I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 938: Can’t eat it right?

“It’s an interview with the influence of Victoria’s angels,” Emily said. “When I was on TV, I’m going to add an interview from the executives to the secret angels around the theme of the VIP’s income list. ""

Eric understands that, in the end, it is still speculating on the annual income of the Victorian Angels, so that Victoria's secret brand will gain more attention.

He pointed to Edward Lazek, who has not been promoted to the chief marketing officer of Wei Mi, and smiled and said: "This, you can say a few words, let me come forward to praise how much the Secret Angel earned this year. How much do you think is appropriate? I think the audience is more likely to turn their minds to 'Eric Williams earned money this year'."

Emily rolled her eyes and said: "Do not worry, I will never let them make this association. You are the founder of Wei Mi Daxiu. This topic is your most powerful voice. You ponder What to say, I am going to call the photographer."

"Don't be so anxious?"

"Who knows where you will go in these days," Emily dropped the sentence and hurried away again.

Eric just turned his mind and thought about what to say. Emily had come with a photographer and signaled Eric to go to a quieter office next door.

Sitting down on the sofa in the office, waiting for the photographer to open the camera, Emily looked at Eric and seemed to be still not ready to say anything. She also knew that the topic was a little sudden and took the initiative to guide: "So, let me talk first. What is the root cause of the income growth of the Victorian angels?"

Emily asked, naturally, I hope that Eric can turn the topic to the Wei Mi brand to support the supermodels of the angels. She actually only needs Eric to say some relevant words, and then pick a few appropriate ones. Words inserted into the interview tidbits.

However, Eric did not understand Emily’s intentions this time. He thought about it and said: “The root cause, I think it should be the actual embodiment of the economic development of the eyeball.”

"Eyeball economy?" Emily asked questioningly.

Eric felt Emily's doubts and realized that the eyeball economy may be a vocabulary that began to flourish after the rise of the Internet, explaining: "The eyeball economy is an economic activity that attracts public attention to gain economic returns. Traditionally, the ratings of TV stations or the circulation of newspapers, in the final analysis, need to attract enough attention to reach a certain height. The same is true of the emerging group of Wei Mi Angels. There are thousands of girls in the modeling profession all over the world. But only this group has attracted most of the public's attention to the model."

Emily was obviously taken over by Eric, retorting: "It’s just that attention is increasing and their personal income will increase dramatically. This doesn't seem to make sense."

"Of course, in many news events, some ordinary people will suddenly get a high degree of attention, but this does not bring them any real economic benefits." Eric agreed: "This also involves a The problem of realizing the channel, the Victorian angels got a higher degree of attention through the Wei Mi catwalk, and there is a complete brokerage team behind them to realize this kind of attention for them. Those fashion brands want to improve their popularity. I am willing to pay a higher price than ever before, hiring supermodels from the Secret Angels as their brand spokesperson. In the end, their income is much higher than before. I remember Linda said before, there is no 10,000 a day. She won't get up in the US dollar. But now, if she wants to invite her to a catwalk, $100,000 may not be enough. This is because she has more 'eyeballs' than ever before."

Emily thought about her chin and nodded. "It's really like this. I can't think of so many interesting theories in your guy's belly. This, eyeball economy, seems to fit the current Internet industry."

"Of course, whether it is a portal or e-commerce, you need to get enough attention to be successful. If you pay attention to Amazon's hunger marketing using Fireflyer in the first half of the year, you can understand this more deeply. Wall Street vs. Amazon Valuation, which was only $2 billion in the first half of the year, is now $4.5 billion. It can be said that the eye-catching economic effects of hunger marketing have brought Amazon’s book income of $2.5 billion. Yahoo wants to keep it now. The rapid development of the state, the future marketing strategy also needs to firmly grasp the concept of the eye economy, I remember to write a memo to Yahoo executives, if you are interested, you can look for it."

Emily nodded her heart and felt that the photographer on the side of her face was also interested in her face. Only when she realized the current state, I took a look at Eric very unreasonably and said: "I was again taken by you. The topic has been opened, and we are talking about Wei Mi Angel."

