I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 970: I forgive you.

Most of the members of the "Iron Man" crew were on the weekend of rest, but Eric did not have a leisure time.

Fireflies this summer's only heavyweight "The Day After Tomorrow", although the trailer has been released in the Super Bowl in January, but the film has only recently completed the final cut, will be submitted to the review and began to release the TV trailer, Eric Deliberately took time to watch the film together with Kasenberg.

In addition, he also reviewed the progress of several projects such as "Midnight Ring", "Teddy Bear", "Decapitated Valley" and even the "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy taken in New Zealand.

"Midnight Ring" has started shooting, and it is expected that the summer file will be released smoothly. The casting work of "Teddy Bear" has also ended, and the motion capture technology that requires a lot of use is being tested.

"Decapitated Valley" has just completed the budget plan, and will soon enter the casting and canopy stage.

After the success of Monster Power Company at the end of last year, the Disney Animation Department has been preparing new story scripts for several months.

Some Disney veterans such as Kasenberg have hoped to continue the tradition of Disney fairy tale film. Eric does not want Disney Animation Studio to become another Pixar. What's more, Disney in the original time has proved the correctness of this road. He naturally would not object to the proposal of Kasenberg and others.

Therefore, in several creative ideas of the studio management, after discussing with Eric and Kasenberg, they chose "The Rapunzel".

As for the "Frozen" of the explosion, Eric hopes that the studio will continue to work out after one or two projects.

The original version of "Changfa Princess", due to script modification, high-level turmoil and other reasons caused the project to be out of control, the cycle dragged on for six years, burned Disney 260 million US dollars, becoming the most expensive 3d animated film in history.

In order to avoid repeating the mistakes as much as possible, although Disney Animation Studio has come up with a very detailed story script, Eric will let them use the three-month time to carry out detailed script polishing to ensure that after the project starts, it will not appear. That kind of situation.

As for the "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy filmed in New Zealand, Eric can only watch a batch of airborne samples from the crew and hold a remote video conference with Peter Jackson.

Kasenberg has flown two miles in New Zealand in the past few months. A vice president of Firefly Pictures has personally served as one of the producers of The Lord of the Rings, resident in Australia, plus Peter Jackson himself. Eric's focus on the "Lord of the Rings" series is still very reassuring for this project.

After working for two days in minutes, Eric finally regretted playing in "Iron Man" personally. These work could have been distributed a little bit on the working day, but they were concentrated in these two days. Break time on weekends.

Moreover, this is because Eric has completely ignored the shopkeeper for many things.

This year, Eric’s personal filming and filming during the year will only be the three films of “The Day After Tomorrow”, “Teddy Bear” and “Midnight Ring”. The Firefly Group’s huge film distribution system is naturally not the only three movies.

Not counting two long animation studios, Firefly Film, Disney Pictures, and New Line Pictures are the main film labels of the current Firefly Group. This year, it has been determined that there will be more than 20 films in the release period.

In the past, Eric rarely intervened directly in these projects, but most of the projects, even the ultra-low-cost films of two or three million budgets, whether it is type, budget, card, schedule or box office prospects, He can actually do it in his heart.

But this year, the first half of the "Iron Man", the second half of the "gravity", the two films will be divided into most of his energy, Eric wants to do this again, it is impossible, the group in addition to movies In addition to other businesses, Eric can give up little energy. As for some movies of MGM or Fox, Eric is even more unconcerned.

On the other side of the firefly investment, Eric now only puts some attention on the Yahoo side, and the others are all handed over to Chris.

"Eric, this is the first draft of the second part of Harry Potter that has just been passed over the UK. Harper Collins wants the second volume to be released during the summer," Firefly Burbank headquarters, It was already Sunday afternoon, and Caroline knocked in and put a sample book on his desk.

Eric signed the budget document of a firefly studio, and then he looked up and took the book, and inadvertently squinted at Caroline, this Nizi's eyes suddenly panic, and quickly flashed away.

“Is it something that I am sorry for recently?” Opened the catalogue page of the novel, and Eric did not look up and asked casually.

This Nizi did not know what happened. Every time I saw him every time, he was a little guilty.

When I heard Eric suddenly asked, Caroline subconsciously stepped back and shook his head: "No, no."

"Oh, it doesn't matter, I forgive you. So, don't look like this, work hard, or deduct wages."

Carolyn listened to Eric's slightly gentle tone, and the bright scorpion quickly slammed a few times, and resisted the impulse to nod. Seeing that Eric still didn't look up at himself, this did not escape. .

After turning a few pages, Eric closed the book and looked up at Caroline. He asked, "How much is the sales volume of Harry Potter?"

Carolyn replied accurately without thinking about it: "The global statistics for the last week were 13.5 million."

Eric nodded with satisfaction. Although the Harry Potter series still did not reach its peak, but with the help of the Firefly Group, the global sales reached 13.5 million from the first volume in September last year. A miracle.

"When Harper Collins wants to release the second volume, they decide it by themselves. Just keep the speed of one book a year." Pushing the manuscript to Caroline, Eric said again: "In addition, The novel was copied in three copies and sent to East Hampton. The little guys liked the story."

"Okay," Caroline nodded. He took the first draft and held it in his arms. He said: "And, the new line has just sent an email, they have already negotiated with Chris Tucker." "Rush Hour 3" pays $20 million. Jack Cheng still hopes to get a share on the basis of pay."

Eric puts his hand: "I don't care about this matter, let them talk about it, want to divide it, the basic salary can't exceed 10 million. This is the rule of fireflies. If you don't talk, don't shoot."

