I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 956: 1.5%

Prea Vista.

In a studio in Firefly Studios, it has been transformed into a studio for Tony Stark. Eric returned to Los Angeles from Boston, and all the masters of the Iron Man crew were also selected here for the first gathering before the start of the shoot.

Although Eric said that he would personally act as a producer, in fact, the preliminary preparations for the film were basically completed by Marvel Entertainment CEO Avi Arad and director Jos Verden. Gram has therefore fallen into an executive producer of the same nature as Stan Lee.

However, although Eric has not participated in the preparations for the film's set, props, etc., the main characters of the film are determined by Eric himself.

In addition to Eric himself and Brigitte Fonda, who plays small peppers, Eric has basically activated the 'original class'.

The villain No. 1 Obedia Stein was served by Jeff Briggs.

Terrence Howard, who showed mediocrity in Iron Man's first episode, was not considered by Eric, and Colonel Roddy's role fell directly on Don Chander. In the first stage of the entire Marvel movie universe, there is a very important part of the scene, and at the same time, it will also provoke the plan of the "Shenzhen Agent" squadron, and Eric still chose Clark Greg.

In the original time and space, Don Chandra and Clark Greg did not start to use the Marvel movie universe series until more than a decade later. However, they actually debuted in the 1980s and have a very rich Performance experience. The age of the two is completely okay. Don Chandell was born in 1964 and is 34 years old this year. Clark Greg is two years older than Don Chander.

Speaking of the original version of "Iron Man" and the "Avengers" series, the age of the two has been too large. The reason why they were able to get the role, in Eric's view, was because the Marvel at that time wanted to save money and wanted to use the actors.

The only thing that Eric is struggling with is the actor of the SHIELD Director Nick Fury.

In the setting of the movie universe, Nick Fury is a black man, but the original version of Samuel Jackson is now in the series of "Star Wars Prequel".

The first part of "Star Wars Prequel" will be released at the end of this year. Samuel Jackson's role in the "Star Wars Prequel" in Metz Windu is very similar to Nick Fury. The release rhythm of the prequel of the Star Wars also has a great overlap with the first stage of the Marvel Universe. It is impossible to stagger, and Samuel Jackson is no longer suitable to play a similar role in the Marvel movie universe. Character.

"In the end, I told him, Denzel, you took so many movies that no one is watching. Don't you want to participate in a real blockbuster?" In the studio, Avi Arad tells himself some self-deprecatingly. Attempt to invite Denzel Washington to star in Nick Fury: "Then I was driven out."

Around, Eric, Brigitte Fonda and Jos Verden all laughed.

Eric's most inclined candidate for Nick Fury could not participate, and Avi Arad, who had a superstar complex, first thought of Denzel Washington.

Although Nick Fury runs through the first stage of the Marvel movie universe, overall, he is still only a supporting role, and some films are even only guest appearances. Denzel Washington is the only black star in Hollywood who basically plays the leading role. His pay is almost the same as that of the white male. Eric is not able to invite Denzel Washington to play Nick Fury. I hope that I will let Avi Arad go to the invitation.

The ending can be imagined.

"If Morgan Freeman is twenty years younger, even if he is ten years old, maybe this character can let him try it." Shaking his head, Eric told several people around him: "Do you have any other suggestions?"

"Eric, in fact, I think there is another person very suitable," Jos Weeden's tone was hesitant, and eventually said: "That is, Captain Murphys in the Matrix, Lawrence Filipino. Shberg."

After Jos Verden finished, several people around him were quiet and looked at Eric together. I don't know what reaction he would have.

Two years ago, the fireflies sold the two sequel copyrights of "The Matrix" to Ann Berlin. The superficial reason was that the Firefly Group was under pressure from the fans. The details were not even known to a few people around, and no one would think that Ai Rick is actively selling the copyright of "The Matrix."

Eric took the picture on the table next to him, Lawrence Fishberg, how he forgot, and the names that Avi Arad had recommended to himself were not in the list.