The catwalk outside is still going on, and Emily doesn't want to be out of the scene in case of any unexpected situation. So I no longer asked any ambiguity, and I was very straightforward to let Eric say a few words to the Angels, which ended the recording.

Although it is already the fourth catwalk, but whether it is the top of LTD or the angel supermodel who participates in the catwalk, every catwalk is still treacherous.

Emily and other management are worried about what will happen during the catwalk, and the angels are worried that they will fall on the runway. When Diane Kruger staged a 'Cinderella Incident' with a shoe that was thrown on the stage, it became the most popular supermodel in the first Vimy show. But in the past few years, no supermodel has dared to do this deliberately. All the Victorian angels only hope that they can successfully complete their own runway show.

Fortunately, after 60 minutes of intense and busy, the catwalk finally ended.

After the curtain call, the guests at the front desk began to leave, and the 43 Weiwei Angels were once again concentrated in the background. As long as the big photo for publicity was filmed, everyone will rush to the nearby Gramercy Park Hotel. Yuxing party.

Eric did not pay attention to the noise of a group of excited girls not far away. She was sitting in the distance with Elton John, who was the guest of this catwalk, and tried to see the English song legendary singer join Yahoo. The music store, Cindy and Linda, ran from the camera crowd and took Eric to take a group photo.

Eric looked at the high-heeled boots with his knees over his knees. He shook his head resolutely and smiled. "No, I don't stand with your group of leprechauns. This is very affecting me." The image of Yingwu."

The average height of the Victorian angels is close to one meter eight, not to mention wearing a variety of high heels at this time. Although Eric’s height is not short, it is definitely not coordinated to the middle of this group of fairies. .

Linda took Eric’s hand very dissatisfied and said, “Then you can sit, let’s move the stool to you.”

Eric slammed him on the double sofa he was sitting on with Elton John and said, "You moved this over and I will shoot."

"Hah, do you think we can't move," Cindy said, shouting at the crowd not far away, and the group of goblins who were in a state of excitement after successfully completing the catwalk did not hesitate to rush.

Elton John smiled and quickly got up and avoided. Eric also stood up and said, "Okay, no need to move, I used to."

The Victorian angels who had already taken a little bit of madness ignored Eric. In the laughter of the crowd, seven or eight girls easily moved the double sofa and walked toward the photo area.

Linda watched the sisters put the sofa in front of the photo wall, smugly swept Eric, took him and walked over, and pressed him to the center of the sofa, and did not leave, homeopathic in Eric Sit down next to it.

Linda took the lead and other angels swarmed. Cindy easily grabbed the right side of Eric. The armrests on both sides of the sofa were also quickly occupied. Eric also had a fragrant wind behind him. The little hands don't know whether they intentionally or unintentionally touched him to eat his little tofu.

The camera of the Mi Mi Royal photographer Russell James seems to be not busy enough, waving: "Mr. Williams, are you lifting your legs? Also, who can come to the front."

Now that he has been pulled over, Eric has had to raise his legs in coordination, but he is thinking that this photo must not be circulated, otherwise he will definitely be drawn by a myriad of male creatures.

As the newcomer was squeezed out of the periphery, Qus Gaofu heard Russell James, and immediately left his position to go to the front of the sofa.

As a top model, posing POSE is almost a matter of instinct. Qusga Gov naturally sits down on Eric's leg, slightly lifting his long legs, and gently slamming one arm in Eric. On the knees. The other side is occupied by Helena Christensen, who is still gently attached to Eric's lap in the soft body of **** angels.

Russell James also directed several supermodels to switch to POSE, and forty-three people in the world surrounded Eric tightly, and then raised the camera and shouted: "OK, three, two, one ""


In the banquet hall of the Gramercy Garden Hotel, all the angel supermodels have been put on the dress.

Eric had just danced with Cindy and got out of the dance floor, and was stopped by Stefani Seymour, who was holding her husband Peter Grant.

