The interior of the cottage is decorated in general, but the bed and coffee table are the same, and the soft tatami mats are next to the bed.

Close the doors and windows, and the lonely men and widows are in the same room.

A scene that I had never dreamed of before, now it is actually happening to me.

Lin Chuan didn't mention how excited he was

, but he still held back his restless heart, put the beautiful woman on the bed smoothly, and covered the futon.

Even if only one head is exposed, snow-white skin, a high nose bridge, and flowing hair.

It was also enough to ignite the fire in Lin Chuan's lower abdomen.

Lin Chuan retracted his gaze and took a few breaths, and walked to the coffee table in three steps and two steps.

After pouring three mouthfuls of cold water, Lin Chuan suddenly felt comfortable all over his body.

"Where did this daughter come from, her appearance is so amazing!

" Lin Chuan smacked his tongue, "No wonder since ancient times, heroes have been sad to pass the Beauty Pass!" "

I watched Lu Bu in the Three Kingdoms period before, and I was sad about Diao Chan's pass.

Lin Chuan also smiled, who would have thought that he was not as good as Lu Bu?

No wonder Cao Cao loved wives, as long as they were beautiful women, they were enough to seduce the soul!

Lin Chuan smiled bitterly, sat on the round stool, closed his eyes and thought about it.

Fortunately, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and then Lin Chuan recited the meditation mantra!

At the same time, the beautiful woman lying on the bed slowly opened her eyes.

The lilac eyes were shining, and he looked at the scene in front of him in horror, and screamed in despair.


"My living ancestor, don't scream, if you call again, the wolves below will come up!"

"I can tell you, those people who have crooked melons and cracked dates have a proper IQ of two hundred and five.

"It's not good for you to provoke them to come up!" the

beautiful woman glanced around, and saw that it was a small inn.

The young man in front of him is handsome, and he has no villain face.

After glancing down and finding that she was covered with a futon, the beautiful woman reluctantly let down her guard and nodded.

Seeing this, Lin Chuan breathed a sigh of relief and said eloquently, "Haha

, it's time to believe me!" "You see my Lin Chuan's kind eyebrows and kind eyes, with a righteous face, that looks like a bad person?"

Hearing this, the beautiful woman first looked innocent, and then covered her lower abdomen and said, "It turns out that your name is Lin Chuan! What a good name!"

"Thank you, it's just my ...... hurt" It's

good to understand, Lin Chuan wanted to cry and sat on the edge of the bed without tears, and patiently explained, "Your injury is no longer a big problem

!" "I'm the pharmacist's apprentice, and it's not easy to treat this small injury!" When the

beautiful woman heard this, she immediately froze in place, and couldn't help but smile when she saw Lin Chuan so young.

"Oh, in that case, the little woman is willing to ......" A terrible thought flashed

in Lin Chuan's mind?!! just waiting for the beautiful woman to say it! But her next sentence made Lin Chuan's heart half cold!

"The little woman is willing to repay her kindness, but her belongings were taken away by thieves, and now there is only one necklace left!"

There are diamond embellishments on it, and there is an emerald in the middle, which is shiny and shiny, and it is worth a lot of money at first glance!

Lin Chuan's eyes are straight, when have you ever seen such a valuable thing?

In his previous life, he had seen it on TV, but now that it really appeared in front of his eyes, Lin Chuan's palms were still a little sweaty.

When he was about to get it, Lin Chuan's mind flashed through the master's instructions during the free clinic, not to take a stitch from others.

After thinking about it again, Lin Chuan retracted his outstretched hand and said righteously.

"No, I can't ask for it, you should keep such a valuable

necklace!" "I think you need this necklace more than me!"

The beautiful woman's eyes lit up, she looked at Lin Chuan with a good feeling, and opened the conversation.

"Haha, that's funny, you're the only person I've ever met who doesn't want this chain.

"After all, having it is equivalent to having a mountain of gold!" To

be honest, Lin Chuan didn't care if he could turn the tables against the wind, he just wanted to survive in the world of ghost destruction.

Lin Chuan shook his head firmly, and finally the beautiful woman took back the necklace and said suspiciously.

"Well, thank you, by the way, where did you find me?"

Just as Lin Chuan thought, this beautiful woman is not simple!

Hearing this, Lin Chuan drank a glass of cold water again, and after calming down, he said it all.

Of course, he didn't say anything miserable, after all, the less she knew about the secret of the ghost king, the safer it was.

Like the ghosts after him, he couldn't even mention the name of the ghost king, and he would die if he mentioned it, so Lin Chuan concealed it.

The beautiful woman was a little crazy, her beautiful eyes lit up with rage, and she gritted her teeth and said, "Crazy, a group of crazy madmen

!" "Actually left me there, this group of people want me to be ruined and never be able to turn over!"

In anger, Lin Chuan's heart, which had just calmed down, became turbulent again.

There is no way, the beautiful woman is angry, the big waves on her chest are too dazzling!

Lin Chuan expressed deep sympathy and said indignantly.

"That's the case, if you can please tell

me, maybe I can help you?" The beautiful woman waved her jade hand, sat down next to Lin Chuan, and said with a wry smile, "Alas, you want to help me?"

"I understand the kindness, but you really can't help this matter!"

Lin Chuan was stunned for a moment, poured a sip of cold water violently, and cut the railway.


help?" "Why can't you help?" "

In this world, there is nothing that I Lin Chuan can't solve!" Joke, Lin Chuan's invincibility value is endless, is there anything in the world that he can't do?

Seeing that Lin Chuan's

mind has been decided, the beautiful woman shed a line of tears gratefully and opened her heart.

"It's okay to tell you, but you must not do stupid things

!" "My name is Yanagawa Harumi, you can just call me Sister Qing!" Lin

Chuan smacked his tongue and said, "I'll still call you Xiaoqing!" "

The main reason is that I'm not used to calling other people's sisters

!" "Yanagawa Harumi frowned, gritted her teeth and said, "Whatever you want!" "

I am the eldest daughter of the Liu family, and I was destroyed because I stopped the plan of the mysterious organization, and I survived!"

"It was my father and mother who put me in the pyre, and I was lucky enough to escape.

"Later, I inquired in many ways and found out that they were

a dark organization that called themselves to the outside world!" "The world calls it a dark organization, with strong strength, cruel methods, and all kinds of evil!"

As soon as he heard this, Lin Chuan came to the spirit, which was not introduced by the Demon Slayer Blade.

Lin Chuan guessed, could it be that this was unique to the Heian period?

If you want to say that the means are cruel, no one can do it.

The rest can only be regarded as scum, no matter how strong the strength is, it is vulnerable in front of him.

Thinking like this, Lin Chuan couldn't help but feel proud of being miserable.

There are thousands of thoughts, and Lin Chuan is still a little unaccustomed to being around without misery!

After Liu Chuan Harumi finished speaking, she repeatedly emphasized that Lin Chuan should not come nonsense.

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