Lin Chuan stepped forward to inquire and purchased a pair of pig head masks and a monkey head mask.


most important thing is that when you look at your temperament and the silk of your clothes, you know that he is the dragon among men.

Lin Chuan was not bad, during the purchase of the mask, several young girls threw flattering glances at him intentionally or unintentionally.

Seeing this, Lin Chuan shouted magic, covered his chest and hurriedly returned to Wu Miao's side.

Lin Chuan was about to hand the pig's head mask to Wu Miao, but he was sneered.

Seeing that Lin Chuan was looked at by the girl a few times, his face was shy, and he couldn't help but be happy, and sneered.

"What a mess! Lin Chuan!"

"Haha, no wonder you can't find the cyan flower, it seems that you can't do it!" A

cold glint appeared in Wu's miserable eyes, and his eyes swept over the crowded streets, as if he was looking for prey.

Seeing this, Lin Chuan grabbed Wumiao's shoulders with a pale face and forcibly put on a pig's head mask for him.

Wu Miao waved his hand and snorted coldly, but he still couldn't hurt Lin Chuan in the slightest.

Lin Chuan, who is invincible, is far beyond the body of King Kong, and he is invulnerable, not to mention the attack of Wu Miao!"

"Bastard boy, what did you put on me?"

Wu Miao had been tortured by illness before, and he had no chance to go out to parade in the streets, so there were some things that only Lin Chuan knew.

Hearing this, Lin Chuan replied with a smile: "Haha, the pig's head mask!" "

Yueyan, put it on obediently, after all, you don't want to be unable to come out next time!"

"It's just a mask, what can you do with me?"

Hearing this, after learning that Wu Miao accepted it, Lin Chuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The streets are endless, people come and go, there is no misery and such a handsome man, if he is taken away by others, who will Lin Chuan go to reason?

Now it is the peaceful period, and there are still more than a thousand years before the ghost extermination feature film.

Not to mention anything else, whether Lin Chuan can survive until that time is a question.

Lin Chuan turned around and put on the monkey head mask, and led Wu Miao towards the middle of the street, smiling happily.

"Haha, Tsukihiko, you can go now!" The

strange things around made Wu Miao stop from time to time and linger for a while.

Coincidentally, Lin Chuan will also stop and watch.

Join him in taking a look at these strange things from thousands of years ago.

Taking a closer look, Lin Chuan also saw some imported products about China.

Among them, ceramics and silk dominated, and almost financial fortune was prosperous.

"Does Yueyan like those things too?" Lin

Chuan was fascinated by Wu Miao's eyes, so he asked, "Why don't

you buy them all?" Hearing this, Wu Miao rewarded Lin Chuan with a roll of his eyes, and said domineeringly, "No, this street will be mine after all!" "

I don't need to buy it, but these things are very rare, I don't know where to get in?"

Lin Chuan was stunned for a moment, thinking that there should be a port or something near here, after all, Japan is really close to the sea.

After glancing at Lin Chuan, Wu Miao quickly flashed towards a small alley.

The smell of blood coming from there seemed to tell him that the food was coming!

Lin Chuan's eyes were red when he saw Wu Wu, and he strode into the alley, and he was anxious on the spot.

Secretly, this is not miserable, I can't help but eat people!

With a bang, Lin Chuan's figure flashed, and he also appeared in the alley in the next second.

The narrow alleys are flanked by high walls, where homeless people and beggars gather.

Maybe it's because no one has cleaned it up for too long, and when I come in, there is a big unspeakable strange smell.

Lin Chuan covered his chest for a while before he came to his senses, shook his head and asked, "Yueyan, what are you doing here?"

Looking up, I saw several homeless people standing in the narrow alleyway in front of me.

There were some miscellaneous items on the floor, garbage and yellowed sheets wrapped together.

Lin Chuan, who was watching it, frowned and said with emotion, this is comparable to a pigsty! Lin Chuan

sniffed, and the smell of blood in the air became stronger and stronger.

The three swarthy men in ragged clothes walked out of the dark curtain and cursed, "Where did the pig come from, get out, get out

!" At the same time, Lin Chuan obviously heard a slight cry for help, which sounded extremely weak, as if he was about to die......

Can this still be a good thing?

The boundless abuse made Wu Miao frown slightly, and said with awe-inspiring intent, "You are really lucky to have lived for so long

!" "God is really unfair, but it's okay, I will make this fair soon!"

When the flesh and blood are flying, the crackling sound is also noticeable to the people hidden in the dark curtain.

The cat leaned over and poked its head out to take a look.

The blood mist was filled, and suddenly, an arm that was shattered into slag but had broken threads fell to his side.

There was a plop, and the people in the shadows panicked.

Wu Miao walked forward slowly, not even bothering to glance at the minced flesh, as if only thin blood could interest him.

The footsteps grew clearer and clearer, as if death was knocking on the door.

It seemed that in a matter of moments, their fate would be the same as theirs!A

panicked voice came from behind the embroidered curtain.

The curtain was tattered and stained with blood, and one person was trembling and slurred.


It was a few fierce men with firewood knives, with scars on their faces and blood on their hands.

They shouted: "A pig and a monkey, where did you get the bastard thing?"

Lin Chuan was not disgusted by Wu Miao's blow just now, after all, it was not an innocent person who was killed, so why should he be sympathetic.


seem to know something, and at first glance they look decent.


few cold rays flashed, Lin Chuan's eyes flashed, and he easily cut out a bloody path with his hand as a blade, and arrived in front of the curtain.

Wu Miao took the lead in opening the curtain, only to see something in a hemp bag, which was sealed to death.

Through the moonlight that came in, it was obvious that there was a person inside!

Lin Chuan was furious and quickly untied his mouth, and then raised his hand downward and shook it.

The strange power was just right, and the hemp bag instantly turned to ashes.

It's a person!

What catches your eye is a stunning beauty.

With a thick piece of gauze in his mouth, his beautiful eyes were closed, and his brows were furrowed from time to time.

Wu Miao quickly glanced at the beautiful woman, and said in disappointment, "I see, I thought it was thin blood?" "

It's just that those poor guys are really stupid!"

Lin Chuan nodded in agreement, and quickly untied the beautiful woman and pulled the gauze in his mouth.

The body temperature of the beautiful woman was very low, and Lin Chuan frowned and guessed that she was caused by excessive blood loss.

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