Chapter 238 Fujivs the limit of seamlessness [4]

“You have developed such a powerful technique, you deserve it!”

In the moonlight, Fuji chuckled at the hand’s house.

He did not expect that in the month he left, Shoujia would have completed the Phantom of Shoujia.

You know, even in the original work, it was under the prompt of Echizen that Shoujia developed in this direction and finally completed the Phantom of Shoujia.

And in this life, without Echizen’s prompt, and without his prompt, the hand was actually completed.

And the completion time is two years ahead of the original work.

I have to say that the hand is quite powerful.

Fuji feels that this may be due to his own strength reaching a certain height!

Avoiding the tragedy of being injured on his left hand in the original book, the uninjured hand showed an unprecedented evolution under his amazing talent.

Even if no one prompts him to develop in the direction of the Phantom of the Hand, Mingming Hand himself has fumbled in this direction.

Fuji thinks it is probably because of this.

“no way!”

And hearing what Fuji said, the handist also smiled: “You went to U17, the highest tennis training base in the whole country. If you don’t want to be used further by you, I can only improve myself faster than before, even if it is slow. A little bit, I’m afraid you will be left behind by you!”

“Is that so?”

Fuji smiled slightly.

It turned out that it was because of him that the evolution of the hand family was so terrifying.

After some conversation, the two fought fiercely again.

After launching the Phantom of Shoujia, Shoujia also began to score continuously.

Just as Fuji broke his serve game, so too did the hand.


Both sides deuce.

And seeing that he successfully broke Fuji’s serve game with the Phantom 780 of Shoujia, there was a flash of joy in Shoujia’s eyes.

It seems that even Fuji can hardly conquer the phantom of his hand for a while.

“Go on! No, no!”

The player took out a tennis ball and turned to Fuji with a wary expression on his face.

Perhaps it was a successful game from Fuji’s hands, and the player’s fighting spirit became more and more high.

“bring it on!

Fuji chuckled lightly.


Shoujia serve.

At the same time, the Phantom of the Hand was launched again.

In the process of launching the Phantom of the Shoujia, Fuji also took a close look at the situation of the Shoujia.

There is no congestion in the arm in the original work, and the hand is quite calm.

This also means that without injury, the Phantom of the Hand has a much smaller burden on the arm of the Hand.

And this kind of burden can be fully endured by the hand.

Seeing this, Fuji was completely relieved.

And since the Phantom of the Hand does not cause as much damage to Tezuka as in the original, Fuji should now think about how to crack the Phantom of the Hand.

As for the Phantom of the Hand, it is not difficult to crack with Fuji’s current strength.

After all, although the Phantom of the Hand can draw out all the opponent’s returns, the essence is the same as in the Tezuka field. They are all spinning on tennis.

The difference is one counterclockwise and one clockwise.

Furthermore, the rotation factor of the Phantom of the Hand is almost 60% higher than that of the Hand.

Therefore, as long as you play a reverse spin with the same multiple as the Phantom of the Hand, you can crack it.

This may be difficult for others.

But there is no difficulty in adding (addb) to Fuji.

However, Fuji does not intend to use this method to crack the Phantom of Tezuka.

Fuji intends to use another method.

This method may not have been possible for Fuji in the past, but after he has thoroughly practiced the Second Sword Art, he can do it easily.

That’s right!

It is to use the two-sword style to open the bow left and right, so that the player can not successfully predict his ball path, and then the player can unfold the phantom of the player in the same way.

To put it simply, it is the seal.

In the original book, in the World Cup in Australia, the country de riben, in that match, Yukimura used this method to seal the phantom of the hand, and also sealed the field of the hand.

Of course, Fuji didn’t think of this method because of Yukimura, but after he reached the level of his current strength, he came up with this method naturally in his mind.

I saw that Fuji directly switched racquet to his left hand.

Immediately afterwards, a precise ball without deviation was played.

“Left hand?”

Looking at the scene embodied in Fuji, Shoujia’s eyes suddenly startled.

Can Fuji even play with his left hand so freely?

The main thing is that after switching to the left hand, he can’t predict Fuji’s ball path anymore.


The tennis ball flew in and drove away from home.

And this time, tennis is not out.

