Time passed, and three hours passed quickly.

It is now 10:10 in the morning.

Bai Yun is leaving the tavern.

Bellamy and the others were so reluctant to see Bai Yun leave, afraid that Bai Yun would stay for another second. No matter what Bai Yun said, they would not reply, just wanting him to leave quickly.

Hey, Bai Yun was not convinced, and he replied one by one, and then he would leave.

Bellamy and the others thought that the sins they had committed in the previous life and this life were paid off by meeting Bai Yun.


After saying goodbye to Bellamy and the others, Bai Yun came to the tallest existing building in Magic Valley Town, feeling the breeze.

A seagull flew over and landed on Bai Yun's shoulder.

The man and the bird looked at each other.

Both sides were not afraid of strangers.

Bai Yun knew that he was "extremely evil" in the world of seagulls. Is this guy brave or stupid?

"I don't have fries here. That's the ultimate pursuit of life."

"This is not a dock. The ultimate pursuit of life is not so easy to get."

Bai Yun turned his head back and looked forward.

The seagull also looked forward. Who knows whether it can hear or understand what Bai Yun said.

Maybe it understood. The seagull flapped its wings and flew to find its ultimate goal.

When it flew out, Bai Yun raised his hand and shot.


It didn't hit.

But the seagull was scared to death. Several feathers fell off its wings and slowly floated down.

Turning around, the seagull stared at Bai Yun, as if asking, what do you mean by this!?

Bai Yun put his hand down, and the flintlock turned back into a bracelet.

"It's nothing, I just want to tell you that the road to pursuing your goal is always full of excitement."

"Just like that."

Bai Yun pointed behind him, and the seagull turned around again. In the distance, so far that it was almost invisible, a huge water column rushed up to the sky.


5 minutes ago.

The Flying Merry has officially entered the vortex track.

The ape told Luffy and the others to follow the vortex and get to the center of the vortex, which is the point where the current explodes.

The splashing waves splashed on his face, but no one had time to care about this now.

Nami covered her cheeks in fear, "I didn't say we were going to enter the vortex in advance!!"

Chopper was imagining the ship being washed up by the current, and he felt a little bit of anticipation.

Robin, who had seen a lot, also said with emotion, "I've never seen such a big whirlpool."

Sanji immediately said, "It's okay, Miss Nami, Miss Robin, I will protect your safety!!"

Usopp has gone "crazy" and burst into tears, "Stop! Stop! Stop! Turn around and let me go back!!!"

"Give up, Usopp, we have entered the whirlpool."

Zoro was relatively calm and persuaded Usopp.

Bai Yun, who was hiding behind him, also affirmed, "Yes, Usopp, don't struggle, or experience the feeling of flying."

As for why he hid behind Zoro, of course it was to avoid the splashing waves. On the ship today, Zoro's back is indeed wider.

Bai Yun is about the same height as Zoro, of course, his figure is not as good as his.

Luffy was the most excited, "Let's go! Sky Island!!!"


Circling along the orbit of the vortex, the Merry gradually went deeper into the center of the vortex. At this time, a huge sea king suddenly emerged from the center of the vortex.


Then he was rolled up by the vortex. His flesh was not broken, but his bones were broken. He became mute halfway through his howling, and his entire huge body was rolled back into the sea.

This scene frightened Nami, Chopper, and Usopp, who were already scared, so much that they hugged their fragile selves.

I thought, can this thing go in? If you go in, you will die!!

But Luffy said goodbye to the apes and gorillas as if nothing had happened. They sent Luffy and the others into the vortex orbit, and their mission was completed.

"It's up to you next!"

"Yeah! Thank you for sending us here, goodbye!!"

Luffy waved goodbye.

Nami and the other two went crazy.

Chopper screamed in fear, not knowing who to look at.

Usopp begged the apes to come back and take him away, "Please spare me! Let me go back! Do we still have a chance to survive in this place!?"

Nami still felt cheated, "Why didn't anyone tell me there was such a big whirlpool? This is a scam!!"

"Hahaha, Nami, Usopp, Chopper, don't panic."

"The road to pursuing your goal is always full of excitement!!"

Bai Yun spoke, although he was also afraid.

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