In the evening.

In the sky, one silhouette flies quickly in the clouds.

A young man stood on the clouds, floating out of the dust, like an immortal descending from the earth.

This person is Liu Qing. After obtaining the order of the mountains and seas, he casts the cloud cloud technique and flew all the way towards the Miao Village.

Now that he has finished his work, he naturally wants to return to Miao Village.

To be honest, I really miss Miao Qingqing, but when I think of Tong Yan, the two Little Lass Tong Xi hesitate.

Why didn't he know the thoughts of these two Little Lass?

But do you really want to provoke the two of them, or don't go back.

He has been struggling all the way, Liu Qing deliberately slowed down, thinking about how to solve the problems of the two sisters.

I was thinking, suddenly sensed that there was a strong gloomy and cold aura assaults the senses ahead, which made Liu Qing sober instantly.

"So rich Yin Qi."

Liu Qing stopped suddenly and looked surprised.

I saw red clouds hanging in the sky ahead, Yin Qi enveloped, making people feel cold all over.

"Here is..."

He looked at the front and discovered that it was an ancient city, which looked like a tourist attraction.

But this tourist attraction is a bit weird and scary.

The sky is full of red clouds gathered in the sky, surrounded by powerful Yin Qi, and most people have long been scared.


Liu Qing thought for a while, and flew down directly.

When he landed, looking at an ancient city in front of him, he was a little surprised.

In the up ahead, there is a weird gate, like the mouth of an evil spirit, exuding a terrifying aura, which is terrifying.

On the gate, there are a few big characters.

Fengdu Ghost Town!

Liu Qing felt astonished, it turned out to be the tourist attraction of Fengdu Ghost City.

He didn't expect to come to the ghost city of Fengdu, and he sensed the powerful horror Yin Qi inside.

This is closed.

Previously, people came to play in the ghost town of Fengdu during the day and few people at night. Especially since Spiritual Qi has recovered recently, weird things happened again and again, and even accidents occurred.

Finally, the scenic area was closed directly, and no one was allowed to enter.

Now, the ghost town of Fengdu becomes extremely eerie and terrifying once it comes to night.

It was the evening when Liu Qing came, and Yin Qi was in front of him.

Now most of the scenic spots in Huaxia are basically closed. Like the ghost town of Fengdu, there is basically no one here, and it looks empty and gloomy.

A warning sign was set up in front to prohibit entry, and there are still many police patrols here. It seems that a lot of things have happened recently.

"Who you are?"

"It is forbidden to open here, no one is allowed to enter."

Liu Qing who was about to enter was caught by two police officers Stopped.

The two came forward, looked at Liu Qing, and warned him not to enter here.

"Sorry, it's not open here, and it's closed. You go quickly."

One of the patrol officers reminded him.

Liu Qing looked thoughtful, and wanted to come up with a certificate.

"Tell me, what happened here."

He asked bluntly.

When the two patrolmen looked at the ID, their faces suddenly became serious, and they saluted one after another.

"There have been more than a dozen homicides here, and they have been completely blocked."

A patrol officer answered truthfully.

He said: "Over the past three months, more than a dozen people have died here in a row, and each of them has died extremely tragically and has been blocked."

" During the investigation, it has been reported to the relevant special departments."

"Moreover, the criminal police who entered the investigation several times were injured in varying degrees and encountered unknown attacks."

Speaking of this, the two patrolmen were a little nervous and solemn.

After listening to their introduction, Liu Qing basically understood that there are terrifying evils hidden here, which obviously killed a lot of people.

After Spiritual Qi was revived, various demons appeared, some of them didn't matter if they hid, the key is that some evil things came out to harm people and it was a trouble.

Since I met, it happened to be solved by the way.

And Liu Qing is thinking about collecting more soul orbs. It would be better if there are ghosts. You can collect soul orbs to improve your Soul Willpower and prepare for the next Condensing Primordial Spirit breakthrough. .

"Let your people evacuate. There is a big problem hidden here. It is not something an ordinary person can handle. I will take over this problem."

"You don't need to I'll take care of it, someone will call you up."

Liu Qing put away his credentials and directly explained his intention and decision.