It’s not that the Phantom of the Hand was cracked by Fuji, it should be said that it was sealed by Fuji.

Under the precise ball with no deviation from left and right hands, Tezuka can’t use the Phantom of the Hand at all.


“Game! Fuji, 2-1!”

In the case that the Phantom of the Hand cannot be used, the rhythm of the match is once again controlled by Fuji.

“I didn’t expect you to come up with this method to conquer my trick!”

Shoujia turned to Fuji.

He did not expect that Fuji had thought of a way to overcome his trick in such a short period of time.

And this kind of attack is not to face the crack, it is to prevent him from launching the Phantom of Tezuka.

“This is what I came up with temporarily!”

Fuji chuckled lightly.

“But it seems that the effect is good now. If you can’t predict my path, you won’t be able to activate the Phantom of the Hand!”

“As expected of you, Fuji!

For Fuji, Shoujia has nothing to say.

He thought he could get more points by this trick, but he didn’t expect it would not work for Fuji so soon.

“In addition, my style of play can not only seal your Phantom of the Hand, but it can also seal your field of tricks!

“I think you should have noticed this too!”

At this time, Fuji is Taoist again.

“I know!

The Shoujia nodded and said: “When you can’t predict your ball path, neither the Phantom of the Shoujia nor the Tezuka field can be used!”

Hearing this, Fuji also smiled and said, “So what are you going to do next? Shoujia!”

“If the trick doesn’t work, then open another door!”

Shoujia said with a solemn expression.


Hearing what the hand said, Fuji frowned slightly.

To know the limit of tempering and the limit of brilliance, the hands are already activated.

If one could open a door, then only that Fuji can think of.

The third door in the deep level of Selfless State is also the most powerful door.

The limit is seamless.

Thinking of this, a glint flashed in Fuji’s eyes.

“Could it be that the hand is him!”


At the same time Fuji raised this idea, a bright white light burst out from the body of the hand.

Let the black and silent court shine brightly.


Looking at the light blooming on his hands, Fuji’s eyes flickered.

Shoujia he really opened this door.

Under the moonlight, the bright light gradually converged, and finally wrapped around the whole body of the hand.

And the momentum of the hand has reached an unprecedented height.

Although it is difficult to beat Fuji even if the hand is at the limit of seamlessness, at least the hand in this state makes Fuji face it.

“Then let me see it!

call out!

The tennis ball was thrown by Fuji to delay.

Immediately, Fuji fell and hit the tennis ball heavily.


With a crisp sound, the tennis ball also shot out.

At this time, the hand was also moved.

Under the limit of seamless clothing, his speed exploded to an extreme.


In the next instant, a yellow light reaching the extreme level fell behind Fuji.

“This feeling!”

Fuji frowned slightly.

At the previous moment, he felt as if he had been swallowed by the brilliance formed by the seamless limit of the universe, and his own strength was completely unable to be exerted.

“Is this the power of the seamless limit?”

Through the previous ball, Fuji roughly knows what kind of power the limit of seamlessness has.

Under that kind of glorious package, not only will one’s own eruption be elevated to an extreme.

And at the moment of hitting the ball, the seamless light can also be called the reserved light, which will engulf the opponent in an instant.

Let the opponent’s consciousness, insight, and power all fall silent for an instant.

Just like he did before.

This is similar to a spiritual swallowing, and somewhat similar to the different dimensions.

The difference is that the different dimension directly pulls the opponent’s spirit into the different dimension world, and the seamless limit is to swallow the opponent’s spirit.

Thinking of this, Fuji could not help but marvel at the power of the seamless limit.

No wonder that in the original work, Echizen, who was slammed by Yukimura at the beginning, completely suppressed Yukimura after opening the limit of seamlessness.

It’s not that Echizen’s own strength has reached a point where he crushed Yukimura after turning on the seamless.

It is true!

After opening the limit of seamlessness, Echizen’s strength will be greatly strengthened.

But it is more of the brilliance of the limitlessness of the universe devouring Yukimura.

Under that kind of devouring, Yukimura was unable to exert his original strength at all.

Fuji thinks it is like this!

While enhancing its own strength, it swallows the opponent’s strength and makes the opponent unable to exert its original strength.

This is the power of the seamless limit.

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