
"Successfully checked in at Fengdu. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the [Life and Death Book] volume."

system hint pass Here, Liu Qing's eyes widened, and his heart was greatly surprised.

"Life and Death Book?"

Liu Qing is amazed, secretly thought is true or false.

I actually got a Life and Death Book. Isn’t this the super treasure in the legendary underworld, the Life and Death Book that records the life and death of all things?


With a burst of rays of light flickering, Liu Qing has an extra book in his hand, the whole body is pitch black, and the three gloomy fonts "Life and Death Book" are engraved on it.

Yes, it is Life and Death Book-Yangju.

Liu Qing was very excited, didn't expect to get this thing unexpectedly.

He started to sacrifice without saying a word, first refining the Life and Death Book to know if the function is the same as in the legend.

With the help of system, the sacrifice is very simple and easy, and the refining is soon completed.

When Liu Qing refining Life and Death Book, he really understood the function of this thing.

Sure enough, as recorded in the legend, the Life and Death Book is divided into two volumes: Yin and Yang.

He is holding the Yang scroll, which records the life and death of all things in Yang Sector. To put it bluntly, he can view the life and death information records of all living creatures.

But there is one key point. If you want to control the life and death of sentient beings, you must gather the Yin and Yang volumes of the Life and Death Book and merge them into one to truly control the life and death of sentient beings.

Just equivalent to a computer, burn the information on it, and then it can be displayed and viewed.

Liu Qing opened the Life and Death Book roll, and the top was empty. The first page showed nothing, and the rest was empty.

"Fuck, let me input and check one by one?"

He is a bit speechless, and he has to input this thing himself to use it.

Liu Qing tried to write his name on it.


In an instant, the rays of light flashed, and a line of words appeared on the Life and Death Book.

Liu Qing: "There is no such person!"


Liu Qing is silent when I see here, there is no such person, What the hell?

He looked at the Life and Death Book in his hand with a depressed expression: "This stuff seems useless."

After that, he wrote another name on it.

"Liu Xian'er: female, 20 years old, Foundation Establishment cultivator, lifespan: 199 years..."

"Xia Shiyao: female, 21 years old, Foundation Establishment Cultivator, lifespan: 199 years..."

Seeing this, Liu Qing was a little surprised. The younger sister and her girlfriends and friends have already established a breakthrough Foundation, and their lifespan is as high as 199 years, which is normal.

But what really surprised him was Xia Shiyao's information. All of her relatives' information emerged one after another, which surprised him a bit.

"It turns out that she is the granddaughter of Elder Wu Ge?" Xia Chen suddenly realized and understood.

Didn't expect, this Little Lass is actually Wu Ge Lao's granddaughter, so unexpected.

Teach them the method of cultivation by myself. At present, Foundation Establishment Realm can live for 199 years, which is pretty good.

"Can it be modified?" Liu Qing looked thoughtful.

He used his will to gather a powerful force of thought, and after the lifespan information on the Life and Death Book, he began to modify the lifespan and added a zero.


In an instant, the Life and Death Book vibrated, bursting out strong rays of light, with a mysterious power blocking the power of Liu Qing, unable to burn or modify That lifespan.

"Sure enough, it can't be modified, it's all deceptive on TV..." Liu Qing was a little frightened, silent, and she couldn't modify it.

When he wanted to modify the lifespan, there was a mysterious unknown force that blocked the modification and could not change the lifespan.

Now Liu Qing feels something is wrong, Life and Death Book, doesn’t it mean that lifespan can be modified?

It is said on TV that you can add as many years as you want. Why can't he modify it now?

"Is my Life and Death Book fake?" Liu Qing did not know whether to cry or laugh.

This thing looks so majestic, but in fact it can't do anything.

It's like predicting the future of others, but you can't change its ending.

"Can't lifespan really be changed?"

Liu Qing was lost in thought, and the whole person was filled with a mysterious aura, holding the Life and Death Book, his eyes closed and plunged into A kind of mysterious sudden enlightenment.

