I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 939: Crazy start

After several years of operation, Wei Mi Daxiu has completely determined the status of the ‘fashion super bowl’.

On the second day of the big show, countless media began to report on their own initiative, and the TV broadcast expectation after one week was mentioned as the highest.

A newspaper under the Forbes Group also released the '1997 Supermodel Income Ranking' in a timely manner in the following days. This supermodel income ranking, which is comparable to the Hollywood actress's annual income list, naturally caused a lot of heated discussion. It even caused the stock price of LTD to rise.

After the big show, Eric put his attention on the upcoming Amazon.

On December 1, Amazon officially landed on the Nasdaq market. The initial opening price of 30 million shares with an issue price of $15 reached $20.55, an increase of 37%. Until the day's close, Amazon's share price remained at a high of $20.13, making Amazon's market capitalization at 6.65 billion on the day of listing. Dollar. Amazon's 90 million shares held by Firefly Investment also increased to more than $1.8 billion on Amazon's IPO that day, which is more than six times that of Firefly's investment before and after Amazon's investment.

According to the stock price of Amazon on the day of the listing, the company's price-earnings ratio has exceeded 60 times. Although the Nasdaq market bubble has caused the stock price-earnings ratio to be generally high in recent years, Amazon's stock price-earnings ratio still doubles the market average. This inevitably caused the media to worry about the stock market bubble again.

Eric remembers that when Nasdaq technology stocks were the craziest, some companies even had a price-to-earnings ratio of more than 1,000 times. Amazon’s 60-fold P/E ratio is only the beginning. The next two years are the craziest moments of the Nasdaq market. .

In December, thanksgiving, although there are still three weeks away from Christmas, the festive atmosphere in the United States is more intense.

Eric participated in Amazon's IPO, but did not immediately rush to Long Island to accompany women and children to Christmas, but quickly flew back to Los Angeles, into the busy work at the end of the year.

During Eric's life in New York, MGM's "Museum of the Museum 2" was also released on November 28th. The box office for the first three days was $54.17 million, and the box office for the first seven days was only $79.8 million. The first week of MGM's $85 million to $90 million is expected.

As the production cost has soared to 120 million US dollars, the first weekend is less than expected, the film's North American North American box office may also stop between 150 million to 200 million US dollars, far lower than the first 250 million US dollars North American box office The corresponding overseas box office is probably not too ideal.

Compared with "Museum Night 2", "Monster Power Company" has excellent box office performance.

After the first week of $76.59 million at the box office, Monster Power Company's second-quarter box office fell only a very weak 24%, and received another $57.02 million. The two-week box office total has reached $133 million. From the box office and word of mouth of "Monster Power Company", the North American box office of this 3D animated film is likely to exceed $250 million. As the first work of the new Disney Animation Studio, the film is also cheaper to produce, so only in North America, the Firefly Group will be profitable.

MGM's Century City headquarters.

Eric looked at the auditor actress information of "Desperate Housewives" and also chatted with Amy Pascal about the box office of "Museum Night 2".

The production cost of the first part of "Museum of the Museum" is only 70 million US dollars, and the global box office is close to 600 million. The production cost of this sequel has soared to $120 million, and global box office expectations are likely to be only $400 million. Even so, MGM's earnings are still very secure, but the production of the third sequel needs to be done with caution.

"So, Amy, the actual box office in the first week was 10 million lower than expected, and the word of mouth is not as good as the first one. What do you think should be the problem?"

Amy Pascal looked at Eric, who casually looked at the actor's information. She didn't know if Eric had already had his own judgment, but he still replied earnestly: "I think this should be " The Museum's Fantastic Night series is not an orthodox special effects blockbuster, it is more inclined to a comedy. The sequel to the comedy movie has always been very unstable, because the audience is difficult to judge the taste of the comedy sequel, a comedy can sometimes shoot a lot of sequels Still very popular, some are just tired of taking the second audience."

