I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 957: repercussions

After reading the draft of the feature article sent by Forbes magazine, it was obvious that some Drew turned around and looked at Eric for a while, as if to find something different, at the end, the girl Speaking: "Eric, or else, let's buy another plane?"

Eric reached out and knocked on the head of this Nizi, laughing: "You are going to open an airline."

Drew just blinked and said: "Thirty-seven billion dollars, I suddenly felt that maybe we should ask a few bodyguards again."

"No," Eric shook his head and said: "Wait, let Natasha make a sign and hang it outside the gate, and write, 'Tonight, Dr. Drew Barrymore, holding a Gatling gun, personally take care of the money,' I I don’t know anyone is willing to come."

"Oh," Shantou laughed uncontrollably, and then seriously said: "This idea is good, I will buy a Gatlin machine gun at home tomorrow, um, two, one twin."

Eric just made a joke. After listening to Shantou’s words, he realized that the United States is a country where guns can’t help.

Although ordinary people still can't buy heavy weapons like Gatlin, it is not a problem for the top rich. Among the people that Eric now knows, there is no shortage of war weapons like collecting tank artillery.

"Be careful, these things are not a joke," he said, and Eric got up and said, "I'm going to make a few calls."

Drew smacked his head and watched Eric walk upstairs, and immediately jumped up, picked up the cordless phone on the desktop and started dialing. After connecting, he slammed and didn’t know who it was. I bought the 'town house artifact'.

The two worlds have been human beings, and after so many years of accumulation, in the face of more than 100 billion US dollars of wealth, although Eric knows that this means that the social resources that he can use are getting bigger and bigger, and the potential influence of individuals is getting stronger and stronger. But he has been able to take it easy.

Moreover, this time Eric did not have the idea of ​​concealing wealth, and he did not plan to do it again in the future.

After all, Eric’s personal assets exceed 100 billion. In the eyes of ordinary people, the legend will gradually become a legend. As the wealth of his own name continues to grow, ordinary people will gradually become numb to this matter, because most of them It is hard for people to imagine what it means to be worth hundreds of billions of dollars of wealth. Therefore, they will only gradually feel that this is just a bunch of numbers.

Of course, the things to do are still to be done.

In the upstairs study, Eric, along with some familiar people like Chris and Buffett, talked to each other about the problems they might face next, and let Kelly, who is in charge of the assistant office, pay due attention to the next period of time. Media Karen, intervene when necessary.

Eric can't want to get a reputation like the Rockefeller family.

Although it is in the era of information explosion, as the US media channels are increasingly concentrated in the hands of several large media groups, it is easier to control.

With the media resources that the Firefly system now has, no matter what kind of media image Eric wants to create for himself, Fireflies can basically do it.

In recent years, even though there are all kinds of gossip rumors about him in the circle, since Eric has always maintained a very low media exposure, his image in the public mind has always been very low-key, and even some mysterious.

Although the paparazzi will be more enthusiastic about tapping the privacy of celebrity movie stars who want to keep a low profile, but for the super rich like Eric, there are very few dare to follow his paparazzi.

After all, the paparazzi mining news is driven by interests. Chasing Eric is not only difficult, but the input and output are completely inconsistent, and the risk is high. It took ten years to set up a special fund, and unscrupulously told a gossip Silicon Valley rich man who was exposed to his homosexual gossip website. There is definitely more than one in the United States. The Firefly Group wants to kill a gossip tabloid, and it doesn't take ten years.

It wasn't until the sky was dark, Natasha came knocking at the door, and Eric hangs up the call with Chris, and goes downstairs with Natasha.

However, I just walked to the stairs and saw a black six-barrel machine gun in the center of the living room. The **** was still on the pile of ammunition boxes on the floor, proudly posing POSE to myself. Ke almost stepped on the air.

This efficiency is too high.

"Oh," I saw Eric's appearance, and the girl smirked and patted it on the dark barrel. "Eric, this is M134, "Terminator" Shiva Singer has the same paragraph, I just sent it, but the guy only has this stock. If you want it, you have to wait a few days."

Eric noticed a row of bronze 7.62 mm bullets in the ammunition box opened on the coffee table. It only felt that some of the scalp was numb, which is obviously not a fake. A high-speed machine gun that shoots 6,000 bullets per minute. If something goes wrong, it will definitely sift anything into a sieve.

Seeing that Shantou was still afraid of picking up a bullet and slamming it into the gun, Eric finally recovered from the stagnation, stepped forward in three or two steps, and took the petite body. I copied it and pressed it on the sofa. It was three times on the small buttocks. I didn’t regret the look of the girl, and raised my hand three times.

"Oh... it hurts," Eric let her open, her head softly lying on the sofa, twisting her face and looking forward to say: "Eric, we can take this machine gun to the palms on weekends. Hunting in the valley, there are a lot of wild boars."

Still want to hunt?

Hunt with a six-tube fast-fired machine gun!


Press and hold again.


Finally did not move.

Eric sat down on the sofa and looked at the twins in the kitchen door with some expressions overwhelmed. He pointed to Gatlin in the living room: "This, who sent it, let the other party take it away."

When I heard Eric said, the **** that buried his head in the pillow immediately sullenly sullen: "Eric has already paid the money, this is ours."

Eric subconsciously raised his hand and finally let go, got up and walked to the machine gun, and said to the twins: "First move to the gym."

Shantou saw Eric and Natasha raise the gun body, walked toward the gym, and the face rose red from the sofa, holding a pillow with Eric, saying: "Eric, I thought You will definitely like it, do men not like guns?"

Eric squinted helplessly: "Do you know how dangerous this thing is, dare to put it in the living room?"

Shantou grinned: "Eric, I am twenty-three years old, I have never been a little girl."

