I'm In Western Capital: Marry Vados At The Beginning

Chapter Twenty-Nine I Know More Than You Think

Chapter 29 I Know More Things Than You Think

Being poked in the soft spot again, Frieza was completely furious.

Instead of using 10% of his power, he used 50% of his power.

The moment Frieza's aura rose up, Kahn immediately had a dark feeling.

He retreated violently again and again, choosing to avoid the edge temporarily.

But Frieza's speed was too fast. Frieza, who used 50% of the final form's power, completely crushed Kahn.

Every move of Kahn is controlled by Frieza.

The battle situation showed a one-sided posture for a while, and Kahn was in a predicament!

"Kahn, come on!!"

At this time, even a layman like Bulma can see that Kahn is completely passive.

He was pressed and beaten by Frieza the whole time, and he was completely powerless to fight back.

"No! Frieza is too strong, and Kahn is no match for him at all!" Kelin said in a deep voice.

Now Frieza's strength has completely crushed Kahn, if Kahn's strength cannot be improved, then no matter how many methods Kahn has, it will be futile.

In the face of absolute power crushing, all moves are gaudy!

This sentence couldn't be more suitable in the world of Dragon Ball.

"Then what to do!"

Bulma spun around in a hurry, she didn't want to see Kahn die at Frieza's hands.

Kelin shook his head, expressing helplessness.

Now it's up to Kahn himself.

Above the clouds, seeing Vados frowning, Myers couldn't help asking: "Sister Vados, do you need me to take action?"

"Don't worry, Myers, just keep watching, Kahn probably still has some tricks left."

Although his brows were furrowed, Vados was actually not in a hurry.

She just felt sorry for Kahn being beaten up by Frieza.

"It was crushed in all directions..."

Through the battle between Kahn and Frieza, Vegeta was once again shocked by Frieza's powerful power.

As strong as Kahn, in front of Frieza, there is no power to fight back.


Vegeta gritted his teeth tightly, his expression was very painful, he hated his own incompetence, and at the same time despaired because of Frieza's terrifying power that was stronger than he imagined.

He really couldn't figure out how to defeat Frieza.


Under Frieza's strong and fierce attack, Kahn's defense finally collapsed, and was crushed from the air by Frieza's terrifying blow, smashing a hill to the ground.


The moment the mountain collapsed, smoke and dust billowed and gravel splashed everywhere.

A crack spread like a spider's web, and seawater continuously poured into the bottomless crack.


Seeing this scene, Bulma suddenly became hysterical.

Because of being too nervous and worried, Bulma tightly strangled Klin's neck, and Klin was almost strangled by Bulma.


Frieza also landed from the sky, and approached the rubble pile where Kahn was step by step with the steps of unique sound.

"Saiyan, after all, is just a barbaric race that this king once ruled. Even if you are a Super Saiyan, you don't pose any threat to this king."

Frieza's eyes were as sharp as an eagle's, confident and proud: "The power shown by this king just now is only 50% of my power."

"I know exactly how strong you are."

Among the rubble, Kahn's voice slowly came out: "Frieza, if you think this is all my strength, then you are very wrong."


Frieza stopped, feeling something was wrong.

Immediately afterwards, with the sound of falling gravel, the slightly embarrassed Kahn stood up from the pile of rubble.

Although Kahn was a little embarrassed under Frieza's fierce offensive just now, his eyes as black as the night sky were still sharp: "More than 20 years ago, because you were afraid that there would be another Super Saiyan among the Saiyan nation, you chose to destroy Planet Vegeta, exterminate the Saiyan nation."

"However, I don't know if you have heard a word."


Frieza narrowed her eyes slightly, and the premonition of uneasiness in her heart became stronger and stronger.

"A misfortune is a blessing, and a blessing is a misfortune." Kahn said word by word: "There are indeed very few survivors of the Saiyan nation, but there is enough to produce a Super Saiyan that you are afraid of so much that you can't sleep at night!"

"Today, I will show you the so-called real Super Saiyan!"

heard the words.

Frieza frowned, and then said disapprovingly: "Although you have transformed, I am not afraid of the so-called Super Saiyan at all. I chose to exterminate the Saiyan nation at the beginning just to avoid long nights and dreams."

"Do not!"

Kahn refuted Frieza's words: "You chose to destroy Planet Vegeta and exterminate Saiyan. The legend of Super Saiyan is only one of the reasons. In fact, you did this back then because someone instructed you behind your back."

"What did you say?!"

Frieza was not shocked by what Kahn said about Super Saiyan, but was shocked by what he said.

"You know that lord?!"

Frieza's scalp tingled for a while, thinking of that adult, Frieza couldn't help feeling a deep sense of fear in his heart!

"Oh, I know more than you think."

Kahn just chuckled and didn't make his words too clear.

Who is that grown-up, Kahn and Frieza knew very well.

What Frieza didn't expect was that Kahn, as a Saiyan remnant who survived from that year, knew of the existence of that lord!

"What's going on? Could it be that there was something hidden behind the destruction of Planet Vegeta back then?"

At the same time, Vegeta in the dark was shocked by Kahn's words.

He thought that the destruction of Planet Vegeta was just because Frieza was afraid of the legend of Super Saiyan, but Kahn's words just now and Frieza's reaction made him realize that the destruction of Planet Vegeta was not as simple as it seemed on the surface!

"Damn it! What the hell is going on!"

Unable to figure this out, Vegeta felt like ten thousand ants were crawling all over his body.

Not only Vegeta was confused by this matter, but Vados on the cloud was also confused.

At first, she also thought that the destruction of Planet Vegeta and the death of Kahn's parents were due to Frieza, but now it seems that there is actually a mastermind behind it!

"What the hell is going on!"

Vados frowned.

Although Kahn's parents died more than 20 years ago, she still wants to find out what happened back then.

Not because she likes to meddle, but because she loves Kahn too much.

Therefore, Kahn's matter, she naturally also regards it as her own matter.

Myers shook his head, and said: "I'm not very clear, I just know that Frieza destroyed Planet Vegeta back then, and I haven't received any more information about it."

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