I'm In Western Capital: Marry Vados At The Beginning

Chapter 30 Super Saiyan! So Handsome!

Chapter 30 Super Saiyan! So handsome!

"Even you don't know?"

Vados' eyes narrowed, but she soon noticed the adult Frieza was talking about.


Vados then connected this so-called 'that lord' with a person.

That's right.

This man is the seventh Universe Gods of Destruction Beerus!

The duty of Gods of Destruction is to destroy planets. If Beerus ordered Frieza to destroy Planet Vegeta, it is not impossible!

Gods of Destruction destroying the planet depends on the mood, so Beerus ordered Frieza to destroy Planet Vegeta, maybe because of mood, of course, it may be because of other reasons.

However, before getting a specific answer, Vados did not dare to insist that Beerus ordered it.

She has to find some time to ask Whis and the truth will come out.

If it wasn't Beerus' order, it was someone else.

But Vados believes that Beerus is very suspicious!


"Okay, let me show you what a real Super Saiyan is."

"You're going to feel hopeless, Frieza."

Kahn clenched his fists and began to mobilize the energy in his body to gather on his back.

There are two ways to transform into Super Saiyan.

One is that when the basic strength is sufficient, in a state of extreme anger, you can break through the limit and transform into Super Saiyan.

The second is that there are enough S cells in the body, and when the normal combat power reaches the million level, it can gather energy to the back and then burst out, thus breaking through the limit and transforming into a Super Saiyan.

The path Kahn is currently taking is the latter.

Saiyan's S cells are more likely to grow in a peaceful environment, so the S cells in Kahn's body, who grew up on the earth, are completely sufficient.

"Super Saiyan, what is that stuff?"

Bulma blinked, bewildered.

"I don't know, but it sounds very powerful. I think this should be the biggest reason why Kahn can stand in front of Frieza with confidence!"

Klein analyzed.

"Come on, Saiyan."

There was hope in the elder's eyes, and the rest of the Namekians also secretly supported Kahn in their hearts.

For them, only when Kahn defeated Frieza could the Namek planet be saved from unwarranted disaster.

If Kahn is defeated, what they and the Namekians are about to meet will be a catastrophe!

"The real Super Saiyan?"

Vegeta stared at Kahn who was confronting Frieza, and couldn't help but start to panic.

If The Legendary Super Saiyan really exists, he should be transformed first.


"Kahn, as long as you can defeat the bastard Frieza, you can change to Super Saiyan first!"

Instead of supporting Frieza, Vegeta might as well support Kahn.

Although he lost to Kahn on Earth, he hated and hated Frieza even more in his heart!

It doesn't matter who becomes Super Saiyan first, Vegeta only wants Frieza to die!

Although Vegeta is usually loyal in front of Frieza, in fact, deep down in his heart, he has had enough of Frieza, otherwise he would not be so stubborn to find Dragon Ball to oppose Frieza.


As Kahn mobilized the energy in his body to gather on his back, Kahn's hair began to flutter without wind.

The rubble pile under his feet also broke away from the gravity of Namek and floated up.

A terrifyingly powerful aura is gradually forming.


With the improvement of Kahn's aura, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and thick thunderbolts fell from the thunderclouds.

A powerful aura enveloped the heaven and earth, and the air between the heaven and earth also became oppressive at this moment.

Everyone can feel a sense of oppression that is about to come.


At the same time, the white energy lingering around Kahn tended to develop into golden energy flames.

Kahn's black hair alternates between blonde and black.


Bulma's eyes widened, and he exclaimed in amazement: "Klin, who is better, Kahn or Frieza now!"

"No... I don't know!" Kelin said solemnly, "Their aura is too strong, I can't perceive the limit of their aura! But from the perspective of aura, Kahn should be even better."


Although Frieza can't perceive Qi, he can also feel a strong sense of oppression from Kahn.

This is in addition to Beerus, Frieza feels oppressed in the second person.

"Super Saiyan...could it be real?!"

At this moment, Frieza finally felt a little uneasy.

Going on like this, if Kahn really transforms into Super Saiyan, even if he uses 100% of his power at that time, I'm afraid he may not be Kahn's opponent.

But Frieza is Frieza after all, what has he not seen?

Although he was a little uneasy in his heart, there was no panic on his face.

"Come on, Kahn, let me see what is circulating in Saiyan Nation The Legendary Super Saiyan!!"

Vegeta's eyes widened, staring intently at Kahn who was in the transformed state.

Even though he was very unbalanced in his heart, Vegeta hoped that Kahn could transform into Super Saiyan at this moment. As long as Kahn successfully transforms, it means that Super Saiyan exists!

Kahn, a mere low-level fighter, can transform into a Super Saiyan, so can he!


Between heaven and earth, thunder and lightning, strong winds!

Compared with the movement when Frieza transformed into the final form just now, the movement caused by Kahn's transformation is even greater!

And the aura and oppression are stronger!

some moment.

Kahn sensed that the time was ripe, and immediately burst out the energy gathered on his back!


At this moment, dense thick thunderbolts fell from the thunderclouds, faintly forming a daunting thunder pool, and Kahn was in the center of the thunder pool, surrounded by golden energy flames.

At this moment, Kahn's aura rose again like a volcanic eruption!

The next moment.


Kahn's deep drink resounded through the heaven and earth, fell in everyone's ears, and shook their hearts!

There is a dazzling golden light blooming on Kahn's body, making it impossible to see Kahn's true face now.


It was also at the moment when the golden light bloomed, the golden energy arrogance lingering around Kahn's body rose against the wind and pierced through the sky and the earth.


Vegeta's pupils shrank suddenly!

Bulma, Kling, Son Gohan, Frieza and Vados also became nervous.

They stared closely at Kahn, who was wrapped in golden light. Under their gaze, the golden light gradually dissipated, and Kahn's true face came into everyone's sight again.

I saw Kahn's erect golden hair fluttering in the wind.

A pair of emerald green pupils, and that handsome and majestic face, there is a fierce domineering in the handsome!

Blonde hair and blue eyes, Super Saiyan!

Not only that, after successfully transforming into Super Saiyan, Kahn's figure has also become stronger.

The muscles with clear lines are not only beautiful, but also give people a sense of sight that seems to have infinite explosive power.

"Handsome! So handsome!"

Looking at Kahn in Super Saiyan state, Vados above the clouds couldn't help but gasp in amazement.

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