There was a loud bang.

The Arlong Park, which had stood for more than ten years, collapsed.

The sound spread throughout the island, and the villagers of Cocosia Village saw that the building that had been hanging over their heads for more than ten years, like a sharp sword, collapsed.

For a while, the brain could not react.

"It collapsed..., Arlong Park collapsed!!"

When people reacted, tears flowed uncontrollably, and they jumped up and announced the miracle loudly.

Then one spread ten, ten spread a hundred, and residents close to Arlong Park all rushed to Arlong Park, oh no, it should be called Arlong Ruins now, to see what was going on.


At this time, the people watching the game in Arlong Park had already run out of the park.

Everyone looked at the ruins, and there was only one thought in their minds, who won.

Only Bai Yun seemed natural, who would win?

I saw Luffy's figure suddenly stand up from the ruins, standing at the top, the sun shining on him to wear a layer of golden armor of victory.

"Brother Luffy!!"

Johnny and Joza shouted happily, and were so excited that they cried.

Luffy lowered his head, and blood flowed on his body.

Usopp asked worriedly.

"Is he okay..."

"It's okay, he will be back after eating some big bones and meat."

Bai Yun replied with a smile.

At this time, Luffy took a deep breath and shouted.

"Nami, you are my partner!!!"

"You are my god~"

From Bai Yun's low voice.

Zoro stood beside him and looked at him puzzledly. He was moved. What are you doing?

Nami stretched out her hand to wipe her tears, and all her words finally converged into one "Yeah!!"

At this time, the residents also arrived in front of the ruins of Arlong and saw Luffy standing on the ruins.

Kenzo turned around and nodded to them, "Along lost!"

"Along lost!!"

Kenzo wanted to say it calmly, but in the end he seemed to shout out with all his strength, shouting out the humiliation of more than ten years.

Other residents were also infected by him, and kept shouting this sentence with tears.

Then, holding the broken pirate flag of the Dragon Pirates, he went to tell the good news to other people on the island.


Perfect result.

Nami returned the straw hat to Luffy, and was about to say something, but the mouse colonel who was beaten by Baiyun and could only sit in a wheelchair dared to come out to spoil the fun.

I saw a soldier pushing the mouse colonel in a wheelchair over, followed by nearly a hundred soldiers. This is a company of soldiers brought here.

"It's terrible, he actually defeated Arlong!"

"But I will take your credit!"

The mouse colonel raised his hand, and the soldiers behind him raised their spears one after another.

Seeing that Luffy and the others were injured, they came to pick up the spoils.

A "井" character appeared on Bai Yun's forehead.

I didn't expect this bastard to come out to spoil the fun.

"It's a happy time, why do you, a bastard... rat, come out to spoil the fun!"

The bracelet instantly turned into a shoulder-mounted rocket launcher, and Bai Yun fired directly at the top of Colonel Mouse.

Although he didn't explode, the aftermath shook him off his wheelchair.

Zoro dodged and the blade was placed on Colonel Mouse's neck.

"If you have the guts, let them shoot and see."

Bai Yun said.

Colonel Mouse was so scared that he dared not move. When he turned around, he saw that the soldiers were already "800" meters away from him.

Before he could say a curse, Zoro kicked him.

"Get lost."

The soldiers immediately caught Colonel Mouse and ran away.

Even in this situation, Colonel Mouse was still stubborn and swearing.

"You bunch of evil pirates, remember this!"

"Especially that long-haired bastard, his name is Bai Yun, right? You will get your comeuppance!"

"Also, the bastard wearing a straw hat, his name is Luffy, right? You are the captain, and you are extremely evil!!"

"I will bring disaster upon you!"

Bai Yun raised the muzzle of his gun, and the bullet shot through the left ear of Colonel Mouse's hat.

He was so scared that he shouted, "Oh my god! Run faster! Run faster!"


"Line up, count!"

In the 77th branch of the East China Sea Navy, Brigadier General Pudding Pudding, who is the brigadier general of the branch, is gathering soldiers. Yesterday, he received a report from the residents of Housha Town and was preparing to go to Along Park to attack Along and his gang.

He is really like the police in the movie, who only appears after the matter is over. Oh no, he didn't even have time to appear after it was over.

Just as he was listening to the count, the gatekeeper brought in a long-haired boy.

The boy pulled a net, and in the net were their targets, A-Long and three officers.

"Report to the Brigadier General, this boy said he wanted to exchange A-Long and the others for a bounty."

The soldier reported aall over, and then went back to guard the gate.

Brigadier General Pudding Pudding looked at Bai Yun in disbelief. He alone took down the group of A Long, who had the highest bounty in the East China Sea?

"Brigadier General, Brigadier General?"

Bai Yun's voice woke him up.

"Oh, sorry, come here, put A Long and his group in prison."

"Also, we are disbanded, and the mission is cancelled."

"Young man, follow me to the finance office to get the bounty."

Bai Yun smiled and nodded, and handed the net to a group of soldiers.


Bai Yun counted the Baileys in the suitcase.

Brigadier General Pudding Pudding looked at him and asked with a smile.

"Are you a bounty hunter?"

Bai Yun was stunned, and then nodded naturally, "Yes, my name is Roronoa Zoro."

Brigadier General Pudding Pudding had a question mark in his head.

"I remember that the pirate hunter Zoro, isn't he a three-sword style? And he has short green hair, you..."

Bai Yun continued to answer calmly, "I felt tired of it, so I changed my style. I just got my hair done yesterday and dyed it by the way, otherwise I would always be called a green algae head."


Commodore Pudding Pudding laughed dryly twice. Obviously, he was not stupid enough to believe it. Besides, there is no swordsman without a sword. He just thought it was a strong man who didn't want to reveal his name, but he still tried to ask.

"Young man, do you want to join the navy? With your qualifications, you can definitely go to the headquarters."

Bai Yun closed the suitcase, still with a smile, "Thank you for your appreciation, but I'm not interested in this."

After saying that, he turned and left. Commodore Pudding Pudding could only sigh and say it was a pity.

But as Bai Yun walked out of the finance office, two bounty notices were printed on the fax machine in the finance office.

The first one was Luffy's, there was no doubt about it.

The second one scared Commodore Pudding Pudding.

The person above was Bai Yun.

"Straw Hat Pirates, 'Long Hair' Bai Yun, bounty of 25 million Baileys."

Commodore Pudding Pudding immediately looked out the window at Bai Yun, who was hanging out with the soldiers.

The soldiers were all praising him for being so good and giving them a holiday.

Feeling the sight, Bai Yun turned his head and looked at Commodore Pudding Pudding, then saw the two bounty notices in his hand, and immediately understood, thinking that he was quite efficient.

Then he put a finger on his mouth and shushed Commodore Pudding Pudding.

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