The king of the city, the king of the city.

[No. 81 on the Strongest List: Wanlong Shenji Pavilion. ]

[Realm: Ninth-grade Martial Saint. ]

"Shenji Pavilion?"

"What kind of power is this? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"This Shenji Pavilion actually has a Martial Saint as its foundation. It's not simple!"

Shenji Pavilion is very unfamiliar to everyone. Almost no one in the entire Tianxuan Continent knows what kind of power Shenji Pavilion is.

North Territory.


A nine-story, magnificent and magnificent luxurious palace suddenly rose from the ground!

This palace is not only large in scale, but also has a unique and exquisite architectural style, as if it was built with countless precious materials.

Such a shocking move, surely all living creatures within a radius of thousands of miles will be frightened?

However, surprisingly, the birds and animals around did not show any panic or strange reaction because of this sudden behemoth.

They seemed to be completely unaware of the appearance of this palace! This extremely strange scene made people wonder: Is there some power that covered up the movement here?

At this time, a luxurious sedan slowly landed in front of the palace gate. Eighteen people stood neatly on both sides of the sedan. What's more terrifying is that these eighteen people are all ninth-grade martial saints without exception.


A beautiful woman in the lead suddenly knelt down, crossed her palms together, and placed them in front of the sedan door.

At the same time, a three-inch golden lotus stretched out from the sedan and stepped on the palm of the beautiful woman.

Then, a pair of slender jade hands pushed aside the curtain, revealing smooth and delicate jade feet and hands, which made people imagine what kind of peerless beauty was in the sedan chair.

However, when the curtain was lifted, it was not the beauty who appeared, but a big man with thick legs and a round waist.

The big man weighed more than 200 kilograms, and his fat body did not match his jade feet and hands.

This big man was the owner of the 18 ninth-grade martial saints, calling himself "Your Majesty", and the Shenji Pavilion was the power he created.

Today is the day when the Shenji Pavilion was officially established.

"Your Majesty" gestured casually in the air for a few times, and the three big characters "Shenji Pavilion" immediately appeared on the plaque of the palace.

Then, "Your Majesty" lifted his fat body and announced: "Today, the Shenji Pavilion is officially established, and I am the Pavilion Master!"

"Long live the Pavilion Master!"

Eighteen ninth-grade martial saints immediately shouted.

After a round of shouting, the ninth-grade martial saint named Wanlong said: "Pavilion Master, my Shenji Pavilion is established today. Do we need to choose an auspicious day to announce it to the world?"

"Your Majesty" pondered for a moment and said loudly: "When this Pavilion Master tops the list of strong men, it will be the day when my Shenji Pavilion announces it to the world."

"Your Majesty"'s tone was extremely confident, as if the top of the list of strong men was already in his pocket.

The reason why he has such a strong confidence is that he is a time traveler and has the Shenji system.

The Shenji system knows everything and calculates everything. It calculates Shenji points based on the degree of belief of the people.

The magic points have infinite uses and can be exchanged for various items in the system mall. These eighteen ninth-grade martial saints were mass-produced by him through the magic points.

"Your Highness" thought that the system could cover up his movements and no one would know, but he didn't know that his every move was under the surveillance of Tiandao and Yeyu.

Tiandao space.

"This person is a bit weird!"

"Isn't this obvious?" Yeyu said lightly.

Tiandao thought for a moment and then had an idea: "Why don't we get rid of him now and eliminate the trouble forever!"

"My suggestion is to wait!"


Tiandao was confused by the solution proposed by Yeyu.

However, Yeyu did not answer him, and a meaningful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


Seeing that Yeyu was keeping the secret again, Tiandao had to give up the idea of ​​breaking the casserole and asking the truth.

[The 80th place on the list of strong people: Wan Teng of the magic pavilion. ]

[Realm: Ninth-grade martial saint. 】


[No. 72 on the Strongest List: Hua Yu of Shen Ji Pavilion. ]

[Realm: Ninth-grade Martial Saint. ]

"Why are they all from Shen Ji Pavilion?"

"Ten ninth-grade Martial Saints, how is this possible?"

"One ninth-grade Martial Saint is incredible, but ten ninth-grade Martial Saints, what kind of power is Shen Ji Pavilion?"

Ten unfamiliar ninth-grade Martial Saints appeared in Tianxuan Continent, and they were from the same power.

, this is simply unbelievable.

For a time, all the major forces began to investigate the "Shenji Pavilion", and even Shengshan, which is known as the first force in Tianxuan Continent, could not sit still.

When everyone thought that ten ninth-grade martial saints were the limit of Shenji Pavilion, two lines of gilded characters appeared again on the Tiandao Golden List.

[The 71st place on the Strong List: Huayue of Shenji Pavilion. ]

[Realm: Ninth-grade Martial Saint. ]

"Another ninth-grade martial saint? And it's from Shenji Pavilion? How many ninth-grade martial saints are there in Shenji Pavilion!"

Everyone shook their heads, with nothing but shock on their faces.


[The 64th place on the Strong List: Shenji Pavilion Wanyuan. ]

[Realm: Ninth-grade Martial Saint. ]

Eighteen consecutive ninth-grade martial saints, and all from Shenji Pavilion, the shock on everyone's face has turned into numbness.

[The 63rd place on the Strong List: Mo Zhiwen of Tianji Pavilion. ]

[Realm: Ninth-grade Martial Saint. 】

The appearance of Venerable Tianji on the list was a major event that would attract everyone's attention, but now with the appearance of the eighteen ninth-grade martial saints of the Shenji Pavilion, everyone's attention is on the Shenji Pavilion.

"Eighteen ninth-grade martial saints?"

"Oh my God? Am I dreaming?"

"What kind of power is this Shenji Pavilion? Eighteen ninth-grade martial saints, how strong is this!"

"Eighteen ninth-grade martial saints, this strength far exceeds the first power of the continent, the Holy Mountain. Where is the Shenji Pavilion? I want to worship in the Shenji Pavilion!"

You know, these are eighteen ninth-grade martial saints! Such a powerful strength is shocking.

And it is precisely because of such a terrifying force in the Shenji Pavilion that the status of the Shenji Pavilion in everyone's mind has far exceeded the Holy Mountain, which is regarded as a sacred place.

At this moment, the status of the Holy Mountain has been hit unprecedentedly. Once the Shenji Pavilion is born, the Holy Mountain will definitely hand over the throne of "the first power".

Now, everyone still doesn't know where the Shenji Pavilion is, let alone who is the owner of the Shenji Pavilion?

The eighteen ninth-grade martial saints are obviously not the real owners of the Shenji Pavilion. To make the eighteen ninth-grade martial saints bow down to him, it is conceivable how powerful the master behind him is!

Perhaps, this person may be the legendary Martial Emperor, an existence that surpasses the Martial Saints...

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