Single Dog Check-in Place...... (Author)

...... at the couple's check-in office

Lin Chuan was touched when he heard this, turned his head to look at Wu Miao, who had a prosperous beauty, and responded softly.

"I feel warm, my miserable!"

"But no matter what, the sun is the sun after all, far less real and comfortable than the warmth you bring.

Wu Miao pursed his lips and smiled, and said without looking back, "Let's wipe the honey on my little mouth!" "

Lin Chuan, do you think I am a person who is easy to be fooled by you like Fallen Ji?" Lin Chuan

nodded and walked to Wu Miao's side silently, quietly holding her jade hand and praising her.

"My miserable intellect is outstanding, how can it be matched by all living beings?"

"No one can overshadow your talent and talent except me. "

Now it's time to cash in on the reward!" Wu

Miao nodded slightly, she had long known that this would happen.

Lin Chuan's careful thinking was there thousands of years ago

! Now it's up to him what reward he wants! Whether it's

too much or something unacceptable, he can only swallow it with tears in his eyes!

Lin Chuan has been crushing Wu Miao, and he has been pressing him to the ground and rubbing him for thousands of years.

Seeing that the invincible value is infinite, it is not a joke!

Seeing that the delicate body of Wu Miao trembled, he immediately closed his beautiful eyes, and with the wisps of breeze, his pretty face immediately changed various shapes.

Lin Chuan only felt amused when he saw this, and said the reward lightly.

"What are you nervous about? I won't eat you again

!" "My miserable will do what I like in the future, don't kill innocents indiscriminately, just let go of my hatred for the ghost killing team!" "My

miserable also likes the colorful, elegant and fashionable cosplay women's clothes!" Wu

Miao's beautiful eyes burst out, and he looked at Lin Chuandao, who had a hippie smile in shock.

"That's all, you've been with me for a thousand years, just for this?"

"What does it mean to kill innocents indiscriminately? They are all deserving people, since there is no harsh criminal law to punish them. "

Then it's up to me, swallowing the filthy buns one by one is also an extremely disturbing thing!"

"The ghost slayer, I haven't taken them seriously.

"Since Lin Chuan has said so, then spare them!" Lin

Chuan hurriedly flashed to Wu Miao, one person and one ghost were very close, and he could clearly feel the breath of the other party.

Looking at the close proximity, the bridge of the nose is tall and snow-white.

The big red eyes on both sides of the nose are full of charm and domineering ......

Wu Miao is a natural king, Lin Chuan found out from the first time he saw him.

But it's a pity that she is not a child of destiny after all, so she is flawed.

And now the flaw of Wu Miao is her vacant heart, after being invincible in this life, it will be difficult for her to enter the red dust again!

Lin Chuan raised his hand to caress Wu Miao's hair, and looked directly at her beautiful eyes.

"What are your plans for the future

?" "Do you want to be with me?" "

Wumiao's face turned crimson involuntarily to look away, looking at the endless distance, his heart pounding.

It's been a thousand years, and Lin Chuan's guy has given him a mysterious feeling, and he can't tell what he is.

But Wu Miao can be sure that the bond between himself and Lin Chuan has already been set!

Otherwise, Lin Chuan would not have found him again and again, Wu Miao pursed his lips and smiled.

"Hehe, without me, you'll starve to death

!" "I really can't help you bastard~Ah!" Lin

Chuan hugged Wu Miao, and the two soft balls in her arms almost burst people's heads.

Reading between the lines, Lin Chuan heard helplessness and relief, she had agreed to be with her.

Of course, this one is not the same as the one who holds the son's hand and the one who grows old with the son!

, just simply together~

The terrifying coercion brought by Lin Chuan almost made Wu miserable breathless, and he couldn't help blushing and panting.

"Bastard, let go, what's there to be excited

about?" "Didn't you hug enough before?"

Lin Chuan didn't think about it, but when he saw his miserable face, as if he had misunderstood something, he couldn't help laughing.


!" "It's okay, it's just so happy!" "

Let's go, it's not miserable, I'll take you to taste the Manchu Han full feast!" Of

course, the war between humans and ghosts is not over, and the curse of the Sanyashiki family has not been removed.

So Lin Chuan still has to take time to deal with this matter.

But now he just wanted to enjoy the moment with Wu Miao after being reborn from the fire!

Just as he was about to leave with Wu Miao's jade hand, a yellowed memory picture appeared in Lin Chuan's mind.

That was what the pharmacist said to Lin Chuan thousands of years ago......

"Is Lin Chuan going to pursue immortality?"

"Immortality is an illusion, immortals must be accompanied by disasters and sorrows, and they are destined to be lonely for a lifetime!"

Lin Chuan shook his head and shook out the distracting thoughts in his mind, but this strange appearance was seen by Wu Miao, and he couldn't help but care.

"What happened to you just now? Lin Chuan, you don't want to jump off here!" Lin

Chuan walked to the edge of the cliff, and the drop of thousands of meters made the way down the mountain comparable to Shu Road, extremely difficult to walk!

Hearing this, Lin Chuan smiled softly and touched his head like a little girlfriend, and asked a question in the clouds.

"Wu Miao, you are invincible except me now!" "Without me in the future, will you still remember the steps to make noodles?"

This sentence has two meanings, one is that Wu Miao's only opponent now is Lin Chuan ......

According to the setting of Wu Miao, she will definitely try her best to get rid of Lin Chuan, after all, she will be invincible

in the world! Second, Lin Chuan wants to see what her status is in Wu Miao's heart?

Is she consistent, or is she a big carrot!

Wu Miao Wen Yan had a cold look on his face, and said angrily with a displeased face.

"It's so annoying! These confusing questions

!" "I don't understand why you humans value the future so

much!" "Isn't it okay to be able

to live happily and live a good life with food and drink?" "If you say this kind of strange thing again, I'll turn you into

a ghost!" Lin Chuanfeng took over the conversation lightly, "If I become a ghost, you won't have a good human blood to drink!" "It's

better to keep me!" "

No miserable frowns, go down the slope and get off the donkey, "It's good to know, hurry up and let me see what you are talking about the Manchu and Han full banquet?"

Lin Chuan sold a pass and said, "Hehe, something that you will never forget

!" "But if I can, I still want to taste the best taste of my miserable cooking

!" "Now that you have overcome the sun, you should be able to eat human food!"

Wu Miao's tongue felt numb, and he didn't have much appetite when he saw people!

After a while, Lin Chuan pulled Wu Miao and jumped down.

I found an ancient temple at the foot of the mountain, which was not dedicated to the Buddha or the Bodhisattva.

Rather, it was a strange-looking demon with a green face and fangs, and it was all carved out of stone.

Lin Chuan pushed the door in, and there were some bloody tributes on the offering table, which were three pigs, three sheep, and three oxen ......

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