Eric nodded, and the main character of Museum Wonderful Night was Ben Stiller. At present, the name of the Hollywood rotten gang has not yet risen, but a group of comedians led by Ben Stiller have already begun to gather. The Museum's Wonderful Night says that it is not too bad to help the comedy. There is a general sequel to the weakness of the sequel.

After considering it for a moment, Eric told him: "With regard to the third part, don't start it again within two years. Take more time to polish the script. In addition, Ben Stiller's pay can no longer be improved. ”

Amy Pascal nodded and said that the two were chatting. The door of the office was knocked a few times. Amy Pascal’s assistant pushed the door and said, “Mr. Williams, Ms. Pascal, the audition time is up. ""

Eric and Amy Pascal heard the information in front of them and walked to the audition room.

After MGM's preliminary work, the four heroines of "Desperate Housewives" have been basically confirmed. In addition to Terry Hatcher, who plays Susan, the other three housewives, Eric, have chosen other people. It’s just that he intends to personally look at the live audition effects of several actresses.

Terry Hatcher also starred in a role in "Royal Casino". Although the global explosion of "Royal Casino" has given Terry Hatcher some fame, she is 33 years old this year. After the golden age of the actress, it is impossible to have much development in film actors. Together with "Desperate Housewives" is the idea that Eric personally conceived, MGM issued an invitation, and Terry Hatcher immediately accepted the role.

However, Eric chose Terry Hatcher as the actor of Susan, but there are other considerations.

In the past history, after the "Desperate Housewives" fire, the Housewife's four-person group originally intended to follow the "Friends" six-person group, and jointly asked ABC to request a single set of millions of rewards. However, during the film negotiation process, Terry Hatcher abandoned the other three actresses and signed a contract with ABC. The alliance that pressured ABC naturally collapsed.

Eric doesn't know the details, but the disparity in the "Desperate Housewives" crew is well known. Terry Hatcher's 'disunity' can also guarantee "Desperate Housewives". This group of people can't be united this time.

Into the audition room, the four actresses who had waited in the room stood up. Terry Hatcher, who was familiar with Eric, took the lead and hugged it with Eric.

When Eric and Terry Hatcher hugged, they felt the little gesture that the woman's fingers slid gently behind him, just smiling. Although there is not much information in the memory, he knows that this is definitely a difficult woman, and Eric does not want to get into this trouble.

When Terry Hatcher was released, Eric turned to the other three.

Among the remaining three women, Eric only knows one, Elizabeth Perkins, and the other two have no impression. It is entirely selected by the MGM TV department.

Elizabeth Perkins is also an actor who Eric has specially intervened. Eric has seen Elizabeth Perkins performing in "Single Poison Mom". He feels that Elizabeth Perkins plays "Desperate Housewives". Berry Van Dikan, who has a perfectionism obsessive-compulsive disorder, is a perfect fit. Elizabeth Perkins itself has a very elegant but similar temperament.

Since the role has been basically finalized, Eric has also seen several actresses' audition tapes in advance, and there is nothing dissatisfied. Therefore, this audition is more like a relaxed reading of the script.

However, a few people on the scene may only have Eric himself, and the four actresses are cautiously coping.

Since it is "Desperate Housewives", although Eric deliberately set the ages of several housewives to be younger, so that this time, as in the past, several housewives will desperately fight Botox in order to maintain their appearance. . But except for the 27-year-old Latina actress named Vanita Krone, the other three women are over 30 years old. The TV show is almost the last time in their career. opportunity.

This loose audition lasted only one and a half hours. Eric then rushed to Firefly Studios to attend a year-end meeting, simply watched a few performances, and chatted with several actresses about the TV series. The view, I left in a hurry.

However, before leaving, Eric handed a card to Amy's assistant and handed it over to Elizabeth Perkins.

During the communication, Eric suddenly became very mature and quite temperamental to Elizabeth Perkins. The woman felt very much, so she did not hesitate to shoot. In Hollywood, he laid a big foundation, and Eric naturally used this land as his hunting ground. He never intended to let his prey of interest.

