I’m in Hollywood

Chapter 971: Ever thought about what to do in the future?

The car stopped outside the Hilton Hotel, and Eric and Elizabeth greeted the intensive spotlights and walked into the hotel under the guard of bodyguards and hotel security guards.

Just arrived at the hotel lobby, Eric heard a warm greeting from his ear: "Eric, I didn't expect you to come over."

Looking at the sound, Nicholas Cage is talking, Cage is also followed by Hollywood actress Meg Ryan, and another tall black man, it seems that the three are just chatting.

As the black man turned around, Eric recognized the other as Richard Parsons, one of the few African-American executives in Hollywood, and Richard Parsons currently serves as the vice-time Warner Group. The president and the Warner Bros. production company bsp; seeing the three people coming together, Eric also greeted Elizabeth, and greeted one by one: "Good evening, Nick, Richard, oh, and Ms. Ryan, You are so beautiful tonight."

In addition to the good personalties of Cage, the other two can only be regarded as knowing, Elizabeth also greeted the three, Eric asked: "So, what are you just talking about?"

"We just just arrived," Cage said, and his tone paused. He smiled and didn't speak again, just squinting at Richard Parsons without a trace.

In fact, Cage, Meg Ryan and the head of the Warner Bros. together for this time, the topic is obvious, it must be the "City of Angels" in the Easter season.

Richard Parsons didn't mean anything to avoid, and smiled heartily: "We just talked about the company's "City of Angels." Eric, I regret that we have not been able to communicate with fireflies in film promotion. Get cooperation, but you also know that inside Warner, this kind of thing is not something I have to say."

"It doesn't matter, we always have opportunities for cooperation," Eric also showed a regretful expression and shook his head.

And casually talked a few words, Eric took Elizabeth to the elevator.

Richard Parsons, who had an excuse for something, took a deep look at the figure that Eric left, and then smiled and chatted again with Cage and Meg Ryan.

When the elevator door was just closed, Elizabeth said something about the gossip: "Eric, do you think Terry Semel can continue to hold Time Warner eo after the end of the contract period next year?"

Eric also thought something, and listened to Elizabeth’s words and shook his head: “There is no possibility.”

In these years, inside Time Warner, the former Warner Group founder Steve Ross left the department of Terry Semel as the old minister, the early era company's helm, Gerald Levin, was a department. Turner Broadcaster founder Ted Turner is a family, coupled with a series of heavyweight shareholders introduced during the group's expansion and acquisition process, the entire time Warner is a mountain.

As one of the designated heirs of Steve Rose, Terry Semel still experienced a power struggle, which led to the chairman of Time Warner Group and the throne of eo. However, Warner’s performance has been tepid over the years, and the influence of Steve Rose’s legacy has become weaker. Terry Semel wants to continue to talk to Time Warner after the end of this term. Not very likely.

Just seeing Richard Parsons, Eric faintly remembered that the name of Time Warner and AOL, which shocked the world in the past, was frequently seen in news reports. According to Eric's understanding of the current Time Warner, Richard Parsons is the backbone of Gerald Levin.

Although Eric has personally talked with Steve Case a few times, he has never given up his ambition to make AOL an Internet media group. Chris has now begun to take the initiative to capture AOL.

On the other hand, AOL wants to acquire Time Warner, and a slap is definitely not filmed. There must be someone inside Time Warner who will actively promote this merger. Then, seeing Richard Parsons, combined with the information in memory, Eric can roughly determine which side of Time Warner's internal support for the merger belongs.

After Terry Semel stepped down, Steve Ross’s influence on Time Warner will be completely dissipated.

Then, the Ted Turner, which controls Time Warner’s most lucrative cable TV business, will become the biggest force in Time Warner’s internal forces. Ted Turner has been in a semi-retired state these years and will not personally hold a real position within Time Warner, but he will certainly be able to support a company chairman and bsp who prefers himself if he is willing; Lalde Levin's desire to gain control of Time Warner is very low, so if they are not willing to be subordinated, they can only find another way. The merger of AOL and Time Warner will undoubtedly expand their influence within Time Warner in a short period of time, thus gaining the support of a large number of minority shareholders with voting rights.

Of course, now Steve Case should still look for a merger target in private, perhaps, can create some obstacles for him in this regard.

The prompt to open the elevator door pulled Eric back from reality, and smiled at the girl next to him. Eric raised his arm and let Elizabeth hold himself and walked to the banquet hall.

This matter must still be calculated in detail.

However, the upcoming Easter may be a good opportunity to fight against Time Warner's internal Levin.

After all, although the failure to cooperate with fireflies, the root cause is the result of the internal struggle of Time Warner. But the hat of decision-making failure must still be deducted to the person with the biggest head. Richard Parsons, as the direct person in charge of Warner Bros., is undoubtedly the best candidate for the black pot.

Of course, to achieve this goal, a very important premise is needed, that is, the fireworks system's 'Easter Movie Package' box office performance can clearly pass Time Warner's "City of Angels".

Thinking of this, Eric couldn't help but shook his head regretfully. Although the three companies had no effort to promote the three films, whether it was "Austin Powers 2" or "Different" or "Wedding Singers", Although Eric did not remember the box office data of the three movies, they obviously did not have the potential to explode.

It seems that I can only think of other methods.

Refused to go to the media area for photos and interviews, Eric entered the ballroom with Elizabeth. It’s relatively late for Eric to come here. Therefore, the banquet hall is now full of people, and naturally there is no need for a social entertainment.

