I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 969: Easter Movie Package

Eric quickly found a collection of short stories signed by Nancy Collins on Amazon. After reading the introduction, the concept of "The Legend of the Night" obviously comes from one of the novels called "The Love of Monsters". .

Natasha has not returned yet, Eric will dial the girl's mobile phone, let her go to the bookstore and buy this novel collection.

"Eric, is this book," and after half an hour, Natasha handed a book that was not too thick to Eric: "I found three bookstores to find."

Eric looked at the cover and nodded. "Is this book, did you buy your leather, first put it on me?"

Natasha shook a few handbags in her hand and walked toward the bedroom.

Natasha left, Eric leaned on the sofa, opened the book and read the only seven or eight pages of "Monster's Love", which is another story similar to "Romeo and Juliet", a pair of werewolves and Vampires love each other, but because the two races are the enemy of generations, they are not able to come together after the obstruction of the tribes, and finally they both lyrical.

After reading this novel, Eric just wrote an e-mail to tell the Firefly copyright department to take down the adaptation of the novel, and heard the sound of the boots hitting the ground.

Looking up, Natasha Hensquech, wearing a black leather suit, stepped on the same black mountain boots, and the tight-fitting leather dress made the girl's perfect body curve more popular. The horsetail and the high-top mountain boots on her feet also made her a bit more cool.


Eric squinted at the black belt in the hands of Natasha: "What are you doing?"

Natasha raised her belt and slammed it in the palm of the other hand. Her face was cold and proud, and she walked over and pushed Eric to the back of the sofa to squat. He, then bowed.

Feel a warm little tongue slowly across his neck all the way up, Eric slammed his breath, loudly: "Stop!"

Natasha Hensquech stopped the action, looked up at Eric, and finally laughed: "I thought you would like this?"

Eric’s attitude shook his head resolutely: “No, I don’t like it at all. If you dare to continue, I will drive you out. Hey, let’s take this ponytail first.”

Natasha did not come down from Eric, but made a grimace, lost the belt in her hand, and untied the pony tail. After shaking her head a few times, the blonde was spread out, and a soft atmosphere immediately offset her neutral temperament: "Is it okay?"

“Well, it’s good,” Eric nodded and carefully admired the beautiful woman who was close at hand. “That’s it. I just called the restaurant in the club and set the location. Let’s go have lunch first. Tell you about the movie."

Natasha’s face was excited and she reached out and grabbed Eric’s neck: “So, is this an audition?”

Eric nodded: "As long as the hair is dyed, your appearance will be fine, and the acting will be a pass. Others, as long as you are not afraid of hard work in the future, this movie is yours."

"Why is it hard, is it a lot of play, like "Chou Jiaowa"?"

"Almost, you are the only heroine, and the action plays should add up to three of them. So, I need you to receive a few months of physical training in advance."

"Of course, that's fine," Natasha nodded quickly, and got up again: "Then I will change clothes first."

Eric smiled and pulled her: "No, just wear this one to go to the restaurant."

"Oh, don't you dislike it?"

"I don't like to let you buy this dress?"


"Nothing is why."


After three days from Monday, the crew returned to Los Angeles in the afternoon, followed by the Disney Theatre in Los Angeles. It was also a night scene, so there was no work during the day on Thursday, and Eric was the next morning. Return to Los Angeles with Natasha Huntsquech.

After a week of work, this weekend's crew did not work overtime.

Next Monday, March 23, will be the day of the 70th Oscars.

Eric received the invitation call from the president of the film school two months in advance, plus this is the 70th birthday of Oscar. He is naturally not suitable to continue to be absent this time, so he agreed to it. I agreed to be the guest of honor for this best script.

However, in the gap between the filming of "Iron Man", Eric is most concerned about this year's Easter schedule.

The time is already in late March. This year's Easter is April 12th. The Easter season film usually starts one week ahead of schedule, which is April 3.

