Facing the panic of Nami, Usopp, and Chopper in the whirlpool, Bai Yun said.

"The road to pursuing the goal is always full of excitement!!"

"Hahaha, Bai Yun is right, this is the fun of adventure!"

Luffy affirmed.

Nami was very angry, but she didn't dare to make a big move now. She didn't dare to hit them. The environment changed.

"Ahhhhhh, it's dark!"

"We are gradually being sucked into the whirlpool!!"

Usopp shouted in panic, and immediately persuaded Luffy.

"Turn around quickly! Luffy, it's not too late!!"

"You can see it too, this big whirlpool is enough to kill us several times!"

"Sky Island or something, it's just a dream in a dream!!"

Luffy looked ahead, and it was obvious that Usopp's words were useless, and even made him more excited.

"Dream in a dream..."

Turning his head, Luffy had a mouthful of white teeth and a smile on his face.

"If you miss the adventure of [Dream Island in Dreams]."

"You will regret it for the rest of your life!!"

Seeing Luffy so happy, Nami and Usopp accepted their fate.

Baiyun left from behind Zoro, a philosophical saying, even if you have an umbrella, the rain will still hit you, just the difference between the upper and lower body.

"Hahahaha, this is really something you can say, Luffy."

"Hey, when you are doing meaningless resistance, you should think about what to do at this time."

Zoro suddenly said.

Usopp turned his head and asked, "What's wrong at this time?"

Then he saw that the Merry had reached the edge of the center of rotation. After the last circle, the Merry was thrown into the center of the vortex and floated in the air.

"We are about to be swallowed by the vortex."

Zoro explained, although everyone saw it.

"Ms. Nami, hide in my arms!"

Sanji immediately went to protect Nami, but he pouted and looked excited, so Nami gave him his favorite slap.

Usopp couldn't stand it and shouted until his throat almost jumped out.

"Ah ... "No!!!"

"The vortex just sank to the bottom of the sea."

"That proves that it's about to start."

"The current location of the Merry is the outbreak point of the sky current."

Bai Yun took over Nami's words.

"No way..."

Usopp still thought that the sky current could be "extinguished".

But the facts proved that it was impossible.

"Hey!! You guys, the sky current is coming, get ready!!"

The gorilla in the distance shouted at the top of his voice.

A "bulge" bulged under the Merry, and everyone on the ship could certainly feel it.

"Should everyone hold on to the hull or hide in the cabin!!?"

Sanji asked loudly.

This is the novice, the veteran has already held on to the mast, Bai Yun shouted while holding on to the mast.

"If you don't hold onto something in the cabin, the impact may smash the roof and take you outside. Hurry up and find something stable to hold onto!!"

"Ahhh, the sea is about to burst!!"

Usopp couldn't calm down, but he still knew to find something to hold onto.

The next second, a huge column of water rushed up into the sky, like a sword that split the sky.

The sea current caused by the bulge of the water column almost overturned the two ships of the gorilla and the ape.

"Hold on to the boat, don't fall into the sea!!"

The ape and the gorilla ordered, and then looked at the rushing sea current.

"The trip to Sky Island! Must be smooth!!!"

Just like that, accompanied by everyone's shouting, of course, Usopp's voice was the loudest.

The Flying Merry took off!!!

Target: Sky Island!!

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