Chapter 237 No see in January, Ruuo two people 【3】


Shoujia serve.

The speed of the ball is extremely fast, and the sense of fierceness is far greater than before.


Fuji chuckled lightly.

It seems that he guessed right. In the month that he left, the strength of the Shou Family has really become much stronger.

The serve of the hand-made is more than 50% stronger than the past in terms of power.

And intuition tells Fuji that the improvement of the hand should be far more than that.

If not, Shoujia wouldn’t have the idea of ​​wanting to fight him.

In addition to wanting to see how strong he has become after going there, Fuji thinks that more, it should be that the hand wants to see how far he can play with him now.

Thinking of this, Fuji also swung out.


Hanging like an antelope with horns.

The hand of the hand was easily received by Fuji.

Next moment!

An ultra-fast yellow light flew out of Fuji’s racquet.


The hand’s brows are slightly clustered, is it just a casual shot that has such power?

call out!

At this moment, the tennis ball flew.

Shoujia also held his mind and rushed out.


The tennis ball was taken by the hand and immediately flew to Fuji’s other side under his vigorous swing.

At the moment the tennis ball was hit by the player, Fuji also moved.

The speed is not too fast, but the hand’s brows are frowned.

He felt that it was not Fuji who was standing opposite him, but a gust of wind.

That’s right!

That’s how it feels.

That elegant figure is like a faint wind.

Although not very strong, it is true.

The reason why the handists feel this way is not that Fuji has opened the Wind God Realm, but after stepping into the Wind God Realm, Fuji’s temperament has also changed.

If you don’t move, it’s always going to be a trend.

This is Fuji now.


Fuji formed the wind and quickly caught up with the ball.

Immediately afterwards, he swung down.

When you want!

A sharp yellow light burst out of the eyes of the owner.

In the face of Fuji’s goal, the hand did not take a step back, and directly greeted it head-on.



Gradually, the speed of the two is getting faster and faster.

However, despite the fierce offensive, Shoujia’s brows are increasingly frowning.

No matter how he attacked, Fuji remained standing still.

You must know that his strength has undergone earth-shaking changes compared to the past.If so, can’t he shake Fuji at all?

“In that case…!”

A gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and a strong cyclone was directly set off under the feet of Shoujia.

Hand home field.

In this duel, Shoujia directly activated it.



In the center of the field, the hands are standing.

The ball that Fuji hit back was all drawn in front of him by the hand.

With the already powerful offensive, the offensive of the successful family directly reached a peak.

“Did you use it so soon?”

Fuji smiled slightly.

Immediately, his eyes were fixed on the tennis ball and he swung down directly.

call out!

The tennis ball, which was given a strong spin by the player, calmed down the moment it came into contact with Fuji racquet, and then quickly reversed.


Fuji hit the ball.

Tennis is like a javelin, directly piercing the strong domain cyclone around the hand.


Shoujia’s eyes sank.

Only a single blow actually smashed his field.

As soon as he turned his body, Shoujia quickly chased after the tennis ball.


The tennis ball flew out and was hit by the hand to Fuji’s right.

However, he didn’t score and was easily accepted by Fuji.

Then, with the swing of Fuji racquet, the tennis ball also shot out and flew to Tezuka like lightning.

Feeling such a strong goal from Fuji, the hand’s eyes narrowed.


A majestic selfless energy swept out of his family’s whole body, and then poured into the Shou’s left arm through his shoulder.

The limit of tempering!

The first door that Shoujia understood after entering the Selfless State.


With a low growl, the tennis ball was also bombarded by the player.

Under the blessing of the limit of hard work, the tennis ball was directly rewarded to Fuji by the player with double power.

Including power, rotation and more!

call out!

The momentum of this ball is like a rainbow, and the strong impact directly blows the air into a big hole.

“Is it the limit of tempering?”

Fuji’s expression remained unchanged, and the moment the tennis ball flew in front of him, he swung his racket down.

The wrist twisted slightly, and the instant explosive power brought by the limit of tempering was completely resolved by Fuji.

Then, fly upside down.


Shou’s eyes narrowed slightly, and once again chose the limit of hard work to contend.

But the effect is not great.

Although he has passed the limit of thousands of hard work, he repays Fuji with twice the power of every ball that Fuji has played.

But it did not have any impact on Fuji.

Every time he receives the ball, the hand can feel that the return that was doubled by him is easily resolved by Fuji.