"Well," Caroline nodded and continued. "In addition, the adaptation of the short story of "The Love of the Monster", the copyright department has been in contact with the agent of Nancy Collins, the other party is willing. However, We can only get the right to edit the film, the other party has already given the game adaptation rights to the white wolf game company in advance. The copyright department sent an email asking if we need to take back the game adaptation right. White Wolf Game Company has not started this novel yet. The adaptation of the game, as long as the price is right, the other party should be willing to change hands."

Since 1993, the annual output value of the world's video game industry has been comparable to the film industry. Movie adaptation games are also increasingly valued by several major movie giants. Fireflies also have an entertainment interactive department for video games, but Eric is not optimistic about the prospects of this sector.

There are many similarities between video games and movies. They are all areas of creativity.

An excellent video game is sure to be inseparable from the creative core of the creative, just like film directors and producers. Like the entertainment interactive department, hiring a group of programmers to develop games according to the process of developing software is like letting a group of photographers, lighting engineers and other pure technicians go to a movie to get the best possible quality. Very low sex.

Therefore, before the advent of the online game era, Eric did not intend to involve too much in the field of games.

Even if online games appear in the next few years, Eric is more inclined to use Yahoo's huge user base for game agents. As for online games, studio mode is still the best method. Of course, Yahoo can also take the capital injection or acquisition model to gain actual control of these studios.

Thinking about this, Eric shook his head: "No, just get the right to edit the film. Is there anything else?"

Melanie has invited Eric to dinner together more than once in the past few days. However, Carolyn knows how busy Eric is in these two days. This is obviously not the right time. What's more, Eric has already made arrangements tonight.

In my heart, I quickly found a reasonable reason for myself. Carolyn hesitated a little, and shook his head and said, "No."

Eric raised his hand and looked at the watch. He said, "Then you and Mei will go back to work in advance and go back to rest. Today is the weekend, and you can have more time in the evening. I will have to get off work soon."

Tomorrow is Oscar, Eric will go to the Oscar eve party tonight, not for fun, but to take the opportunity to talk to Xavi Weinstein about the ffm TV station.

Half a month ago, the second season of the Shudao Family was officially launched. The number of viewers in the first episode of the second season reached 5.16 million, which is more than twice the average number of viewers in the first quarter, and even broke the toll booth. Record of the number of viewers.

With the TV series caused by "The Shu Road Family" and other original dramas and boutique movies launched by the FFM TV station, the total number of subscribers of the FFM TV station has also successfully exceeded the 10 million mark. Compared with before the launch of the "Shudao Family" last year, it achieved more than 120% growth.

Since the firefly system lacks a cable TV operating system like Warner Cable, after the initial outbreak, the growth rate of the number of subscribers of the fFM TV station will definitely start to slow down significantly. The ffm TV station will also need to make appropriate adjustments in its operational strategy.

After Caroline left, Eric looked through a few more documents and the time came to five o'clock in the afternoon.

Looking at another pile of documents waiting to be processed, Eric can only give up.

Although tomorrow is the day of Oscar, however, the filming of "Iron Man" will continue, but there is no arrangement for Eric. He can still work for several hours during the day.

Leaving Burbank headquarters, the car came along the mountain road to Elizabeth and Julia's Beverly Hilltop mansion.

Julia went to Paris because she wanted to shoot an advertisement, and she would not participate in Oscar tomorrow. In the mansion, only Elizabeth was wearing a dress with the help of two stylists.

Eric walked into the villa and looked at the busy three people in the living room, just nodded and leaned comfortably on the sofa.

"Eric, how about this dress?" After a while, Elizabeth walked over the skirt of the big red one-shoulder dress and asked a little circle.

Eric has always liked a one-shoulder dress, always feel that this dress has an inexplicable playful and sexy, and the woman around her seems to gradually realize his preference.

I looked up and down, Eric nodded, just look at the skirt that was almost dragged to the ground, saying: "It's beautiful, but tonight is a party, not an awards ceremony, you are not afraid to find yourself. ?"

"I still haven't worn high heels. It won't be like wearing high heels," Elizabeth said, lifting her skirt down again, revealing two white feet, and then pointing to the two big boxes on the coffee table in the living room, saying: " By the way, I have also set up a suit for you, as well as leather shoes, you have to change it and try it. Lisa is here, if it is not suitable, you can temporarily change it."

"Too tired, I don't want to change clothes, I am going to wear this set," Eric leaned back on the sofa. He didn't want to be tossed again. "And, I am hungry. If I don't eat, it will be low." Blood sugar fainted, you look at it."

Elizabeth looked at Eric's sly look, and did not sigh gently on his lap. He bowed his head and took off his two leather boots and threw it away. The tone was very swearing: "Quick change, if not you, I also I am too lazy to wear so formal."

Eric lifted his leg and said, "Would you like to help me wear it?"

"You want to be beautiful," Elizabeth gave him a blank eye and walked back to the two stylists who saw this scene but tried to pretend that they didn't exist, and asked them to help organize the dress.

Eric felt the threat of Elizabeth's glare for a while, and had no choice but to get up and hold the two boxes of clothes and shoes and walk upstairs to the bedroom.

Change clothes and go downstairs, the two stylists have begun to help Elizabeth to make hairstyles.

It’s basically impossible for a woman to dress up for an hour or two, so until half past six, the two talents finally left the Beverly Peak Mansion.

Although Elizabeth did not plan to have dinner, she did not let Eric go hungry. She went to a restaurant and accompanied Eric to eat something. The two men rushed to the Oscar eve party at seven o'clock. location.

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