I'm In Western Capital: Marry Vados At The Beginning

Chapter 77 Is Kahn Going To Be The Gods Of Destruction? Shocked Vados! (Seek Full Order!!)

Chapter 77 Kahn is going to be the Gods of Destruction? Shocked Vados!

Top of the Great Gods of Destruction Altar.

Kahn held the big purple and gold Gods of Destruction staff, and his excited heart could not calm down for a long time.

Even he himself didn't expect that he had unknowingly found a way to make the big Gods of Destruction staff recognize its master.

Originally, I just came here with the mentality of giving it a try.

Who knew the Great Staff of Gods of Destruction would want him to kneel and submit? Kahn couldn't take it anymore.

Judging from the scale of the entire Dragon Ball world, Kahn's current strength may not be called the top row of the pyramid, but he is born with a tough bone and cannot kneel down.

Let alone a big Gods of Destruction staff, he didn't kneel down when he met the Grand Priest.

You are just a staff, why should I kneel down for you?

In order not to humiliate himself, Kahn had to conquer the Great Staff of Gods of Destruction.

Come to yourself.

Kahn glanced at the gods who were bowing in his direction, and Kahn murmured: "So, am I considered the Great Gods of Destruction now?"

"No, not yet."

Just at this time.

A gentle and humble voice suddenly sounded.


Looking along the source of the sound, 29 a purple space vortex slowly emerged from Kahn's line of sight.

Appearing along with the space vortex, there is also the Grand Priest with a humble face and kind eyebrows.

"Yes...it is Lord Grand Priest!"


When the Grand Priest descended, the gods bowed tremblingly in the direction of the Grand Priest.

Before Kahn officially became the Grand Gods of Destruction, in the minds of the Gods of Destruction, the Grand Priest was more majestic.

"Meet Lord Grand Priest."

The twelve guides, Angel, also bowed slightly to show respect to the Grand Priest.

The Grand Priest gods nodded, and said kindly: "This summit of Gods of Destruction is over, let the gods leave first.


The Grand Priest snapped his fingers, and the eleven Gods of Destruction and twelve guide Angels were immediately sent out of the Grand Gods of Destruction world.

After finishing all this, Grand Priest turned his head and said to Kahn: "Mr. Kahn, congratulations for being the first person to recognize the Lord of the Great Gods of Destruction staff. The Great Gods of Destruction palace has been empty for hundreds of millions of years. Welcome to its first owner."

"Also, regarding your question just now, let me tell you in detail.

"First of all, please give me the staff temporarily."


Hearing this, Kahn was taken aback.

Although I don't know why, Kahn still gave the Grand Priest the power of Gods of Destruction in his hand.

After accepting the big Gods of Destruction staff, Grand Priest explained: "Mr. Kahn, because the big Gods of Destruction staff has been unowned for a long time, the divine power contained in this big Gods of Destruction staff One of the best moments."

"I will help you restore the divine power of the Great Staff of Gods of Destruction to its peak state, which will take ten to twenty years."

"After the divine power of the Great Gods of Destruction's Staff has returned to its peak, you still need to practice under the guidance of the Great Gods of Destruction's exclusive guide and become familiar with the Great Gods of Destruction's exclusive power, as well as the responsibilities of the Great Gods of Destruction.

"Afterwards, when everything is ready, Master Zeno will summon the gods and officially grant you the priesthood of the Great Gods of Destruction."

Hearing this, Kahn nodded thoughtfully: "I see.

That is.

He is only a quasi-big Gods of Destruction right now, and it will take a while before he can become a real big Gods of Destruction.

Kahn is in no rush.

And he also feels that now is not the time to be a big Gods of Destruction, it would be good to have ten to twenty years of preparation time.

In this way, I can take advantage of this time to spend time with my two wives.


The most important thing is to give birth to your offspring first.

After a pause, Kahn asked again: "Master Grand Priest, may I ask who Wei Wei is the exclusive troublemaker of Gods of Destruction?"

Grand Priest shook his head and smiled, "No."


"The exclusive guide of the Great Gods of Destruction is not any Angel, but the dragon god Salama who created the Great Gods of Destruction world. You can look forward to it."


The exclusive guide of the Great Gods of Destruction is the dragon god Salama?

Seeing Kahn's surprised expression, Grand Priest smiled and said: "Okay, Mr. Kahn, when you return to the world of Gods of Destruction, you will be the owner of this place, now you go talk to Whis Let's go back to the Seventh Universe together."


Grand Priest snapped his fingers again, sending the surprised Kahn out of the Gods of Destruction world.

After sending Kahn out of the Gods of Destruction world, Grand Priest suddenly showed a satisfied smile.

In fact, the Grand Priest has long since concluded the reason why no Gods of Destruction was able to successfully make the Great Gods of Destruction legal right to recognize the Lord in the nearly two million Gods of Destruction summits in the past.

The main reason is that these Gods of Destruction are extremely afraid of their superiors, so they can't overcome the sacred coercion and fear imposed by the big Gods of Destruction staff.

If you can't overcome the fear, then it is impossible to surpass the big Gods of Destruction staff in terms of momentum.

This is the main reason, not because the Gods of Destruction are not powerful enough.

However, Kahn managed to make the big Gods of Destruction staff recognize the master once, which was completely beyond the Grand Priest's expectations. The Gods of Destruction tried hundreds of thousands of times but failed to overcome the fear and coercion

Kahn actually did it right the first time.

This also just shows Kahn's excellence.

Perhaps, Kahn is the owner of the staff of the great Gods of Destruction who has been waiting for eons.

Come back to God.

The Grand Priest summoned his large Angel long staff and called softly: "Vados, can you hear 973?"

"I am Grand Priest, please respond."

buzz buzz.

The crystal ball on the top of the big Angel's long staff flickered for a few seconds, and Vados' pretty face with a changed skin color emerged.

"Father...ah no, Lord Grand Priest, are you here to inform me of Kahn's achievements at this Gods of Destruction summit?"

Vados hit the nail on the head.

"Yes." Grand Priest nodded slightly, and said with a light smile: "This is good news for you, Kahn has won the championship of this year's Gods of Destruction Summit, and..."

Grand Priest showed Vados the Great Staff of Gods of Destruction, and said with a smile: "Vados, congratulations, Kahn, he successfully made the Great Staff of Gods of Destruction recognized as the master [in the near future he will become the first in hundreds of millions of years] Big Gods of Destruction."

"What what?!"

Vados, who had heard that Kahn won the Gods of Destruction summit, was already proud of Kahn.

In the next second, Grand Priest actually told her that Kahn had made the great Gods of Destruction staff recognize him?!

Vados opened his cherry red lips in surprise, and blinked in disbelief, "Master Grand Priest, is what you said true! Kahn, he really succeeded in making the great Gods of Destruction staff recognize its owner?!"

"Yes, you heard correctly."

Grand Priest nodded and said: "Vados, congratulations on finding a good husband, maybe this is also the fate between you and Kahn."

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