He wants to solve the problem of evil things hidden here.


The two patrolmen looked at each other and saluted.

After speaking, Liu Qing jumped and jumped directly into the ghost city of Fengdu in front of the two.

Only two patrolmen looked at each other in blank dismay, with a trace of horror in their eyes.

"Longyuan Pavilion..."

"Let’s go back and report first."

The two of them went back directly.

They can't deal with the matter here, they can only go back and report it. As for whether this person is the real identity, they don't need them to deal with it.

Just report it.

On the other side, after Liu Qing entered the ghost city of Fengdu, he felt a cold breath assaults the senses.

"The gloomy air of really strong."

Liu Qing looked in awe, and looked up, the whole Fengdu ghost city was filled with the breath of one after another black, gloomy and terrifying.

There is nothing during the day. It is evening now. I can clearly feel the gloomy air on my face one after another, not to mention what it will be like when the sun goes down in the evening.

Liu Qing even wondered whether this place will become a Hundred Ghosts Night Walk at night, a group of demons dancing in a wild?

He thought for a while, took out the phone and called Mu Bing.

"Chief instructor?"

Mu Bing was surprised and wondering why Liu Qing would call her.

Liu Qing didn't talk nonsense, but told her the basic situation here, which made Mu Bing understand what he meant.

This is to evacuate all the related personnel who are blocked here. After all, it is very likely that there are terrifying evils hidden. The ordinary person cannot cope with it, so as to avoid unnecessary casualties.

"Instructor, please rest assured, I will only say one of them immediately."

"Need to send someone to support?"

Mu Bing made a guarantee, not yet Forget to ask if you need support.

Liu Qing directly refused: "No need, you go to deal with other things, yes, if you have time, you can come over and I will help you improve your strength."

He thought for a while and decided to help Mu Bing improve some strength. There was no other meaning, but he wanted to improve the strength of some people, so he didn't have to do everything himself.

After all, he doesn't have much time, and more is cultivation to improve his strength.

Some experts have come to take over, and you don’t need him to deal with some difficult problems.

"Okay, I will rush over at once."

Mu Bing was excited, and his tone was trembling.

This is an opportunity. For Liu Qing, the secret sect officer of the Longyuan Pavilion, all the people in the Longyuan Pavilion are very clear.

She didn't expect that she actually had such a chance.

But before coming, she still asked Elder Wu Ge for instructions, and of course she agreed, and even asked her to quickly put down the matter in her hands and rush to look for Liu Qing.

Hang up, Mu Bing immediately called the relevant department here and took over the problem here.

Next, Longyuan Pavilion will handle it.

After getting these things done, Liu Qing really set foot in this horrible ghost city of Fengdu.

Strictly speaking, this is not an underground palace, but a playground built by people.

Ahead, what came into view was a huge level, Gates of Hell.

Passing through the Gates of Hell, a gloomy breath hits the face, making people tremble.

Liu Qing walked without expression, after Gates of Hell, it was Wangxiangtai, and further ahead was Naihe Bridge. The turbid river under the bridge was River Lethe.

A stone tablet stands on the shore, with the words "Sansheng Stone" engraved on it.

Ahead of the road is a bone-paved road, Yellow Springs Road, with various exotic flowers planted on both sides, as if it were Resurrection Lily.

Finally, I came to the Yama Palace, as well as Eighteen Levels of Hell, Six Paths of Reincarnation and other attractions.

The entire Fengdu ghost town basically went around, Liu Qing was secretly happy, and it was indeed possible to sign in here, and in some places, he could sign in repeatedly.

"Well, I will cultivation here for a while, no one will bother me and I can sign in."

Liu Qing looked thoughtful and had a decision in mind.

Not going back to Miao Village, he decided to stay here for a period of time, after solving the evil things and threats here, he will go back for some time after cultivation.

If anyone knew Liu Qing alone, he would definitely be frightened to live in this eerie ghost city.

Night gradually fell, and Yin Qi in the ghost town became heavier and heavier.

At midnight, the sign-in opportunity for a new day is refreshed.

"system, sign in here."

Liu Qing opened his eyes, and silently communicated with the system, saying sign in silently in his heart.

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