Firefly, MGM and Fox have jointly entered the final stage of Easter marketing. Now, whether it is a cinema or street billboard poster or a few TV networks, you can often see the wedding singer. "," "Different", "Austin Powers" three films posters and mixed preview videos.

The three film companies have completely bundled the three films together. For this reason, the advertising marketing budget has invested a full $50 million.

This kind of budget has even exceeded a blockbuster film that costs more than 100 million yuan, because the usual blockbuster, marketing and distribution budget is less than $50 million. The cost of making three movies adds up to $83 million.

Speaking of it, there is still a movie that hopes to join the ‘Easter Film Package’, which is the “City of Angels” produced by Warner Bros.

This fantasy film, starring Nicholas Cage and Meg Ryan, was created with a cost of $55 million due to the addition of two first-line tycoons. Warner was also confident that the film would become an Easter explosion.

Therefore, when the fireflies proposed a bundle of propaganda, Warner Bros. management is very interested in cooperation, but because "City of Angels", whether it is a card or a budget, is more than an entire order of the other three movies, the other party inevitably proposed The series tends to the conditions of the City of Angels.

Due to the internal hills, Warner's work efficiency is so low.

Eric feels that if we really wait for these conditions to be settled, Easter may have passed, so we have to give up and play with each other.

In fact, even within the three companies, there are also concerns about this cooperation. The biggest difference is how the $50 million marketing budget should be shared. Some people want to share it evenly. Some people want to share it according to the budget cost.

Eric naturally does not want these differences to affect the cooperation, so he personally came forward and made a strong tone: according to the final North American box office of the three films, the box office will be more expensive, and the box office will be less. So no one will feel a loss.

"Wedding Singer", "Different Kind", "Austin Powers" are focused on warm love, sci-fi horror and vulgarity, and we also deliberately launched a discounted holiday package.

The marketing cost of 50 million US dollars went out, the fresh gimmicks and the overwhelming publicity and marketing, the effect is still very obvious.

After investigation and feedback, most of the potential audience groups have already known the existence of these three movies. More than 80% of the fans surveyed said that they may choose one or more to enter the cinema according to the situation.

In comparison, Warner's "City of Angels" has also invested $25 million in the budget, but the momentum is far from the Firefly system's 'Easter Movie Package'.

The box office appeal of Nicholas Cage and Meg Ryan is strong, but on the Firefly system, Mike Myers of Austin and the Ben Stiller of Wedding Singer They are all ace cards from the "Saturday Night Live", which is a household name in the United States. The "A Wedding Singer" female Aniston, who has accumulated nearly 200 episodes of "Friends" in the past decade, the status of the US No. 1 sweetheart has not been shaken, even the heroine of Heterogene, Heather Graham, Since the debut in the 1980s, it has been the **** goddess of many fans.

Therefore, the popularity of these people is not the same as that of Cage and Meg Ryan.

Even in terms of propaganda, these people have far more advantages than Cage and Meg Ryan. Just like the TV program propaganda, Cage and Meg Ryan can only land on several popular talk show programs according to Warner's arrangement.

However, the four-person group on this side is very busy, and the "Saturday Night Live" must not be able to run, and the four people take turns to brush it again.

"David Letterman Late Night Show", "Jie Renault talk show" and the like, with their network in the network, even if the fireflies do not arrange, it is easy to land. Even in the second half of the "Friends", which has returned since the winter break, there is also a set of crossover episodes related to these films, Mike Myers and Ben Stiller, Heather Gera. Ham was also present as a guest guest.

After careful consideration, "Austin Powers" will be released on April 3rd with Warner's "City of Angels". "Different" and "Wedding Singer" will be arranged on April 10th, Easter Week.

Due to the massive propaganda campaign, although the three films are not blockbusters, the major cinemas in North America are very enthusiastic about the three films.

The scale of the opening screens of the three films has reached about 3,000, which is considered to be the treatment that can be obtained by making large films. Of course, the reason why you can get so many platters is because Easter is not a hot stage. (To be continued.)

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