Looking at the interior of this gloomy and ancient temple calmly, it is not that there is a cave.

But the object of worship here is actually a ghost, which is really unheard of,


After pinching his fingers, Lin Chuan frowned slightly and couldn't help muttering, "Damn, there's another pervert here!"

Wu Miao frowned, "Lin Chuan, what are you muttering

?" "That's all the Manchu and Han banquets?"

Hearing this, Lin Chuan grabbed Wu Miao's hand and walked towards the offering.

"Since there are ready-made ones, let's use them to make a table of good dishes

!" "Three pigs, three sheep and three cows are the most solemn worship

!" "It seems that the guys in this ancient temple are not simple!" "

Even in Lin Chuan's previous life, it was very difficult to collect all three pigs, three sheep and three oxen.

So Lin Chuan just pinched his fingers and calculated that this was the ancient temple that Tanjiro passed by when he went to Scales Zuo.

Of course, I understand why there are so many offerings, and I plan to ask the ghost for help with blood on my hands!

"No matter if he's simple, he'll have to die if he meets

me!" "Well, let me see your craftsmanship now!" Lin

Chuan let go of Wu Miao's hand with a gentle smile, rolled up his sleeves and dragged the tribute to the earthen stove.

After clearing the tribute with three strokes and dividing five by two, he snapped his fingers and started a fire.

Wu Miao leaned on the threshold, with a stone statue of a demon with a blue face and fangs behind him, and a smoky earthen stove in front of him.

Looking at Lin Chuan, who was covered in smoke and dust, his eyes lit up, and then he let out a hearty laugh like a silver bell.

But as everyone knows, this tribute is too much, and it can only increase the fire.

The ventilation of the earthen stove was not good, so all the smoke went to Lin Chuan.

Lin Chuan didn't know how many times he had already tempered it, and every movement was extremely silky.

It took others a whole day to make it, but Lin Chuan only took a moment to bring out the stir-fried meat without minced garlic and green onions.

Lin Chuan patted his body with a disgraced face, and then filled the small square table before giving up.

Seeing Wu Miao staring at himself and smirking, Lin Chuan angrily handed her a pair of chopsticks and said with a face.

"That's it!I knew I had done it at Tanjiro's house

!" "There are no seasonings, no chopped green onions, no minced garlic, and it may taste almost

delicious!" "If it's not delicious, I'll compensate you next time!"

"I took the chopsticks, glanced at the things on the table, and couldn't help but smile and said.

"Hahaha, it's okay, it's okay, I'm happy

!" "I'm very happy to see you eat deflated, disgraced, Lin Chuan is really embarrassed!"


Lin Chuan almost went berserk but still held his composure, pointing to the earthen stove.

"The earthen stove is not ventilated, what can I do, it is difficult for a good woman to cook without rice!"

After saying that, Lin Chuan suddenly felt that his face was wrapped in warmth.

I saw Wu Miao pick up a handkerchief and wipe Lin Chuan's face, his eyes were gentle but duplicitous.

"Only useless people will make excuses for themselves, and from this alone, I know that you are weaker than me after all

!" "Haha, it's just that for your sake, I'll reluctantly taste it!" Lin

Chuan twitched the corners of his mouth but did not refuse, let Wu Miao get used to staying with him first, and then things would be easier to do.

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Wu Miao picked up a piece of golden back to the pot meat, without any condiments, full of primitive game.

In fact, this is also a rare delicacy for ghosts.

Wu Miao has just overcome the sun, and it is not suitable for eating the kind of food full of spices directly, which is a bit technological and ruthless!

It's very chewy, and the fragrance goes straight to the nose, which is not bad.

Wu Miao's eyes lit up and lost the feeling of chewing wax before, and he couldn't help but comment on it.

"Reluctantly, you can swallow it, it's so fragrant!" Hearing

this, Lin Chuan noticed that when Wu Miao said this, his eyes were erratic, and he couldn't help but say that he couldn't stop chirping.

"Reluctantly swallowed

?" "Is this like this? How can you give me this miserable food?"

After saying that, Lin Chuan got up to remove these steaming dishes, and immediately scolded when he saw this.

"Put it down, it's delicious, it's delicious, it's really fragrant, put it down!" The

power of the ghost king was all released, and even the air stagnated, filling the surroundings domineeringly.

Seeing this, Lin Chuan achieved his goal and let it go, and when he saw that his pink cheeks were bulging, he couldn't help but say happily.

"What do you say you have a hard mouth?"

"Is it difficult to admit that others are excellent?" "

Of course, I still cherish you......

"It must have been done with heart, right?"

Wu Miao's face was crimson, and he didn't know the duplicity.


"Lin Chuan, you think too much, right

!" "If it weren't for the fear that you would starve to death, no one would look for the cyan flowers, and I wouldn't even be able to knead the dough!"

Lin Chuan suddenly realized that he was suddenly close to the blushing Wu Miao, and took advantage of the victory to pursue.

"Oh, it's so good that you still have kneading dough, there are not many people who can have such a conscience as you!" If

you put it in Lin Chuan's previous life, there would be no one else who kneaded the dough for you except your family! It's

all technology and hard work!

After half a burnt incense, Wu Miao wiped his mouth and hiccuped with satisfaction.


" "It's really good, you will do it next time, next time, and next time, and you will do it every day......"

Hearing this, Lin Chuan extended along with his meaning.

"Oh! Then the cosplay women's clothes have to be changed according to my intentions every day!" glanced

at Lin Chuan without misery, but he didn't refuse, just said casually.

"Don't be too explicit, do you dare to wear that thing you put on Naruto


"Haha, that's it, don't dare, let's go!"

"There's nothing to do here!" "

This ancient temple is obviously built for ghosts, and it can be seen from the stone statues enshrined

! Lin Chuan won't let Wu Miao stay in this kind of place!

Just as he was about to leave, the gate was kicked open from the outside, and it shattered into slag with a bang.

"Bastard, duck road, this is my territory, someone dares to break in!" When

the smoke cleared, a man in a brown cloth robe with a scar on his face and a long knife around his waist walked in.

Seeing that there was no tribute left, he immediately drew his sword and said to each other.

"Duck road, bastard, where's my offering?" Wu

Miao frowned slightly, as if he felt noisy, and slipped his fingers and injected him with a little blood, his face was frosty.

"It's really noisy, it's a ghost that you abandon the darkness and worship the light, if I don't kill you, I'll turn you into a ghost!"

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