However, after paying attention to the look of a few people around him, Eric understood that the reason why José Weeden said it now is to take into account Eric’s views on The Matrix. Perhaps they feel that they are certain Any actor in the Matrix series will not be enabled.

Because it is the initiative to let go of the "Matrix" copyright, Eric naturally does not have any prejudice against the actors of the "Matrix" series.

The schedule of "Matrix 2" has been confirmed during the summer of this year. Although Ann Berlin has not announced the third finale of back-to-back shooting, it will only be next year at the latest. Inviteing Lawrence Fishberg to play Nick Fury, just to take over the popularity he has accumulated in The Matrix.

"Just him," nodded. Eric told Avi Arad: "You immediately send someone to contact Lawrence and get the film contract as soon as possible."

Avi Arad did not think that Eric would agree so. "Eric, are you sure?"

"Of course, if you come up early, I won't be entangled for so long," Eric nodded with a smile. "Is it very disappointing? I didn't have a cold face to make a big thunder."

Everyone laughed again and the atmosphere returned to normal.

A few words of laughter, Avi Arad asked: "Eric, then, when are you going to announce that you personally acted as the hero of Iron Man?"

Eric thought for a moment and said: "Now the news has already been heard outside, so simply don't announce it, just start shooting, let the media slowly discover this, and also improve the topic of the film."

After today's party, the news will no longer be hidden.

However, as long as the Firefly Group is not officially announced, there is no shortage of media to question the truth of this news. Eric Williams personally starred in Tony Stark, and it sounds like this is too much a fake news.

When the media dig out accurate news, the topic of "Iron Man" will also be heated up, which can save a lot of marketing expenses.

After finishing the day's work and getting off work, Caroline rushed over and handed two copies of information to Eric.

One is Nokia’s 1997 annual financial report, and the other is from Forbes magazine.

Drew called at noon and asked Eric to go to her home in Clausdale Estate tonight to help see the Beverly Girl reality show, E! Entertainment has confirmed that it will officially broadcast this long-awaited reality show on February 17.

After Eric got on the bus, he told the driver to go to the Trausdale Manor, and then he sat in the back seat and opened up Nokia’s earnings.

Nokia's financial report is quite exciting. Throughout 1997, Nokia sold 31.2 million mobile phones worldwide, accounting for 32% of the global mobile phone market. It officially opened Ericsson and Motorola and became the world's largest mobile phone manufacturer.

At the same time, Nokia's market capitalization increased to 163.4 billion Finnish marks, equivalent to 30.5 billion US dollars. The company's annual business was $13.8 billion, and net profit after tax was $1.135 billion.

As the direct shareholding institution of Nokia's 51% stake, the Hawaiian fund will also draw a profit of about 580 million US dollars from Nokia for the first time.

Although several companies such as Cisco and LTD, which have already started to generate profits, have not yet reported detailed financial reports, the profit distribution of these companies will be enough to support the expansion of firefly investment this year.

In addition to the $1 billion injection of Yahoo, and continued support for the development of Firefly Electronics, on the other hand, as Steve Case is increasingly inclined to get rid of Eric’s original Cisco-AOL-Yahoo Information Industry Alliance. It is planned that this year's firefly investment and Steve Case's management dispute over US online control is almost inevitable.

In order to seize control of AOL, Firefly Investment must increase its holdings of AOL. Currently, AOL’s market capitalization has exceeded US$23 billion. The US ATC’s outstanding shares have also been absorbed by major investment institutions. Few.

In order to increase the holding of AOL, it can only be paid in a premium manner from the investment institutions holding AOL shares. In order to ensure control, the firefly investment needs to close the shareholding ratio of AOL to 40% as much as possible. The amount of money needed is very large.

I was thinking about AOL in one heart and two places, and I finished the Nokia financial report with more than 80 pages in my hand. The car has already arrived at Drew’s mansion in the Trausdale Manor.

