Wu Miao

smiled and said, "Her meat should be good, hehe!" "

I can't live anyway, it's better to let me eat it!"

Hearing this, Lin Chuan glanced back at Wu Miao and said angrily.

"Eat, eat, eat, know how to eat all day long!"

Wu Miao stared at Lin Chuan to death, this person who disobeyed him

again and again! secretly said in his heart, it would be good to be killed by me as a great disaster

! Anyway, she won't live long!

Wu Miao is a ghost king, and his sensitivity to blood is very high.

He has concluded that there is a high probability that the beautiful woman will not live long.

Lin Chuan thought so in his heart, and the movements in his hands couldn't help but speed up a lot.

Finally found the wound in the beautiful woman's lower abdomen, Lin Chuan felt the blood, and his heart suddenly tightened.

The moment he saw the wound, Lin Chuan was stunned and said, "Oops, how could her wound be like this?"

It looks like it has been cut open with a blunt object, and it has a complex pattern, deep and deep.

Lin Chuan frowned, quickly laid the beautiful woman flat on the ground, and untied her collar to let her breathe smoothly.

Wu Miao shook his head, and said with a smile: "Lin Chuan, why care about a person who is about to die

?" "Even if she dies, what can she do?"

"You better hurry up and find the cyan flower!" "

The beautiful woman's condition is very bad, the wound has been bleeding, and now she is in shock, I am afraid that she will not live long!

Maybe Wu Miao is right, he should give up, but Lin Chuan thought for a moment, and the figure of Tanjiro flashed in his mind.

As a fan of ghost slayer, Lin Chuan really has nothing to say, the ghost king is the ghost king, and he is him.

It will never change because of this, everyone is a unique individual!

Lin Chuan's eyes lit an unyielding flame and leaned down.

Apply the methods in Master's notes to the right medicine to the beautiful woman.

"I will never give up, saving someone's life is better than creating a seventh-level floating slaughter!" Lin

Chuan said reasonably, "Yueyan, maybe she has spent time in despair like you."

"So, why don't I save you when I save her!" Wu Wu was stunned when he heard this, so he quietly watched

Lin Chuan's every move, and comforted him, "It's okay!" "It doesn't matter if I save her, I won't care


Hearing this, Lin Chuan shook his head with black lines, and threw himself into it again.

It is true that a beautiful woman only has a glimmer of life, but it is not difficult for Lin Chuan to turn things around!

After a series of tedious and cautious operations, Lin Chuan almost died of exhaustion, wiped a hot sweat and panted.

"Huhu, I'm so tired! The requirements for mental power are so high, I almost didn't catch my breath!"

Unexpectedly, Wu Miao really didn't run, just watched Lin Chuan's every move with interest.

"You kid, your medical skills are quite high!" Wu

Miao rubbed his jaw and thought: "Maybe you came a few years earlier, I wouldn't have to be so painful!"

It seems that it will not be long, but time will not stop because of Lin Chuan's righteous act, on the contrary, two hours have passed.

The bleeding in the beautiful woman's abdomen stopped, and the wound was also wrapped in Lin Chuan's own clothes.

It's okay for the time being, she'll wake up soon.

Hearing Wu Wu's words, Lin Chuan swallowed his saliva and said honestly.

"Well, if I had come a few years earlier, you would have died faster

!" "It's a medicine that is three points poisonous, if you can trust me, I drugged you a few years ago, and you are now as tall as me!"

Lin Chuan's words are true, it is true, but he doesn't believe it, he walked back disdainfully, and said with a gloomy face.

"In that case, then you should stay here well

!" "It seems that I have to go to find the cyan flower in person!"

Lin Chuan immediately couldn't hold back, and said secretly, you can't find it in person! I can't

find it at all, what is the difference between you and picking a bone in an egg?

Unless the stone can bloom, I believe you can find it.

The speed of Wu Miao was very fast, and it didn't take long for a fresh smell of blood to come in.

In addition to the pungent nose, Lin Chuan covered his mouth and nose, smacked his tongue and said, "Damn, dogs can't change their eating shit, forget it!" Between the

words, he was helpless, after all, he didn't eat people all the time, and he would go berserk 100%

! When Lin Chuan stopped him again, there was a high probability that he would not be able to play with himself!

The so-called dead friends are not dead and poor, so Lin Chuan didn't bother to care.

Suddenly, screams rang out.

The moment the beautiful woman woke up, she found that she was unclothed, the surroundings were dark, and there was a strange man in front of her.

Frightened, the beautiful woman slapped Lin Chuan with a slap, and her hand was extremely heavy.

It seems that she has withdrawn all her strength, and after the beating, the beautiful woman fell to the ground again and fell asleep.

Lin Chuan sensed a strong wind coming, and subconsciously raised his hand to block it, and after slapping off the jade hand, Lin Chuan was about to have a seizure.

But when he heard the words "stinky rascal!", he was petrified on the spot.

"Damn, this is not miserable, it won't be because he knew that this beautiful woman was going to scold, so he ran away!"

"What the hell is a stinky rascal

?" Lin Chuan was full of black lines, and said with a righteous face: "I'm also a righteous gentleman, can I give me a face?"

When Lin Chuan turned his head to look, the beautiful woman had already passed out.

had to admit that he was unlucky, Lin Chuan stepped forward to help the beautiful woman and easily held her in his arms, and said righteously.

"I have no two hearts, who knows about this

!" "Forget it, forget it, settle you down first, and then go find

Wu Miao!" Compared with the beautiful woman who scolded herself for being a stinky hooligan, Lin Chuan was more fond of the female form of Wu Miao.

Probably this is a soft spot!

The long dark night, on the lonely path.

Lin Chuan held the beautiful woman's waist with one hand, supported her knees with the other, and walked towards an inn.

It's the peaceful period now, but fortunately, there are not many inns, otherwise who else Lin Chuan will talk to?

It's just that Lin Chuan has something unclear, and the beautiful woman's wound is obviously not the work of those few homeless people.

After thinking about it again, Lin Chuan couldn't think of a reason.

After all, the plot of Demon Slayer has not yet begun, and he doesn't know who this beautiful woman is, so he can only wait for her to wake up.

Walking into the inn, the drinkers made jokes, and the strangers who drank and talked with each other cast envious glances.

His eyes were too hot, and Lin Chuan understood that they were not looking at themselves, but at the beautiful woman in their arms.

She looks like she is in her twenties, and her charm is still there, like a ripe peach, which can be described as a fatal temptation for these men


" "Boy, okay!" "

Long eyebrows and beautiful eyes, and beautiful women, tsk, good, I have nothing to say!"

In his words, full of envy and jealousy, Lin Chuan snorted coldly, raised his hand and smashed it on the shop owner's table, half-threatening.

"Double room, by the window!" If

Lin Chuan leaves, the beautiful woman will definitely be coveted, maybe this life will be over!

So Lin Chuan can only stop and stay with her for one night.

Even if he didn't think about it, the gags of the people around him still made Lin Chuan think about it.

After a while, Lin Chuan carried the beautiful woman into the window hut, closed the door tightly, and pulled down the window by the way!

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