However, Eric and Elizabeth were not host. They only greeted a group of guests who took the initiative to face the face, and the two went to the Weinstein brothers who greeted them.

"Eric, I will introduce you to a few people," he said, and Harvey Weinstein did not forget to see the stitches, and introduced Eric to several people around him.

Mainly the main creation of the two films "British Patient" and "Psychic Catcher", director of "British Patient" Anthony Minghella, actor Ralph Fiennes, two heroines Christine Scott Thomas and Juliet Binoche, as well as a small motor friend on the side of the "Soul Hunter".

Eric is naturally very familiar with these people, but most of them are only the first time they meet.

Everyone talked for a while, these people are naturally good at the world, realizing that Eric and Harvey may have something to talk about, they quickly dissipated.

When everyone left, Elizabeth also ran to say hello to a girlfriend who was present. Eric took a sip of red wine and didn't rush to talk about m TV. He asked: "Harvey, "The Horse Whisperer" How is the preparation?"

When I heard Eric mention the topic, Harvey’s expression was somewhat different.

Elizabeth has talked to him about Fox's strategy for opening a 5ooo million budget for Miramax.

As a businessman in the bones, although I also agree with this idea, Harvey is inevitably somewhat resistant to this decision. After all, Miramax has contributed almost half of his film business to Fox’s profit in recent years. Naturally, there is also the idea of ​​continuing to expand Miramax.

"Robert personally served as the director and actor, and the heroine has already settled, just Christine. Other characters are currently undergoing an audition and are expected to start shooting in May."

The hero and the hero have not changed. I remembered the encounter of the previous day. Eric’s mouth smiled, but I didn’t know if her daughter’s role would be Scarlett Johansson. He did not intend to mix this matter, and then chatted with Harvey about the next step of the m TV station.

However, although Eric does not intend to blend the selection of the "Speaker of the Horse", but always can not stop things will take the initiative to find the door.

The next afternoon, Firefly Studios.

Although in the filming of "Iron Man", Eric has never stopped preparing for "Gravity", he and the two protagonists of "Gravity" Judy Foster and George Clooney In fact, there has always been communication.

In the evening, I will attend the Oscar Awards Ceremony. It happened that the college let Judy Foster and Eric together as the best guest of the awards. The two met in advance and came to the Firefly Studios in the afternoon. "Gravity" discusses the details of the film in the studio.

Last year’s "Batman and Robin" box office was defeated. George Clooney paid great attention to the opportunity to participate in "Gravity Gravity" and heard the news also rushed over.

The three were working on the long shots in the studio, and Eric saw Melanie coming to say that Miranda Kerr had a friend to the Firefly Studios.

Speaking to Judy and George, Eric left the studio and watched Miranda Kerr and the Scarlett Johansson who was with her. Eric reached out and resisted the little boy. Body, look serious: "Hey, explain to me first, today is the day of the week, don't you need to go to school?"

"Scarlet is participating in a film audition today, I will accompany her to take time off," Miranda did not hesitate to make a serious expression, and wrapped around his arm and shook his arm. "And, don't think I don't know. At first, Drew often skipped school, and you never managed."

Eric shook his head helplessly, and he was really not a qualified ‘parent’. He didn’t feel too much about the child’s truancy.

Without taking two girls into the studio of Gravity, Eric pointed to the direction of the administrative district and walked toward his office in the studio. He said, "Come with me, let me talk about it. This time, come. What are you doing?"

Miranda Kerr looked at her eyes and restrained Scarlett Johansson, who was pretending to be a girl. She shook Eric’s arm and said, “Eric, it’s like this, can you help Scarlett and Wayne? Mr. Stan greeted her, and she really wanted the character in The Horse Whisperer."

Eric frowned and looked at Scarlett Johansson. I don't know who made it: "Who will help you audition, how is the effect?"

"Today is the audition that Mr. Weinstein and Mr. Redford personally presided over. They, um, said that my performance was excellent."

Eric asked: "Who else, who else is participating in the audition?"

"And, I don't know anything else," Scarlett Johansson shook her head and said: "However, one is Kirsten Dunst, who was nominated for the Golden Globe supporting actress a few years ago. ”

Eric nodded and got a general idea of ​​the situation.

According to Harvey's production ideas, he will obviously be more inclined to Kirsten Dunst, who has better acting skills. In this case, Scarlett Johansson is less likely to get this role again.

Eric didn't say anything more, took two girls to his office, let the secretary rush a few cups of coffee, then leaned against the leather chair at the back of the desk, and watched the opposite two gradually as he began to look at him. Cautious girl.

Eric has always been very indulgent to the women around him, but this connivance is definitely not without a bottom line.

Among the women, Eric’s favorite is Drew. Although it is not appropriate to say it, he basically treats this girl as a daughter. Fortunately, Shantou is smart enough to know what to do and not to do. But Miranda in front of him is obviously not smart enough to this point. I can give this Nizi everything she wants, but that doesn't mean he will endure this unreasonable demand.

If it wasn’t for him that he knew Scarlett Johansson, Miranda would bring a completely stranger to him. As for whether it was used or not, Eric was too lazy to go deep, but he did not intend to let these Things continue to show.

The finger knocked on the table a few times, and Eric looked up at Miranda Kerr: "So, you probably have no interest in going to school now, have you thought about what to do in the future?"

Scarlett Johansson has been paying attention to Eric's expression, listening to him asking, and secretly squinting at Miranda.

Miranda Kerr also felt the strange emotions in Eric. This time it was very clever: "Eric, what do you want me to do, I will do it." (To be continued.)

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