After passing the audition, Elizabeth Perkins finally breathed a sigh of relief. She had thought that Eric Williams was a young man, and it was inevitable that she would be a bit arrogant. However, the young Hollywood tycoon gave her a very gentle feeling throughout the audition.

However, she was about to leave, and Amy Pascal’s assistant shouted at her and handed over a card, whispering: “Ms. Perkins, this is for Mr. Williams.”

Elizabeth Perkins squatted and noticed that there was a sly look in the eyes of Terry Hatcher, who was obviously pretending to look for something from his handbag. Elizabeth Perkins quickly went to that place. The assistant nodded and slammed the card into the jacket pocket and hurried outward.

I went to the parking lot and got into the car. Elizabeth Perkins just took out the card. Although it was expected, I saw a invitation to dinner and a bunch of phone numbers. Suddenly, there is still some trouble. She is not the first day to enter Hollywood, and naturally knows what this invitation means.

Driving away from the MGM headquarters, I turned to Beverly Hills Rodeo Drive, and unconsciously stopped the car and found that the roadside happened to be a women's clothing store.

After hesitating for a while, Elizabeth Perkins got out of the car and went to the women's clothing store to pick a new set of new clothes. Some of my heart was deceiving to think that this was a reward for getting the character.

After buying the clothes, suddenly I ran away to buy a pair of Manolo high heels. This high-heeled shoes brand appeared to be more popular after the broadcast of "Wuwang City". She used to be unwilling to buy it, although many years ago. The "Flying Over the Future" that Tom Hanks collaborated made her flamboyant for a while, but it was already ten years ago, and then she did not receive any influential movies. Now she can only play TV series. It is.

I have been wandering between the streets of Los Angeles until night, watching the lights that are gradually starting to light up on both sides of the road. She stopped at a roadside telephone booth and dialed the number on the card.

It wasn't Eric Williams who answered the phone. The other person just asked her where she was, and then said she would send a car to pick her up.

Elizabeth Perkins hangs up and wants to get into the car, thinking about it, or standing on the side of the road waiting.

After waiting for about twenty minutes, a black car stopped at the side of the road, and the driver got off the car and pulled the car door to look at her. Elizabeth Perkins realized that it was to pick up her own.

When I got on the bus, I found that Eric was also sitting in the back row.

Eric watched Elizabeth Perkins sit down beside him and smiled. "I thought you wouldn't call me."

After all, Elizabeth Perkins was somewhat reluctant, with a bit of faint questioning, "If I don't make this call, is that role gone?"

Eric shrugged and his tone was a bit odious. "Maybe, you have to know that such a big man is often hard to bear being rejected."

Elizabeth Perkins could feel the tone of Eric’s joke and couldn’t help but add: “And I’m not going to say anything nice to please women.”

Eric heard the words, turned his head up and down and carefully looked at the woman next to him, only to find that she changed a suit, nodded and praised: "You are very beautiful tonight."

Elizabeth Perkins subconsciously lifted his chin: "And ten years older than you."

This sentence blurted out of the brain, and Elizabeth Parkinston had some regrets. She didn't think that people like Eric would endure their slightly provocative words again and again.

Eric is not angry at all, but laughs even more hateful: "It seems that the whole Hollywood knows, I like mature women."

Elizabeth Perkins opened his mouth, but this time he resisted not saying anything, just a white Eric.

Eric looked at the woman's appearance, thought of something, and asked: "I suddenly remembered another thing, are you married?"

Elizabeth Perkins turned her head: "Do you still care about this?"

"Of course," Eric nodded. "I actually have a little bit of principle. If you get married, I will send you back now."

Elizabeth Perkins stared at Eric for a few seconds and saw him look serious. He shook his head and said, "It’s been a long time ago."

"Oh, there seems to be a story, maybe we can talk later."

Elizabeth Perkins felt that Eric’s tone was awful, but she just lost her eyes again. She had never heard the words of life like that, and could not resist. However, she later found out that Eric was actually a guy who would please and even accommodate a woman. After a dinner, she felt that the experience tonight was actually quite good, so many things became natural.

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