No miserable well-read, naturally you can see it at a glance.

I even thought the question was a bit ridiculous, but after a moment of silence I answered.

"But so what?"

"It's just the most inconspicuous star!" Lin

Chuan smiled mysteriously, and then pointed to the brightest star on the Big Dipper.

"It's the most inconspicuous, but it's the most important.

"The sea of stars can't live without the Big Dipper, just as I can't live without you!" Hearing

this, Wu Miao was stunned for several seconds before coming back to his senses.

But I found that my cheeks were hot, and my whole body was burning.

Lin Chuan glanced at Lin Chuan and said, "The oil cavity is not serious, okay, what are you going to tell me?"

Lin Chuan pointed to the brightest star of the Big Dipper, and said with a determined face.

"Follow this direction

, the Ghost Slayer Team is at the end of there!" "Such a simple truth, I don't know anything about the misery, right?"

The corners of Wu Miao's mouth twitched, "Oh, are you sure it's the Ghost Slayer there

?" "It feels ordinary, it's very remote!" "

Will anyone really stay there?"

Lin Chuan nodded and grabbed Wu Miao's hand tightly, and said with a soft face.

"The Ghost Slayer is just a bunch of ordinary people who do what a god is supposed to do.

"Therefore, it is not strange that they live there!"

After all, no matter how much Wu Miao does not believe it, he can only use a dead horse as a live horse doctor

! After all, except for Lin Chuan, Wu Miao does not know who he should believe

! This is a mountain range of mountains with heavy mountains, smoke and visibility, and the ancient trees and sky look like some years!

Where Wu Miao passes, all obstacles quickly dissipate like clouds of smoke, and no one can survive for a moment.

The appearance was like this, so that Lin Chuan couldn't help but smack his tongue and said, "No miserable, settle down, you ...... go on like this

" "The ghost killing team must not run away overnight!" "

Listen to me, follow me slowly!"

After humming a white gas, he followed Lin Chuan with sharp eyes and glanced at the audience.

She can bury the people in the world, but she is the only one who can't be ruthless to Lin Chuan.

As we approach our destination, the scenery ahead becomes more and more fascinating.

Lush, Qianmo traffic naturally does not need to be said.

But what really shocked Lin Chuan was that the ghost killing team was not very hidden this time.

Surrounded by mountains, the crows above their heads slowly landed, sometimes looking around vigilantly, sometimes pecking with their heads buried in food.

There are also very few patrol members of the Demon Slayer Team, and they are all the lowest level of Aoi.

Not to mention Lin Chuan, they can't even find out if they are miserable.

Wu Miao shook his head slightly disappointed, and then looked at all this contemptuously and commented.

"It's really sad

!" "This is actually the ghost killing team, it looks very weak!" Lin

Chuan nodded when he heard this, and said truthfully.

"That's true, after all, they have just risen, and the strong man has not yet appeared!"

Tanjiro, the old enemy of Wu Miao, has not yet joined the ghost killing team

! The ghost killing team is naturally not much stronger!

Not to mention, the three-piece set of markings, the He knife, and the transparent world.

None of them had any, so how could they be Wu Miao's opponents? Wu

Miao looked at all this, preparing to capture the thief and capture the king first, and first go to find the lord they said.

Of course, the lord's house is now brightly lit.

He was already plagued by illness, and he was very worried when he heard that the wind and water pillars were caught by Wu Miao.

Now that he can come back alive, the lord will naturally receive him personally, but he just hates himself for being powerless!

His body kept coughing, but he still insisted on listening to the reports of Haruno Inuka and Yanagawa Harumi.

At this moment, the lord was dressed in plain clothes and his face was red, and he didn't look like a terminally ill person at all.

The lord beckoned softly, "Children, it's good that you can come back alive!" "

I'll send someone to find out about this matter." "

You've just died, you should have a good rest!" "

Yanagawa Harumi half-knelt on the tatami mat and looked at the lord with a grateful face.

"Honorable lord, it's not necessary to rest, I'm actually fine, but Lin Chuan is

......" "I've been following without misery, I'm worried, worried about ......"

Haruno Inawa felt very uncomfortable when she heard this, and patted Yanagawa Harumi's fragrant shoulder comfortingly.

"Okay, that bastard is so good in the Twelve Ghost Moons, Wu Miao will definitely not embarrass him

!" "Don't worry!" The

lord suddenly had a solemn expression, and his eyelids couldn't stop jumping.

The main horse, who sensed that something was wrong, calmed down and said goodbye to the two with a gentle face.

"Alright, my children, please believe in the Ghost Slayer Team, the Ghost Slayer Team will always be your strongest backing!"

"No matter when and where, the Ghost Slayer Team will help you. "

I've heard the ancestor say about Lin Chuan, he is a very legendary person

!" "The ancestor has a high opinion of him, now please take a back and rest, and rest for a few days!"

The lord behaved very naturally, and did not show the slightest abnormality.

Feng Shui Zhu didn't find anything abnormal, so they helped each other and left!

In the lonely night, Lin Chuan watched the two of them leave, and there was no tragic joke beside him.

"Oh, you're nervous!"

"What, I'm afraid I'll kill your two little girlfriends?"

Sensing that Wu Miao's tone was wrong, Lin Chuan quickly changed the topic and said with a blushing face.

"How is that possible?"

"Forget it, let's go, let's go and talk directly to the lord

!" Wu Miao had already seen through everything, "Don't explain!" "

If you have nothing to do with them, they will never think of you in everything."

"You can't see it!, you kid is quite a woman!" Lin

Chuan stared at Wu Miao's beautiful plum red eyes and retorted.

"I'm just an ordinary pharmacist

!" "Where can there be a woman's fate? It's enough to have my miserable by my side

!" "Let's go, it's time to find the lord!"

The lords of all dynasties and dynasties were not guarded by swordsmen, and they all refused protection without exception!

Because one more swordsman hunting ghosts could save one or even a few more innocent people.

And the lord is haunted by curses, so he can only strategize and win thousands of miles away.

The lord thinks that he is a waste person who has no need to protect.

But in the hearts of the members of the ghost killing team, they have a very high status and faith.

Wu Miao's eyes were cold and he looked at the headquarters of the Ghost Slayer Team, but found that there was not even a swordsman here.

It's as if it's just an empty city with a lord.

And the lord has no combat ability, and he is about to die!"

Seeing this, Wu Miao snorted contemptuously, "Hmph, there is not even a swordsman, what is this ghost killing team doing?"

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