every year.

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