Night has fallen again, this is the law of nature.

The sea seems to be particularly calm today.

A grand banquet is being held on the island where the Cocosia Village is located, and it has not ended until dawn.

People live with humiliation and burdens just to welcome the laughter of this day.


At the banquet.

Baiyun and Zoro are drinking. Baiyun doesn't like to smoke, but he likes to drink.

Usopp stands the highest, doing what he is best at.

Sanji, Baiyun, and Zoro sit together. They drink less and have finished a pack of cigarettes. This reminds Baiyun of his childhood memories with Beckman.

Luffy suddenly took a lot of meat, ran over with a cigarette in his mouth, and asked Sanji.

"Sanji, what was on the cantaloupe you ate last?"

"Oh, it's raw ham cantaloupe. As the name suggests, it's topped with raw ham."

It has to be said that Bai Yun tried this weird-sounding dish, but it was surprisingly delicious.

Luffy, who is an idiot in the kitchen, obviously couldn't understand that "raw ham cantaloupe" were two different things. He thought that one kind of food was called raw ham cantaloupe.

Turning around to look for it, Bai Yun shook his head, this silly boy.

After drinking a glass with Zoro, he drank the wine in the glass directly and chased after him.

Zoro glanced at his back and thought that Bai Yun had just finished drinking, should he also drink it? But that guy drank less than half a glass, and my glass was full.


Bai Yun followed Luffy to find "raw ham cantaloupe" and digested the food at that time. After all, walking a hundred steps after a meal will make you live to be ninety-nine.

As they walked, they came to the edge of a cliff.

Kenzo was telling Nami and Nokiko's adoptive mother, Bellemel, the good news that Arlong had been defeated.

"Raw ham and cantaloupe!"

Luffy's shout startled Kenzo, and he turned around and saw Luffy with meat in his mouth and Baiyun holding a bottle of wine.

"Graveyard, is anyone dead?"

Luffy bit the meat, and his voice was a little unclear.

But he could still understand, Jianzang turned back and nodded, "Yes, someone died a long time ago."

"Oh, so pitiful, please be patient, huh? Be patient..."

Baiyun stabbed Luffy in the head with his hand, without using force, "It's to be patient."

"Yes, that's it."

Jianzang didn't care about this, "Nami boarded your ship as a pirate, the journey was dangerous..."

"If you dare to make him cry, I will try to kill you."

"Do you understand!!"

Jianzang suddenly shouted, Luffy swallowed the meat in his mouth, "...I understand."

And Baiyun walked up and put a bouquet of flowers in front of Bellemer's tombstone.

"Ms. Nami is a very strong person."

"I picked it on the road, I hope Auntie will like it."

Jianzang also reached out and took off the windmill on his hat and inserted it in front of the tombstone.


"Belumel prefers the fruits and branches of orange trees to flowers."


Parting will always come, as time goes by.

In the afternoon, the Straw Hat Pirates planned to set sail again, and their adventures did not stop there.

After Nami stole the wallets of the residents and jumped onto the Merry, the Straw Hat Pirates set sail again.

Although the people on the shore scolded Nami as a thief and returned the money, there was no anger in their tone, but full of reluctance.

Kenzo once again reminded Luffy not to forget what he said, and Luffy raised his thumb in response, indicating that he would not forget it.

With Nami's farewell, the Merry gradually sailed away.

Oranges and flowers were placed in front of the tombstone on the cliff, and the windmill kept turning, which seemed to express Belle Mel's farewell to Nami.


The waves hit the Merry, seagulls circled in the air, and fish could be seen jumping up from time to time on the sea, trying to jump over the dragon gate.

Nami and Newsbird bought a newspaper and complained that the price had increased again.

A newspaper cost 50 berries.

Usopp fiddled with the "Chili Star" behind him, a bullet made of pepper water.

"It's just a newspaper."

"It's only newspapers that need to be bargained for. They are needed every day, so a little bit adds up to a lot."

"I don't want to be a poor pirate."

Now the funds of the Straw Hat Pirates are only the 20 million berries that Bai Yun exchanged for Arlong and the few thousand berries that Nami stole from the residents' wallets.

As for the 103 million berries, Nami left them all in the village.

"Okay, okay, don't argue, I'm making Chili Stars. If the enemy is hit by this trick, it won't be long before their eyes..."

Usopp hadn't finished speaking yet, and heHe tried the power of the pepper star first, and it was really powerful. He rolled on the ground in pain.

Luffy went to pick oranges, and was kicked by Sanji, and just hit Usopp.

Sanji asked Nami for credit, and Zoro was lying on the second-floor deck and complained, "That kid was completely used."

And Bai Yun, lying on the observation deck, with an eye mask and earplugs, was at peace with the world.

Nami was flipping through the newspaper, which recorded that there was another rebellion in that country.

Then she turned the page and saw two bounty notices flying out.

There was a cry of surprise on the ship.



In the Makino Tavern in the East China Sea Windmill Village.

"Luffy and Bai Yun, those two guys are bountyed!!"

"Hahaha, I was optimistic about them from the beginning."

Everyone was happy for Luffy and Bai Yun.

The old mayor appeared.

"There are two pirates with bounties in the town, what's there to be happy about!!"

"Haha, mayor, look how happy Luffy is laughing."

"Bai Yun looks much more serious."

Makino said in front of the old mayor holding two bounty tickets.

Luffy's bounty ticket is still the photo of him covering the camera with his hands and grinning.

Bai Yun's is a side photo, with his arms around his arms, looking at the camera with squinting eyes and indifference, and his long ponytail behind him flying in the wind.

"This is the children's dream, you are worried..."

Makino asked.

The old mayor picked up the wine glass and handed it to his mouth but didn't drink it, "Is it [Dream], or [Fate]..."


On a certain island.

Hawkeye, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, visited the Red Hair Pirates, one of the Four Emperors today.

"It's Hawkeye, rare guest, do you want to fight with me?"

Shanks started fighting as soon as he opened his mouth.

But Hawkeye is not here to fight.

"At this point, what's the point of talking about a showdown with a one-armed man like you?"

"I found a group of interesting pirates."

"This reminds me of something you said before, two little devils in a village."

Hawkeye handed two bounty notices to Shanks.

"The long-haired little devil is your apprentice, right, Beckman."


Shanks threw the bounty notice to Beckman, who saw that it was Luffy and the annoying little devil.

"Hahaha, 'Long Hair', from what I know about that kid, he definitely doesn't like this title."

Beckman laughed.

Shanks raised his head and smiled, "Anyway, the two of them are here, Luffy, Baiyun."

"Let's continue the party, everyone!!"

"Didn't we just finish drinking!"

"What are you talking about? On such a happy day, we should drink a few more glasses! Hahaha."

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