Simply a few words, Stephanie Seymour gradually asked the subject: "Eric, I heard that MGM is making a TV show that you personally conceived for the newly acquired Bravo channel. You think I can Try it?"

The TV series that Stephanie Seymour said is naturally "Desperate Housewives". This TV series has already begun to be selected and is scheduled to be broadcast next spring.

Eric knows that this year is the last Vimy show of Stephanie Seymour. Although she is less than 30 years old, her husband’s publishing tycoon Peter Grant obviously does not want his wife to continue to appear in the Wei Mi T In this regard, privately, I also specially greeted Emily.

Eric will not reveal these little moves. After all, if he is, he is expected to do the same.

Sweeping his eyes while maintaining a smile on his face, but with some helpless Peter Grant, Eric showed a regretful expression and shook his head: "Sorry, Stephanie, the four heroines in the plan, three of them set I am 40 years old. The last one is quite the same age as you, but I hope this character can be Latino. You know, we have to set up some minority roles."

Speaking of it, Stephanie Seymour seems to be only twenty-nine years old this year. Even the profession is very much in line with the retired supermodel role set by Eva Longoria in the original "Desperate Housewives". If it wasn't for 'political correctness', it would really be possible to try Stephanie Seymour. As for the idea of ​​Peter Grant, Eric naturally does not care.

However, although the wisteria community in the script is obviously a wealthy middle-class white community, if ABC really sets all four heroines into whites, if the drama is in the future, then it will be attacked by the racist topic. Some time, stuffing in a Latino can be considered as blocking some people's mouths.

Stephanie Seymour was not discouraged. She still wanted to say something. Peter Grant, standing next to her, couldn’t help but say, "Baby, you still don’t want to be Eric. I think you have been thinking for years. The best for the child."

Due to age, she realized that she was nearing retirement. Stephanie Seymour had to wait for Peter Mart to marry a few years ago. However, for several consecutive Victoria Awards, she unexpectedly made her career a second spring. .

As an ambitious woman, she now has a few regrets in her heart. I will leave the Wei Mi stage next year. She knows that if she doesn't do anything, she will not be able to use it for two years. Her business that has just revived will once again fall into silence, and I hope to get a chance to participate in the TV series from Eric.

Due to the theme, several heroines of "Wuwang City" are now in the fashion circle, and Eric’s personally conceived "Desperate Housewives", Stephanie Seymour is not too skeptical if he can get it. A character, her fame can last for a long time.

However, listening to her husband, Stephanie Seymour is not good at the face of Eric and Cindy, let him not come to Taiwan, but nodded in obedience, and talked with Eric a few words, reluctantly Walk away with Peter Grant.

Cindy watched Stephanie walk away, and this smiled with a bit of gloating: "Look, Stephanie is now sure to regret it. Marriage is not only the grave of love, but also the grave of the cause."

Eric smiled and said: "If it is not Wei Mi, I think you should also enter the 'grave' now?"

"Yeah, I am probably, um, I will find a man who is a little worse than me, but the gap is not too far, so I can live freely, not like Stefani being **** by her husband."

Eric saw Emily not far away, with Cindy walking over, and asked: "What about now?"

"Now," Cindy looked a little confused and shook her head. "Now, the man I had hoped for is not easy to find. If it is too far away from me, I will definitely not go on. If Like me or better than me, they will definitely feel that I am too strong, and the estimate is not very good."

"Then you just find a woman, I think Linda is good, huh, huh, then adopt a child," Eric said with a joke, did not notice the change of Cindy, went to Emily In front of me, I mentioned the photo that I just took a photo with. I said, "Don't send out the photo. I don't want to be thrown on the road these days."

Emily took a look at Eric and said, "I thought you would be very proud."

"What can be smug, can only see and can not eat."

Emily squinted at Cindy, laughing like a smile: "I don't think you can't eat it, you can't eat it right? That's forty-three."

Eric was dissatisfied: "Amount, are you looking down on me?"

"Well, I don't talk to you. I don't want to let people send out that photo. Don't worry," Emily said, and said hello to Cindy, who still looks thoughtful. Just walked away with a smile and a guest.

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