Lin Chuan walked forward with a calm face, and the wooden planks on the steps creaked to report the letter to the lord.

Seeing Wu Miao's contemptuous and disdainful demeanor, Lin Chuan couldn't help but hit the nail on the head.

"Don't you think such a person is even more terrifying!"

"My miserable? You want to live, but some people look down on life and death, this state of mind is the most powerful and the most terrifying. He

is also a thousand-year-old ghost king, and it is understandable that he has the right to live forever, so what's wrong with wanting to live?

Wu Miao followed Lin Chuan without moving an inch with great self-awareness.

Because he knew that Lin Chuan would definitely regard her as the center and protect her.

At night, the sky above the headquarters of the Ghost Slayer became turbulent and thunderous because of the arrival of Lin Chuan and Wu Miao.

It was very dull and depressing, and the vast thunderclouds condensed into thunder dragons and breathed frantically towards the headquarters

of the Ghost Killing Team! Lin Chuan slowly walked into the headquarters of the Ghost Killing Team, and the lord was in very poor health, but he had been waiting calmly for a long time!

The people of the Sanyashiki family had the ability to predict the future.

I knew for a long time that no misery was coming, but I didn't expect that there would be an unexpected joy.

A faint fragrance comes to the face, and there is no mosquito appearance here, fresh and elegant.

Lin Chuan noticed the lord in the candlelight, his face was ruined, and his whole body was mummified with sterile bandages.

But for some reason, when Lin Chuan and the lord looked at each other, he felt a trembling feeling.

It is as if he is looking at thousands of martyrs, and it is also like meeting the supreme god.

He stepped in without misery and flashed to Lin Chuan's side, a pair of charming plum red eyes staring at the lord.

At this moment, Wu Miao finally met the lord of the ghost killing team, and the enemy who had hated him for thousands of years met him!

Wu Miao was still wearing a cosplay woman's costume, so he looked like the ghost king who killed people without blinking.

But the lord still got up from the tatami mat and looked at Wu Miao with his weak body.

Because Lin Chuan came relatively early with no misery, he didn't even start the feature film, so the lord can see it.

Seeing the true face of Wu Wu, the lord had mixed feelings in his heart, but he was not tempted by his beauty.

I just felt that the anger that had been unbelievable and pent-up for thousands of years exploded at this moment.

Coming from the will of the ancestors, the lord knows that his life's pursuit is to get rid of the ghost dance Tsuji without misery.

Let future generations no longer be cursed, so that the world can be freed from the shadow of evil spirits.

Qi Lianbu stepped forward with her skirt fluttering, and sneered at this kind of defenseless guy.

"It's really embarrassing! Do all the people who give birth to the house look like this?hahahaha

!" "It's really useless!"

Lin Chuan quickly glanced at him and said softly, "What are you doing? We are here to solve the conflict, not to fight."

Hearing this, the lord was not surprised at all, but replied very naturally.

"It's okay, isn't that what Onimai Tsuji is all about?"

"I'm ...... Ahem, aren't all the illnesses on your body curses brought by you?"

"It's been a thousand years, and I've finally seen you in my generation! The

tone was very soft, but the more it was so, the more it showed that the lord's hatred for Wu Miao had become monstrous.

It has reached the point of a generational feud, and both sides want the other to die.

But what made Lin Chuan sigh was that Yaoya and Wu Miao were of the same root and origin! Lin Chuan

glanced at the lord through his anger and found that he was wrapped in two clouds of gas.

They are the black qi of death and the purple qi of the leader

! I won't live long! I'm going to die!

Lin Chuan stepped forward to stop Wu Miao, and said to the lord, "Lord Lord, thank you for your trust.

"The purpose of bringing no misery here today is to resolve the contradictions of the millennium, not to declare war.

Wu Miao hurriedly stretched out his jade hand to grasp Lin Chuan's shoulder, and said viciously with beautiful eyes.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Who told you to solve it with them? The only solution is to wipe out the ghost slayer team once and for all!"

As soon as these words came out, the yin wind was blowing, and Lin Chuan's face turned green in the gale, and he felt like a hundred star king with bronze.


Chuan smiled and slapped away the miserable jade hand, then covered her red lips, and threatened with a blue face.

"Don't mess up my misery, I can give you the cyan flower to eat, and naturally there is a way to kill you!" Hearing

this, Wu Miao's face turned pale and he stopped struggling, and angrily followed Lin Chuan and waited for the opportunity to move.

In the face of this bizarre scene

, the lord finally understood the legend that the ancestor said! He is the key to dealing with no misery, and now it seems that this is really the case!

The lord waved his hand casually and motioned for Lin Chuan to sit down, and said calmly.


are Lin Chuan, right?" "I heard the ancestors talk about you, but you are a great legend!" "

This time you brought Wu Miao here to solve this thousand-year-old contradiction?"

Hearing this, Lin Chuan sat down, his eyes became deeper and deeper in the light of the candlelight, and he said modestly.

"My lord is overrated

!" "I'm just an ordinary pharmacist!" "

I really can't talk about legends, and now the Ghost Slayer Team is not a legend."

"It's much better than me to throw your head and spill blood!" After

that, Lin Chuan took Wu Miao's jade hand and clasped his fingers tightly, implying that Wu Miao's ghost was covered by him, and no one could move.

The lord saw through it at a glance, but covered his chest and couldn't help asking, "Mr. Lin Chuan really wants to be with this miserable?" "

The ancestor said that Mr. Lin Chuan is a member of the ghost killing team, and we should respect your opinion. "

Yes...... Ahem!"

Lin Chuan understood that this kind of request was a bit difficult for a strong

man! After all, the fundamental reason for the war between man and ghost was not that he had killed too many small days without tragedy!

His behavior had aroused the indignation of people and gods, and it was by no means an overnight thing to want to be cleared.

Wu Miao stared at the lord and said, "If the ghost killing team insists on going its own way, then I have no choice but to kill!" "

If it weren't for Lin Chuan to stop you, you would have died!" In

the face of a thousand-year-old enemy, Wu Miao should have killed him the moment he met with the lord.

But with Lin Chuan by his side, Wu Miao had no choice but to temporarily stop and choose to make verbal threats.

When the lord heard this, his face did not change, and he looked at Wu Miserable Dao calmly.

"If you kill me, will no one come to kill you?"

"I'm just a terminally ill person who won't live long

!" "Fortunately, there is a group of kind and lovely children who are willing to accompany me to slay evil ghosts

!" "Killing me will only stimulate the children's fighting spirit and finally get rid of you as a demon

!" "Oni Dance Tsuji is not miserable!"

Lin Chuan glanced at Bai Wumiao, and a feeling of being a pig teammate made him exhausted.

But I can only bite the bullet.

Lin Chuan grabbed the jade hand and explained to the lord, "Lord Lord, please rest assured that it is good to be miserable!".

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