I'm In Western Capital: Marry Vados At The Beginning

Chapter 76 My God! The Big Staff Of Gods Of Destruction Was Pulled Out! (Seek Full Order!!)

Chapter 76 My God! The big Gods of Destruction staff was pulled out!

With Setsuna holding the large staff of Gods of Destruction, Kahn's mind went blank for an instant.

His people are still in the Great Palace of Gods of Destruction, but his consciousness has long drifted to a void.

In front of.

It is a black shadow that seems to run through the sky and the earth, covering the sky and the sun.

He is high above, as if he is the supreme existence in this world!

The terrifying coercion emanating from it made the world eclipsed by it!

"Are you the ant who came to challenge me this time? Kneel down!"


The incomparably terrifying coercion that made people tremble, instantly acted on Kahn.


Suppressed by the supreme coercion, Kahn instantly felt as if he was being crushed by a mountain, and immediately knelt down on one knee.

Under this supreme coercion, Kahn could clearly feel that even his soul was trembling violently, as if he was afraid of this supreme terrifying existence!

"Ants who don't know how to live or die, get out of "160"."

Seeing that Kahn was already kneeling on the ground, Sombra seemed to have lost interest.

"You say... who will let it go!"


Kahn's head, which was deeply pressed because of the supreme coercion exerted on him, raised it up again trembling slightly.

I saw the blue veins on Kahn's face and forehead bursting out, making Kahn look extremely hideous.


At the corner of Kahn's mouth, there was a confident arc.

He forcibly carried the supreme coercion emanating from the black shadow, exerted all his strengths, and finally raised the head that had been deeply lowered.

Kahn raised his head again and looked at the black shadow running through the sky and the earth. There was no fear in his eyes as black as the night sky.

It is an unwavering will and self-confidence!

When he first felt this supreme pressure, Kahn found himself trembling, it was trembling of fear!

Fear from the depths of the soul!

But soon.

Kahn figured it out.

At the beginning, even when facing the Grand Priest, he didn't feel any fear, but the reason why he feels fear now is because this black shadow running through the sky and the earth is playing tricks!

What is the source of human fear?

From unknown!

Human beings may be afraid of many things, as well as people and things.

But the greatest fear of human beings comes from the unknown!

The unknown is always the most frightening.

This mysterious black shadow did not show its true face, coupled with the supreme coercion, that's why Kahn's body felt subconsciously terrified.

Fear of the unknown.

And the best way to overcome fear is to face it!

Immediately afterwards.

Under the watchful eyes of the mysterious shadow, Kahn raised his head, and slowly stood up again.

This process lasted for several minutes.

But in the process of getting up again, Kahn was like a mountain, under the supreme coercion, standing still!

at last.

Kahn stood up straight, then raised his head and chest, staring at the mysterious black figure without fear.


The mysterious black figure seemed surprised, "Fearless ants, all your efforts are like a joke in the old eyes.


Another even more terrifying supreme coercion shrouded down.

Only this time, Kahn is like a pinnacle in the storm.

No matter how coercive the mysterious black shadow exerted, Kahn still stood there straight, without even frowning.

In the eyes of Kahn, the coercion that seems to be a mysterious black shadow is nothing.


Seeing this scene, the mysterious black shadow finally let out a horrified voice.

"Hmph! With a little coercion, you want me to kneel down and admit defeat?"

Kahn shrugged and said domineeringly: "Even if Zeno and Grand Priest stand in front of me, I will not have any fear or fear! Let alone a mere magic staff!"



As Kahn's voice fell, cracks appeared in this world, and it was on the verge of collapse.

Seeing this, Kahn pursued the victory.

An astonishing aura erupted from the body, and the supreme coercion released by the mysterious black shadow disappeared at this moment.

"Great Staff of Gods of Destruction!"

Kahn looked at the mysterious black figure, with a firm will and an aura like a rainbow: "From now on, I am your master, I am the great Gods of Destruction, and I will surrender quickly!"

Click! Click!

There are more and more cracks in this space.

"Do not..."

The mysterious black shadow panicked, as if making the last resistance: "I am the great Gods of Destruction, you are just a human ant, why should you let me surrender!"

His words were very domineering, but his flustered tone exposed his heart.

"Just because I am the Great Gods of Destruction!"

If you hesitate, you will lose!

At this critical moment, Kahn launched a fierce offensive again and again: "It's just a staff, why don't you surrender after seeing the Gods of Destruction!"


At this moment, this piece of space that was already on the verge of collapse was completely shattered.

The mysterious black shadow straddling the sky and the earth shrank rapidly, and finally turned into a purple gold staff, which plundered into Kahn's hands.

at the same time.

The Palace of the Great Gods of Destruction, the summit of the Great Gods of Destruction Altar.

I saw that Kahn, who was holding the big purple-gold Gods of Destruction staff, suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a purple-gold light looming in the eyes that were as dark as the night sky.

next second.

The purple-gold rays of light blooming on the big Gods of Destruction staff suddenly flourished!


Under the shocking eyes of the gods and the angels, Kahn exerted a little force, and the purple gold staff inserted into the pure gold stone platform at a forty-five-degree angle was pulled out by Kahn at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Kahn holds the Great Staff of Gods of Destruction and stands atop the Great Gods of Destruction Altar.

Immediately afterwards, an aura containing supreme divine power swept across the audience in an instant!

Feeling this supreme divine power, the faces of the gods changed drastically, and their minds were shocked!

"Oh my god! The big staff of Gods of Destruction has been pulled out!!"

"It's fake! How is this possible..."

"Impossible! How could this guy Kahn..."

The gods were beyond shocked by this scene!

Each of them has tried countless times, even after experiencing so many times, they will still be defeated in an instant in the face of that supreme divine coercion!

Because the supreme divine coercion is too terrifying, it makes them feel like Zeno and Grand Priest, and it makes them feel a strong sense of fear that cannot be overcome in the depths of their hearts!

All the gods couldn't believe it, how did Kahn overcome the fear brought about by that divine coercion, and how did he make the great Gods of Destruction staff recognize his master.

However, the facts were in front of them, and they couldn't help but not believe it.

In the next second, the gods could no longer stand calmly on the stone platform.

Immediately, they knelt down on both knees and kowtowed deeply in the direction of Kahn.

They did not worship Kahn, but the great staff of Gods of Destruction in Kahn's hand.

Because even if you pull out the Great Gods of Destruction staff, it only proves that you have obtained the approval of the Great Gods of Destruction staff. In the end, you still need the godhead and priesthood of the Great Gods of Destruction from the Lord.

After that is the real big Gods of Destruction. 1.0

It can be said.

Letting the Great Gods of Destruction staff recognize the Lord is a pass to ascend to the priesthood of the Great Gods of Destruction.

Quitela and other gods knelt deeply on the stone platform, their hearts were already shocked beyond measure.

No one expected that the great Gods of Destruction staff, which the gods tried nearly two million times but failed to conquer, was actually conquered by a Kahn who came to the Gods of Destruction summit for the first time!

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, no one would have believed that Kahn could actually pull out the big staff of Gods of Destruction and make him recognize the Lord!

Especially Quitela, at this moment his heart is not only shocked, but also fearful!

Kahn succeeded in getting the Great Gods of Destruction's staff to recognize the owner, which means that Kahn will inevitably become the real Great Gods of Destruction, that is, their immediate boss, in the near future.

And he just got into trouble with Kahn again.

When Kahn takes office as the big Gods of Destruction, I still don't know how to deal with him.

And that's it.

From now on, he, Quitela, may really change its name to mouse tail juice.

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