Great Dream Heart Sutra, Great Sun Tathagata Sutra, Nine Nether, etc. Profound Truth one after another flows in the Divine Consciousness Sea.

The secret technique of Six Paths of Reincarnation turns slowly, giving Liu Qing a wonderful insight, as if capturing a trace of Life and Death Reincarnation Cycle, the mystery of causal destiny.

After a long time, Liu Qing woke up faintly, and the whole breath became somewhat illusory, as if it became more and more unfathomable.

"Fate can be changed, but it is not in the Life and Death Book. It turns out that there is a shadow scroll. The Yin and Yang Life and Death Book can directly change their lives."

It suddenly dawned on him that the Life and Death Book, the two volumes of Yin and Yang can be changed into one. If only one of them can actually change the destiny of any one person.

The only thing that can change a person's fate is to change one's own destiny.

For example, for cultivation, as long as your cultivation is successful, your destiny will change little by little, and finally you can really change the above information.

Life and Death Book, you can view the life and death information of all things in the world, but absolutely cannot change anything, Heavenly Dao, is not allowed.

Unless you are stronger than the sky, you will not be able to modify this thing. If you want to change, you will keep getting stronger. This is cultivation, defy the heavens and change the fate, and cultivation is reversing the change. Destiny.

"Check it again..."

Liu Qing moved his mind and wrote a few names again.

"Miao Qingqing: female, 19 years old, Qi Refinement 12 layers, lifespan: 109 years..."

"Tong Yan: female, 18 years old, lifespan: 20 years..."

"Tong Xi: female, 18 years old, lifespan 20 years..."

Seeing the information of these three people, Liu Qing was stunned Yes, Miao Qingqing’s message was normal, but the two messages behind him were stunned.

"20 years of lifespan?" Liu Qing was shocked.

He thought about the situation of the two sisters, why they can only live for 20 years, that is, they can only live to 20 years old. At the age of 18, they only have two years to live.

Two years of lifespan, this shocked Liu Qing's heart, and couldn't figure it out.

Although he didn't take a closer look, how could Tong Yan and Tong Xi's two sisters be so short-lived?

"It shouldn't be." Liu Qing looked thoughtful and felt something was wrong.

Could it be that the two sisters will have some life or death in two years, and they will die directly?

Looking at the above information, Liu Qing was silent for a long time.

It really made the twin sisters die, and he couldn't bear it.

"Finally, wait until you go back and see what's going on with them, maybe, use the Divination Technique to show them the fate?"

Liu Qing has a decision in his heart, first Let's go back and see the situation again.

He understands that if you want to change your life, you must become stronger with cultivation. Only through cultivation can you reverse your destiny. When one day you can break the Three Realms' life and death constraints, you will be able to escape from the Life and Death Book. Entering Five Elements, you can truly feel at ease without being in destiny.

"so that's how it is."

Liu Qing basically understood the profound mystery, with a smile on his face.

Seeing this, he is basically relieved, with enough strength, there is no need to worry about their danger, and when he goes back, he will teach the two sisters cultivation to change their future destiny.

It's Miao Qingqing, or Qi Refinement Stage 12 layers, but after all, her cultivation is later than younger sister and Xia Shiyao. It is normal for her to be slower.

Life and Death Book also has a function, that is, as long as the person recorded above, following a ray of True Spirit can accurately find the person.

Liu Qing even doubted whether this Life and Death Book was an imitation and could only be viewed, but nothing else could be done.

"Forget it, put it away first, and then you will get the yin scroll, maybe you can get the life and death book of complete volume by combining yin and yang."

He shook his head and put it away The Life and Death Book sun scroll, turned into a rays of light, sank into the body, and fell into the hands of Nether Nether Nascent Soul, exuding a mysterious aura.

Walking around in Feng, I didn't find any evil things or ghosts. I was secretly surprised. Is there no evil here?

"wu wu ..."

I was thinking, suddenly a stray wind came, accompanied by a sound of weird music.

Liu Qing suddenly woke up, raising his eyes and looking up, his pupils couldn't help but shrink.

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