Bai Yun swore that he was not joking again.

In addition to Luffy and Usopp, Chopper also saw the gate.

Following Bai Yun's instructions of turning right, then left, then right again, then left again, then going straight, and then turning left again, everyone really came to the bottom of the waterfall.

"You are really not joking."

Nami said in surprise.

Bai Yun replied.

"Miss Nami, there should be some basic trust between people."


"Okay, I finally got out."

Nami sighed. This way, it was like playing Snake, turning around and around.

"Look! That waterfall-like cloud is indeed a waterfall, flowing down from the quilt cloud just now."

Luffy pointed at the waterfall and said that he already liked the quilt cloud, but it was a pity that he couldn't take it with him, otherwise he would at least have to spend some time on the ship.

"The main thing is the gate. Since it is a door, does it mean the entrance?"

Bai Yun said as he looked at the gate.

"It says [Gate of Heaven]."

Robin read out the words written on the door calmly.

"It's Heaven, I'm so excited! I can finally come and play."

Luffy likes this name.

"It's unlucky, as if we're going to die..."

Usopp doesn't like this name.

"Hey, maybe we've died a long time ago?"

Zoro guessed, guessing that he was dead, but he was smiling.

Sanji agreed.

"It's possible, but I can't understand why this world is so strange."

Chopper was so scared that he almost went to the real Heaven.

"We're dead!?!!"

Bai Yun patted his antlers.

"Don't listen to them, Chopper."

Chopper believed Bai Yun's words very much, and just when he was about to breathe a sigh of relief, he heard Bai Yun continue.

"I don't think we go to heaven after we die. We go to hell, warm ourselves by the fire, a dark hell!"


According to Bai Yun's expression, Chopper was even more frightened.


"What are you talking about! Chopper, don't listen to Bai Yun's nonsense."

Nami punched Bai Yun in the head, as punishment for scaring a child.

Robin, as always, kept a smile on her face.


The Merry continued to move forward.

There was no one in front of the door, so she went in directly.

Behind the door, there was a relatively short "tunnel" with houses on both sides.

Usopp was sharp-eyed and saw someone coming out of the first house on the left.

"Ah, it seems that someone is coming out over there."

"Are you here for sightseeing or fighting?"

An old woman with small wings on her back came out, holding a camera and taking pictures of Luffy and the others, asking as she took pictures.

But before Luffy and the others could answer, someone continued to talk.

"But it doesn't matter which one it is."

"If you want to go to the upper level, please pay the entry fee, 10 billion ik per person, for the seven of you, it's 7 billion ik, this is the law!!"

"It's an angel! Do all angels look like this? They look like dried sour plums."

This is what Luffy is concerned about.

Usopp's focus is very realistic, "How much is 10 billion ik converted into Bailey."

At this time, Luffy suddenly realized that he was more concerned about his partners.


Turning around and counting, it's seven, oh, normal, no, normal size!

"White luck..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, Usopp and Nami immediately covered his mouth, 10 billion per person! Save if you can, what are you talking about.

But saving one, obviously not to Nami's liking.

"Uh...Excuse me, if...we don't have money, can we..."

"We can go in."

Nami asked politely, but before she asked, the old woman with sour plums answered first, and answered very straightforwardly.

Usopp, who just thought it was impossible to offend, was surprised.

"Can we really go in!!?"

"I'm neither a gatekeeper nor a guard. I just want to ask what you think."

The old woman replied.

"Then we have to go to Sky Island. Although we have no money, we have to go, grandma."

Knowing that it doesn't cost money, Nami became more confident.

"Okay, do all seven of us have to go in?"

The old woman asked in detail.

"Yes, but how do we get up?"

Luffy replied.

The old woman didn't answer, and suddenly everyone felt that the ship tilted.

Two large claws appeared from the bottom and clamped the Merry.


"What's wrong? What came out!!"

"That's the special shrimp from the White Sea."

The old woman explained.

The animal special shrimp under the Merry immediatelyRun.

"Ah! It's moving! It's moving!!"

Following the spiral "waterfall", it "flew" up, running very fast, like flying.

The old woman looked at the backs of the Merry and Luffy on it.

She turned around and told the "God" and the priests.

To impose "God's Sanction" on Luffy and the other seven [illegal immigrants].

Bai Yun knew all this.

But he didn't want to change this direction.

Anyway, the boss Enelu must be beaten. If he changed, he would have to find Enelu himself, which would be troublesome.

But Bai Yun would not be willing to be played by this old woman like this. There are plenty of opportunities to retaliate as long as she is still on Sky Island.


"What the hell is going on!?"

"The cloud has become a ribbon, like a river."

Sky Island is constantly refreshing Nami's cognition.

"It doesn't look naturally generated at all."

Bai Yun, who disappeared just now, suddenly appeared.

"Of course it can't be naturally generated!"

Nami replied immediately, and asked again when she saw that it was Bai Yun.

"Where did you go just now?"

"I went to the bathroom. The clone is also a human, Miss Nami, what happened just now?"

Bai Yun replied very calmly.

Nami expressed doubt, but still told him what happened just now.

Others were fine, only Zoro and Robin, although their expressions were normal, but their eyes revealed that they didn't believe Bai Yun's words at all.

"What a coincidence." Zoro said.

Bai Yun nodded.

"Yes, what a coincidence."

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