Just put the machine gun on the shelf that Eve got in. When I heard the words of Shantou, Eric couldn’t help but look at the baby face that hadn’t changed much since then, and suddenly felt a little emotion.

Unconsciously, it has been ten years.

After getting along for ten years, Shantou can easily feel the emotional changes of Eric. Inexplicably, there are some emotions. I lost my pillow and came over. I carefully hugged Eric’s arm and confessed: “Eric, You have already grown up my pet, and you need to take a few extras, or else, how many times do you play?"

"Well, it's still my fault," Eric said with a chuckle. He bowed his head and kissed his delicate face. He said, "Let's go eat, and never touch these dangerous things again."

"Yeah." Shantou nodded. "So what about this now?"

"Confiscated, I will bring back to the sharp corner manor to collect it tomorrow."

"Oh, I know, you definitely like guns, and there are men who don't like guns."

They packed up a pile of ammunition boxes in the living room and everyone started to eat dinner.

"Although there are only eight episodes, but this reality show is a full two months, accumulated more than 100 hours of material, Chris has spent all of the $ 5 million budget," had dinner, Drew took Eric to the living room upstairs and looked at the sample of Beverly Girl. Put the videotape into the projector, turn off the light, return the **** to the sofa, and comfortably shrink it around Eric. Suddenly, mysteriously said: "In the first episode, we also used a small plot that you once said. The effect is really great."

"What plot?" Eric asked curiously.

Drew sold the customs and said: "You will know when you wait."

Eric had to turn his attention to the TV screen.

The plot begins in an early morning.

Four girls living in different areas of Beverly Hills, in the montage of non-stop switching and soothing background introductions, Deborah Hall, Cali Whitlock, Kristen Heyman and Samir · Karon, ushered in their new day.

Deborah Hall, like Drew, lives in the most luxurious Trausdale Manor in Beverly Hills. She is actually one of the Drew's honey group. She got a heroine of this reality show near the water platform. .

Through the self-introduction of the background sound, Deborah Hall's father is a very successful real estate agent with a family wealth of around $1 billion. Her mother is a typical housewife, so influenced by her mother, Deborah Hall's ideal is to find a good husband and become a housewife who enjoys a comfortable and prosperous life.

However, the girl also added a straightforward sentence at the end: this needs to be after she has played enough.

Carly Wittlock, with her signature blonde blue eyes, is from New York. Her parents are lawyers. She grew up in the Upper East Side and started to enter the performing arts school at the age of six. She is determined to become an actor like Judy Foster. I am alone in Hollywood, but unlike the young people who can only live in motels or basements, she lives in her own holiday home in Beverly Hills. Her parents only live in Los Angeles every winter. a period of time.

In the camera, Carly Wittlock, who woke up in the morning, began to dress up in a hurry. She had an audition to participate today.

Kristen Heyman cut short hair and likes to wear a large men's T-shirt and shredded jeans. It looks like a tomboy and is often misunderstood as a lace, but she is not. At the age of 23, she runs a bar under Beverly Hills. In the lens, this energetic and thin girl looks very bold, talkative and laughter, and also does not evade her rich and incomparable past.

She doesn't know who her mother is, her father lives in Chicago, and the relationship is alienated. Relying on the trust fund left by his grandparents, he is frivolous, young and frivolous, unrestrained, dropped out of school at the age of fifteen, married at the age of seventeen, married, beat, poisoned, and sat in prison, a well-known place in Los Angeles. For example, a few Jane, 20-year-old Dachao, began to travel around the world, returned to Los Angeles two years later, opened a bar in Beverly Hills, has a stable boyfriend, the recent goal is to regain the son of six years old Visiting rights.

The last Samir Caron, a typical American wealthy class elite, graduated from Stanford Law School and temporarily lives with parents who run chain restaurants in Los Angeles and is currently internship at a leading law firm in Los Angeles.

Although the characters are different and the background is different, the four girls have a very common point. They are the pride of the people living in Beverly Hills.

In the smooth narrative shot, the four girls' different lives suddenly appeared on the TV screen. Although they have already seen the script and know the development of the next thing, Eric still looks at it.

The biggest feature of the reality show is to satisfy people's voyeurism, and the overall conservative style of the United States is also destined to a lot of men and women who have not necessarily left their living towns until they are in their twenties and twenty years old. Life produces a strong curiosity.

The first episode of Beverly Girl quickly satisfied some of the imaginations of young people in contrast to Foley Hill.

After a day of life, under the arrangement of the crew, the four heroines gathered together at the bar run by Kristen Heyman. At the same time, there are more and more handsome men and women in the bar. After a series of feasting lights, the four girls and their partners came to the billiard room of the bar and played and shared each other.

Immediately, Eric quickly understood that Shantou had just said that she used a small plot that she had said before.

In the picture, Deborah Hall, wearing a jumpsuit and a charming figure, was playing behind with several men and women. Because of the score behind, the complaint was because she was blocked by her hair. So, in the whistling of a group of men and women, Deborah Hall voluptuously raised his hand and picked up the skirt, slid the big red lace panties, and used his underwear as a strap to pull his hair up and down. Tangled into a pony tail.

Eric watched the stereoscopically arranged classic **** of the ponytail on the TV screen and laughed.

Deborah Hall is a member of Drew's girlfriends group. Eric doesn't remember when he told Shantou that this is definitely a very tricky action, so this Nizi is decisively used on this reality show.

For the sake of hype "Sisters with Kardashian", Chris Jenna directly asked her daughter to take a video on the Internet. Now Eric is definitely not willing to use such a non-invasive means. However, looking at the pictures on TV, Eric said: "Hey, Drew, let people make this footage into a dynamic GIF image and upload it to the network. I promise that Beverly Girl will be even more popular."

"Oh, we are ready to do this," Shantou smiled and nodded.

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