From Eric's hand, he took the folder and put it to Natasha behind him. The girl took the Eric's arm into the villa and asked, "Eric, do you have to take a shower first?"

"Let's wash it at night," Eric shook his head and asked, "I didn't pay much attention to Speed ​​and Passion recently. Is the filming progress going smoothly?"

Shantou and Eric sat down on the sofa in the living room and nodded. "Of course, I and Amy have just been to the studio. The filming of Mission Impossible 3 is also very smooth. Both films can be played this year. Released at the end of the year. "Desperate Housewives" also started shooting. We set the broadcast schedule on February 26th and Thursday night."

Eric took the coffee from Eve, took a relaxing drink, and nodded: "This is good, it is earlier than most TV dramas in the spring, and you can get more attention. You and Amy should have seen it." Beverly Girl's sample, how do you feel?"

"It's very interesting, but I still want you to see if there is any need to change it." The girl nodded and saw the two documents that Eric looked at Natasha on the coffee table and took the initiative and took it. : "Eric, what is this?"

"Nokia's financial report, and one copy, was sent by Forbes magazine. I haven't seen it yet. It should be this year's list."

Eric said that the dark road Forbes has finally learned a little smarter this year. Last year's rich list, Forbes magazine did not ventilate with Eric, and directly used an 'oligarch' sensitive topic. The Firefly Group This directly reduced the company's advertising budget for the Forbes Group's media by half.

Hearing this year's rich list information, Shantou immediately came to the interest, left Nokia's financial report aside, hurriedly opened the information sent by Forbes, looked at the title, and immediately had some doubts.

"Eric, they use 1.5% as the title. What does this mean, so weird."

Eric didn't think of any eyebrows for a while, and looked at the contents of the document with Shantou. Then there was some helplessness. Forbes was still unwilling. He always wanted to get some big news to attract the attention of the public.

When the Rockefeller family's head John Rockefeller died in 1937, his personal wealth was assessed by the media as $1.4 billion, when the US's GDP was $92 billion.

In other words, Rockefeller's wealth has reached 1.5% of the US gross national product.

After reading the introduction in front of the text, Eric has roughly guessed what happened.

Immediately afterwards, the article is very striking is the asset data table of the Firefly Investment Company as of December 31 last year.

Cisco: Market value is $635, and Firefly Investment holds 26%.

Sprint: The market value is $302, and the firefly investment holds 10%.

Nokia: Market value is $305, and Firefly Investment holds 51%.

AOL: The market value is $233, and the firefly investment is 30%.

LTD: The market value is 117 US dollars, and the firefly investment holds 35%.

Qualcomm: The market value is $57.6, and the firefly investment holds 41%.

Amazon: The market value is $56, and the firefly investment holds 27%.

Apple: Market value of 33 US dollars, firefly investment holdings 12%.

Yahoo! Networks: (Valuation) $15 billion, Firefly Investment holds 85%.

Firefly Electronics: (valuation) $3 billion, Firefly Investment holds 100%.

According to comprehensive calculations, the total assets of all companies under Firefly Investment reached US$192 billion.

At the same time, according to the shareholding ratio of each company, and Eric's own investment in fireflies 97%, his personal assets reached 63 billion US dollars. Chris’s 3% stake in Firefly’s investment also made his personal worth $2 billion.

Due to the unlisted nature of Firefly Group, another important asset in Eric's name, Forbes did not detail the value of the Firefly Group's subsidiaries, but only gave the Firefly Group an overall valuation, and most of Wall Street's institutions. The same, for $100 billion.

Eric’s shareholding in the Firefly Group was 73.7%, which increased his personal assets by $73.7 billion.

According to comprehensive calculations, Eric’s current total net worth reached 136.7 billion U.S. dollars, while the US’s public GDP figure in 1997 was 868.5 billion U.S. dollars. Eric’s net worth accounted for 15.8% of the U.S. GDP, just in time to catch up with the Rockefeller family. The peak of wealth.

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