Moreover, the hand saw that Fuji did not use his evolutionary skills to dissolve every ball he hit with the limit of thousands of tempers, but simply resolved it with his own skills.

Thinking of this, Shoujia’s eyes sank.

Has Fuji’s technology reached this level?


While Shoujia was amazed, Fuji also intercepted Shoujia’s offensive again, and then slapped back.

Shoujia didn’t hesitate, but greeted it again.



Under the moonlight, the two kept fighting fiercely.

Although the hand’s offensive is fierce, Fuji can always easily block it, even if the hand has opened another door of Selfless State to the limit of radiance.

The most important thing is that Fuji has hardly used any tricks, and is completely using the most basic abilities to fight against his hand.

However, even so, the hand is still difficult to conquer.

Such strength also made the hands of the family unable to calm down for a long time.


At this moment, Fuji dropped a goal.

The tennis directly penetrated the defense of the hand and hit the baseline accurately.


Fuji leads.

“Unexpectedly, after going there, your strength turned out to be such a level!”

After a round was lost, the hand was also surprised.

He was really shocked by the actual strength that Fuji showed. No matter how he performed his tricks, even if he opened two doors in a row, Fuji could easily block it.

As if an insurmountable mountain, he couldn’t breathe under the pressure.

“That being said! But I know that you didn’t use your real ability, right?”

Fuji chuckles: “After all, you have mastered all the moves you just launched before I left!”

Fuji doesn’t think that this is the full strength of the hand, after all, he knows the talent of the hand best.

I’m afraid it was just a temptation by the hand before!

Hearing what Fuji said, the hand also said: “I really haven’t used my true ability yet, but your strength is really strong. It’s a bit too much. I, who have the advantage in the serve game, can’t conquer at all!”


Faced with the compliments of his hand, Fuji just smiled faintly.

At this time, the handist said again: “But then I will attack with all my strength, watch out! Fuji!”


Fuji chuckled and nodded.

In the moonlight, Fuji patted the tennis ball a few times before grasping one of them.


Tennis lifted off.

Fuyiji high-speed serve is to play.


The tennis ball wiped a pale yellow trace under the moonlight, and immediately landed on the hand’s court.

Almost at the same time as the tennis ball landed, the hands moved.

After catching up, one shot fell.


The tennis ball was shot fiercely by the player.

Looking at the flying tennis ball, Fuji also raised his racket to greet him.


The tennis ball was knocked back by Fuji.

But at this moment, an astonishing air current vortex rose from the feet of the hand.


Subconsciously, Fuji thought it was the field of handicrafts.

But the next moment!

Fuji dispelled this idea.


From the outside, it looks a lot like a hand-made field.

But when you look closely, you can see that it is somewhat different from the handicraft field.

The whirling cyclone was even stronger than the Shoujia realm. The most important thing was that the strong cyclone embodied in the Shoujia at this moment was reversed.

“It shouldn’t be!”

It was just a moment when Fuji faintly guessed.

When the tennis ball that flew toward the home of the hand came into contact with the reverse cyclone, it seemed to be pushed away by a big hand, and it flew out of bounds directly.

At the same time, the voice of Shoujia also sounded: “This is a new move I realized after you left. I named it (Zhao Zhao Zhao) the Phantom!”

The phantom is the phantom of the hand.

Fuji, who heard the words of the hand, flashed a light in his eyes.

“Sure enough, that trick!”

After seeing the cyclone that was completely different from the Tezuka realm, Fuji had guessed it faintly.

Unexpectedly, it is really the phantom of the hand.

There is no doubt that this is a powerful move, stronger than the hand field, able to push all the balls played by the opponent out.

Even Polk is an appreciative talent.

Originally, this was the profound meaning that was mastered by the third-hand master of the country, but now that only the first-hand master of the country has mastered it.

It seems that without injury to the left hand, the evolution of the hand is faster than in the original book.

But think about it, the talent of the hand is not lost to Yukimura.

When he first entered the middle school, his skill was also not lost to Yukimura.

However, for three years in junior high school, Yukimura stood at the top of the junior high school.

And the hand home!

But they lost to Atobe and Sanada.

Thinking about it this way, Fuji is not surprised at the current evolution of the hand.

Even in Fuji’s view, only this kind of evolution is worthy of being a master.

When it comes to the evolution of Shoujia, in addition to the powerful talent of Shoujia, it is also the pressure that Fuji put on him.

Under this pressure, Tezuka evolves faster.

In addition, it is not only the handicrafts, but also the Ajutsu, which evolves faster. .

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